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diy solar

Do We Need a Control Group?

I think ppl should be allowed to hear from both sides. It is called an informed decision.
You can not base an informed decission on misinformation.

It is a REQUIREMENT for a doctor or person doing injection to inform ppl about side effects and dangers. That has not been happening. Ppl have FEARS AND REGRETS but are STUCK WITH IT.
They usually list the more common side effects on the consent form, don't they do that over there?

No law suits against the Big Pharms either - in USA.
You guys are nuts with your lawsuits. I have no love for big pharma, but fixing that problem requires some serious overhaul of laws and regulations, those are just not going to happen any time soon.

A quick google search shows that in the US it is/was the right wing who tried to prevent/reduce law suits.

Like stated before Fauci turned mask on and off several times.
Fauci tried to accommodate the politicians in his recommendations, which is why I do not follow politicians.

In fairness to those politicians, until the free market increased production, masks were just not available in the quantaties that were needed.

American mask manufacturers are now up set that low cost chinese and such mask makers have under cut their prices .... most American mask companies have laid ppl off or gone all way under according to reports. In USA ppl are not living stacked on top of one another.
Are you suggesting that American workers should be even poorer and live and work more like the Chinese and Indian workers? Maybe the workers there should unionize so they can demand better wages and working conditions?

The free market can't fix that, it is a race to the bottom.
You can not base an informed decission on misinformation.

They usually list the more common side effects on the consent form, don't they do that over there?

You guys are nuts with your lawsuits. I have no love for big pharma, but fixing that problem requires some serious overhaul of laws and regulations, those are just not going to happen any time soon.

A quick google search shows that in the US it is/was the right wing who tried to prevent/reduce law suits.

Fauci tried to accommodate the politicians in his recommendations, which is why I do not follow politicians.

In fairness to those politicians, until the free market increased production, masks were just not available in the quantaties that were needed.

Are you suggesting that American workers should be even poorer and live and work more like the Chinese and Indian workers? Maybe the workers there should unionize so they can demand better wages and working conditions?

The free market can't fix that, it is a race to the bottom.
you have added nothing to my knowledge base. ?
The race to the bottom was determined when it was decided to raise the world to higher standards.... simple solution lower the top performers and more ppl are miserable.but everyone is now closer to the same.
I didn't expect to ;)

I thought you would like that.
Being middle of the road means both sides try to run me over sometimes. ? Do you know why? I think most ppl are tribal.... and if you are not this way then you must absolutely be the other way. Hahaha that is a laugh out loud. It actually humors me that ppl act and think that way.

Imagine if everyone for whatever the reason jumped into the middle instead of one side or the other? There would be a major force - shake up to change things. Unfortunately it might get worse before it can get better like the saying "have to break some eggs to get an omelet".
You can not base an informed decission on misinformation.

Fauci tried to accommodate the politicians in his recommendations, which is why I do not follow politicians.

In fairness to those politicians, until the free market increased production, masks were just not available in the quantaties that were needed.
Like stated before Fauci turned mask on and off several times.

And there was the deliberate misinformation.

Same from WHO, when they stated no indication of airborne transmission, even though the evidence was already out there.

Researchers must be honest to maintain credibility with the public. It is important not to represent current opinion as fact, manipulate data, or attempt to modify behaviors by being untruthful. Once any of that becomes suspect the public trust evaporates.

And so here we are.
I thought you would like that.
Being middle of the road means both sides try to run me over sometimes. ? Do you know why? I think most ppl are tribal.... and if you are not this way then you must absolutely be the other way. Hahaha that is a laugh out loud. It actually humors me that ppl act and think that way.

Imagine if everyone for whatever the reason jumped into the middle instead of one side or the other? There would be a major force - shake up to change things. Unfortunately it might get worse before it can get better like the saying "have to break some eggs to get an omelet".
I think most people in the world would love to raise their families in a certain level of comfort, take pride in their jobs, discover the beauty this world has to offer and enjoy life in moderation (with the occasional excess)

The tribal part quickly fades when you travel around the world and see that there is not that much difference as we are led to believe. It did for me anyway. We are told to be scared, the best example to date I can come up with was in the middle ages when men were scared of witches so they burned women. Today we see that same fear with the vaccine, people here have even suggested "Nuremberg trials" for people promoting life saving vaccines.

I think that only a small percentage of the people are "tribal", they are loud though...
Anyone in Las Vegas taking bets on how this Jordan Walker from Pfizer will suicide himself yet. Will it be a 30 round magazine from an ar-15 to the back of the head for this self inflicted wounds and suicide?

Project Veritas will no doubt be blamed in this hate crime death suicide
Still looking for confirmation he is really the person claimed.
He could have created a fake profile, even assumed a name, for "personal" purposes.
(Or, he could be who his profile claimed. And maybe was hired by Pfizer for their own purposes.)
Only a couple snapshots of web info taken before things were erased. And claims that what was taken down had just recently been created.
Still looking for confirmation he is really the person claimed.
He could have created a fake profile, even assumed a name, for "personal" purposes.
(Or, he could be who his profile claimed. And maybe was hired by Pfizer for their own purposes.)
Only a couple snapshots of web info taken before things were erased. And claims that what was taken down had just recently been created.

