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diy solar

Do We Need a Control Group?

Not going to discus business models, you guys (half America) are just too weird, at one stage there were talks of "death panels" in universal health care...

Certainly "Death panels" should involve the patient, close family, and their medical practitioners, not faceless bureaucrats.
I know you agree, based on a previous post.
More bullshit form Bobbie Bullshit

"arguing that cloth and surgical masks can’t protect against the coronavirus (yes, they can)."

I'm not sure how effective, if at all, cloth and surgical masks are.
The studies I read said that N95 was 80% effective compared to surgical mask. That is, 1/5th the infection rate.

In other words, if Fauci had said early in 2020, "Please remain at home until we deliver N95 masks, then you can resume your normal routine; just wear the mask at all times around people not of your own household", that would have turned the "R" from 1.x down to 0.2, and the pandemic would have ended before almost before it began.

The vaccine (available one year later) was better than that. Briefly. As of today, N95 is once again the best protection for you today.
Sound familiar?

The article you linked says,

"Men under 40 who received the Pfizer vaccine had an estimated four extra cases of myocarditis associated with the first dose of the vaccine (compared to 16 additional myocarditis cases per million for unvaccinated men in the same age group)."

Note that is all "men" under 40, so may be excluding juveniles.

This article

says: "Data from the US suggests that there are 9.8 cases of myocarditis reported among 12 to 17 year old boys for every million first doses given. This rises to 67 per million after the second dose."

Your article addressed a wider age group of subjects, while a select group has far greater risk.
Also, it lied by omission, quoting risk from 1st dose when vaccination requires two doses.

All of this data should be tabulated, statistics of risks of the vaccine and risks of the illness, separated by demographics.
Also showing the differences from early in the pandemic vs. later, with new variants. Risk of the illness and effectiveness have changed. Risk of the vaccine has not.

Then each member of the public can make an informed decision.
The bivalent booster is little better than original version against latest variant, which is to say not very effective and not for long.

We are not provided any info about an Omicron-only vaccine, just "bivalent" with the original as well.
What medical reason, if any, was there for including original mRNA component?
Certainly "Death panels" should involve the patient, close family, and their medical practitioners, not faceless bureaucrats.
I know you agree, based on a previous post.
In the US people have decided to replace the bureaucrats with the insurance companies which have a different motivation.
I'd ask everyone one this thread to just put the 2 trolls .... brb58 and bradbill ..... on your ignore list as I have just done .... that way, they can talk to each other all they want but we don't have to be interrupted by them .... It's pretty obvious we aren't going to miss anything of substance by having them on ignore.
Way ahead of you. Plus the other trolls that continually interrupt all threads with Nonsense.

No matter the subject it’s always the same ones.
The article you linked says,

"Men under 40 who received the Pfizer vaccine had an estimated four extra cases of myocarditis associated with the first dose of the vaccine (compared to 16 additional myocarditis cases per million for unvaccinated men in the same age group)."

Note that is all "men" under 40, so may be excluding juveniles.

This article

says: "Data from the US suggests that there are 9.8 cases of myocarditis reported among 12 to 17 year old boys for every million first doses given. This rises to 67 per million after the second dose."

Your article addressed a wider age group of subjects, while a select group has far greater risk.
Also, it lied by omission, quoting risk from 1st dose when vaccination requires two doses.

All of this data should be tabulated, statistics of risks of the vaccine and risks of the illness, separated by demographics.
Also showing the differences from early in the pandemic vs. later, with new variants. Risk of the illness and effectiveness have changed. Risk of the vaccine has not.

Then each member of the public can make an informed decision.
LOL...that's what you got out of that article?
The bivalent booster is little better than original version against latest variant, which is to say not very effective and not for long.

We are not provided any info about an Omicron-only vaccine, just "bivalent" with the original as well.
What medical reason, if any, was there for including original mRNA component?
Why don't you ask your doctor? I have a feeling he may know more than you do. BTW, my doctor said It was worthwhile getting it.

Are you one of these people that comes to your doctor with a stack full of articles you read on the internet? Sure sounds like you are.
There is a very good chance your doctor does not know anything about immunology, or the reports of Covid vaccine effectiveness from the field. He is just obedient, "treating" patients the way he is told to.
Most of them operate as no more than a technician or operator, who looks at a needle on an instrument and turns a screw until the needle is in the correct place.

