diy solar

diy solar

Do We Need a Control Group?

The Left by posting all their videos actually and completely cleared Kyle Rittenhouse of all charges..... video after video but yet almost every News Media Agency in the USA tied to the Council Foreign Relations aka CFR repeated the same lie. Over and over lie after lie. Kyle rittenhouse shot and killed 2 antifa and winged a 3rd in SELF DEFENSE. All 3 shot were white and all criminals at a black supposed riot for blm. 1 of the dead even filmed begging for someone to shoot him. THEY DID .... RITTENHOUSE POPPED THAT CHILD MOLESTER for chasing him and trying to take his weapon. Case closed self defense... ruled over done. Justice and the law served
Again That WHITE SHORT MIDGET CHILD MOLESTER dumb ass got what he wanted. Again all white and all criminals. I hope Rittenhouse wins all of his lawsuits ACCOUNT: Every news agency in the country under the CFR needs to be sued over their coverage of him.

Next up slandered and has won several of his law suits paving way for Rittenhouse

CNN settles Nick Sandmann defamation lawsuit in Covington Catholic High School controversy​

So this guy, Nick Sandman has been winning law suit after law suit and settlement after settlement. Fantastic for him yet there are ppl that still believe majority of what is on the tv that was presented when it happened. If you say the majority of news in USA is not slanted to the left then you are an idiot. It is 100% obvious.. the old days of 20/20 and 60 minutes are gone. CNN has even been remarked as going down the toilet by former owner, Ted Turner who was swindled out of billions of dollars by Warner AT&T aka and also former AOL.

Remember this lie from the Gulf War by CNN the good footage of them faking it also showed them smoking dope and snorting cocaine on the movie set in Atlanta vs really being over seas in the thick of it. That cocaine dope smoking video will surface from time to time but still gets taken down immediately as fake news which is no lie it was fake news but the acts filmed were criminal in down town Atlanta.

watch the body bag wiggle for ukraine - interesting story

now imagine cnn fact checking someone else for accuracy in the reporting of news

Fox Ticker licker is the reported highest paid INFO person in the USA.... he would blow you on stage for his next pay raise.

So name 1 news agency that has not lied or had problems. The main stream media in the USA is a constant.lie and the most damning part is when they word for word it from one agency to the next for a locked fix. We lost our news media after they honestly reported things for instance Joe Biden's presidential run in 1987. I watched this crap when it aired the first time. The news media got it wrong though as stated Joe Biden was done aka political career was over.

Seems the Teva pharmaceutical company in Israel may surpass Pfizer for largest law suit.

Teva proposes settlement in US opioid lawsuits Israeli pharmaceutical company announces $4.35 billion settlement that could resolve thousands of lawsuits over its alleged role in US opioid epidemic.​

Hmmm Pfizer is off the hook for their $2 billion dollar law suit. Almost like what the Rothschild of the East did to the Chinese in the 1800's.

I found the stories odd that Israeli diplomats to USA had their pfizer shots Shipped from Israel or returned Israel to get them. Were they kosher shots? Why not go into a USA based place and just get 1?

The ppl on the Right use to wait until things played out to see the truth. They are tired of waiting account before the actual truth like Hunter Biden's laptop comes out they have been pushed to the next great spread of bs. Certainly no Russian Collusion for Trump proven Entrapment and convictions were none the less pressed. Bend break all rules.... seems to still be 1 side or the other tolerant. Ppl really should try to view ALL of it from the middle

Leo are you worried that it might be proven you were duped into taking a covid vaccine?

How would you feel if you made a mistake with your covid vaccine decision based on lies?

If a person wanted to unvaccinate for the covid shot how would they do it?

Do you see why Americans don't trust their news agencies?


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Leo are you worried that it might be proven you were duped into taking a covid vaccine?
Not at all. We learn through mistakes, sometimes the mistakes of others, sometimes we have to make the mistakes ourselves.

Now there was a pandemic killing thousands of people around the world on a daily basis and during that time the vaccines were tested, deemed safe and found to be effective by multiple agencies around the world. Given those facts, it would be foolish not to take the vaccine, then again the world will never run out of fools.


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Not at all. We learn through mistakes, sometimes the mistakes of others, sometimes we have to make the mistakes ourselves.

