diy solar

diy solar

Fortress 12K Buy one get one FREE!

I wish ul certs were that easy but this idea that units share certificates is crazy.

I have to restart processes if we change a darn relay.
What about a modification like the remote rapid disconnect change that became a plug of some sort? I don’t know how nitpicky they are, but it wouldn’t shock me.

“Has to be exactly as it was tested” is what I expect from a government official.
Right on. Sounds like a complicated situation of designer/licensing/manufacture/distributor etc.

Here I was thinking “Luxpower made EG4 inverters” and it was that simple.
I had a previous post here. All complex matters eventually simplify.

The lawsuit reached a verdict in court on September 8th, 2023. Luxpower won this case, completely!

Now, according to the judge's ruling, Huayu owes us some money.
Re-edit: I deleted the attached judgement, I choose to not disclose that completed story which is not important anymore. the important result is it becomes simple now, Luxpower won the case, finally, after more than 9 months of fighting in the court.
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I had a previous post here. All complex matters eventually simplify.

The lawsuit reached a verdict in court on September 8th, 2023. Luxpower won this case, completely!

Now, according to the judge's ruling, Huayu owes us some money.
Re-edit: I deleted the attached judgement, I choose to not disclose that completed story which is not important anymore. the important result is it becomes simple now, Luxpower won the case, finally, after more than 9 months of fighting in the court.
Does Huayu (never heard of them) actually "make" any of the parts/components/entire thing you're selling?

Really what I'm wondering is if going to court against each other will have an effect on your ability to make more moving forward. IE if they designed and build the boards inside the inverter, I imagine they're not too keen on continuing to sell them to you etc.

Hopefully it's water under the bridge and you can continue building/selling them.
Does Huayu (never heard of them) actually "make" any of the parts/components/entire thing you're selling?
No, sir. They haven't even attempted to assemble a single screw of our product. The product they received is in the same condition as when you received it.
Hopefully it's water under the bridge and you can continue building/selling them.
Yes. For sure we will. Appreciate your kind words!
What about a modification like the remote rapid disconnect change that became a plug of some sort? I don’t know how nitpicky they are, but it wouldn’t shock me.

“Has to be exactly as it was tested” is what I expect from a government official.
The functionality got tested and certified. There is a standard RSD button on the unit itself.
The modification is an additional external RSD switch.
It still operates the same way as using the internal RSD switch.
For the external RSD modification, imo, you don't need a new certification.
I bet you they looked at how US companies do those kind of things. :cool:
I bet I’ve lived in east Asia for over decade, been to China, and know how they do shit. Know why they got super flooded out? Tofu Dreg. It permeates their business. I wouldn’t own (mainland) Chinese cells if there was an option. And it’s not Xenophobia.
I hoped you could have had a more respectful tone when you talked about sh*t what is actually everywhere when you only look at that.
I bet I’ve lived in east Asia for over decade, been to China, and know how they do shit. Know why they got super flooded out? Tofu Dreg. It permeates their business. I wouldn’t own (mainland) Chinese cells if there was an option. And it’s not Xenophobia.
I hoped you could have had a more respectful tone when you talked about sh*t what is actually everywhere when you only look at that.
You want me to start dropping YouTube links? Keep nudging.

Electric cars on fire.
Fake storm drains.
Fake assed fire hydrants.
Fake concrete (including structural).
Death trap amusement park rides.
Death trap elevators.
Death trap vehicle tunnels.
Etc etc.

Even if a company is trying to build a quality product, the entire supply chain is suspect.
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We did add “PV” to the end unlike some other rounding up folks…

May I please get a “Glass is half full” treatment here? ?
Ok you get a "glass is half full of bullshit" pass.

Fortress changed the name of their inverter from 12k to "true 12k". You can change the name of yours too
Ok you get a "glass is half full of bullshit" pass.

Fortress changed the name of their inverter from 12k to "true 12k". You can change the name of yours too
Not quite the spirit I was hoping but thanks

If we went the other way people would compare it to other “12k” units which are a complete class below this unit

We didnt make the mess here, just tried to work with it and threw a bone either way.
Not quite the spirit I was hoping but thanks

If we went the other way people would compare it to other “12k” units which are a complete class below this unit

We didnt make the mess here, just tried to work with it and threw a bone either way.
So you are dishonest because a couple of others are dishonest? Computes
I never even paid attention how bad this was. Sounds like it might be time for some government intervention in this naming crap.....

Politicians just love getting into stuff like this.

Edit: Actually I just thought of a solution. If you can make the companies have to pair batteries and whatever else to get those precious ul certificates why not make it a requirement the name can't be deceiving like they are doing.
Coming from a relative newb that doesn't even have solar yet, I have to agree that the "class" of an AIO should be how much power the actual inverter can output. PV is great when the sun is shining, but, that doesn't help at night when you can't fully power your home, or if you don't have battery to dump the power to.

A coworker is always complaining about his Tesla solar installation, where they were more than happy to sell him more panels than their inverter could support. He doesn't have batteries, so it's normal for his solar production to clip for a good portion of the day due to an undersized inverter.

diy solar

diy solar