diy solar

diy solar

Can Solar & Wind Fix Everything (e.g., Climate Change) with a battery break-through?

NY Assembly Passes Climate Change Superfund Act
Opinion: That's two states now.

Is US offshore wind dead in the water

Resources for debunking common solar and wind myths

Fossil fuels are shredding our democracy

Can AI defeat climate misinformation?

Investment in clean energy this year is set to be twice the amount going to fossil fuels
Opinion: Pretty sure it's just about LCOE rather than anything to do with 'saving with the world'. But, it's pretty much what we expected, as the government dithers (or actively blocks it in favor of fossil fuels) capitalism from private investors moves on.

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imagine all the smiley faces on the DIYer's as some end up on facebook marketplace($50 each).

the way of the world, someone misfortune, is someone's smiley face.

Misfortune? No pure idiocy that is impacting the rest of us!

Science of Heat Waves Reveals Blaming CO2 is a Scam!​

With a disproportionate focus on the greenhouse effect and fossil fuels, most people are totally unaware that the earth’s surface is cooled primarily by convection currents carrying warm buoyant air up and away. Indeed, with water vapor and CO2 making the lower 1000 meters of the atmosphere opaque to most escaping infrared, thus preventing radiative cooling, the earth’s surface only cools sufficiently via convection. All honest scientists know heatwaves are caused by suppressed convection.

Graphic A shows a typical heat dome resulting from a high-pressure system that causes sinking air that suppresses rising convection. Air sinking from the colder upper atmosphere is dry and thus maintains clear skies that increase solar heating. A warmer earth surface from climate change should cause rising air, so what causes sinking air?

In the tropics, the greatest warming happens around the equator and that draws in air from the northern and southern hemisphere. Where that surface air converges (aka Intertropical Convergence Zone) air is forced upwards. What goes up must come down, and to maintain balance the air sinks around 30 degrees north and south, forming high pressure systems over the desert latitudes (Hadley Circulation). Outside the tropics the main driver of high-pressure systems is the convergence of upper atmosphere winds in wavy jet streams.

As a kid we loved to play “crack the whip” when skating. A line of 4 or more kids had a single kid on one end stop, which caused the moving line to make an arc. The kid on the other end naturally speeds up to cover the arc’s bigger circumference and thus “whips” around. Likewise, the ridge of a wavy jet stream in the upper atmosphere causes air flow to speed up. When the air flow enters a trough, the air flow slows down. The fast-moving air mass then collides with the slow-moving air causing an upper air convergence that forces air downward generating a high-pressure system (graphics B & C). Similarly, anyplace where upper air currents converge will cause a high-pressure system. How intensive the resulting heat wave depends on how fast the high-pressure system moves eastward.

In the upper atmosphere, the winds of the jet stream average 80–140 miles per hour eastward. That steers the pressure systems of the lower atmosphere. Friction with earth’s surface reduces the speed of a pressure systems to about half the speed of the jet stream. As the jet stream moves over or around mountains, or moves between water and land, or cold air interacts with warm air, or interacts with other pressure systems, the jet stream may be forced to loop more north and south. That reduces the eastward steering speed of the jet stream which causes surface high-pressure systems to slow down or stall. In that case, a lingering high-pressure system will cause an intensifying heat wave.

The wavier jet stream over the northeast Pacific Ocean commonly generates a “blocking high” in that region (graphic D). That blocking high caused Canada’s record high temperatures during a heatwave that stalled over Lytton, British Columbia June 29, 2021. The wavier jet stream also causes frequent blocking highs over Greenland, which caused excessive melting during July 2021. Meteorologist studying heat waves have mapped out regions where blocking highs are most likely to form (graphic E). Combined with monitoring of the jet stream and interacting pressure systems, meteorologist can predict when and where a heat wave is likely to form.

