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diy solar

Do We Need a Control Group?

It is my understanding that almost all of the money a pharm spends in their business activities is on research. The cost of marketing, and even the cost of producing the drugs, is barely pocket change for them.

Did you know that pharms send out people to go cave diving and scuba diving? They scrape various fungus and bacterial cultures from the walls of the caves.. they'll take samples of dead animals, the feces of dead animals deep inside caves, and they search all these samples for new organisms not yet identified.

They have tens of thousands of samples in their labs.. and then each new bacteria or fungus that is discovered is then tested against thousands of other cultures in order to see if something new happens.

It can take them a decade of research to develop a single new drug, and then clinical trials can squash it like a bug. And this was information I read fifteen years ago and doesn't even include all the computer simulation guesswork to make drugs from scratch.

EDIT: The USA produces does as much research and produces as many drug discoveries as all the rest of the world combined. Why? =Profit.

Take that profit away by creating a monopoly buyer and say goodbye to the investment that produces all those wonderful discoveries.

I don't think universities have the resources to come even close to what the pharms do... but like I said, my understanding is over 15 years old now.

Perhaps its time I pick up some more recent books on the subject..

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What was the split between R&D and marketing costs in 2017, and before?

"Companies engaged in research and development (R&D) activities in the United States have benefited from the ability to fully deduct their R&D costs, for tax purposes, on an annual basis since 1954. This favorable tax treatment has presumably been based on public policy to foster innovation and advancement by U.S. companies.

The historic deductibility of R&D costs, however, has changed. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act enacted in 2017 contained a provision whereby beginning January 1, 2022, costs incurred for R&D activities will no longer be immediately deductible. Instead, the costs will have to be capitalized and amortized over 5 or 15 years. Costs related to research activities performed in the U.S. will be recovered over a 5-year amortization period, while those related to research activities performed outside the U.S. will be recovered over a 15-year period. As a result of this treatment, there may be significant timing differences between when a company incurs and pays for these expenses and the ultimate deductibility for tax purposes. These differences will likely result in increased taxable income."

The key words here are "hey looked at the 60 drugs that had been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) between 2009 and 2018 for which there was publicly available information"

Now consider all the failures that were not approved.

If we only look at the approved list, then yeah, I would agree that the research and development of that singular drug is probably not so high... but drug research doesn't work that way. They go through a lot of total failures before they get a hit.
The investigations of the pandemic response and Fauci are starting to get some traction ..... anyone watching Fauci with their brain engaged could see that he was lying and covering up funding of the Wuhan lab .... Now they are getting email proof .... wonder how many times he lied to congress?

In other news.

If we are going to post bullshit from people who aren't really MDs...might as well post silly memes....especially if they are from 2nd accounts!!!! Gotta love the post from the one that says " I have been looking for a year and decided to join in". What a crock of shit!


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So ... Pfizer did another Friday information release .... they are now officially admitting to the Myocarditis and Pericarditis side effects of the Covid vaccine .... in addition to a myriad of other side effects that have been labeled conspiracy theories by some.
What they didn't do is quantify the risk.
Seems kinda like they are trying to get ahead of something they know is coming.
The investigations of the pandemic response and Fauci are starting to get some traction ..... anyone watching Fauci with their brain engaged could see that he was lying and covering up funding of the Wuhan lab .... Now they are getting email proof .... wonder how many times he lied to congress?
"To that end, Mr. Foster says members of Congress and their staffers should take the time to read the scientific studies, understand the ideal path forward, and engage with the rest of the world to make that happen."

"To that end, Mr. Foster says members of Congress and their staffers should take the time to read the scientific studies, understand the ideal path forward, and engage with the rest of the world to make that happen."

The only two that I know are up to speed are Ron Johnson and Rand Paul.
Non-vaccinated (for covid) here.

I work in a small group of 3 people. Both co-workers vaccinated and boosted for covid. The first one got it last January (2022) 2 weeks after his booster. Sick for five days.

I caught it May 2022 and was over it in 3 days.

At that time, I gave it to my third vaccinated and boosted co-worker who gave it to his vaccinated and boosted kids and wife. He had a rough time of it, not hospitalized but high fever, major chest congestion etc.

This fall those same 2 co-workers got their flu vaccines and then promptly caught the flu 2 weeks later, one giving it to the other, while non-flu vaccinated me did not catch it. They both ran 102-105 degree fevers. No hospitalization.

This fall was a disaster in our kids school and the surrounding school district with flu, rsv and whatever else causing high absentee rates. My kids (not vaccinated) got sick 3 times while again the wife and I remained healthy except for 1 single headcold (don't know what it was)

I have resorted asking the people who trash "anti-vaxxers":

When you caught covid, was it after your first vaccine series, booster or second booster.
So ... Pfizer did another Friday information release .... they are now officially admitting to the Myocarditis and Pericarditis side effects of the Covid vaccine .... in addition to a myriad of other side effects that have been labeled conspiracy theories by some.
What they didn't do is quantify the risk.
Seems kinda like they are trying to get ahead of something they know is coming.