I've been reading as much as I could find about effectiveness of the vaccine. It appears to cause a boost in immunity for a short while, like weeks. Much of the data says it wanes rapidly, sometimes even to negative effectiveness. I expect the proper scientific approach to document correcting the data for "confounding variable", but mostly I see hand-waving arguments from pro-vax publications trying to say effectiveness is not actually negative.

Pretty close to accurate. I paid out of my own pocket for an exam by an ophthalmologist, inquiring about an eye problem, which she could visually observe. I asked if it could be caused by Avalox. She said "No." I asked if it could be caused by UV. She said, "No." I asked what caused it. She said "Stress." I asked what kind of stress. She said "Emotional Stress." In other words, she thought I needed a shrink, not an eye doctor.

I went home and googled Avalox Retina. First thing that popped up was a veterinary study.
Excessive dose of Avalox caused retina damage in cats.
Correct dose of Avalox plus UV exposure caused retina damage in cats.
Exactly my suspicion, due to what I felt having taken a course of Avalox antibiotic and then sat in meeting rooms where InFocus projectors were used. The sensitivity (eye discomfort) remained for months.

At least, I remembered "cats", but I saved an article that says "mice". Am I due for memory care?

Yes, I do learn more from reading articles on the internet than from visiting specialists.

Black Box warnings including retina damage were added to Avalox later.
Previously, their only concern was excessive prescription could cause development of resistant strains.
There is a very good chance your doctor does not know anything about immunology, or the reports of Covid vaccine effectiveness from the field. He is just obedient, "treating" patients the way he is told to.
Actually he does. He is also my friend from college. He is also head of a large medical group with 600 doctors so he knows a lot about immunology.

I did guess right are one of the people that bring in all their internet theories when they go see their doctor.

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There is a very good chance your doctor does not know anything about immunology, or the reports of Covid vaccine effectiveness from the field. He is just obedient, "treating" patients the way he is told to.
Most of them operate as no more than a technician or operator, who looks at a needle on an instrument and turns a screw until the needle is in the correct place.

I've been reading as much as I could find about effectiveness of the vaccine. It appears to cause a boost in immunity for a short while, like weeks. Much of the data says it wanes rapidly, sometimes even to negative effectiveness. I expect the proper scientific approach to document correcting the data for "confounding variable", but mostly I see hand-waving arguments from pro-vax publications trying to say effectiveness is not actually negative.

Pretty close to accurate. I paid out of my own pocket for an exam by an ophthalmologist, inquiring about an eye problem, which she could visually observe. I asked if it could be caused by Avalox. She said "No." I asked if it could be caused by UV. She said, "No." I asked what caused it. She said "Stress." I asked what kind of stress. She said "Emotional Stress." In other words, she thought I needed a shrink, not an eye doctor.

I went home and googled Avalox Retina. First thing that popped up was a veterinary study.
Excessive dose of Avalox caused retina damage in cats.
Correct dose of Avalox plus UV exposure caused retina damage in cats.
Exactly my suspicion, due to what I felt having taken a course of Avalox antibiotic and then sat in meeting rooms where InFocus projectors were used. The sensitivity (eye discomfort) remained for months.

At least, I remembered "cats", but I saved an article that says "mice". Am I due for memory care?

Yes, I do learn more from reading articles on the internet than from visiting specialists.

Black Box warnings including retina damage were added to Avalox later.
Previously, their only concern was excessive prescription could cause development of resistant strains.
You are spot on ..... and the longer a Dr "practices" the worse they are about keeping up with current information.

A doctors job is to diagnose a condition .... once they diagnose that condition they have to follow the protocol handed down from the various agencies to treat that condition.
They learn very early on that deviating from that protocol opens them up to a lawsuit.

The reason I do so much research on my own .... is that almost 20 years ago I saved my own life by researching medical studies .... studies the doctors had the same access to I did. Strange as it sounds ... the new studies down play the marker that was causing my problems ...... I KNOW that marker is a major factor because it was killing me. It is very inexpensive with OTC supplements to control my condition once diagnosed, but the test for it is NOT one routinely done .... I had to push my Dr. to do the tests.