Any warming of the earth’s surface from the greenhouse effect or any other cause, would cause air to rise, the exact opposite of how heat waves are formed. To blame heat waves on rising CO2, alarmists must use statistical attribution tricks. They simply claim higher global average temperatures make the heat wave hotter, even when the heat wave is centered over regions where the has been no local warming. Clearly there are lies, damn lies and statistics and most alarmist climate scientists know how to manipulate statistics.
Why isn’t climate crisis dominating the news cycle?
Opinon: Duh, it's because it doesn't sell newspapers.

Europe's election results Threatens Global Climate Policy
Opinion: Probably see the same sort of rallying cry here, that combating climate change is to expensive to fix (when in fact the reverse is true). @fpgt72 recently brought up Atlas Shrugged, a book in which the scientists and productive people give up on their nations when the greed and irrationality of the voters make the many the parasites on the few. Perhaps Musk's Mars colony will better ; -)

Fuel efficiency standards that are impossible to meet.
If you believe in climate change that's not enough as it doesn't even cut emissions from cars in half, we need to make it to Net-Zero. Basically it's a move to cut ICE but leave PHEVs to start weening people off gasoline. It was designed to get the automobile industry moving in the direction the world needs. It must be a good compromise since neither of us like it. ; -) But U.S. automakers are dragging their feet, foreign competition embraced it and have inexpensive solutions the world needs that are shipping now, but to protect our economy we put tariffs on them (which people seem to think won't work, mainly because of retaliation since even American cars have a lot of parts from China (e.g., they can make American cars a lot more expensive)). So in short, the tariff is probably just a stop-gap to give time for U.S. automakers to stop putzing around. They certainly see inexpensive EVs as a threat, but I don't know what they can do.

Currently the Emissions Rules Face a Lawsuit Barrage, so it'll be interesting to see how or even if it holds up. They've already cut them back once and it could happen again. Joe will work hard not to let the UAW fail.
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Thanks for your opinion.

The Truth however, is because there is no crisis. Even you know this. That's why you, yourself are still an enthusiastic consumer of fossil fuels.
These ppl are part of a bigger movement like the morning wood followed by the morning shit.

But it is good to assimilate with the Borg. ‘You will be assimilated.” Climatologist Religion. We are Boring. ‘Trust the Science” “Space Balls Removed. “Baseless” “RESISTANCE IS FUTILE” We will annoy the shit out of you. Steal money too. We are Borg Climatologist.


China would have these too but they are already communist.

Assimilation in progress of the ultimate goal.
Country of Georgia

FRICK AND FRACK look at Climate Change. Communist taking over….don’t look at the important shit. Send trillions to China and for goodness sake end the War in Urkraine so USA - China Biden wins.


Once China gets what they want ….. George Soros is onboard with China Belt Road deal….they want the Old Silk Road rebuilt. Goal 1.

The Road Map. Why we are seeing borders disappear and invasions.

Ppl might want to read this because China doesn’t do Debt Forgiveness and write it off onto their National Debt.

Covid was done on purpose.
There is some evidence that Earth cooled while it was outside the heliosphere....Oxygen isotopes in those fossils suggest the temperature dropped 2–3 million years ago.

Supreme Court asks Solicitor general for brief on Energy Company appeals
"without warning and abetted by a sophisticated disinformation campaign."
Opinion: AFAIK, it was the usual yada yada I wasn't going to report until I hit the line above. It made me laugh that gasoline pumps might one day have the warning: May cause climate change similar to warnings on cigarette packaging. If the Supreme Court sides with the oil companies it'll be business as usual. If the Supreme Court rules in favor of the states, then it's also business as usual...but, as ultimately the costs get passed to the consumers that might help to give some the impetus they need to switch away.

Report: Climate change threatens EU with mass deaths and huge costs
...“Hundreds of thousands of people would die from heat waves, and economic losses from coastal floods alone could exceed 1 trillion euros ($1.1 trillion) per year...
Opinion: I'm sure the fact that it was published the Monday after elections wasn't because of any political meddling. Not that the voters would have cared, cause hey those high energy prices are from renewables and have nothing to do with Russia hiking prices to fuel the war. When oil has no value, will it cause peace in the middle east? Nah. But it might not make the news cycles.

