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diy solar

EG4-LL (V2) Integration with Schneider Insight Home

the Insight Home does not have the option to connect the battery with a remote bms. It does show a lithium profile. it does not have the ability to drop a device from the modbus system.
Can you show a screenshot?

When the unit Is programmed on a lithium profile it will not start the inverter. It throws overcurrent error and trips. It is unlikely the inrush of charging the capacitors as it trips after the set delay in the bins setting for overcurrent. If it is set for 3 seconds it trips in three seconds. If it is set for twenty seconds it trips in twenty seconds.

I had the same overcurrent warning, since the insight can only "see" one battery, the way I solved it was to use the recommended charge current value (30 to 50 Amps) for the "Maximum Bulk Charge Current", "Maximum Absorbtion Charge Current" and "Maximum Float Charge Current" for the Battery Setting sub menu on the inverter configuration tab. You can try this and see if it helps.
No AC was hooked up, Charger not turned on. SO charge settings should not effect boot up. I have a 4048 and max output charge is 45 amps anyway. I can send screen shot later. However int he drop down menu in Li settings shows options for 3 stage. 2 stage or CVCC. There is no option for External BMS
Just another quick update on the problem where EG4 LL V2 batteries can't simultaneously serve as a master battery for V1s and also be detected by a Schnieder Insight Home... I received an email for Ryan at Signature Solar today indicating that a new firmware release for EG4 LL V2's is now available on EG4's downloads web page that should solve the problem.

I won't be able to give it a try for probably a few weeks, but if anybody else does let us know if it works.

Meanwhile, my XW Pro with three V1 batteries and both AC and DC coupled panels are working pretty well with both SOC control and Sell-to-Grid enabled. There are a few things (probably Schneider firmware and documentation-related) that could be better, but all in all its a great combination.
Just another quick update on the problem where EG4 LL V2 batteries can't simultaneously serve as a master battery for V1s and also be detected by a Schnieder Insight Home... I received an email for Ryan at Signature Solar today indicating that a new firmware release for EG4 LL V2's is now available on EG4's downloads web page that should solve the problem.

I won't be able to give it a try for probably a few weeks, but if anybody else does let us know if it works.

Meanwhile, my XW Pro with three V1 batteries and both AC and DC coupled panels are working pretty well with both SOC control and Sell-to-Grid enabled. There are a few things (probably Schneider firmware and documentation-related) that could be better, but all in all its a great combination.
Tried the new firmware over the weekend. Didn’t make any difference for me.
Just another quick update on the problem where EG4 LL V2 batteries can't simultaneously serve as a master battery for V1s and also be detected by a Schnieder Insight Home... I received an email for Ryan at Signature Solar today indicating that a new firmware release for EG4 LL V2's is now available on EG4's downloads web page that should solve the problem.

I won't be able to give it a try for probably a few weeks, but if anybody else does let us know if it works.

Meanwhile, my XW Pro with three V1 batteries and both AC and DC coupled panels are working pretty well with both SOC control and Sell-to-Grid enabled. There are a few things (probably Schneider firmware and documentation-related) that could be better, but all in all its a great combination.
It didn't work for me either. Actually the "new update" is an older firmware (from 9-17-2022).
New firmware is actually posted now. That said, still zero devices detected when connected to master battery on ID 1.
I have everything working for a few weeks but have the same issue as Shire, Matruco and others. The issue I mentioned earlier at not being able to charge over 100amps I discovered, after working with Schneider was due to the fact that the EG4-LL V2 batteries are not communicating. The BMS of the 1 battery that will communicate with InsightHome is telling it not to send more than 100amps to the battery. We think that once the batteries are communicating this limitation will increased to 400amps since I have 4 batteries and the inverter will be able to charge at its rated 140amps.

In position 1 the lights blink but won't connect to the insight home.

I tried the firmware update but doesn't make a difference! Please fix this SS!
P.S. My dipswitches were also backwards. The 4 is actually 1, 3 is actually 2 and so on. Would be nice if they mentioned that ANYWHERE in the documents or told you it was a possibility when you called in.
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It’s been over two weeks since SS has responded to an email. I was told front panel hardware would be replaced if the firmware update didn’t help. Then I was ghosted, yet again.
It’s been over two weeks since SS has responded to an email. I was told front panel hardware would be replaced if the firmware update didn’t help. Then I was ghosted, yet again.
I spoke with R&D and Tech and it looks like it's a BMS issue, not firmware. That being said, anyone who is dealing with this issue, please send an email to, and I will get you directly to a technician for a fix. Also, make sure to leave your first and last name along with a phone number in the email.
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Everyone I am in the same situation as you, when you put any of the batteries on #1 (host battery) insight will not see it under devices.
Insight will see it, if it's any other ID than one, but then, it only shows one battery (100amps) and I have 6 so you can't charge and discharge all 600 amps.

I have talked with Eric at Schneider about it, as I have just upgraded 2 customers with XW Pros for SOC use and not sure what to do at this point other than use a Batmon and Volts as SOC. Can you please let me know what is the fix?

