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diy solar

Do We Need a Control Group?

Well .... it looks like the UK is preparing to move to a vaccine policy that would have made more sense if it had been in place the entire time.
Well .... it looks like the UK is preparing to move to a vaccine policy that would have made more sense if it had been in place the entire time.
Nothing about the covid response made sense. The final results to our country and economy with so much additional debt is now obvious. There's no telling where all the money went thrown about willy nilly. When you dole out huge sums of money just makes it harder to track and easier to steal so ...... The USA has had the biggest transfer of wealth in the World..... over an unseen enemy that can come back and hold us hostage with extortion at any moment. I have never seen so many ppl trade freedoms for a false since of security - ever before like this. The results were perfect. Most Excellent con job.... just imagine had the World locked down over AIDS in a likewise manner. That was Fauci's desired response to it too. The ppl in the USA deserve whatever happens to them. ???????

Just for a reference below is a picture of a trillion dollars. Majority of ppl can't wrap their head around how much money that really is so there is a picture. Around $5 Trillion Dollars gone. Ppl get pissed off if someone in govt waste a billion or so dollars or even worse a million dollars gets stolen then ppl in USA want blood and someone's head on a platter. Let a trillion dollars get stolen - wasted and there is no response. Hahahaha idiots. The ppl in USA deserve what happens to them. The sheep have been sheared and the shepherd even cream pied the sheep. Maybe that is why some or most of the sheep are not complaining?



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So .... does this guy ambushed by Project Veritas actually work for Pfizer? Or .... is it a setup?
All his social media accounts have now disappeared.
I'm kinda hoping he doesn't actually work for Pfizer .... I don't want to believe they are that corrupt and totally willing to kill people to embellish their already huge profit.
There's a lawyer I trust who is digging for the truth .... time will tell.

If you don't do Twitter ... the video can be found over here too.
So .... does this guy ambushed by Project Veritas actually work for Pfizer? Or .... is it a setup?
All his social media accounts have now disappeared.
I'm kinda hoping he doesn't actually work for Pfizer .... I don't want to believe they are that corrupt and totally willing to kill people to embellish their already huge profit.
There's a lawyer I trust who is digging for the truth .... time will tell.

If you don't do Twitter ... the video can be found over here too.

I seen that late last night... a friend sent me link. It is almost scripted. He acts gay Although some times ppl are so sure of themselves they act that way too. How do you lure someone into spilling the beans? For the billions of dollars that are on the table just for Pfizer alone think Pfizer would make him disappear without a trace. Remember the nurse on tv that took the covid shot and passed out? Lot ppl say she died later. Best way to make that go away was for her - nurse to do a live interview.

It always seem strange that a computer virus would come out and then in less 24 hours the antivirus companies had a resolution if you buy their anti-virus service. Most likely the antivirus software company wrote the initial virus was my thoughts. Think this is the same only doing it to humans. I still think covid-19 was made stronger aka weaponized aka gain of function aka 12 Monkeys like for the movie.

Plagues and virus have been made popular since the bible. Hmmmmm ....
Doctor speech clearly falls under 1st amendment. Find me a legit case of a doctor losing their license because of their speech and I will find you a massive lawsuit based upon it.

What medical practices doctors are allowed to perform is a different subject, but government can not threaten their license to silence them.

California can pass any law they want, enforcement of that law is another story and SCOTUS would shoot down AB2098 in two seconds flat as soon as it was challenged.. Heck, it probably wouldn't even make it that far up the court system as any judge with an ounce of common sense would realize the government can only regulate actions, not words.

... AND that is in progress:

But final decision on what the Constitution means is going to depend on the political leanings of the Court.
... AND that is in progress:

But final decision on what the Constitution means is going to depend on the political leanings of the Court.
Nothing is too ridiculous for some lawmakers, but some issues transcend the political ideology of even biased judges, and I think this is one of them.

I can see no chance of this surviving.