Florida’s Miami-Dade school district to soon have 100 electric School buses
$20 million from the Environmental Protection Agency will cover the costs.
Opinion: Fortunately, the city didn't have to depend on the governor. Speaking of the School Bus plan... did you know the DoE/DoT plan is to have them hooked into VPPs? One of the largest batteries on wheels, and still safer than an ICE school bus. You can still get them, see How to Apply for Clean School Bus Program Funding. Less noise, no diesel fumes, 25% the operational cost, practically no maintenance (other than removing gum from the bottom of the seats ; -).

Opinion: The range is -13°F to 113°F? Or 95°F for the Gradient? I get it has auxiliary heat for under -13°F..., but what happens when the heatwave is 120°F? Yeah, it doesn't cool. Possibly a misprint? It's got to be a problem for any air conditioner. Hey @Supervstech ... do modern air conditioners adjust the high-side pressure to accommodate for a good ΔT? What is the maximal outside temperature (or temperature range) for an air conditioner to work?
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Avoiding the Net Zero Trap​

Clintel has just put out a new publication, We Can Still Avoid the Net Zero Trap, by Kees de Lange and Guus Berkhout.

Climate models – constructed by governmental organizations – predict a climate catastrophe caused by greenhouse gases, primarily CO2. This is even though water vapor is the most important greenhouse gas. The model-inspired narrative is that human CO2-emissions poses a fundamental threat to the survival of humanity, therefore, all fossil fuels must be banned.

Fortunately, this doom story is not consistent with the facts. Establishing cause and effect is the most difficult subject in science. After all, correlation is different from causation! This certainly applies to the behavior of our climate. After all, Earth’s climate is extremely complex. Climate processes take place in four-dimensional space: three spatial coordinates and one time coordinate. We know little about it and this is why Earth’s climate behavior is difficult to capture in models.

Experience shows that climate science should not start with complex models, but with reliable observations. The limitations of current climate models, partly due to numerous ungrounded assumptions and numerical limitations, are such that they do not yet properly emulate the climate system, thus they do not form a serious basis for forming climate policy. In particular, the premise that the human contribution to CO2 production can cause a future climate disaster is not supported by observations.

The geological archive tells us that there is no correlation, and therefore no causal link, between CO2 and temperature. Studies of ice cores show that warming precedes an increase in atmospheric CO2 content. The recent past points out that the natural variability of temperature is considerably greater than human influence on it. In the wake of the unreliable predictions of climate models, energy supply on a global scale has become a topic of heated debate. Due to the dubious conclusions of climate models about the role of CO2, fossil fuels have been condemned. The Net Zero approach has become, at least in the West, the political Holy Grail. The reliability of demand-driven fossil energy is sacrificed for supply-driven alternative energy illusions. The West is apparently prepared to risk prosperity for this. The rest of the world watches in amazement and, sometimes, delight.

The report argues for the further development of nuclear energy, with special attention given to the thorium reactor option and its associated advantages. In the long term, this is the only rational way to adequately supply the world with energy. There is therefore no reason to swim further into the Net Zero trap. We can still go back.

In summary, there is climate warming, but there is no climate crisis. Unfortunately, we are at the beginning of a self-made energy crisis. That is very bad news. A rapid and dramatic change in climate and energy policy, by all western governments, is required.

One minor correction to the report, Climate: The Movie was written, directed and edited by Martin Durkin, as well as produced by Tom Nelson.

Updated Hydrogen Costings​

The cost of producing and installing electrolysers for green hydrogen production in China, the US and Europe — three of the world’s biggest markets — has risen by more than 50% compared to last year, research house BloombergNEF (BNEF) has found, rather than the gradual reduction its analysis had previously indicated.

The main culprit for Western manufacturers has been inflation, which has pushed up the costs of materials, utilities (such as water and electricity) and labour in the US and Europe, said BNEF in its new report,
Electrolyser Price Survey 2024.