I have emailed "" and I'm am just ghosted like everyone else.

Take Care,
Everyone I am in the same situation as you, when you put any of the batteries on #1 (host battery) insight will not see it under devices.
Insight will see it, if it's any other ID than one, but then, it only shows one battery (100amps) and I have 6 so you can't charge and discharge all 600 amps.

I have talked with Eric at Schneider about it, as I have just upgraded 2 customers with XW Pros for SOC use and not sure what to do at this point other than use a Batmon and Volts as SOC. Can you please let me know what is the fix?

I have emailed "" and I'm am just ghosted like everyone else.

Take Care,
Everyone that has emailed me from this thread has been responded to and taken care of, your email was just in my spam folder. Thanks for bringing this to my attention though. I'll shoot you an email now.
So potential buyers can make an informed decision can you elaborate on what the issue is? With the multiple comm protocols, EG4 batteries are diverse product which makes it appealing. We all should have the proper information before purchasing.
As a quick update: I've been working with Signature Solar support for like two months now on this.

This first set of batteries I was asked to RMA because they believed there was a hardware issue with the BMS and I then received a new set of V2 batteries which have the UL Listed sticker on them and 64 dip switch options.

The new batteries have the exact same behavior and issue. They keep sending me new software updates and settings to try none of which work.

They're now offering to RMA the batteries again... Their support is trying their best but this is pretty frustrating at this point.

@SignatureSolarPeyton can you get some extra resources devoted to this?
As a quick update: I've been working with Signature Solar support for like two months now on this.

This first set of batteries I was asked to RMA because they believed there was a hardware issue with the BMS and I then received a new set of V2 batteries which have the UL Listed sticker on them and 64 dip switch options.

The new batteries have the exact same behavior and issue. They keep sending me new software updates and settings to try none of which work.

They're now offering to RMA the batteries again... Their support is trying their best but this is pretty frustrating at this point.

@SignatureSolarPeyton can you get some extra resources devoted to this?
I completely understand how this could be frustrating. I've actually been talking back and forth with Tech Support management about the issue and we do have firmware for the 6 dip switch models that is supposed to fix the issue. If you can email, I can get you taken care of.
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I completely understand how this could be frustrating. I've actually been talking back and forth with Tech Support management about the issue and we do have firmware for the 6 dip switch models that is supposed to fix the issue. If you can email, I can get you taken care of.
This is just absurd. I had stopped following this thread but just gave it another look. This just goes to show you guys are just giving us the run around and really have no idea what's going on. @SignatureSolarPeyton , you got me over to RMA to send back my original V2 batteries back in mid-March and I haven't sent them back yet because to be honest, I have no reason to suspect my experience will be any different. Bitter experience has shown that I'm just being used for R&D, much like @cjinx123456 and @Matruco have experienced. And now come to find, that even if I do get the new V2 batteries with 6 dip switch option, you still can't assure me the issue is going to be resolved. No firmware is available for the LL V2 on the EG4 site, yet again. Been at this now over 4 months. I want my money back, and equally as important, all the time I've wasted.

The EG4-LL V2s were broken out of the box in terms of BMS monitoring more than one while connected in (communication) series. Several people found "work arounds" that involved parallel wiring. Took me hours of fiddling with it. Signature tech support did eventually tell me "known issue". Aggravating to buy product with "known issues" and not at least get a list of bugs...

Is there new firmware for these now? What issues does that firmware fix? A change log of firmware would be amazing.
@Shire222 @Matruco I was just able to get this working finally after a new firmware update released today!

Thanks Signature Solar for figuring this out!
Hello all,
I can confirm that this new firmware update does fix the communication issue with the insight home. I can now see all my batteries connected to the "main battery" on the insight home BMS screen. I have the 4 dip switch EG4LL V2 batteries. I will give it a couple of day to see how they perform with the new firmware. Thank you @SignatureSolarChris @SignatureSolarJames @SignatureSolarJarrett @SignatureSolarPeyton @SignatureSolarTech @BenFromSignatureSolar
I have the 4 dip switch EG4LL V2 batteries. I will give it a couple of day to see how they perform with the new firmware.
Can you outline the dip switch settings (or take a photo), just to confirm? Thanks for the update. Good to hear it got fixed.
Can you outline the dip switch settings (or take a photo), just to confirm? Thanks for the update. Good to hear it got fixed.
Here is a picture of the main battery 4 dip switch


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I had reached out to Peyton who cc'd support, but unfortunately didn't hear back from support. This past Monday I noticed EG4 website posted a Schneider fix for EG4-LL v2 4dip/6dip units and sent follow up email to SS asking to confirm. <edit>SS Tech did confirm the firmware yesterday in email, but I missed it in my inbox</edit>. Last night I followed the pdf instructions and successfully updated unit #1 (UL v2 6dip). I changed ID back to 1, reattached battery comms, reset BMS, and InsightHome appears to be properly monitoring all six batteries. I've ran some tests and InsightHome BMS is reporting the same battery current draw as XW Pro (within ~10W).
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diy solar