diy solar

diy solar


If you’re concerned about EMP type events, purchasing spare electronics and wrap them up in their packaging in foil. Then wrap them with insulation aka paper. Then wrap again in foil and paper/insulator material. Place wrapped electronics in a tightly sealed metal container. Basically you’re attempting to make a poor man’s faraday cage. This MIGHT save your electronics. Might not. Too many variables to say one way or another.

Plus if they do survive, you don’t want to bring them out too soon, especially if man made EMPs. Weeks to months later you get things working and your the lit up beacon that everyone sees. As others have said, you’ll have bigger issues to deal with after a major EMP event.
That's way too much, lol. A faradaye cage is literally just a metal sheath around an object -- no need for all that extra layers, just a layer of conductive material (aluminum foil).

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The equipment is so cheap now just stashing a spare set of equipment is a faraday setup is a no brainer if this stuff actually worries you. Trying to protect whats in use isn't worth the effort in the matter and isn't going to work anyways. If there was some simple magic way to wire stuff to keep it safe it would be in the building codes already.

If I ever decide to do this I would buy spare controllers and maybe even some panels and stash it safely.

Then I would also stash a few computers, phones, etc in there too.

Past that I have home owners insurance that will cover all loses from whatever happens.

If its some freak thing the insurance will pay for it all after its over with.

If its dooms day emp's do not impresses my .45 or its brothers and sisters in the cabinets :)

Anything worse than that no ones going to be around to know about it....
As far as I am aware, most homeowners insurance contracts don't cover damages resulting from war, riots, etc.
As far as I am aware, most homeowners insurance contracts don't cover damages resulting from war, riots, etc.
Riots yes. State Farm has you covered.

etc is too vague.

War falls into that doomsday part so that that is covered by the guns policy :)
I think the easiest way to prepare is to keep a few all in ones and high quality bms in a Faraday bag. Besides that, food and water source are key. Perhaps a small emp resistant system for distilling water and small loads.
Spare BMS is my plan to, the cells will be fine. EMP wrapped 3 layers deep. I have plenty of other spare parts already. Im rural ozarks with a year round creek but if an EMP hits, all the solar gear goes into deep storage for about a year or so. I will bring it out after the smoke clears.

I also am working towards living with zero power. I have most things, mostly just need to get a hand pump well setup.

The real questions is, how to keep the gear safe for the micronova. That will be much more challenging then an EMP, though shielding electrical gear will be one of the easier prep todo for the event. Maybe an inch of lead will do it.
Ok, what has everyone done to protect your home/system from a possible EMP?

Steps I've taken are as follows: I've installed multiple Siemens FS PRO 140's on the AC side of things. I've also installed ferrites on just about all my power cords and lines. I did not go with the pricey ones from but rather some I found through a little research. Supposedly the cheaper ones become saturated where as the pricey ones don't. I'm no engineer just trying to stave off any issues from an EMP. I still have to figure out something for the DC side of things, any suggestions? Also if anyone has tried any of this, have you gotten a lot on noise from the ferrites on the lines and is this normal?

Guess I'll never know if any of this will work until its needed, and at that point it may not matter much.

I'm also going to put two inverrters in a farady cage, two metal trash cans.

Have a good day all! Looking forward to the input!
Most of my other priorities have been met. Off site food storage at multiple locations, bug-out location etc. I was just wondering from a prepped mindset, what others have done or just ones thoughts in general. My assumption was that most folks on this forum go solar for independence.
I am going solar because I feel our grid is very vulnerable to our enemies and could be taken out anytime. If that happens we are screwed. Our country has been very stupid and has not spent resources on protecting it, plus it is being attacked all the time. I want to be able to have a few lights, running water and refrigerator. I have a year supply of food and plenty of deep well water. Might not help if it would be a major attack. Fortunately I live in a rural area with small towns within 5 miles. Probably biggest problem could be the unprepared trying to get to my stuff. Pro 2nd amendment!
Ok, what has everyone done to protect your home/system from a possible EMP?

Steps I've taken are as follows: I've installed multiple Siemens FS PRO 140's on the AC side of things. I've also installed ferrites on just about all my power cords and lines. I did not go with the pricey ones from but rather some I found through a little research. Supposedly the cheaper ones become saturated where as the pricey ones don't. I'm no engineer just trying to stave off any issues from an EMP. I still have to figure out something for the DC side of things, any suggestions? Also if anyone has tried any of this, have you gotten a lot on noise from the ferrites on the lines and is this normal?

Guess I'll never know if any of this will work until its needed, and at that point it may not matter much.

I'm also going to put two inverrters in a farady cage, two metal trash cans.

Have a good day all! Looking forward to the input!

diy solar

diy solar