We need a new constitutional amendment.. Any legislator that sponsors an unconstitutional bill, or anyone who signs an unconstitutional bill into law, should be removed from office and banned from public service.

The people who represent us should be afraid to trample our rights.
I seen that late last night... a friend sent me link. It is almost scripted. He acts gay Although some times ppl are so sure of themselves they act that way too. How do you lure someone into spilling the beans?
Well, it kinda looks like you were right ... the guy is gay .... and it looks more and more like that video was legitimate. There is a 2nd video I hadn't seen where a different Project Veritas employee approaches him ... and it gets violent.
He blurts out that he just made that stuff up trying to impress someone on a date.
I'm sure this Tucker Carlson video clip is going to draw some fire, but he has portions of both Project Veritas videos in it.

Here is the full 2nd Project Veritas on Twitter.
.... and here ....
Well, it kinda looks like you were right ... the guy is gay .... and it looks more and more like that video was legitimate. There is a 2nd video I hadn't seen where a different Project Veritas employee approaches him ... and it gets violent.
He blurts out that he just made that stuff up trying to impress someone on a date.
I'm sure this Tucker Carlson video clip is going to draw some fire, but he has portions of both Project Veritas videos in it.

Here is the full 2nd Project Veritas on Twitter.
.... and here ....
Well .... I posted that 2nd video before I watched the whole thing. I gotta say I actually feel a little sorry for the guy. He is going to be in some deep S$%t.
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Well, it kinda looks like you were right ... the guy is gay .... and it looks more and more like that video was legitimate. There is a 2nd video I hadn't seen where a different Project Veritas employee approaches him ... and it gets violent.
He blurts out that he just made that stuff up trying to impress someone on a date.
I'm sure this Tucker Carlson video clip is going to draw some fire, but he has portions of both Project Veritas videos in it.

Here is the full 2nd Project Veritas on Twitter.
.... and here ....
Wow can hardly believe they gave it actual air time.... figured they lured him into a gay bar date setup. Military would not give suspected gay ppl a security clearance because were more easy to extort. That might been true for privacy sake and a closet gay being a target. However heterosexual men blab like hell to women too. Women have been used for centuries to gain access to security data even marrying to gain access . The Swalwell smallwell whatever Rep from Ca blabbed like hell to a female china agent. When was in Military would of lost my security clearance if married a foreign national. So trumps wife always amazed me account think she was a foreigner at one time - naturalized. How did Trump get a security clearance?

Back on track:
They Veritas are very creative for getting info out of ppl. I miss the days of watching 20/20 or 60 minutes raid a big corporation and waiting on ppl like this to come to own office. Saying use to be know you are going to have a bad day when get to your office and a 20/20 or 60 minute news team was waiting on you.

Pfizer can as a minimum charge that gay guy for damages. Watch and see. Pfizer has so many ppl bought off this probably won't effect them. There was the rumor the FBI arrested Pfizer ceo a whhile back. So did that rumor happen before or after this video for a time frame?
I had a high level security clearance also when I was in the military ..... My aunts and uncles used to rib me about the FBI coming around asking questions about me as part of the security clearance process.

To say I'm totally horrified about how careless these politicians are with classified information is an understatement.
Where I was, no one was allowed to have a classified document outside a secure location specifically set up to view those documents .... if they were transported from that location there had to be at least 2 people. One enlisted and one officer .... usually the transport was to a burn room where the 2 individuals burned then signed of on the destruction of the documents.

I don't think this guy has the temperament to handle all the attention that is coming his way. It's the kind of event that destroys people.

As far as how it's going to affect Pfizer .... likely not much. They are probably going to fire him ..... give him a big payoff contingent on a 50 page non disclosure agreement .... and claim he had some sort of mental illness.
Either that or someone will shoot him in the back of the head like the guy who leaked the DNC documents to Wikileaks few years ago.
Just imagine if the vaccine had worked should not have been wearing that mask.
You wear the mask to protect others, not yourself. (In operating rooms the surgical team members wear the masks, not the patient)
Well .... it looks like the UK is preparing to move to a vaccine policy that would have made more sense if it had been in place the entire time.
Instead of linking to the youtube channel of conspiracy theorists, you could have linked to the UK government website like this.