Now there was a pandemic killing thousands of people around the world on a daily basis and during that time the vaccines were tested, deemed safe and found to be effective by multiple agencies around the world. Given those facts, it would be foolish not to take the vaccine, then again the world will never run out of fools.
Interesting picture meme you have About Flying. Depends on the weather. Navigation - autopilot was around before America's 9-11 attack. Terrorist maybe only stuck a cd-rom into airplane flight computer then were along for the ride like everyone else. Imagine the terrorist surprise as the planes flew themselves into the targets. I had an A&P license worked on aircraft but sent my license back when stopped working in that field as it is an FAA requirement. Did you know airplanes don't need a pilot but because of FAA rules the pilot has to be in control within 100 ft of landing take off. The computer can actually fly better then the pilots and react quicker. But there is that faa ruling.... pushed by the pilots union to maintain job security. Hahah bart simpson laugh unions.... self serving non protecting vaccine pushing. Most high rank union officers would honk a bobo for free or at least run through walmart parking lot to find a trailer hitch ball to sit on

Funny but ppl from Israel were there to film it. How did they know. How did building 7 fall just like twin towers when no plane had hit it. Just things to make a person say hmmmm..... and question everything.

9-11 Dancing israeli interviewed.

Best controlled take downs ever and until covid best lie ever.

9-10 rut ro cover the money .... retract bush saying "follow the money". Never happened for follow the trillions lost. Again Trillions of dollars missing day before 9-11. We never really followed the Stock Market GAINES either. Bush said Follow the money. Transparency where? Need to maintain secrecy and create CONSPIRACY. PPL THAT HAVE HAD A SECRET CLEARANCE KNOW THIS.

The free range idiots in the free world will parrot what they hear on tv If it tickles the sediment between their ears.... BOTH SIDES. It was fun to know what really happened in some cases then watch the dictated news aka propaganda reports. Some military actions involve showing up with brief cases of money and telling the ppl causing problems to knock it off.
Then there are stories of war heros like Tillman and Jessica Lynch both found - given truth after lies were cast. PFC Jessica Lynch spoke her own truth regardless of what the official story had stated. She was initially reprimanded for it. Tillman was of course dead from friendly fire. Hmmm people really don't know what they think they know MOST OF THE TIME..... Both Sides.

Trump even told his lies about 9-11

funny part a news agency had recycled an event of arabs celebrating from a previous event and shown it as a 9-11 post celebration.

Some people just lie, Leo. Some ppl on forums do it daily and are paid as those jobs began after 9-11 in earnest. Information disinformation. We in the middle are left to sort through all of it Ppl on one side or the other have and will always be noted as just followers. Not thinkers. They will gobble goo whatever their side states as if it were a religious gospel


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Some people just lie, Leo. Some ppl on forums do it daily and are paid as those jobs began after 9-11 in earnest. Information disinformation. We in the middle are left to sort through all of it Ppl on one side or the other have and will always be noted as just followers. Not thinkers. They will gobble goo whatever their side states as if it were a religious gospel
It is not a left wing, right wig issue, the issue is if you trust the experts in their field.

When it comes to solar and batteries, I would never have started if I had not found Will's video's and this forum. Some people clearly have an idea what they are doing, while others, including myself, are just tinkering. The difference is that covid has killed millions of people and will kill millions more, we really need to listen to the experts who give us advise. Taking advise from the "Bob's, who might be well meaning but have nevertheless no expertise on the subject, would be foolish. The likelihood that Bob is right and all those experts wrong, is very unlikely.

A left/right wing issue is how are you organizing society in a way that works. For example should a life saving medication/vaccine be free or not. A libertarian/authoritarian issue would be if people should be forced to take the medication/vaccine, or be forced to stay home when they have a communicable illness. Suggesting that the left is authoritarian is nonsense, as there are plenty of extreme right authoritarian figures who have been in power, just like there have been plenty of authoritarian left wing figures in power.

As for the dancing Israelis and other conspiracy theories around 9/11 I doubt any government agency was behind it, least of all the Israelis.

False flag operations have happened in the past and will be discussed and possibly even acted upon in the future. The Boston tea party, Operation Northwoods, or more recently Ivan Harrison Hunter are some US examples.
There is no problem for which a well thought out solution can't be developed.

There is no problem for which a well thought out solution can't be developed.

Soylent Green? You name it .... someone's into it now days.
There is no problem for which a well thought out solution can't be developed.

You do realize that when you post that kind of stuff, there are a whole lot of people who will see it and believe it.. and these are generally the types of folks who already have problems with one mental health issue or another..