As a result, average system-level cost (including both stack and balance of plant) is now at a mid-range of $600/kW for an electrolyser made in China, while machines made in Europe or the US are around $2,500/kW.

This makes Western electrolysers four times more expensive than Chinese equivalents, a gap that has not closed at all since the previous report, BNEF noted.

The research house had previously predicted that costs would gradually decline over three years from 2022, as more large-scale projects approached completion.

Green hydrogen, once touted as a saviour of Net Zero, seems to have gone off the radar recently. A few years ago there were wild, unsubstantiated predictions that hydrogen would become so cheap and easy to produce that we could all give up fossil fuels.

Instead, as Bloomberg now report, costs of electrolysers are going up, not down. Moreover the real cost of wind power is also much higher than previously thought, so green hydrogen will be much more expensive as a result.

So let’s take a closer look at these costs.

Back in 2018, BEIS published this report:

I analysed the report here.

It featured this table:

I gather that PEM technology (Proton Exchange Membrane) is the most likely one to be rolled out. The Base Cost in 2025 was predicted at £500/kW.

A study last October suggested a mid-range cost of Eu727, equivalent to about £630/kW. Bloomberg reckon $600, but this is based on ultra-low Chinese manufacturing costs, almost certainly highly subsidised. Significantly they estimate that European made electrolysers are four times the price.

We can reasonably work on a cost therefore of around £600.

The BEIS study assumed 52.0 kWh/kg H2 in 2025. The energy density of hydrogen , however, is 33.3 Kwh per kg, which means that the electrolysis process only works at 64% efficiency. In other words, 36% of the energy input is wasted.

Previous cost estimates have been based on rock bottom costs of renewable energy, particularly offshore wind, which would have to supply most of the power needed for electrolysis in the UK. As we now know, these costs were never realistic. The Administrative Strike Price of offshore wind for AR6 is now £100/MWh at 2023 prices. Allowing for energy efficiency of only 64%, the energy input cost of hydrogen is therefore £156/MWh.

On top of that, are operational costs. BEIS reckoned £21/MWh in 2018, which is probably in the range of £30 now.

Already, therefore, we are up to £186/MWh, before adding CAPEX. BEIS estimated this at about £30/MWh in 2018. But this assumed loan interest rates of 5%. Given interest rate rises since then and general inflation, a CAPEX of £60/MWh is not unreasonable.

This therefore gives us a total cost of £246/MWh.

Wholesale prices of natural gas have been ranging between about 55 and 85p/therm this year. The conversion rate is 29.3 kWh/therm, giving a cost of £23.90/MWh, based on a mid-point of 70p.

Anybody still think hydrogen is a good idea?

Updated Hydrogen Costings​

The cost of producing and installing electrolysers for green hydrogen production in China, the US and Europe — three of the world’s biggest markets — has risen by more than 50% compared to last year, research house BloombergNEF (BNEF) has found, rather than the gradual reduction its analysis had previously indicated.

The main culprit for Western manufacturers has been inflation, which has pushed up the costs of materials, utilities (such as water and electricity) and labour in the US and Europe, said BNEF in its new report,
Electrolyser Price Survey 2024.

As a result, average system-level cost (including both stack and balance of plant) is now at a mid-range of $600/kW for an electrolyser made in China, while machines made in Europe or the US are around $2,500/kW.

This makes Western electrolysers four times more expensive than Chinese equivalents, a gap that has not closed at all since the previous report, BNEF noted.

The research house had previously predicted that costs would gradually decline over three years from 2022, as more large-scale projects approached completion.

Green hydrogen, once touted as a saviour of Net Zero, seems to have gone off the radar recently. A few years ago there were wild, unsubstantiated predictions that hydrogen would become so cheap and easy to produce that we could all give up fossil fuels.

Instead, as Bloomberg now report, costs of electrolysers are going up, not down. Moreover the real cost of wind power is also much higher than previously thought, so green hydrogen will be much more expensive as a result.

So let’s take a closer look at these costs.

Back in 2018, BEIS published this report:

I analysed the report here.

