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Do We Need a Control Group?

Here's another video by John Campbell where he shows the "brilliance" of CDC data analysis.
Here's another video by John Campbell where he shows the "brilliance" of CDC data analysis.
Don't you think it is horrible that ppl can't speak and name things openly when discussing something so vital?. Always cryptic riddler style.

VAERS Only works if ppl-doctors and such use it to report the actual problems associated with the shots. Most doctors are not going to take on whomever comes after them for making a VAERS report. So they stay silent Think about it Then there are those doctors and such making immediate money - greed. Unfortunately doubt anyone will be held accountable as in a malicious KNOWINGLY CAUSING PAIN AND SUFFERING group. Doctors and medical trained ppl swear an oath which am sure they are knowingly in violation.

I look at it this way we are probably going to have access to lot of whole sale priced - clearance - property and such after the vaxxed die. Save your shekels. ??

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Here's another video by John Campbell where he shows the "brilliance" of CDC data analysis.
John Campbell is not comparing apple to apples.

While data has shown an elevated risk of myocarditis and pericarditis after the second mRNA vaccine dose among males ages 12 to 39, with those in their late teens and 20s most affected. Myocaditis and pericarditis can also occur after infection with Covid and tends to be more severe in those cases. And it should be no surprise that the FDA and the CDC say the benefits of vaccination still outweigh the risks even if your only concern were only myocarditis and pericarditis.

So now he has come with another BS story as to why you should not get a vaccine, a vaccine that has saved millions of lives?

Here's another video by Susan Oliver where she shows the "brilliance" of antivaxxers

John Campbell is not comparing apple to apples.

While data has shown an elevated risk of myocarditis and pericarditis after the second mRNA vaccine dose among males ages 12 to 39, with those in their late teens and 20s most affected. Myocaditis and pericarditis can also occur after infection with Covid and tends to be more severe in those cases. And it should be no surprise that the FDA and the CDC say the benefits of vaccination still outweigh the risks even if your only concern were only myocarditis and pericarditis.

So now he has come with another BS story as to why you should not get a vaccine, a vaccine that has saved millions of lives?

Here's another video by Susan Oliver where she shows the "brilliance" of antivaxxers

Israel was one of the first major vaccinated countries to put out that heart problems could arise from the covid vaccines. In particular this was noted in younger ppl to which were in the lowest risk groups for Covid. So if 1 person is effected by the vaccine for actual heart problems then in my book that is 1 to many They were made ill by the vaccine. Israel mostly used Pfizer.
Israel was one of the first major vaccinated countries to put out that heart problems could arise from the covid vaccines. In particular this was noted in younger ppl to which were in the lowest risk groups for Covid. So if 1 person is effected by the vaccine for actual heart problems then in my book that is 1 to many They were made ill by the vaccine. Israel mostly used Pfizer.
Sure, every death is one too many. But if the risk of getting a heart problem from the vaccine is 0.1% and the risk of getting a heart problem from getting covid is 1% I would still take the vaccine. (No idea what the actual risks are, just following what the experts have been telling us, that the risk of mortality is far greater in the unvacinated.)

I know the odds of winning the lottery is far lower than the chance of loosing any money I put in, which why I don't bet. While it is of course fine if people choose differently, making false and misleading claims about rewards and risks are not acceptable.
Sure, every death is one too many. But if the risk of getting a heart problem from the vaccine is 0.1% and the risk of getting a heart problem from getting covid is 1% I would still take the vaccine. (No idea what the actual risks are, just following what the experts have been telling us, that the risk of mortality is far greater in the unvacinated.)

I know the odds of winning the lottery is far lower than the chance of loosing any money I put in, which why I don't bet. While it is of course fine if people choose differently, making false and misleading claims about rewards and risks are not acceptable.
I don't mind debating you. ?