So .... does this guy ambushed by Project Veritas actually work for Pfizer? Or .... is it a setup?
All his social media accounts have now disappeared.
I'm kinda hoping he doesn't actually work for Pfizer .... I don't want to believe they are that corrupt and totally willing to kill people to embellish their already huge profit.
And if there was ANY doubt that Bob is a conspiracy theorist, just look at his sources.

John Lorimer Campbell is an English YouTuber and retired nurse educator known for his videos about the COVID-19 pandemic. Initially, the videos received praise, but they later veered into misinformation. He has been criticised for suggesting COVID-19 deaths have been over-counted, repeating false claims about the use of ivermectin as a COVID-19 treatment, and providing misleading commentary about the safety of COVID-19 vaccines.

Project Veritas is an American far-right activist group founded by James O'Keefe in 2010. The group produces deceptively edited videos of its undercover operations, which use secret recordings in an effort to discredit mainstream media organizations and progressive groups. Project Veritas also uses entrapment to generate bad publicity for its targets,and has propagated disinformation and conspiracy theories in its videos and operations.

The reality is that antivaxxers already are a control group and they are dying at a far greater rate, we can expect that the survivors will also build up some form of immunity naturally after they have caught the various strains of covid.

You wear the mask to protect others, not yourself. (In operating rooms the surgical team members wear the masks, not the patient)
I am not wearing a mask anymore. That time has come and gone $5 Trillion Dollars gone over 2 years later with our country wrecked. Nope the Vax didi not work. Time to eliminate this virus the old fashioned way and stop the bs, . Simple herd immunity is the natural process. Proven in 1918 Spanish Flu pandemic. Covid has nothing on this death toll.

If you had any training would know the mask is a waste of time.

Do you and other mask wearers have the strength to fight a physical fight to enforce mask wearing? During 1918 Spanish flu Ppl were fined $5 a considerable sum of money in California for not wearing a mask and some ppl were even shot for not wearing a mask. Read the article - link for Spanish flu. Are you willing to physically harm ppl for not wearing a mask and refusing to play that silly game? Numerous Political ppl pushing the mask as a requirement were in fact caught not wearing one... here and around the World. Fauci was caught numerous times not wearing a mask in public. No it is a bad game and am not playing it anymore. Come make me wear a mask. See how it ends. Hahaha

Most ppl carrying a phone used it everywhere - contaminated with feces and EVERYTHING. Again THE LEVEL OF OF PPE DRESS AND DECONTAMINATION is a lot more then a simple mask that really never worked. When am in a public bathroom and a phone user is in next stall will strain red faced until let the loudest fart can muster to share the noise and smell. The bathroom is no place to be talking to other ppl on the phone and with video calling it is potential a visual privacy - invasion. Phones were not thrown away or cleaned .... old nasty mask were thrown everywhere... shopping carts and everywhere.

Leo what country are you in - from?
Rumor definition:
"1: talk or opinion widely disseminated with no discernible source
2: a statement or report current without known authority for its truth
3: archaic : talk or report of a notable person or event
4: a soft low indistinct sound : MURMUR"

When the CEO-Pfizer was questioned by reporters he remained silent. Ask why? He could easily had set the public record straight but instead remained silent. To most ppl when someone avoids questions then they are most likely guilty for an assumption not a fact but an assumption . It grows conspiracy.... about like the nurse reportedly died after covid vaccine. Pfizer should have licked her butt hole to get her to do a public question answer so the conspiracies would not grow.