Almost every time I visit a Dr. I have a list of questions ... sometimes printed out for him. If they are annoyed by that it will be the last time I visit them. The good ones like a patient who takes responsibility for his own health instead of just being a vegetable blindly .... and lazily .... accepting everything they have to say. I have even been known to buy books for my Dr. Over the years I have built up a LOT of credibility with my family Dr. If I or my wife have to go see a specialist I have to start over with them. If a Dr. is in too big a hurry, I have been known to stand between them and the door. LOL
A Dr. has a few minutes in an office visit to assess your situation .... YOU have as much time as you want to dedicate to it.
Not to say the Dr. isn't a valuable resource ... they are .... and they have saved my life twice in emergency situations ..... but, YOU have to take responsibility for your own health.
As I said above, I see a Dr. as a resource. He is one of the tools to help me maintain my health.
Actually he does. He is also my friend from college. He is also head of a large medical group with 600 doctors so he knows a lot about immunology.

I did guess right are one of the people that bring in all their internet theories when they go see their doctor.

No, I don't think you read my post carefully.

I didn't bring an internet theory. I brought a theory I developed from my own personal experience, which included repeated discomfort occurring every time I was in a room with a meeting projector, those having mercury lamp emitting some undocumented amount of UV.
The doctor disagreed with my concern.
After paying to see the doctor, I went home, did an internet search, and found a medical research paper which validated my concern.

Perhaps your doctor is in fact competent, unlike so many.

Ask him how long you can expect the bivalent booster to keep providing > 50% effectiveness against infection, as compared to no booster.
Ask him how effective it is compared to booster consisting of original vaccine.
Ask him how effective an omicron-only booster, without the original version virus component, would be. Then ask him why that isn't offered.
Here is another interesting video from John Campbell ..... The theme is about the best use of resources.
While the WHO is determined to solve a vaccine equity problem .... He investigates the resources that are actually needed.

The other question that comes to mind is .... why is the WHO so determined to eliminate this unvaccinated control group .... when there seems to be very little need for the vaccine there?

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Perhaps your doctor is in fact competent, unlike so many.
LOL...arrogant much? I am sure I am not the first one to mention this about you.

Out of you have a degree from a 4 year university in any field?
Why yes, as a matter of fact, I am! (a rocket scientist, arrogant, ...)

Yes, bachelors from UCB, masters from SJSU. I'm a dropout of PhD program at MSU (was getting straight A's, but lack of classes that fit my needs to attend while working full-time doing actual work in the field I was studying.)

I get involved in programs where teams of experts have worked for a decade, and I identify the flaws they were oblivious to. Then we spend $millions correcting them.

I'm not trained in the medical field. I've absorbed some things by osmosis, learned others from reading.
But I can crunch some statistics, so I note when someone like FDA publish results that are clearly flawed. They obviously hire the incompetent now.
As I said, please ask your doctor friend for an explanation regarding the bivalent mRNA shot containing the original component, not just the four Omicron components which were also used. Why was it included? What benefit (or detriment) comes from including it? Was there an ulterior motive for doing so?
Here's an interesting chart that is pretty much self explanatory ..... There is going to be a LOT more to come about this subject.


ONE of the more widely circulated stories was of a roofer who was struck by lightning and thrown off a 3 story building. To say he was seriously injured is an understatement. He went to the hospital and died without ever regaining consciousness .... He tested positive for Covid and was listed as a Covid death by the hospital.
This video references a study where 17.1% of high school students had VERY risky complications from the original vaccine. This study was completed in Dec 21 but has taken til now to get published.

There is very little left to say about this study if you watch this video all the way to the end.

ONE of the more widely circulated stories was of a roofer who was struck by lightning and thrown off a 3 story building. To say he was seriously injured is an understatement. He went to the hospital and died without ever regaining consciousness .... He tested positive for Covid and was listed as a Covid death by the hospital.
You really need to stop taking the gateway pundit as gospel.

For those who are unfamiliar with the gateway pundit, it is an American far-right fake news website. The website is known for publishing falsehoods, hoaxes, and conspiracy theories.
This video references a study where 17.1% of high school students had VERY risky complications from the original vaccine. This study was completed in Dec 21 but has taken til now to get published.

There is very little left to say about this study if you watch this video all the way to the end.
Watch this video all the way to the end.


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