I'm just saying..
Well, why do you think I do it? :ROFLMAO:

I've already signed up as a donor. It is laminated into my driver's license.
(I think the system should be changed from "opt in" to "opt out"; with the stroke of a pen the shortage would go away.)
There is no problem for which a well thought out solution can't be developed.
How would you propose to deal with conspiracy theories in a way that allows for free thought, speech and inovation, takes into account human "imperfections" like a tendency to make up unsupported explanations for the (currently) unknown.
Not at all. We learn through mistakes, sometimes the mistakes of others, sometimes we have to make the mistakes ourselves.

Your aviation weather example is a good one if you want to support the folly of blindly following "experts" who may turn out to be anything but.

There are many examples of weather related aviation accidents involving the airlines, and in the early days of on-board weather radar many of them were caused by misinterpretation of the radar image and lack of knowledge on the proper use of the device. One that comes to mind is a DC-9 flying in weather over Georgia in the 1970s. The pilots misinterpreted the radar information and flew into the worst part of a line of cells. Both engines were destroyed after ingesting hail and the resulting crash killed 72 people.

There are many other examples involving misinterpretation of on-board weather radar. Eventually a man named Archie Trammell created a course specifically to address the problem and the airlines sent their pilots to him for training.

I am familiar with all of this because I have been flying for 40+ years and flew a company airplane on business trips for 25 of those years, and since we had on-board weather radar I took his course, as did many other corporate aviation pilots.

You might think the above is ridiculous. How could anyone misinterpret the radar display? Suffice it to say that you would make the same mistake if you didn't understand the limitations of the devices at the time these accidents were occurring, and how to use them properly understanding those limitations.

I submit that the same is true for a rapidly evolving situation; that there are no experts in the early stages and it is easy to have an opinion that will later to be found to be completely wrong.

"Safe" is an interesting word because risk is a very personal thing. Everything in life carries some level of risk, so when you say something is safe what you mean is that you deem the associated risk as acceptable... to you. Someone else may feel that same risk is not acceptable and therefore not safe, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Nobody needs your help deciding who to listen to and who to disregard, so you and others here who think they need to save the world can give it a rest.
How would you propose to deal with conspiracy theories in a way that allows for free thought, speech and inovation, takes into account human "imperfections" like a tendency to make up unsupported explanations for the (currently) unknown.
Sometimes it is best to just let Darwin be Darwin.
Your aviation weather example is a good one if you want to support the folly of blindly following "experts" who may turn out to be anything but.
Call me crazy, but I still trust the manufacturers, the regulators, the maintenance crew and pilots over untrained people.
Sometimes it is best to just let Darwin be Darwin.
I have no problem with informed consent, in fact I encourage it. I have a problem with deliberate misinformation and I loath idiots who threaten to executing experts for the crime of giving life saving advise.
I have no problem with informed consent, in fact I encourage it. I have a problem with deliberate misinformation and I loath idiots who threaten to executing experts for the crime of giving life saving advise.
The problem is that you have to have a line that differentiates between the two, and for many things, that's just not possible without squashing free speech and/or a dictatorship system.

It also doesn't help when government information, or information provided by "experts and science", can sometimes be tainted by corporate greed without consequence or justice for those affected.

For example, here in the USA, back in the 60's(?), they did a study on dietary fat. The sugar industry paid Harvard scientists to create study results that made sugar look good and dietary fat look bad. No one is in prison and the sugar industry made billions upon billions. We had decades of grocery store products advertised as "low fat" or "no fat", and they fix these products by adding sugar to stop them from tasting like cardboard.

The government jumped on the bandwagon and set policy for decades based on this fraudulent science and the damage has been unprecedented. In fact, I would wager a bet that this one Harvard report has reduced the lifetime of our population more than all the wars, cancers, and fatal accidents combined.

When someone lies to you, you stop trusting them. Even I have been affected by that scandal. My declining health is the result of my parents heading the nationally endorsed dietary fat advice and replacing those foods with dietary sugar when I was a child. I no longer eat sugar, but the damage has already been done.

So while I think some people are stupid morons for following certain advice that goes against what the government or other medical experts say, I do understand why they are hesitant.