What is a conspiracy theorist? You say that as if it is a bad thing. Hahahah Anyone that does not drink out of the same shared cup at the community well is a conspiracy theorist by your analogy. The conspiracy is the ppl saying wear the mask but are the biggest offenders and most likely profit makers. Pfizer is into everything here as are all the other Big Pharma companies. A person would be smart not to buy everything they support unless you want to drink out of the same cup at the community well. Just think about all the germs on that cup. Herd Immunity

What Country are you in and from?
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You wear the mask to protect others, not yourself. (In operating rooms the surgical team members wear the masks, not the patient)

You may for that purpose, if you wish. I wear mine only to protect myself (and those I would otherwise bring the virus home to.)

Health care workers, who are tested for TB, wear an N95 mask when in the room with TB patients.

An N95 mask is at least 80% effective against covid. It was found to be that effective compared to surgical mask.
Remember when they said if we had a vaccine just 50% effective, it would reduce "R" below 1.0 and stop spread of the pandemic?
Masks already were that effective. And remain so as the virus mutates. The public simply wearing them in 2020 would have meant no more pandemic.
You wear the mask to protect others, not yourself. (In operating rooms the surgical team members wear the masks, not the patient)

That is a ridiculous analogy - protection of a surgical field is an entirely different situation.

The entire "wear it to protect others" narrative was used as a public shaming method against people who didn't want to wear masks for their own protection.

Beyond that, in my observation about 90% of the mask-wearing public uses them in a manner that makes them nothing more than a fashion statement, providing protection for neither themselves nor others.
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You may for that purpose, if you wish. I wear mine only to protect myself (and those I would otherwise bring the virus home to.)

Health care workers, who are tested for TB, wear an N95 mask when in the room with TB patients.

An N95 mask is at least 80% effective against covid. It was found to be that effective compared to surgical mask.
Remember when they said if we had a vaccine just 50% effective, it would reduce "R" below 1.0 and stop spread of the pandemic?
Masks already were that effective. And remain so as the virus mutates. The public simply wearing them in 2020 would have meant no more pandemic.
"For both TB and COVID-19, cough is a predominant symptom, and airborne droplets are produced by any forced expiratory maneuver, especially coughing; at least for TB, the severity of cough is an indicator of transmission risk. For TB, several additional indicators assist in quantifying the risk for transmission from the index case and, thus, in assigning priority to a contact investigation. These indicators include the bacillary burden, as indicated by the radiographic extent of the disease in the lungs and the presence or absence of cavitary lesions and qualitative sputum smear positivity (16,30). No such assessment is routinely used for COVID-19, although quantification of viral load in nasal or pharyngeal swab specimens and an assessment of the severity and duration of respiratory symptoms could provide such information (31,32). Reduction in viral inoculum by widespread wearing of masks has been POSTULATED to result in less severe manifestations of SARS-CoV-2 infection (33).

For TB, because of the increasing risk for acquisition of infection with the closeness and duration of exposure to persons with this disease, contact evaluation can be structured, beginning in the home, workplace, or school, and places of leisure and working outward in a manner that conceptually resembles concentric circles. The number and percentage of close contacts with evidence of disease, or recent infection, inform the need to expand the investigation to contacts in outer ring circles. This iterative approach optimizes the use of resources for investigations and testing (16,30). For SARS-CoV-2, data strongly suggest that the virus is highly transmissible even with casual contact, so the duration of exposure might not be relevant (14,20,32).

All of the foregoing indicates that in conducting contact identification and evaluation for persons exposed to persons with COVID-19, a wide net must be cast. Moreover, given the incubation period and pace of the disease, the process must be accomplished much more quickly than is necessary for TB. Unfortunately, much of the knowledge base that is used to guide TB contact identification and evaluation does not yet exist for COVID-19. To generate the necessary information, investigators studying the epidemiology of COVID-19 and, in particular, those charged with investigating outbreaks and conducting contact tracing, should be certain that the data being collected will enable analyses directed toward identifying factors that influence viral transmission. A recent report of nationwide contact tracing for COVID-19 in South Korea indicated both the need to investigate »10 contacts per index case and that 11.8% of household contacts had COVID-19, >6 times the 1.9% prevalence of COVID-19 in nonhousehold contacts (34).