The problem with Covid there is no set guidelines or experts when it began .... however there was a tv mini series back around 2003 or so that showed Covid hmmm can't remember but think that show recommended ivermectin which was quickly smeared as a horse drug(human malaria treatment too) At the time no one knew. How could they know whether ivermectin would work or not as no control study groups had been done. Not 1 control group was referenced as a viable or not viable treatment - ivermectin. There was a jewish doctor that pushed ivermectin but he died.... of what do not know. Ashkenazi are genetically known for weak hearts and breast cancer. However he practiced medicine and stated had treated patient after patient with positive results. Maybe it was just natural immunity for the success which was also denied. Traditionally doctors have always stated a virus must simply be endured as no medical help was available. The mask like the vaccines are in my opinion placebos for ppl that live in constant fear until the next panic arrives. Some ppl are more addicted to fear then porn
I agree about lotto

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Well, I guess there weren't enough people scared into getting boosted after they named the XBB virus ... the Kraken.
So, now they have come up with a new scary name Orthrus. That doesn't really sound very scary til you see a picture of the mythological beast.

I guess they are done with non-scary names like Omicron and Delta ...... Are you scared enough to go get boosted yet?
Well, I guess there weren't enough people scared into getting boosted after they named the XBB virus ... the Kraken.
So, now they have come up with a new scary name Orthrus. That doesn't really sound very scary til you see a picture of the mythological beast.
View attachment 130671

I guess they are done with non-scary names like Omicron and Delta ...... Are you scared enough to go get boosted yet?
Wasn't the "kraken" something that lawyer lady kept saying about the 2020 elections but it never came about either.? Big squid or something. .... we use to call navy personnel squids among other names. ??

I remember the blow hard covid experts saying "if we got the last version of covid OMNICRON then our antibodies would protect us but you still need a shot." Last remember as stated 'doctors had always stated viral had to wear off and live with it or die" Covid VIRUS has a vaccine..... really?

I think covid is bs ...... several family have died from exposure as tested. However each of them had SEPSIS which now all the experts say was preventable. Medical ppl had SEPSIS AWARENESS MONTH. When the hospitals strap you to a bed so can't move, restrict fluids until you need kidney dialysis and have internal infections take hold - no antibiotics - then the hospital - staff have murdered you.
This has happened Nationwide. Friend if mine clear cross the country is a Nurse Practitioner and moved to a college to train ppl account wanted no part of killing innocent ppl. NP .. Described to the T the chain of medical procedures and the effects that lead to death. Knew it . That is an expert.

You live up to about 3 days no water. You can go about 30 days no food.

I got sick as dog felt like Extreme Pneumonia-Omicron
Stayed f out of hospitals and am still alive. The VA use to kill old soldiers in a likewise manner. Go in for a simple knee surgery and die on the operating table - just like a friend of mine. Killers ...... - medical. Angels of death

"The US Army Medical Corps Branch Plaque. The adoption, in 1902, of the caduceus for US Army medical officer uniforms popularized the erroneous use of the symbol throughout the medical field in the United States.
The caduceus is the traditional symbol of Hermes and features two snakes winding around an often winged staff. It is often used as a symbol of medicine, especially in the United States, despite its ancient and consistent associations with trade, liars, thieves, eloquence, negotiation, alchemy, and wisdom."wiki
Conan the Barbarian threw fun at Caduceus.... if you seen the movie then you remember the symbol of snakes. Movies love to do that. Hahahaha just a conspiracy. Look at that 2003 mini series above in other post. It describes corona virus very well. How did they know?

With covid most pulmonologist stated vents were probably not best plan and treatment. It was also stated ppl needed special training to use the vents. How many medical ppl do you think got the special vent training? In hospitals everyone was making the vent adjustments. There are several reasons hospitals wanted family out of sight and out of mind while caring for their patients. Did hospitals really get extra monies per covid patient?

If a hospital sends you a bill then they are a business same as a doctor and so on = business. Is big pharma health or business ? Big pharma creates symptoms after symptoms to treat with each batch of prescribed medicine. No money in a cure. $$$$ billions in treatment. Next version of covid batched and ready.