It featured this table:

I gather that PEM technology (Proton Exchange Membrane) is the most likely one to be rolled out. The Base Cost in 2025 was predicted at £500/kW.

A study last October suggested a mid-range cost of Eu727, equivalent to about £630/kW. Bloomberg reckon $600, but this is based on ultra-low Chinese manufacturing costs, almost certainly highly subsidised. Significantly they estimate that European made electrolysers are four times the price.

We can reasonably work on a cost therefore of around £600.

The BEIS study assumed 52.0 kWh/kg H2 in 2025. The energy density of hydrogen , however, is 33.3 Kwh per kg, which means that the electrolysis process only works at 64% efficiency. In other words, 36% of the energy input is wasted.

Previous cost estimates have been based on rock bottom costs of renewable energy, particularly offshore wind, which would have to supply most of the power needed for electrolysis in the UK. As we now know, these costs were never realistic. The Administrative Strike Price of offshore wind for AR6 is now £100/MWh at 2023 prices. Allowing for energy efficiency of only 64%, the energy input cost of hydrogen is therefore £156/MWh.

On top of that, are operational costs. BEIS reckoned £21/MWh in 2018, which is probably in the range of £30 now.

Already, therefore, we are up to £186/MWh, before adding CAPEX. BEIS estimated this at about £30/MWh in 2018. But this assumed loan interest rates of 5%. Given interest rate rises since then and general inflation, a CAPEX of £60/MWh is not unreasonable.

This therefore gives us a total cost of £246/MWh.

Wholesale prices of natural gas have been ranging between about 55 and 85p/therm this year. The conversion rate is 29.3 kWh/therm, giving a cost of £23.90/MWh, based on a mid-point of 70p.

Anybody still think hydrogen is a good idea?

...... But ..... You are ignoring natural hydrogen. Hydrogen doesn't have to be electrolyzed ..... There are more reserves of natural hydrogen every day.
Just one article a quick search turns up.

We need better journalism
Opinion: Duh. The words "News Entertainment" should never be used to describe anything.

NHC reports first potential Tropical Storm
Opinion: At this time of year it's not unusual to see tropical storms forming off the coast of Africa and building into hurricanes as they cross the Atlantic. This one probably won't evolve into anything. What struck me as odd is it's point of origin: St. Petersburg Florida. There's still dust blowing off the Saharan desert suppressing storm formation over the Atlantic. But the waters are already as warm as what we'd see in peak hurricane season.

Nitrous oxide emissions surge
Nitrous oxide heats the Earth's atmosphere 300 times more effectively than carbon dioxide, scientists say, and can linger for more than a century.
...Emissions soared 40 percent in the four decades to 2020

China's BYD launches hybrid pickup in Mexico

Opinion: @fpgt72 might have additional thoughts... but I suspect
if 66% of the EV is built in Mexico then via the Free Trade Agreement with
Mexico those cars are exempt from the > 100% tariff to keep inexpensive
EVs out of the U.S. BYD already has a plant in LA California that is unionized
and builds electric buses, pretty sure they've been trying to open another
plant in the U.S. to build passenger EVs. The new BYD Seagull, its cheapest
EV, starts at just $9,700 (69,800 yuan) in China. Even with EU tariffs, BYD
expects the Seagull EV to launch as one of Europe’s cheapest electric cars
at under $21,500 (20,000 euros). ref

Car & Driver review, sales starting this June?

General Motors Had Its Best Month Ever For EV Sales In May

GM lowers EV production goal in North America
Opinion: Think some exec believed the media hype rather than looking at actual sales numbers?

...... But ..... You are ignoring natural hydrogen. Hydrogen doesn't have to be electrolyzed ..... There are more reserves of natural hydrogen every day.
Just one article a quick search turns up.
Turquoise hydrogen also sounds promising. It's not uncommon for hydrogen to be ignored as the infrastructure is missing, but history shows us we can build out the infrastructure if there's sufficient demand. EVs have the advantage of a headstart in over a decade of building out chargers, so I'm not sure it'll actually make it for light passenger vehicles. Airports, ships, and trucks might make more sense.