Sugar causes clogged arteries.. my father died at 53 because of it.. because of the sugar. I had a heart attack (exact clogged artery as my father) at just 40 years old, and I wasn't some 400lb blob. I had another heart attack 5 years later when that same artery clogged up again. And here my "doctor" was telling me to reduce my fat intake and eat foods low in cholesterol.. This was 2007 and 2012.. MY DOCTOR telling me that eating the fatty foods was the problem. My "cardiovascular surgeon" and family doctor giving me the same advice.

Then I got to work.. over two years of study and experimentation on myself. Change my diet, get a blood test, see results.. change diet again, get blood test, see results.. all the while checking my own blood pressure and doing cholesterol tests at home.

Today, I do the exact opposite of what both those doctors recommend. I eat 30 to 40 eggs a week, all the beef I want, mayo and real butter on everything, etc. I avoid any food with added sugar.

My cholesterol is so low I was able to get off the statin meds, my blood pressure is at normal levels, and I haven't had a cardiac event since.

The government(s) are controlled by corporations and corporations are in business to make money, not to keep you healthy or safe.

These people who refuse to listen to the "experts" might be misguided, but they do sometimes have merit..
Your aviation weather example is a good one if you want to support the folly of blindly following "experts" who may turn out to be anything but.

There are many examples of weather related aviation accidents involving the airlines, and in the early days of on-board weather radar many of them were caused by misinterpretation of the radar image and lack of knowledge on the proper use of the device. One that comes to mind is a DC-9 flying in weather over Georgia in the 1970s. The pilots misinterpreted the radar information and flew into the worst part of a line of cells. Both engines were destroyed after ingesting hail and the resulting crash killed 72 people.

There are many other examples involving misinterpretation of on-board weather radar. Eventually a man named Archie Trammell created a course specifically to address the problem and the airlines sent their pilots to him for training.

I am familiar with all of this because I have been flying for 40+ years and flew a company airplane on business trips for 25 of those years, and since we had on-board weather radar I took his course, as did many other corporate aviation pilots.

You might think the above is ridiculous. How could anyone misinterpret the radar display? Suffice it to say that you would make the same mistake if you didn't understand the limitations of the devices at the time these accidents were occurring, and how to use them properly understanding those limitations.

I submit that the same is true for a rapidly evolving situation; that there are no experts in the early stages and it is easy to have an opinion that will later to be found to be completely wrong.

"Safe" is an interesting word because risk is a very personal thing. Everything in life carries some level of risk, so when you say something is safe what you mean is that you deem the associated risk as acceptable... to you. Someone else may feel that same risk is not acceptable and therefore not safe, and there is nothing wrong with that.

Nobody needs your help deciding who to listen to and who to disregard, so you and others here who think they need to save the world can give it a rest.
this is a multi post so bow out or add to at anytime.

thanks for your post .... but be careful because ppl are not allowed to have a difference of opinion with some of the ppl on this particular forum. Not allowed. I have read and watched them for over a year. They want to be the kings or queens which ever they see themselves for their controlled right think or wrong think. Couple of them are almost always posting hand in hand just as they do a reach around. You can look at their past post. Obvious. Hahaha

Again I have been reading and sometimes watching this forum in particular for over a year. Never posted . Some ppl here in this particular forum in this post never really post in other forums and if they do will immediately jump to knocking ppl In an organized troll march sometimes 2x2 formation spouting their qualifications with no presented credentials except their word.

But yet you should believe them. Hahahaha Hmmmm i find it funny for their reactions. Have I trolled them - YES. Did they deserve it and more - YES. SEVERAL OF THE VIDEO LINKS on the 26th page of this post debunks things. The video links show how someone went through a great deal of effort to make them to create conspiracy as is shown in this exact example from a previous post. The video in this link was about climate change but altered by someone to represent Ukraine. The Real Trolls that made this garbage are not being called on their bs and never will because they are long gone. Damage done. There are other videos like this.

you might for once want to watch this video as previously posted to. Might not be what you think.jumping to conclusions means you are stupid.

None of you on either side caught it because you immediately jumped to conspiracy theorist Or acceptance as fact. There are other links too. So while you get mad at ppl for posting this stuff on here why not get mad at the ppl that created the content?
Several of you that are very opinated claim to be well educated. Haha okay.
If that is so then must repeat the old saying, "Educated Idiots."
Simple show me, your degree or you are a bs'er con man porn movie fluffer on stand by.