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I don't mind debating you. ?
Debates need some ground rules, like agreeing on the facts.

The problem with Covid there is no set guidelines or experts when it began
That is not true, most reponsible governments have a playbook to follow. The problem is that people will not follow the guidelines, even advise to social distance and to get vaccinated were ignored by enough people to allow the spread.

.... however there was a tv mini series back around 2003 or so that showed Covid hmmm can't remember but think that show recommended ivermectin which was quickly smeared as a horse drug(human malaria treatment too) At the time no one knew. How could they know whether ivermectin would work or not as no control study groups had been done. Not 1 control group was referenced as a viable or not viable treatment - ivermectin. There was a jewish doctor that pushed ivermectin but he died.... of what do not know. Ashkenazi are genetically known for weak hearts and breast cancer. However he practiced medicine and stated had treated patient after patient with positive results. Maybe it was just natural immunity for the success which was also denied. Traditionally doctors have always stated a virus must simply be endured as no medical help was available. The mask like the vaccines are in my opinion placebos for ppl that live in constant fear until the next panic arrives. Some ppl are more addicted to fear then porn
I agree about lotto

If you watch the episode instead of the edited clip, it is easy to spot the differences between the situation in the film and reality. The main character has a vision that shows children in a school all becoming ill with the virus. He tells the town sheriff to quarantine the school until he finds a way to treat the children. On the other hand, Covid-19 seems to mostly spare children, with only a very small percentage affected (about 2% of the cases).

The woman who wrote that episode of "Dead Zone", Jill Ellen Blotevogel, said she did a lot of research before writing the episode. "My goal for the [Dead Zone] plotline was to come up with a cure that would have taken weeks or months or years to find through normal medical research – an outlier/rare possibility. In my research, I found an actual case where someone who was suffering from malaria as well as a coronavirus was treated with an anti-malarial drug that happened to kill his virus as well. It was one very isolated case that gave me an interesting solution for my FICTIONAL plotline." And "But, it was a total longshot cure. I was in no way suggesting that chloroquine is a cure for a coronavirus. Simply that the particular fictional one that I came up with had this bizarre out-of-left-field cure."

Things are not hard to debunk, but it does require you to look at better sources than conservapedia. Even the comments on the Israeli paper shows you to treat the conclusion with suspicion.
From your link.

"The researchers caution that most of medical errors aren’t due to inherently bad doctors, and that reporting these errors shouldn’t be addressed by punishment or legal action. Rather, they say, most errors represent systemic problems, including poorly coordinated care, fragmented insurance networks, the absence or underuse of safety nets, and other protocols, in addition to unwarranted variation in physician practice patterns that lack accountability.

“Unwarranted variation is endemic in health care. Developing consensus protocols that streamline the delivery of medicine and reduce variability can improve quality and lower costs in health care. More research on preventing medical errors from occurring is needed to address the problem,” says Makary."

So what do you propose to do? Listen to a "doctor Bob" on the internet who promotes treatments that have been shown in double blind studies not to work, or some one who has actually studied and is practicing medicine?

While far from perfect, I prefer my doctors here, they actually communicate with each other and I don't have to worry if my insurance will cover it, if I can pay for the treatment myself, worry about bankruptcy, or die.
Debates need some ground rules, like agreeing on the facts.

That is not true, most reponsible governments have a playbook to follow. The problem is that people will not follow the guidelines, even advise to social distance and to get vaccinated were ignored by enough people to allow the spread.

If you watch the episode instead of the edited clip, it is easy to spot the differences between the situation in the film and reality. The main character has a vision that shows children in a school all becoming ill with the virus. He tells the town sheriff to quarantine the school until he finds a way to treat the children. On the other hand, Covid-19 seems to mostly spare children, with only a very small percentage affected (about 2% of the cases).