Pflizer put out a letter denying what was stated more or less. Why didn't they put out a letter denying, Jordan Walker specifically
What ever happened to Vanessa Gelman senior world wide director for Pfizer after project vertias exposed an email she had sent out To Pfizer employees?

Is it safe to say Project Veritas has a woody for Pfizer Maybe they took a Pfizer Blue Pill. Look at the butt on that sow...a normal woman's panties on her would be like a french cut or a g many blue pills would a person need to take....imagine how hot and sweaty she got from that short run.... panties would be all wet. ??
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Pflizer put out a letter denying what was stated more or less. Why didn't they put out a letter denying, Jordan Walker specifically

Yeah .... they wouldn't even have needed to include all the other double speak.... all they would have needed to say is ..... this guy is not and never was employed by Pfizer ... end of story

The original video already has 27 million views on Twitter alone ... but in spite of that, is pretty much being ignored by the media. The timing for the release of the traffic stop beating is a little suspect ..... but that's a big rabbit hole.
I think Tucker Carlson is the only one to do a full segment on it .... Forbes did an article, but as you would expect concentrated on trying to throw doubt on the story ... and didn't do a very good job of it.
Still looking for confirmation he is really the person claimed.
He could have created a fake profile, even assumed a name, for "personal" purposes.
(Or, he could be who his profile claimed. And maybe was hired by Pfizer for their own purposes.)
Only a couple snapshots of web info taken before things were erased. And claims that what was taken down had just recently been created.
One of the most amazing things about this is how quickly he has been erased online .... even from the wayback machine.
There had to be some kind of high level intervention to get that done.
Yeah .... they wouldn't even have needed to include all the other double speak.... all they would have needed to say is ..... this guy is not and never was employed by Pfizer ... end of story

The original video already has 27 million views on Twitter alone ... but in spite of that, is pretty much being ignored by the media. The timing for the release of the traffic stop beating is a little suspect ..... but that's a big rabbit hole.
I think Tucker Carlson is the only one to do a full segment on it .... Forbes did an article, but as you would expect concentrated on trying to throw doubt on the story ... and didn't do a very good job of it.
Pfizer butters their bread with commercial monies. The real truth is Pfizer butters their bread with Tax Payer monies gathered from the Covid Vaccines. The Tax Payers it seem have had a case of Fraud played out on them according to the things mentioned by, Jordan Walker and Vanessa Gelman. Hmmmmmm.... Pfizer lost a multi-billion dollar settlement in court before covid. They are known liars and cheats so ppl in our govt are guilty too. The Tax payers did not pick Pfizer..... the Govt did for Vaccine purchases with EUA.
If they KNOWINGLY did something wrong then no EUA agreements will protect them
Pfizer butters their bread with commercial monies. The real truth is Pfizer butters their bread with Tax Payer monies gathered from the Covid Vaccines. The Tax Payers it seem have had a case of Fraud played out on them according to the things mentioned by, Jordan Walker and Vanessa Gelman. Hmmmmmm.... Pfizer lost a multi-billion dollar settlement in court before covid. They are known liars and cheats so ppl in our govt are guilty too. The Tax payers did not pick Pfizer..... the Govt did for Vaccine purchases with EUA.
If they KNOWINGLY did something wrong then no EUA agreements will protect them

I think it's true that media outlets don't want to risk loosing their Pfizer money .... but also think there is more to it than that.
We could have an entire thread about the amazing co-ordination of news stories .... right down to the exact same phrases being used.
I think it's true that media outlets don't want to risk loosing their Pfizer money .... but also think there is more to it than that.
We could have an entire thread about the amazing co-ordination of news stories .... right down to the exact same phrases being used.
I am aware. The CFR is real. I look at both sides of most issues and lean whichever way feel is right or left for the truth. That drives some ppl crazy.... even to the point they have accused me of being someone else as recently as an individual on these forums..... called bradbill. He is such a brown noser



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I am aware. I look at both sides of most issues and lean whichever way feel is right or left for the truth. That drives some ppl crazy
I do the same .... I follow a wide range of news outlets so I can be informed enough to decide for myself what to think ..... most of the time, I am not impressed with what comes from "mainstream" media.
Watching a wide range of opinions is good protection against gaslighting .... good article here about that .....

Many of these news outlets have such low viewership that sponsors like Pfizer are a HUGE chunk of their revenue. Many are almost at the point of collapse and loosing that revenue would put them over the edge.
For anyone who doesn't believe how relentless the pursuit of censorship is .... Read this one online Dr's story. It's amazing how fervently they tried to shut down even information about the benefits of optimizing Vitamin D levels.