Using the Investigation of TB on the USS Byrd as a Template
Essentially all infection control and public health measures for TB are based on the understanding, backed by strong empirical and experimental evidence, that M. tuberculosis is transmitted nearly exclusively by aerosols (23,35). Some of the strongest evidence of M. tuberculosis transmission through aerosols has been derived from several TB outbreak investigations. Perhaps the most notable and informative outbreak investigation was conducted in response to a single crew member who was found the have cavitary pulmonary TB during the course of a long sea tour by the US Navy vessel the USS Richard Byrd in 1965 (36). A thorough assessment of the patterns of air circulation and their relationship to new cases and infections was conducted aboard the ship. The investigation found that all new cases and infections occurred in crew members who had either direct personal contact with the index case-patient or were exposed through recirculated air in a closed ventilation system. The investigators were able to establish what might be viewed as a dose-response curve based on the exposure to different amounts of recirculated air and the proportion exposed crew members who were infected (36). Of particular note, several of the newly infected sailors (indicated by a new positive tuberculin skin test) who were asymptomatic and had negative chest radiographs were found to have M. tuberculosis in their sputum, raising the possibility of transmission from persons without the usual symptoms of TB, as is the case with COVID-19 (20,32). This finding is consistent with findings from national TB prevalence surveys of a substantial proportion of study subjects who were found to have M. tuberculosis in their sputum but had no symptoms (e.g., cough >2 weeks) (37).

Outbreaks of COVID-19 on a cruise ship (Diamond Princess) in late January 2020 and the USS Theodore Roosevelt in March 2020 provide unique opportunities, similar to those provided by the USS Byrd, to gain a more detailed understanding of transmission patterns for SARS-CoV-2. To date, published assessments of COVID-19 outbreaks in these 2 separate settings consist of initial assessments, 1 documenting the occurrence of 700 cases of COVID-19 among nearly 3,700 passengers and crew members in the cruise ship (38). The investigation identified that 15 of 20 cases in crew members were in food workers, and 16 of these 20 persons slept in cabins on deck 3. No details were provided for the distribution of COVID-19 cases in passengers, nor of the ventilation system in this cruise ship (38). A follow-up assessment was limited to 215 Hong Kong passengers after quarantine and disembarkation; 9 tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 (39). No berthing information is available for those passengers. The USS Roosevelt outbreak investigation was a serostudy of a convenience sample of 382 crew members (40). Although the sample was not representative of the entire crew, 60% of the participants had antibodies to SARS-CoV-2, indicating prior infection. Notably, 20% of the seropositive group denied having symptoms. Also, as is the case with asymptomatic TB, the degree to which these asymptomatic persons transmitted the infection is not known. Examination of crew member duty rosters and assessment of ventilation patterns in areas inhabited by infected and noninfected persons could provide important information concerning aerosol transmission and the role of spread of the virus by asymptomatic persons. Although the outbreak on the USS Byrd occurred >50 years ago, its assessment is a model for advancing knowledge by thorough investigations, including environmental studies to examine the role of air circulation. With increasing speculation and uncertainty about basic questions such as relative importance of different transmission modes for SARS-CoV-2 (5,7), the Diamond Princess and USS Roosevelt outbreaks present opportunities, similar to that provided by the USS Byrd, that should not be overlooked.

As noted, although contact identification and evaluation are widely used in high-income, low TB–incidence countries, implementation is limited in low- and middle-income countries. Given the experience with TB, considerable patience, skill, and ingenuity are needed in the implementation of contact tracing for COVID-19. Digital and other automated technologies have been applied to COVID-19 contact tracing in different country settings (41,42). This new thinking, coupled with innovative tools, will likely hold lessons and examples for improvements in TB prevention and control."