These forums have ppl on them from all walks of life and levels of experience.
Some of them maybe transgender some might not. I really don't care. I don't have a problem with ppl that let me be me For my decision or their decisions.
When see ppl that have mental problems acting or thinking they are a licensed medical examiner it is absurd. Besides most ppl that have actually went to college seen the booger eating spaz taking mental health study classes in college with goal of trying to fix or analyze themselves and before done had earned a degree with all the classes and hours invested. Hello Doctor Crazy.
So if you don't like me or my post you can go wear each other's "a hole" like a cock ring. Hahaha this forum is not your bridge to troll
Although the owner has given you free run of the place for several years. just as he has everyone to include me.

I didn't start posting here because needed anything. I am capable of solving my own problems. NONE OF YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO OFFER ME Other then a moment of entertainment. On this forum Some ppl really want to force others to do as they say and command however hold back because would get their ass beat if tried it out right in real world. So they come here to vent, attack, and present. Hahahahah serious so their reason would maybe be they have probably swallowed a lot of bad shit. I posted here just to F k with them. Entertainment value only. Hahaha that is why I laugh. Again show your degrees show your business show something to prove you are who you say.. patents from 2014 or something. I will show nothing because am just trolling. When was a child would tie a hotdog on a string and drag it around cats would chase it to eat. On here have found same to work . Hahaha This forum is merely a waste waste of time and if it disappeared so would we. Bahahaha

In law enforcement they might often know about a potential crime but can't do anything until someone actually breaks a law. Then the police fbi or whatever also decide is it worth busting them over the minor infraction or should they wait until the big plot happens?
Or in some cases use an informant to get it going full blown such as the well documented cases of Randy Weaver. somewhat similar for that with female Governor Whitmer kidnap plot.
Neither of those ended the way the govt wanted .... again well documented. If the Govt had not hatched and enticed aka entrapped them then question remains would it ever have went as far? The reality is no one knows.

Answering a question Leo asked. The Israeli most likely knew the 9-11 attack was going to take place. They have excellent intelligence agency just as we do. Again as stated you can't arrest and charge ppl for crimes they have not committed yet. By same token our agencies can't entrap or be a part of the commission of a criminal act and be left blameless. We have laws against things like that. So conspiracy grows if when find govt involvements. I have no doubt Israeli were there to film it. I read one report where Israeli had warned out govt of 9-11

I called Murphy an antisemite in an earlier post just to troll him. Hahaha sorry. Hahaha Murphy gave the hitler post and how using it killed conversations. But really Murphy understands that as truth or that is what I took from it. The same is state for Conspiracy Theorist wording.
I think Murphy posted a heart felt post above this one.

Well, the media and SOME scientists seem to waking up to the fact we were lied to on a regular basis all the way thru the pandemic ... and they called it science when it was actually how to ignore science.

A couple of recent Newsweek articles:

Here's a snippet from that article.


And another one ....

A snippet from that one.
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The problem is that you have to have a line that differentiates between the two, and for many things, that's just not possible without squashing free speech and/or a dictatorship system.
How free should free speech be is an age old question, I happen to believe in total free speech, providing it doesn't promote violence and while I do understand the other side, I disagree with them.

It also doesn't help when government information, or information provided by "experts and science", can sometimes be tainted by corporate greed without consequence or justice for those affected.
We have seen that with tobacco and global warming.

For example, here in the USA, back in the 60's(?), they did a study on dietary fat. The sugar industry paid Harvard scientists to create study results that made sugar look good and dietary fat look bad. No one is in prison and the sugar industry made billions upon billions. We had decades of grocery store products advertised as "low fat" or "no fat", and they fix these products by adding sugar to stop them from tasting like cardboard.
How do those people sleep at night?

The government jumped on the bandwagon and set policy for decades based on this fraudulent science and the damage has been unprecedented. In fact, I would wager a bet that this one Harvard report has reduced the lifetime of our population more than all the wars, cancers, and fatal accidents combined.

When someone lies to you, you stop trusting them. Even I have been affected by that scandal. My declining health is the result of my parents heading the nationally endorsed dietary fat advice and replacing those foods with dietary sugar when I was a child. I no longer eat sugar, but the damage has already been done.
I am sorry to see that.

So while I think some people are stupid morons for following certain advice that goes against what the government or other medical experts say, I do understand why they are hesitant.
I understand people being hesitant, it is a normal reaction. The reason the sugar over fat advise was found out is because of science, it is self correcting.