... It's got to be a problem for any air conditioner. ... do modern air conditioners adjust the high-side pressure to accommodate for a good ΔT?
I asked an AI, seems like some models do adjust the pressure. Possibly if you look at the specs you can see if there is a high-pressure range rather than a number you can tell if yours does.

I also looked into R-32:
To get a condenser temperature of 140°F, the pressure is 556 psi. An Evaporator temperature of 40°F is 122 psi; so a ΔP of ~430 psi.
So, as far as I can tell R-32 would work at higher temperatures. In the Gradient it is probably cost-cutting and energy efficiency as the compressor at 95°F is only about 300 psi; a ΔP of ~180 psi.
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New Report Reveals Massive Scale of Green Billionaire Funding of ‘Climate Emergency’ Reporting in Mainstream Media​

A massive global grooming programme aimed at mostly mainstream media involving climate catastrophism and Net Zero promotion is detailed in a recently published report from the green billionaire-funded Internews’s Earth Journalism Network (EJN). The work is a shocking insight into the corruption of independent, investigative journalism. At one point the report observes “a concerning trend among journalists in some countries still seeking to ‘balance’ their climate change reporting”. The report shows clearly that the green billionaires are calling most of the shots in promoting stories of Net Zero-inspired climate collapse. It is noted that they may fund journalists “to cover stories in a particular subject area, determined by funder interests and goals”.

Over the last 20 years the tax-efficient billionaire foundations have stepped into the funding gaps left by declining circulation and advertising sales across mainstream media. It is noted by the EJN that journalists “overwhelmingly agreed” that support from external funding organisations was “essential” to enabling their climate and environmental reporting. Any journalist can apply to be a member of the EJN and the “primary benefit” is said to be access to grant funding for stories and “training opportunities”. The operation claims over 25,000 members in 200 countries.

The list of EJN funders is a long one and includes many well-known supporters of climate fear-mongering work. Included is the European Climate Foundation, heavily supported by Michael Bloomberg and Extinction Rebellion paymaster Sir Christopher Hohn. Other supporters include Tides, Gulbenkian, Oak, Packard, Climate Justice Resilience, MacArthur and Rockefeller. Helping out with taxpayer money are political and government organisations including the United Nations and the British Foreign Office.

The EJN report is said to provide a novel, truly global benchmark of the current state of climate and environmental journalism. Unhappily this would appear to be true. As we have seen in many past issues of the Daily Sceptic, very few ‘grassroots’ green operations can survive without elite billionaire funding. The same is true of media coverage. Much of the global barrage of climate catastrophe reporting would not exist without this vital outside lifeline. It is obvious that the cash handouts have a clear political agenda, namely an elite-mandated Net Zero global collectivisation made easier by the growth of supranational organisations.

The report makes the obvious point that climate and environmental journalists have long been criticised for lacking objectivity. However the “literature” is said to suggest that journalism as a whole “has been moving away from objectivity as a professional practice in the digital landscape”. Some researchers are said to have pointed to a need to think ‘beyond journalism’ and to formulate a broader definition.

It might be argued that if you are being paid to be a poodle, you are already ‘beyond journalism’. As 1984 author George Orwell once wrote: “Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed; anything else is public relations.”

Alas, it would seem that some climate scepticism remains, despite all the best funding efforts. The scientific opinion that humans control the climate thermostat by burning hydrocarbons is disputed by some of the finest scientific minds in the world. Fudged figures, pseudoscientific weather attributions and the huge downplaying of the role of natural variations do not convince everyone. According to the EJN, this means that in many countries, media audiences are being led to believe that the causes of climate change are not clear. Certainly it might be said that the causes of climate change are unclear to believers in the scientific discovery process, such as the 2022 winner of the Nobel physics prize Dr. John Clauser. He said recently that the link between temperature and carbon dioxide was a “crock of crap”. Or the distinguished Princeton Emeritus Professor William Happer, who when asked to choose between ‘climate scam’ or ‘hoax’, said he preferred ‘scam’, but could live with ‘hoax’.

