diy solar

diy solar

Do We Need a Control Group?

I am not wearing a mask anymore.
Here we agree, every one who wanted and was able to get the vaccine got the vaccine, it is no longer my responsibility to keep them safe.

If you had any training would know the mask is a waste of time.
I am sure the surgical team had some training.

Do you and other mask wearers have the strength to fight a physical fight to enforce mask wearing?
I did wear a mask outside the home for 2 years, I have this weird notion that freedom comes with a responsibility not to harm those around us.
The entire "wear it to protect others" narrative was used as a public shaming method against people who didn't want to wear masks for their own protection.
It wasn't, besides I don't care if you do not want to protect yourself, that is your right as an adult. In fact you can walk around naked in public for all I care, but somehow that is against the law.

Why would a mask be fassionalble and the mandate for it oppression, when it is just another piece of clothing?
I still see people wearing a mask in their car, all alone. I just don't get it.
I see people wear clothes on warm days, in shopping malls, at home, I don't get that either. I guess it is something people get used to doing? And now there are even laws to enforce that behaviour?
Why would a mask be fassionalble and the mandate for it oppression, when it is just another piece of clothing?

I used the term "fashion statement" because of the way in which the majority of the mask-wearing public that I observed wore their masks, making them virtually useless other than for show. I observed people actually pull their masks down in order to cough and sneeze but hey, they were wearing a mask because they cared about others.

As to the "wear it for others" narrative; it didn't really show up in the US until there was pushback from people who had no comorbidities and little chance of getting seriously ill from the disease.
Same with the vaccine. If people didn't feel the need to protect themselves (and it wasn't stopping people from getting sick), next message was to protect their teammates or Grandma.

Our overlords don't care the slightest about our health or life/death.
Look at the graph, < 30 cases/day in July 2021 in Silicon Valley.
We were told, "new cases and hospital occupancy are low enough, you can take the mask off if everyone in the room is vaccinated."
Delta was raging in LA, 6 hours drive away. We knew it was coming.
People took their masks off. Case rate rose to several hundred per day, peaked at 6800, never has been as low again.

Select the Deaths tab. Deaths also rose, never dropped as low again.

If they cared about savings lives, they would have said, "Keep wearing N95 mask." They don't, and they didn't.

It is obvious that some ppl will try to normalize anything...... if given enough time most sane ppl by peer proxy will adapt and do insane things. I use to call those ppl sheep. In modern USA society wearing a mask was not normal. There was a time if you walked into a bank in USA with a mask on then the police would be called. Mental cases loose on the street = ppl wearing a mask in their car by themselves. Only thing crazier are 2 ppl in the same car using their cell phones to talk to one another.


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For me, masks were normalized decades ago.
What do YOU do when skiing in -30F weather, windchill -90F?
My goggles iced up, so I bought double-wall lens.


But anyway, N95 does a great job of reducing chance of catching the virus. Better than the wrong vaccine.
My original plan was to let others get vaccinated and develop herd immunity, until the spread was stopped.
I've let others be the incubators who develop other variants, until Covid became something we don't have to fear anymore.
While the pandemic was causing illness that resulted in multiple organ transplants for professional athletes, I did not want to participate.
The mask helped protect me.
Sorry to be so late the party.

Just saw this thread and was so excited to see a discission about controls which I assumed was going to be things like VAV's, zone dampers, PID loops, BAC net, VFD's on chillers pumps, economizers etc. Boy was I wrong. I'll show myself out.
I think most people had some sort of safety blanket / blankets they thought would keep them safe. Mine was vitamin D, Zinc, and a home concoction nebulizer treatment designed to kill the virus off in the sinus and throat before it could get a foot hold .... plus just avoiding crowds of people .... which I tend to do anyway.
My favorite vacation was when I went and got lost in the Teton's for a couple of weeks and never saw another person the whole time ... LOL The rejuvenation from that vacation lasted me several years.
Sorry to be so late the party.

Just saw this thread and was so excited to see a discission about controls which I assumed was going to be things like VAV's, zone dampers, PID loops, BAC net, VFD's on chillers pumps, economizers etc. Boy was I wrong. I'll show myself out.
I could have a discussion with you about all those things .... but I have spent the last couple years forgetting as much of it as possible.
So .... does this guy ambushed by Project Veritas actually work for Pfizer? Or .... is it a setup?
All his social media accounts have now disappeared.
I'm kinda hoping he doesn't actually work for Pfizer .... I don't want to believe they are that corrupt and totally willing to kill people to embellish their already huge profit.
There's a lawyer I trust who is digging for the truth .... time will tell.

If you don't do Twitter ... the video can be found over here too.
So .... Pfizer's non denial ... denial .... of this video content is here.

It contains even more parsing of words than will be in a typical politician denial statement. It seems kinda like they do gain of function research .... they just don't call it that.