Sugar causes clogged arteries.. my father died at 53 because of it.. because of the sugar. I had a heart attack (exact clogged artery as my father) at just 40 years old, and I wasn't some 400lb blob. I had another heart attack 5 years later when that same artery clogged up again. And here my "doctor" was telling me to reduce my fat intake and eat foods low in cholesterol.. This was 2007 and 2012.. MY DOCTOR telling me that eating the fatty foods was the problem. My "cardiovascular surgeon" and family doctor giving me the same advice.

Then I got to work.. over two years of study and experimentation on myself. Change my diet, get a blood test, see results.. change diet again, get blood test, see results.. all the while checking my own blood pressure and doing cholesterol tests at home.

Today, I do the exact opposite of what both those doctors recommend. I eat 30 to 40 eggs a week, all the beef I want, mayo and real butter on everything, etc. I avoid any food with added sugar.

My cholesterol is so low I was able to get off the statin meds, my blood pressure is at normal levels, and I haven't had a cardiac event since.
I don't eat much sugar, never have, as a kid and young adult a candy or jam would hurt my mouth, today I mostly dislike the taste of sugar except for when it is in fruit, but I did/do have a (mild) cholesterol problem.

The government(s) are controlled by corporations and corporations are in business to make money, not to keep you healthy or safe.
That might be your biggest problem, universal health care is shown to be far more cost effective and has better outcomes. There is a joke here that the US will do the right thing only after it has exhausted all the alternatives.

These people who refuse to listen to the "experts" might be misguided, but they do sometimes have merit..
The problem with medicine is that it is difficult to figure out something what works in general and that is why they do statistics. Unlike ivermectin, the vaccines have been shown to work, but even they are not perfect. So like you, I can understand some hesitancy, but the hesitancy should fade pretty fast when you do some research. The problem I see is that the Bobs take it way too far.

Your experience with fat and sugar is interesting (even though my own experiences don't match yours) and I hope exerts will continue to look into those things, question their own and each-others findings. But it is a different thing for scientist to do continuing research than it is for lay people to keep telling people to take a medication where even the manufacturer says it doesn't work.
How do those people sleep at night?
Yeah, how do they sleep at night.. with such a large amount of cash in their pocket, I would think it would cause an uncomfortable lump.. Sleeping on lumps sucks.
That might be your biggest problem, universal health care is shown to be far more cost effective and has better outcomes. There is a joke here that the US will do the right thing only after it has exhausted all the alternatives.
Universal Health Care has its pros and cons like everything else. While there may certainly be some benefits, there are also problems that most Americans are not ready for yet.

Most conservatives are strongly against universal health care, but that's only because they've been told what to think as most of them are too ignorant to understand the important issues. And among those important issues is how it affects the pharmaceutical companies.

Once the government is the only customer, and unlike gov's purchasing of weapons to protect itself, the government has a lot of say in pricing. A sort of "reverse monopoly".. and monopolies, regardless of which direction they're pointing, are always bad.

So the gov chews down the price of a pharmaceutical drug, which then puts a damper on the motivation these pharm companies have to create better drugs.
Why spend billions in research if the gov won't agree to pay us for our investment gamble?

The problem with medicine is that it is difficult to figure out something what works in general and that is why they do statistics. Unlike ivermectin, the vaccines have been shown to work, but even they are not perfect. So like you, I can understand some hesitancy, but the hesitancy should fade pretty fast when you do some research. The problem I see is that the Bobs take it way too far.
When needing to decide something for almost any subject, there are only three options. 1) Educate yourself 2) Listen to the experts 3) Find out what works by watching others.

If you're trying to build a deck on your home, options 1 and 2 are generally good choices.
If you're trying to hard boil eggs, options 2 and 3 are generally best.

A problem occurs when option 1 isn't practical without a $100k investment and 10 years of study, option 2 results in conflicting information, and option 3 is basically on the same level as tarot cards and crystal balls.

What you're left with is a set of statistical probabilities. Which of those three is most likely to result in the correct answer?

Your experience with fat and sugar is interesting (even though my own experiences don't match yours) and I hope exerts will continue to look into those things, question their own and each-others findings. But it is a different thing for scientist to do continuing research than it is for lay people to keep telling people to take a medication where even the manufacturer says it doesn't work.
My experience with the fat and sugar will apply to about 90% of the population.. but for certain people, it won't apply. These types of people are the genetic type that can eat all day long and never gain a pound of weight, or those who are so ridiculously active that it also makes almost no difference. For the rest of us, sugar (fructose) is a poison.
So .... The Covid Bivalent vaccine has about a 30% effectiveness for a very short period of time ..... and has a growing list of VERY negative side effects.