For the billionaire-funded EJN this is “highly problematic”, since widespread public understanding of the causes and impacts of climate change “is so urgently needed to support climate action on a global scale”.

Alas, again, the report seemed to find some disturbing evidence that some Comrades are not fully on board with the wishes of Big Climate Brother and the ‘settled’ science promoted by the Ministry of Truth. Citizens are reminded that at the time of the Great COVID-19 Pandemic, “media in many countries clearly aligned with government positions on vaccine mandates and lockdown orders – often under the uniting phrase of ‘we are all in this together’”. On the basis of this example, it is suggested that journalists should be less hesitant to advocate the climate message in the ‘public interest’.

Given that the newsrooms of the world are full of journalists trying to hide their manic support for cloth mask wearing, implausible computer modelling, years of social distancing and school closures, untested and novel medicines, economy-destroying lockdowns and crippling public debt, there might be some concern that another science-lite campaign could eventually lead to more grovelling public accountability, laughable scorn and diminished credibility.
Natural Hydrogen is pipe dream just like flying cars and cold fusion

It is all maybe could be would be with absolutely nothing solid available.
I welcome the research, but lets not get ahead of ourselves.

Some good bits here

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Nothing is as precious as a hole in the ground.


When you grow up in a mining town you learn a thing or two about economics and sustainability pollution, right and wrong...
On the one had this ground under my feet produced wealth and improved the lives of billions of people, on the other its killed Hundreds of thousands, maybe Millions...
I'm not kidding those numbers Jive.
Billions in profits and Billions in damages, I could go on.
But the over all question is, is this worth it?
Perhaps we really need to look at how we live and why and question if there is a more sound way to live.
I do every day.
WTF am I doing here is this unnatural godless place? ( am not particularly religious but the closer you get to hell trust me the more your think about it )
Am I doing more harm than good?
It comes with a price and it comes with limits...
Our planet is trying to tell us something and we are not doing anything the head that warning.

There is no refuge at 1400l
Its just a place to go when its all going wrong around you.
You hide in there and wait and hope someone comes to save you.
Who is going to save me?

Our modern industrial society runs on not just cheap energy but other resources like clean water air and abundant material for the manufacture of our modern world....
These resources are limited, and horded, and killed for
How hot it is outside is just the tip of the melting iceberg

That's my thought...
Eye opening moments.
Have you ever watched the film Koyaanisqatsi ?
It was one of the formative films in my life like, Threads that alerted me to the danger in my way of living.
I never did anything about this other than go to a few anti nuclear weapons protests and sign petitions about pollution and poverty and war.
I never did anything at all about these things, I even became part of the problem I am an enabler by the nature of what I do for a living.
I fix the machines that turn green fields in what looks like Mordor from the lord of the rings.

Preceding the closing credits, the end shows five translations of the Hopi word koyaanisqatsi:

  • "crazy life"
  • "life in turmoil"
  • "life out of balance"
  • "life disintegrating"
  • "a state of life that calls for another way of living"

The following screen shows a translation of the three Hopi prophecies sung in the final segment of the film:

  • "If we dig precious things from the land, we will invite disaster."
  • "Near the Day of Purification, there will be cobwebs spun back and forth in the sky."
  • "A container of ashes might one day be thrown from the sky, which could burn the land and boil the oceans."
( last quotes lifted from wiki )
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Wonder why ? The infrastructure was not ready. Electric cars been around since 1800’s. Women loved them because cranking an ICE could be arm breaker way back then. Electric starter motor… made ICE cars more popular.

I like the concept of a more comfortable electric golf car with heat and air. Just not ready for prime time and the cost is to high plus the incentives from Govt is FREE hand outs. Nothing is free just another notch on National Debt increasing…Nothing is Free. Bankersters love us .

A car now cost what family home use to cost. Progress. 😁👀

diy solar

diy solar