I think this article will only be available for 48 hours .... it is one of the strategies he had to employ to fight the pressure. If you want to save it for later study, just print it to a PDF file.
For anyone who doesn't believe how relentless the pursuit of censorship is .... Read this one online Dr's story. It's amazing how fervently they tried to shut down even information about the benefits of optimizing Vitamin D levels.

I think this article will only be available for 48 hours .... it is one of the strategies he had to employ to fight the pressure. If you want to save it for later study, just print it to a PDF file.
Vitamins are known by all diet, medical, and other health professionals probably since doctors began. Moderation is key. Over doing it can result in a bad sunburn for one version of vitamin D. Vitamin D is a gift from the Solar God. ??? Other vitamins when taken in moderation are also healthy but all need to be checked for interaction with each individual and again moderation. Some vitamins are counter productive with medications for instance vitamin B12.
Several doctors in the past have told me to take Vitamin D supplements for joint inflammation. MODERATION when ppl locked down were not getting sun shine - no vitamin d
Read the interactions.

I don't believe there is a shoe horn fix all. Why AIDS has been so difficult. Did you know medical professionals was even checking for how Covid effect different blood types ?

imagine how they arrived at this one to fight scurvy... name labelling too

Have to wonder why are some ppl on here so against open discussions like this? Ever notice how they troll with nothing to really add? Bradbill and Murphy types are always on various forums. I guess they oppose REAL SCIENCE
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Still looking for confirmation he is really the person claimed.
He could have created a fake profile, even assumed a name, for "personal" purposes.
(Or, he could be who his profile claimed. And maybe was hired by Pfizer for their own purposes.)
Only a couple snapshots of web info taken before things were erased. And claims that what was taken down had just recently been created.
There's a deep dive into what can be found about the guy over here ..... Seems like he started out as a urologist.
So, it seems that elements of the UK military were involved in monitoring and censoring British citizens similar to what the FBI was doing in the US.
Oh, and if you still don't believe the FBI was heavily engaged in censoring citizens ... look at the Twitter files.
How did these entities decide that this was OK?

There's a deep dive into what can be found about the guy over here ..... Seems like he started out as a urologist.
Want to see a deep dive into Big Pharma Couple murdered, existing CEO of that same Big Pharma resigning and retiring then that big Pharma giving the doses of anti-malaria medication for the testing trials conducted for Covid-19. Far fetched placements and actions? From what understand the Big Pharma couple were brutally murdered and it has never been solved. Just coincidence far fetched placements and replacements? Hmmmm
the murdered Big Pharma couple and ceo resigns

the test batch of anti-malaria and showed effective in testing.

"An early study in France found that three-quarters of a group of 24 patients diagnosed with the virus saw their symptoms disappear after they were given a dose of hydroxychloroquine. While further research is being done, other pharmaceutical companies such as Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. and Sanofi SA are providing millions of doses of hydroxychloroquine to doctors to help combat the spread of COVID-19, despite it not having been approved for treatment. "

Teva as mention in last links

The Apotex couple's estate records are ordered unsealed so ppl can look for the murderers.

Apotex sold

"Apotex who bought it and who was involved?
Closing of the transaction is subject to the satisfaction of customary regulatory conditions.
Lead arrangers RBC Capital Markets, The Bank of Nova Scotia, HSBC and Truist Securities are providing committed financing in support of the transaction. RBC Capital Markets, Scotiabank, Jefferies LLC and Deutsche Bank Securities Inc. served as financial advisors to SK Capital and Kirkland & Ellis and McMillan LLP served as legal counsel.
Rothschild & Co served as financial advisor to Apotex and Davies Ward Phillips & Vineberg served as legal counsel."

SKDK is tied to the democratic party and heavily promotes Pfizer on the Internet and social media

$35 million dollar reward for leads to conviction

solving crimes is difficult when criminals investigate them.
Also yes with ~$5trillion dollars at stakes these companies aka thieves can afford to do a lot of things on ALL PLATFORMS - forums and such. Conspiracy?

So now is there any wonder why the murderers were not caught?
Just CONSPIRACY. Most ppl's head will spin if they can ever put this together. Hahaha bart simpson laugh flim flam
maybe ppl will really look at everything. Probably not.



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Oh, and if you still don't believe the FBI was heavily engaged in censoring citizens ... look at the Twitter files.
LOL...Twitter files? You mean the twitter files that no news agency is allowed to get their hands on? Those Twitter files?

Bobby Bullshit strikes again!
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That drives some ppl crazy.... even to the point they have accused me of being someone else as recently as an individual on these forums..... called bradbill. He is such a brown noser
LOL...I am in your head loser!
Back to the Pfizer Exec video for a second ..... with Twitter now resisting censorship ... I think Facebook is going to regret these kind of actions.
I'm almost curious enough to to see what will happen if I post the video over there .... but I have committed to keeping my posts over there uncontroversial .... just keep up with what's going on with family that is scattered.



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diy solar