You need to look up "postulated" as used in this cdc website also might want to consider antibodies as described from exposures. That is herd immunology and is natural for most virus.
postulate transitive verb
  1. To assume or assert the truth, reality, or necessity of, especially as a basis of an argument.
  2. To propose as a hypothesis or explanation.
  3. To assume as a premise or axiom; take for granted."
TB is known as a bacteria and Sars-cov 2 is known as a virus.
TB is much better known as it has been around for a long time. There was a time in this country where TB infected were taken to a TB specialized hospital isolated away until expired. I remember it account grew up in those times.
EDIT ADDED; reality the same happened for those ppl that initially got covid they were hidden away and access restricted to die alone.

wearing a mask would not have stopped anything and is personal conjecture as there is no proof same as if herd


had been used vs injecting a vaccination against covid. If no vaccine had been given would the same amount of ppl have died? We don't and won't ever know. Joe Biden reportedly heavily covid vaxxed has had covid infected reportedly several times. So seriously doubt any mask wearing would eradicate covid. Again even cdc reported postulated as did Fauci. Knowing the meaning of words is extreme important when these ppl speak="postulated"
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I agree masks would not eradicate COVID.
But while worn, they would reduce the rate of spread to/from N95 mask wearers by 80%.

That would reduce infection and death rate, avoiding overwhelming hospitals.
Possibly, a less deadly variant would have appeared at a time when fewer deaths had already occurred.
Then, if masking stopped, natural herd immunity could develop.
I agree masks would not eradicate COVID.
But while worn, they would reduce the rate of spread to/from N95 mask wearers by 80%.

That would reduce infection and death rate, avoiding overwhelming hospitals.
Possibly, a less deadly variant would have appeared at a time when fewer deaths had already occurred.
Then, if masking stopped, natural herd immunity could develop.
Agree but disagree.... we had ppl living at the extreme of both poles and isolated upon opening up all the sickness hits them at once that was avoided. Stacked illness Hit them ... Same has happened through out history when strangers from strange lands brought in sickness to an isolated group of ppl. There is an island where outsiders are not allowed for several reasons and sickness is one as well as maintaining their culture and life style in isolation. Again Many foreigners were often surrounded and eliminated through out history saying they brought in a curse. Religion was often pointed at as a virus .... too.... because with it came new illness to an area.

when watch the news and they promote covid 19 vax then see a pfizer commercial - well it raises my thoughts to hmmmm. Obvious Business relations and influences.

Term herd immunology means the weak are going to die therefore the strongest survive. It means when enough ppl have been sick will end too See 1918 Spanish Flu. If they had treated the pneumonia with a modern antibiotic then might never have attained the death rates it was known for but that is conjecture - speculation on my behalf as am not a specialist or expert just merely using common info. Doctors prescribed aspirin then and ppl died from aspirin od.

A rag tied over the face is a waste of time in my book. Watching companies stylize mask for wear was most alarming as they were adapting for permanent stylish wear - monetary gain.
I'm OK with wearing an N95 mask for short periods of time .... like in a brief healthcare visit ..... but would have a REAL problem with them if I had to wear them all day while I worked.
Studies have shown some really nasty stuff growing on the inside of masks .... don't know how often you would have to put on a new one to avoid that.

The biggest problem I had with masks is forcing kids to wear them all day at school. If the teacher wants to wear one .... that would be up to them.

All the hate speech directed at the unvaccinated and unmasked turned my stomach. People shouldn't be hating on other people for a personal choice.
I'll vote for wearing one if you want .... and don't wear one if you don't want .... screw the mandates.
I'm OK with wearing an N95 mask for short periods of time .... like in a brief healthcare visit ..... but would have a REAL problem with them if I had to wear them all day while I worked.
Studies have shown some really nasty stuff growing on the inside of masks .... don't know how often you would have to put on a new one to avoid that.