Hi Bob.

I have personally seen and know vaccine-injured people, one of whom is now paralyzed.

I don't know why anyone would laugh at your post.
Non-vaccinated (for covid) here.

I work in a small group of 3 people. Both co-workers vaccinated and boosted for covid. The first one got it last January (2022) 2 weeks after his booster. Sick for five days.

I caught it May 2022 and was over it in 3 days.

At that time, I gave it to my third vaccinated and boosted co-worker who gave it to his vaccinated and boosted kids and wife. He had a rough time of it, not hospitalized but high fever, major chest congestion etc.

This fall those same 2 co-workers got their flu vaccines and then promptly caught the flu 2 weeks later, one giving it to the other, while non-flu vaccinated me did not catch it. They both ran 102-105 degree fevers. No hospitalization.

This fall was a disaster in our kids school and the surrounding school district with flu, rsv and whatever else causing high absentee rates. My kids (not vaccinated) got sick 3 times while again the wife and I remained healthy except for 1 single headcold (don't know what it was)

I have resorted asking the people who trash "anti-vaxxers":

When you caught covid, was it after your first vaccine series, booster or second booster.
Welcome ..... always glad to meet an unvaccinated.
I got the Pfizer initial series, because I liked what phase-3 trial results showed. 5.5 weeks to 2nd dose (wanted to do 12 week, but Delta was coming. Not so quickly, it turned out.)
Wearing N95 indoors (other than at home) eventually getting back into dancing, still wearing it, never caught it.
Then I caught it a few weeks ago. Due to a non-believing wife. First couple days after she got sick I wore a mask at night, until I saw it was not a bad case. 5 days later I had the 48 hour flu, just wiped me out for the weekend but no big deal. Sniffles after that. Her (unvaccinated) course of illness was same as mine. We are fit, healthy, and have been taking the supplements she believes in.

Neighbor had a similar mild case some months ago.
Coworker got very bad sore throat a year ago.
Sister is terrified of if; working in a hospital the people she sees are selected for very bad cases (multiple organ failure, etc.)

I think Covid was bad 3 years ago, but is no longer novel or severe.
Wonder how the morbidity/mortality this season compares to seasonal flu?
Hi Bob.

I have personally seen and know vaccine-injured people, one of whom is now paralyzed.

I don't know why anyone would laugh at your post.
A troll .... I recommend putting a couple of them on your ignore list as soon as possible.
LOL...hilarious! Ron Johnson is easily the dumbest person in congress.

Brad, the virus leaked from a lab that was funded in part by Fauci and NIH.

They fund labs through shell companies outside the U.S. because that type of "research" is banned in the United States because it's impossible to not have an accident.

The vaccines do not work because you cannot vaccinate against a coronavirus, especially when you're only innoculating against 1 little part of of the virus.
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Brad, the virus leaked from a lab that was funded in part by Fauci and NIH.

The vaccines do not work because you cannot vaccinate against a coronavirus, especially when you're only innoculating against 1 little part of of the virus.
A troll ... a reasoned conversation is not possible .... best to just put on ignore.
Hi Bob.

I have personally seen and know vaccine-injured people, one of whom is now paralyzed.

I don't know why anyone would laugh at your post.
I personally know people who got Covid and are dead because they decided not to get vaccinated!

One was my brother in law's doctor who was anti vax. A family I know...their son brought Covid home and both 60 year old parents died.
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Brad, the virus leaked from a lab that was funded in part by Fauci and NIH.

They fund labs through shell companies outside the U.S. because that type of "research" is banned in the United States because it's impossible to not have an accident.

The vaccines do not work because you cannot vaccinate against a coronavirus, especially when you're only innoculating against 1 little part of of the virus.
LOL...another conspiracy theorist. Let me think the 2020 election was stolen too right?
I got the Pfizer initial series, because I liked what phase-3 trial results showed. 5.5 weeks to 2nd dose (wanted to do 12 week, but Delta was coming. Not so quickly, it turned out.)
Wearing N95 indoors (other than at home) eventually getting back into dancing, still wearing it, never caught it.
Then I caught it a few weeks ago. Due to a non-believing wife. First couple days after she got sick I wore a mask at night, until I saw it was not a bad case. 5 days later I had the 48 hour flu, just wiped me out for the weekend but no big deal. Sniffles after that. Her (unvaccinated) course of illness was same as mine. We are fit, healthy, and have been taking the supplements she believes in.

Neighbor had a similar mild case some months ago.
Coworker got very bad sore throat a year ago.
Sister is terrified of if; working in a hospital the people she sees are selected for very bad cases (multiple organ failure, etc.)

I think Covid was bad 3 years ago, but is no longer novel or severe.
Wonder how the morbidity/mortality this season compares to seasonal flu?
How many, when did they pass and what were their ages?
I edited my post above....all in their 60s. 2 parents was before vaccinations were available...the Dr was anti vax you think the 2020 election was stolen?

diy solar

diy solar