The woman who wrote that episode of "Dead Zone", Jill Ellen Blotevogel, said she did a lot of research before writing the episode. "My goal for the [Dead Zone] plotline was to come up with a cure that would have taken weeks or months or years to find through normal medical research – an outlier/rare possibility. In my research, I found an actual case where someone who was suffering from malaria as well as a coronavirus was treated with an anti-malarial drug that happened to kill his virus as well. It was one very isolated case that gave me an interesting solution for my FICTIONAL plotline." And "But, it was a total longshot cure. I was in no way suggesting that chloroquine is a cure for a coronavirus. Simply that the particular fictional one that I came up with had this bizarre out-of-left-field cure."

Things are not hard to debunk, but it does require you to look at better sources than conservapedia. Even the comments on the Israeli paper shows you to treat the conclusion with suspicion.

I think it is funny the movie knew all about the covid and listed cure Hydroxychloroquine

Fauci really knows all about the coronavirus too. Same as he did aids. He wanted to do same procedure with it. Of course Our Govtt has response ready for most things. We have better then most countries.

If you really want to see the Covid lie then start looking at the ppl that reportedly died in India they have a much larger poorer population with less deaths from covid then usa. How can that be? How can it be that most of our drug addicts living in the street are not dead. It is proven by my dead brother the vaccine does not work cousin got clots but not vaccine related account did not put on Vaers. .. every time you reach for the brass ring they move the bar higher for what you must do to be safe. Simon says.

During the 1918 Spanish flu the govt and police murdered ppl for not wearing a mask. Exactly why won't wear one now or again. Cough cough cough.... sneeze snot every where. Get away from me. Why? I cleared my throat when it first started while wearing mask and ppl were terrified looking. That was it no more mask... won't wear it again. I am not afraid of a quick death. Not the least bit. I won't go to a hospital so can be tortured to death like they did 3 members of my family for a slow death. They lasted about 3-4 days takes about 3 days to kill someone with no water given. This shit is a bit more personal then I let on. I stayed out of hospital self treated no ivermectin no Hydroxychloroquine.

Here is a fact if they had acknowledged anything like Hydroxychloroquine then could not have EUA vaccines as vaccine could be only cure ..... Trump pushed it and the left - right both took it. If they had been told the shot had to be injected into the genitals then they would have done it. One side account fear the other side account job.

Tell me the left was not scared shitless of it. The left are afraid of everything. They should be account the right will pray them to death.
Tell me it is not about money that is fact 2.... listed is a sample for the greed
Tell me the covid was not used as an excuse to alter voting for the 2020 election.
Tell me there was not 5 democrat States that shoved covid sick in elderly retirement homes and the ppl responsible committed Elder genocide.
Tell me there are not 2 parties in Israel... one of those parties shot Rabin in back to send a message. They - Israel are reported most heavily vaxxed.
Tell me left did not smear everything but vaccines...... most of the news media here are left.

Trump allowed BLM ANTIFA to run and destroy the blue States that more then likely got money in ear marked covid bills headed their way to rebuild just like they were last go back to work. The Blue States are smarter then the Red States. .
The only reason the USA is not at Civil War is account of religion. Personally just as soon religion go away. ??????? same for government and police can go away. ??????? get it going. Better now then later.

Hahaha will men with nothing to lose still be civil? That is what it takes to get a civil war going. The change in "selected officials" is a sugar teet to pacify. I am not a conservative.... In the military THE groups of soldiers around me did not practice politics nor I. WE were very focused on task at hand. We evaluated the situation then adjusted. We trained to operate in absolute chaos worse case conditions. Our training for biological was nothing like you have seen for covid. Mass contamination was left everywhere with no cleared clean decontamination zones .... stations. A simple mask is definitely not the right levels of protection and fauci would admit that then recant. Fauci would have been court martial and shot.