It's kinda like the time I paid a dealer to do a special paint treatment on my car .... the result was absolutely terrible with swirl marks that were very unsightly. When I talked to the supervisor about it I said there were buffer swirl marks all over the car ... they said ... we don't use a buffer for this treatment .... what do you use .... a rotary tool that is larger than a buffer.
I could have a discussion with you about all those things .... but I have spent the last couple years forgetting as much of it as possible.
Bob am in agreement. Not sure why OzSolar bothered to make that post as you defined it from the beginning. I included the screen shot. For whatever reason ppl always make post like that when they want a discussion to stop. When in reality if they would normally just pass it over. So now am curious why OzSolar even bothered to post? This is the chitchat forum.... kinda like to know what the real motive is behind OzSolar..... I can spot bs a mile away.

I am unvaxxed and put up with a lot of shit over it. I am not taking the covid vaccine and in fact have had it twice Stayed out of the hospitals and am still here. Sometimes the treatment is worse then the virus. 2 family vaxxed dead 1 former trained nurse 1 nuclear power plant worker- " died with covid " 1 unvaxxed EE PE college professor "died from Covid". All 3 had one thing in common SEPSIS while in the hospital. Notice the word play for covid Based on deaths. 'With" and "From" based on vax or not vaxxed. Sorta like Larry King, Hank Aaron, and Colin Powell deaths to name a few. Word salad.

SEPSIS is most likely the real covid killer not the actual Covid-19 just as Bacteria Pneumonia was most likely the real killer in the 1918 Spanish Flu era. I find it strange that Doctors - Medical ppl had SEPSIS AWARENESS MONTH a while back. SEPSIS is suppose to be about almost all preventible .....

hmmmmm imagine if most all the ppl that died were from SEPSIS. So the covid vaccine is never going to work on it.

I dunno sounds like a conspiracy. Right?
Go read about Sepsis.


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So .... Pfizer's non denial ... denial .... of this video content is here.

It contains even more parsing of words than will be in a typical politician denial statement. It seems kinda like they do gain of function research .... they just don't call it that.

It's kinda like the time I paid a dealer to do a special paint treatment on my car .... the result was absolutely terrible with swirl marks that were very unsightly. When I talked to the supervisor about it I said there were buffer swirl marks all over the car ... they said ... we don't use a buffer for this treatment .... what do you use .... a rotary tool that is larger than a buffer.
It's also interesting what they didn't say.

They didn't say this guy does not and never did work for us .... so, by their lack of denial it would be safe to assume this guy WAS a high level executive at Pfizer. Apparently he is the Director of R&D and Scientific Planning .... which, after seeing the video, is scary all by itself.

They also made no attempt to counter the revolving door comments.
So did your parents have any kids that survived childbirth?
Now now be nice.... please explain why you made a comment when you could have skipped it? What was your motive?


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It's also interesting what they didn't say.

They didn't say this guy does not and never did work for us .... so, by their lack of denial it would be safe to assume this guy WAS a high level executive at Pfizer. Apparently he is the Director of R&D and Scientific Planning .... which, after seeing the video, is scary all by itself.

They also made no attempt to counter the revolving door comments.

did he seem evil to anyone else based on his glee making over what is called a death based virus... so could profit from it with a supposed cure.
What scares me he did not seem very bright and probably got promoted based on his status.... affirmative actions hiring policy he even seemed dare say EVIL. In the video you shared of him trying to destroy the evidence he was in fact committing a felon or 2
By those acts. Before that he was a simple assault.... so wonder how it turned out for him. Were any legal charges filed against him with the police? If not then why not?
May never know about like Ray Epps from the Capitol 6jan2021. Some things are just not for us to question, know. or so it seems. I still find it funny when a post gets hit by a closer.


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Now now be nice.... please explain why you made a comment when you could have skipped it? What was your motive?
That was me being nice. ha

You could have skipped what was clearly nothing but a joke but you made the assumption that I'm a plant from big pharma trying to shut this thread down and here we still are..... Ever heard of Occam's razor? Never mind... don't answer that. I won't be engaging you anymore. Peace Out

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That's was me being nice.