It is now PROVEN that simply maintaining optimum vitamin D levels is 54% effective for preventing infection ... and is 72% effective at preventing ICU admission with Covid ... VERY safe and VERY effective ... VERY cheap .... but not recommended by the medical establishment.

Oh ... and optimized vitamin D levels is also good for a host of other things.

John Campbell lays it all out in this video with a little humor near the end of the video ... I won't spoil that.
Yeah, how do they sleep at night.. with such a large amount of cash in their pocket, I would think it would cause an uncomfortable lump.. Sleeping on lumps sucks.

Universal Health Care has its pros and cons like everything else. While there may certainly be some benefits, there are also problems that most Americans are not ready for yet.
It is more cost effective and it has better outcomes in general, perfection doesn't exist yet and it might never will.

Once the government is the only customer, and unlike gov's purchasing of weapons to protect itself, the government has a lot of say in pricing.
Which is why Bush prohibited medicare and or medicaid negotiating prices for pharmaceuticals.

A sort of "reverse monopoly".. and monopolies, regardless of which direction they're pointing, are always bad.
Would be better if all medical research were done in universities and the medication produced by companies who pay a small fee to the university that developed the medication.

So the gov chews down the price of a pharmaceutical drug, which then puts a damper on the motivation these pharm companies have to create better drugs.
Why spend billions in research if the gov won't agree to pay us for our investment gamble?
I suspect that most the money spend on marketing and research is spend on marketing, not research. There is no reason to lump those two unrelated costs together unless they were hiding something...

When needing to decide something for almost any subject, there are only three options. 1) Educate yourself 2) Listen to the experts 3) Find out what works by watching others.

If you're trying to build a deck on your home, options 1 and 2 are generally good choices.
If you look at the choices #1 is a combination of the other two. Best way is to listen and watch the experts, in the case of batteries, there are not many experts willing to disseminate the information, the closest we have are other hobbyists, some are reliable but as a newbie it is pretty daunting.

If you're trying to hard boil eggs, options 2 and 3 are generally best.
You are right eggs are cheap, with eggs you can do things like trial and error, even have a partial grown (duck) chick in the egg, which I am told is delicious, but I am too chicken to try.

A problem occurs when option 1 isn't practical without a $100k investment and 10 years of study, option 2 results in conflicting information, and option 3 is basically on the same level as tarot cards and crystal balls.

What you're left with is a set of statistical probabilities. Which of those three is most likely to result in the correct answer?
I am totally lost I am sorry to say.

My experience with the fat and sugar will apply to about 90% of the population.. but for certain people, it won't apply. These types of people are the genetic type that can eat all day long and never gain a pound of weight, or those who are so ridiculously active that it also makes almost no difference. For the rest of us, sugar (fructose) is a poison.
Medical research is hard because of our differences, the difference also means we have not been wiped out by a pandemic. Yet there is little added benefit when lay people start inserting their opinions, let the experts do their thing in peace. If you find something that works for you, let them know so they can do the testing. That is why Ivermectin was tested (so many times)
I suspect that most the money spend on marketing and research is spend on marketing, not research. There is no reason to lump those two unrelated costs together unless they were hiding something...
It is my understanding that almost all of the money a pharm spends in their business activities is on research. The cost of marketing, and even the cost of producing the drugs, is barely pocket change for them.

Did you know that pharms send out people to go cave diving and scuba diving? They scrape various fungus and bacterial cultures from the walls of the caves.. they'll take samples of dead animals, the feces of dead animals deep inside caves, and they search all these samples for new organisms not yet identified.

They have tens of thousands of samples in their labs.. and then each new bacteria or fungus that is discovered is then tested against thousands of other cultures in order to see if something new happens.

It can take them a decade of research to develop a single new drug, and then clinical trials can squash it like a bug. And this was information I read fifteen years ago and doesn't even include all the computer simulation guesswork to make drugs from scratch.

EDIT: The USA produces does as much research and produces as many drug discoveries as all the rest of the world combined. Why? =Profit.

Take that profit away by creating a monopoly buyer and say goodbye to the investment that produces all those wonderful discoveries.

I don't think universities have the resources to come even close to what the pharms do... but like I said, my understanding is over 15 years old now.

Perhaps its time I pick up some more recent books on the subject..
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diy solar