diy solar

diy solar

EG4 6000EX display bricked. Can it be debrickified?

Male Human

New Member
Oct 23, 2022
If anyone knows how to revive a display after failed firmware update, please speak up.

No lights, and no information when connected to power that would normally turn it on. I haven't talked to signature solar yet, though I'm hoping you guys can give me a magic procedure and spare me that fun.
I wonder if you plugged into the RS-232 port, if you could open a Hyperterminal window (to get a local console) and boot the inverter/display and see if there is any output generated, might show some errors or something.


Number 11 here shows it's an RS232 port...

People used to fix bricked routers, where they would find a serial header (JTAG debug interface) on the main board, solder some wires onto it, connect a USB-to-serial adapter and Hyperterminal (or Putty) to the Com port and boot router to see the console/dmesg output figure out what it was doing when it got hung. As far as whether you can reflash and fix, that's another story. Unless it has a flash memory with dual boot banks (so you can make it boot from the old boot bank), it may not be straightforward on how to recover it.

I also remember the old days where people would actually soldier on a new EEPROM when it got corrupted, usually when a BIOS upgrade locked up, but nowadays, many devices may have dual boot banks, so you could then run a command (change the default boot partition) to make it boot from the other memory partition in order to get it to start up with the old firmware, then can reflash the corrupted partition with the new firmware, and try to boot in from that partition to see if it works.

Unless you're an extreme tinkerer, probably easiest to just wait and contact SS, see if they can ship you a replacement display for now.
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