You could have skipped what clearly nothing but a joke but you made the assumption that I'm a plant from big pharma trying to shut this thread down and here we still are..... Ever heard of Occam's razor? Never mind... don't answer that. I won't be engaging you anymore. Peace Out

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What happens when you aren't nice. Spring a meme? Hit and run then claim victim status? Honestly am use to ppl always trying to shut down a public post like this one. Aka Twitter or Facebook style. Why ppl also like to use name calling and or they post as if a topic like this has no significant value to you so it is worthless for all. You had no previous comments here in this thread .... but as minimum I have got you to comment here more then you have stated of being gone and out of it. Hahaha ?? talk about a simpleton. Hahaha

Are you vaccinated? Or has that self abortion shot not been made yet? Hahahaa


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Nothing to see here except all .... are in deep waters and in bed with Pfizer.

youtube removed the Project Veritas for:
Dr Jordan Trishton Lee Walker MD is a Pfizer's Director of Research and Development in Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning.
What this guy, Jordan Walker did was assault. He also tried to destroy evidence on an expensive iPad. Project Veritas needs to press charges with the Police based on his actions. He needs to be questioned by the Police and a report made. Of course lay money he is Pfizer protected and lawyered up. He will no doubt use one of his status as already demo'ed for claiming racial or gay or tranny or whatever and he was the victim. Oldest trick in the World offender hits someone screams in pain and acts like the victim. That is exactly what Jordan Walker did in that recorded video when he assaulted and tried to damage the iPad with the evidence on it for the shown video then called with all probability the police. This is not debatable it is literally what was recorded.
Wow is this CNN selling Pfizer out? His accent was throwing me off. They have a version of CNN like when Ted Turner owned it before the take over and down fall.

Population of India is 1,414,829,432 as of Saturday, January 28, 2023, based on Worldometer elaboration of the latest United Nations data.
So where and who are CNN-News18. How many ppl probably seen that news broadcast in India? I bet a lot of ppl seen it there.

CNN NEWS18 (formerly known as CNN IBN)is a partnership between TV18, one of India's leading television broadcast networks and CNN International, the number one international news brand.CNN entered India by partnering with TV18 to launch an English-language news channel in 2005. From day one, the channel established itself as a news channel with a difference and became number one in record time of just six months. is the online arm of CNN News18 (formerly known as CNN IBN) with hard news as its core offering and interactivity as its key component. Along with a plethora of mobile- and multimedia-enabled content, News18 is a multi-platform offering that, for the first time, provides viewers/users an opportunity to contribute to the news process and interact with editors and reporters. Manned 24x7, is powered not just by NEWS18 journalists but also by Network18's team of over 1,000 news professionals.
NEWS18 will serve robust and high quality news from every corner of India and relevant global news from CNN, the world's news leader, on the same platform with an aim to provide the discerning viewers with a complete commitment to the needs and aspirations of the Indian viewer, while CNN International will continue to deliver global news to Indian viewers."


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I used the term "fashion statement" because of the way in which the majority of the mask-wearing public that I observed wore their masks, making them virtually useless other than for show. I observed people actually pull their masks down in order to cough and sneeze but hey, they were wearing a mask because they cared about others.
You are right, there was a shortage of masks and many had no clue Those who refused to wear it and those who wore them), that does not mean that the intent behind the mask wearing was incorrect.

As to the "wear it for others" narrative; it didn't really show up in the US until there was pushback from people who had no comorbidities and little chance of getting seriously ill from the disease.
It showed up early, even in the US, but you guys had politicians get in the way of the science and that message got lost in the carfuffle. Great for your news media which relies on controversial statements to get viewers (and advertising dollars) and late night comedy, but it is really bad for informing people.

I am at the point of not caring anymore, if people chose not to get vaccinated for whatever reason, it is no longer my problem. Just don't go around telling others not to get vaccinated.
I am at the point of not caring anymore, if people chose not to get vaccinated for whatever reason, it is no longer my problem. Just don't go around telling others not to get vaccinated.
I think ppl should be allowed to hear from both sides. It is called an informed decision. It is a REQUIREMENT for a doctor or person doing injection to inform ppl about side effects and dangers. That has not been happening. Ppl have FEARS AND REGRETS but are STUCK WITH IT.
No law suits against the Big Pharms either - in USA.

Like stated before Fauci turned mask on and off several times.

American mask manufacturers are now up set that low cost chinese and such mask makers have under cut their prices .... most American mask companies have laid ppl off or gone all way under according to reports. In USA ppl are not living stacked on top of one another. Unlike India..... which in reality should have highest death rate. Poor and ppl stacked. They do have highest come back of covid being reported by WHO based on their huge population


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but you guys had politicians get in the way of the science

There's another statement originating from the left that always makes me laugh. Science is a method used to find truth and in the early stages of any research that truth can be quickly evolving. In those early stages what the left calls science (and they use that term as if the word science means fact) is nothing more than opinion that is quite often proven to be incorrect later on as more data becomes available.

Researchers must be honest to maintain credibility with the public. It is important not to represent current opinion as fact, manipulate data, or attempt to modify behaviors by being untruthful. Once any of that becomes suspect the public trust evaporates.

So, politicians didn't get in the way of science, they merely stated their own opinion likely adjusted for political gain and that goes for both sides here in the US. Everyone I know takes that opinion exactly for what it is worth, and nobody I know relies on politicians or internet forums for medical advice.

diy solar

diy solar