I have not one ounce of respect for Trump and the final straw was he declared riot act on 6 Jan 2021 by "telling ppl go home" that is a required part of insurrection act. During 2020 blm antifa were running wild during hottest spells of covid burning and looting. Trump not once read them the riot act. Aka INSURRECTION ACT. Did I like the conditions under Trump better - damn skippy only ppl that didn't are new millionaires and billionaires brought on from covid...... the rest if not paid are idiots. This Country has had greatest transfer of wealth in history of the World. Started with Trump being a permanent bug up their ass. They loved him until he ran as a republican his biggest success was stopping Hillary bitch clinton. 4 years of watching the left cry fraud elections talk about cheating voting machines..... until they win same as 2000 with Gore hanging chad..... boo hoo same for trump boo hoo. These ppl are all selected.


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I think it is funny the movie knew all about the covid and listed cure Hydroxychloroquine
The episode didn't know all about covid, I explained that. Covid affects older people more than kids.
I'm making a major diversion today ..... I have been convinced thru the entire pandemic .... and in other areas that sophisticated propaganda techniques have been employed on the public the last several years ... maybe the on a world wide level.
I can often see thru propaganda and am difficult to be tricked by it .... but lately I'm starting to wonder if it is even more sophisticated than I thought. Studies are being released (like the Cleveland Clinic study) that support the suspicions of a lot of us ... Twitter censorship is falling away .... Anthony Fauci has retired ... it kind of seems like the truth is finally coming to light.
There's an interesting article in the link .... but, I'm not going to go too much further down this rabbit hole.
The episode didn't know all about covid, I explained that. Covid affects older people more than kids.

Hahaha I know Leo.

"'''''How did they know in 2003 all about covid ..ZOOM .. "'''' SIMPLE there was an outbreak in China 2003 = SARS and the cdc recorded it. You are over thinking where ppl get-got confused - it was is much simpler.
Cheddar heads on various forums could never put that together.....they did not know.....some still do not know... the difference is we now have SARS-Covid 19 which has actually and should be name changed to the newest variant for this year or last year it mutated . The Covid 2019 hence covid-19
Ignorant ppl were flipping out about that movie series account it was talking about " covid coronavirus" .... they did not even know that in 2003 the chinese were sick
I watched it when first aired .... how long ago has that been?

I'd say like my family members - like majority died from sepsis. With covid but from sepsis word play.
Apparently doctors have just recently discovered Sepsis. The age groups are different

I did not mention damage done with vents aka deaths brought on .... pulmonary doctors are the experts with vents if read it right. A vent requires special training and constant monitoring - adjustments or damage done. SOME NOT ALL Pulmonary doctors therefore stated vents might not be the best.

About like this picture a lot of ppl seen this and shared it as if real which it was however it was not Bill Gates. It was photo shopped for Gate's head..... why do ppl fall for these. They dislike Bill Gates because of his involvement in medical procedures and processes. Bill Gate's often been involved in such things even though he is not a doctor. The Right more or less dislikes and maybe hates him account of his ways.
Across the aisle there was Trump doing the same thing pushing Covid Vaccine as "'wonderful miracle beautiful vaccine." The left hated him but
took the covid vaccine.

I think you have honest intentions thank you.


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I'm making a major diversion today ..... I have been convinced thru the entire pandemic .... and in other areas that sophisticated propaganda techniques have been employed on the public the last several years ... maybe the on a world wide level.
I can often see thru propaganda and am difficult to be tricked by it .... but lately I'm starting to wonder if it is even more sophisticated than I thought. Studies are being released (like the Cleveland Clinic study) that support the suspicions of a lot of us ... Twitter censorship is falling away .... Anthony Fauci has retired ... it kind of seems like the truth is finally coming to light.
There's an interesting article in the link .... but, I'm not going to go too much further down this rabbit hole.
Hahaha I know Leo.
Then why did I have to debunk it a second time?

As for Bill gates...

People hate on others for weird reasons, skin colour, religion, sexuality, hair coulor, height, circumference, intelligence, too much/little money you name it and some one or group will hate them. Which is why to me leaders appealing to nationalism is such a dumb idea, the coalition will last as long as there are groups to hate before they eventually turn onto each other, when there is a problem, like a famine or a pandemic.