The biggest problem I had with masks is forcing kids to wear them all day at school. If the teacher wants to wear one .... that would be up to them.

All the hate speech directed at the unvaccinated and unmasked turned my stomach. People shouldn't be hating on other people for a personal choice.
I'll vote for wearing one if you want .... and don't wear one if you don't want .... screw the mandates.

I in particular dislike the fact that the unmasked were not afforded anything except to mask or be threatened and told to leave. A business was forced to close. A business was forced to have mask restrictions. This is America and these exact things have been fought over time and time again. A masked person's rights as a citizen does not trump the rights for ppl as non masked citizens. What was done in the scamdemic was pathetic for a planned and acted upon exercise by our govt. Our govt has always responded and reacted the same way for time and time again knee jerk reaction. Of course we also seen how ppl in other countries were brutalized for not complying. If police show up maim and murder non mask wearing ppl what has happened? BLM riots were going on ppl were not wearing mask so why didn't Trump declare martial law or read them the riot act aka Insurrection Act where he tells them to go home as requirement then turns military lose? Under martial law the constitution is suspended so probably not a good thing. Look at all the civil rights violation from hurricane Katrinia with gun confiscations and forcing ppl from their homes afterwords. Again not a good planned response from the displayed brutality of our govt. .

Control Group could mean several things. We were tested and found to comply. Ppl were controlled and forced intimidated to comply same as extortion used to take the vaccine. Give up a vested career or take the vaccine. Basic category as Extortion. Bank robber says give me the money or else.... $5 trillion dollars stolen and wasted. Gone. Our decaying infrastructure and future is even more uncertain now then ever. The uThe massive inflation is obvious to everyone except most extreme deniers By surface observation some countries that are looked down on such as china have newer nicer setup then here. Hmmmm many years ago it was decided to raise the levels up for the entire World and I digress to say never happened we just lowered our own standards.... and are in a constant decline now.

was covid profitable.... yes it was in more ways then one. Start looking at it as a monetary gain aka FOLLOW THE MONEY you will most likely find a group of very elite money grabbing criminals.
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Control Group could mean several things. We were tested and found to comply. Ppl were controlled and forced intimidated to comply same as extortion used to take the vaccine. Give up a vested career or take the vaccine. Basic category as Extortion.
My use of the "control group" is in relation to studies that need to be done .... to determine the effectiveness of the vaccines or get to the bottom of vaccine injuries .... an unvaccinated control group is necessary for comparison.
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Even Bill sees the handwriting on the wall.


and then he goes out and says this.


He isn't admitting to the vaccine injury part of the equation .... probably because he has too great a liability.
This goes in the category of .... take your money and run.
Even Bill sees the handwriting on the wall.

View attachment 131759

and then he goes out and says this.

View attachment 131762

He isn't admitting to the vaccine injury part of the equation .... probably because he has too great a liability.
This goes in the category of .... take your money and run.
It is mucho bigger then just Gates. Everyone always has to have a front man aka visible boogie man... .... I'd like to see the tax returns of everyone in Washington to see who made money as a starter from Covid then look who lobbied them. Especially interested to see the insider trading rewards Both sides - Ppl in Washington have gotten away with this for decades- centuries - maybe the beginning.
$5 trillion dollars went out to someone somewhere to which I'd bet some portion was invested, illegal-embezzled, and or out right stolen. I'd bet Pfizer as one major big pharma and other big pharma got a lot of money. We can't sue them if ppl get sick and or die account of the EUA but we can get them for other things. Pfizer has already lost a $2 plus billion dollar law suit.

some ppl would say, " We can't complain about the $5 trillion dollars because Trump said to Nancy give the pee ons some money so they can be implicated accessories in the biggest crime ever recorded..... Scamdemic." I got my checks and cashed them... did you after all a portion of it will come out of my pocket at 10x pay back?

diy solar

diy solar