diy solar

diy solar

EVE matched cells, some cells drops very fast

Think about this for a moment, if these cells (meaning any reseller) just lowered by 5ah and still sold them at the same price. Folks would be creaming in their tighty whiteys saying how they got an extra 1 or 2 ah out of the cells but instead the resllers claim a higher amount and folks go crazy trying to find the couple of ah hiding in the chemistry they purchased when capacity testing them.
I'm pretty sure my go-to vendor (ThriveEnergy, DHGate) actually does that, except they lower the price a little bit as well. I feel like I got a really good deal, even though I'm confident that I got grade B, reject cells.

They have 90 and 100 ah cells, that have the EXACT same product size and weight. I think that they are probably the same cells, but the 90's tested under 100, so they were sold as such. If you buy 16, the 90ah's are around $55 each (even less if you haggle a bit ? with the seller), and the 100's are ~$70. Quite a difference.

I'm really happy when my 90ah cells come in at 93-96ah, not so much so when my 100's are 98.

diy solar

diy solar