Here is an example of my own biases. I suspect we just had covid again, we each had 5 shots and had it once before. Symptoms were hardly noticeable for all of us, feeling like a mild cold, partner lost taste again, (but unlike which is the only reason why I suspect covid. I know I am jumping to conclusions, the only way I can be sure is to get tested and it could be a whole bunch of other things...
Then why did I have to debunk it a second time?

As for Bill gates...

People hate on others for weird reasons, skin colour, religion, sexuality, hair coulor, height, circumference, intelligence, too much/little money you name it and some one or group will hate them. Which is why to me leaders appealing to nationalism is such a dumb idea, the coalition will last as long as there are groups to hate before they eventually turn onto each other, when there is a problem, like a famine or a pandemic.

Here is an example of my own biases. I suspect we just had covid again, we each had 5 shots and had it once before. Symptoms were hardly noticeable for all of us, feeling like a mild cold, partner lost taste again, (but unlike which is the only reason why I suspect covid. I know I am jumping to conclusions, the only way I can be sure is to get tested and it could be a whole bunch of other things...
I understand what you mean about repeating yourself. I really do.
To make an informed decision to take a medicine or not then ppl need simple easy to under stand accurate information .

When I went to elementary school we had to pull our sleeves up and show our forced vaccine scars. If did not have it was expelled until complied with school Our parents were and could be arrested account of our truancy after a set amount of time. Forcing ppl to vaccine is not new in the USA

Says a lot of interesting stuff at this website. Oh well .... doesn't matter account I am not taking it or the vaccines. Or wearing a mask


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I understand what you mean about repeating yourself. I really do.
To make an informed decision to take a medicine or not then ppl need simple easy to under stand accurate information .

When I went to elementary school we had to pull our sleeves up and show our forced vaccine scars. If did not have it was expelled until complied with school Our parents were and could be arrested account of our truancy after a set amount of time. Forcing ppl to vaccine is not new in the USA

Says a lot of interesting stuff at this website. Oh well .... doesn't matter account I am not taking it or the vaccines. Or wearing a mask
"treatment with HCQ was associated with increased mortality in COVID-19 patients"

"treatment with HCQ was associated with increased mortality in COVID-19 patients"

Just like in 1918 Spanish Flu people over dosed on aspirin ... some doctors prescribed aspirin for Spanish flu. Some ppl died from eating to many aspirin - thought aspirin was a miracle cure. Shsss some ppl were going to Tractor Supply and buying ivermectin dosed for full size horses and taking it - over dosing for covid.

From what read at other sites like New England Journal of Medicine a lot of human testing was in fact over dosed. Not sure why. It ended the testing.


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Can you trust pfizer why did the CEO a veterinarian take so long to get the injection himself?

Pfizer Senior Director of Worldwide Research Vanessa Gelman RUNS ..." email directs suppressing information"

look at the back side of that creature almost looks like a modern version of Deliverance


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Can you trust pfizer why did the CEO a veterinarian take so long to get the injection himself?
Albert Bourla got his second dose on or before Mar 10, 2021, 3 months after Emergency Use Authorization was granted on Dec. 11, 2020 and more than 5 months before the FDA approved the vaccine 5 on August 23, 2021.

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Albert Bourla got his second dose on or before Mar 10, 2021, 3 months after Emergency Use Authorization was granted on Dec. 11, 2020 and more than 5 months before the FDA approved the vaccine 5 on August 23, 2021.

Just imagine if the vaccine had worked should not have been wearing that mask.
Bouria is a horse doctor and as head of the Pfizer company should have been the first one taking shot. Jmho

Do you think the vaxxed are mad that all the unvaxxed aren't dead. How are we still alive and unvaxxed? 2 members of my family got vaxxed =dead 1 no vax = dead. 2 to 1.
There is your control group



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diy solar

diy solar