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Free Power???

  • Thread starter Deleted member 1888
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Deleted member 1888

Im wondering if there is any truth to this, it looks like the alternator is putting out more power than it needs to run. So by having it power an inverter and then the inverter powering the alternator you can have infinite free power. Has anyone tested this or is it all BS?

Yeah, sure, it's real! Withdraw every single penny in your bank account to invest in this now! Get in on the ground floor on the next best thing since sliced bread!
There is no such thing as a perpetual motion machine. Every machine in the world will have losses from friction on the moving parts, the sound created, etc. This means that machines will need constant energy input to keep it moving, similar to that setup.
Hang tough FilterGuy! There are things that appear to be perpetual and are as good-as. For example, a steel pipe expands and contracts with temperature, the longer the pipe the greater the motion. So, you can get work from the expansion due to the heat of the day/contraction due to the cool of the night by permanently affixing one end and letting the other end turn a dynamo as it glides past (you get power in the push and pull cycles if geared properly). There's a heck of lot of force behind that (pipes not engineered correctly have been known to punch through concrete) and it's surprisingly efficient. Yeah, it's really just a solar energy converter, not perpetual, but last I heard the Sun will last for a long time. Not saying I did this in 5th grade like Craig or that solar panels wouldn't be easier. ;)

When you think about it, the sun provides the power to evolve and maintain all life on earth, runs the weather systems on all the planets, helps block cosmic rays from sterilizing our solar system, and probably dozens of other miracles. It might not last forever, but it's been around a long time. So, solar energy is the next best thing to free power, but not perpetual motion as the sun will eventually consume all it's fuel.

Does free power actually exist? The reason people staunchly say the perpetual motion doesn't exist is that the concept breaks the laws of thermodynamics, mainly the one that says entropy is always >= 0. But, at the quantum level a lot of traditional physics break down. So, someday, when we know more, it might be possible.
youtube videos about free energy and perpetual motion disobey the laws of thermodynamics since they multiply without control. If there could be a way to harness energy from those videos, the solar industry would be in serious trouble.

now seriously, I've been searching a lot about a flywheel battery that would actually work. But apparently you need magnetic levitation vacuum and work for NASA to achieve something. My dreams, crushed mercilessly just like those free energy devices get beaten by the laws of physics in a dark, dark alley.
So looks like this was a stupid question on my part, guess i still have a long way to go.
So looks like this was a stupid question on my part, guess i still have a long way to go.
Hardly. First off your pretty smart just for asking questions!

Now you know that classical thermodynamics scoffs at the notion of perpetual notion. You also know that it might be possible with quantum physics magic some day. And, you've learned that there is a lot of energy out there just waiting to be tapped if you can but figure out how (usually it all comes from solar energy, not all ... for example geothermal is actually nuclear energy...oh yeah... the sun is nuclear power too). For example solar panels are "free energy" (once you've paid for the panels), or @Jay2020's air-voltage, or the steel pipe example above. Heck, just eating an apple you plucked off a tree is free energy (if you didn't own the tree it might be stolen energy). BTW, that's free energy as in energy you pay for, not to be confused with classical thermodynamic's Gibbs free energy.
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So looks like this was a stupid question on my part, guess i still have a long way to go.
No... you don’t know if you don’t ask. Better to ask than to spend money trying to duplicate this setup...

my auto garage was actually trying to build one of these when I showed him on paper why it could never work... he still thinks it should. But he stopped trying to build it.
So looks like this was a stupid question on my part, guess i still have a long way to go.
You questioned that free energy video so you are on the right track.
Google is pretty much free these days.

When the inventor of a "free energy" or "over unity" machine claims that his invention really creates energy out of nothing, he is either deluding himself or is outright lying to take advantage of others.

The self-delusion usually happens because the inventor does not realize the large amount of external energy he has put into his machine to turn it on, which is more than he could ever get out.
A straight-forward measurement of all the energy being inputted to his machine and all the energy being outputted would quickly reveal no actual free energy.
But doing real science is hard,
so countless "inventors" tinker in their garage and think that "pretty spinning wheel" = "free energy" without doing any actual measurements.
For those who do take actual measurements, they think they are always just one step behind from reaching over-unity performance; believing that adding just one more complicated gadget to their machine will put them over the top, when in fact they never actually reach a free-energy result.
Hardly. First off your pretty smart just for asking questions!

Now you know that classical thermodynamics scoffs at the notion of perpetual notion. You also know that it might be possible with quantum physics magic some day. And, you've learned that there is a lot of energy out there just waiting to be tapped if you can but figure out how (usually it all comes from solar energy, not all ... for example geothermal is actually nuclear energy). For example solar panels are "free energy" (once you've paid for the panels), or @Jay2020's air-voltage, or the steel pipe example above. Heck, just eating an apple you plucked off a tree is free energy (if you didn't own the tree it might be stolen energy). BTW, that's free energy as in energy you pay for, not to be confused with classical thermodynamic's Gibbs free energy.
I know but it still seems like im getting roasted here.
Maybe if one could put strong magnets - neodymiums - spinning against each other in a vacuum environment then that could possibly produce a "perpetual motion" machine and one could bleed the electricity from that!

Or if the above was put into a total vacuum environment then it may work.
Not surprising that a conspiracy guy like you thinks "perpetual motion" is a possibility.

Some people misunderstand vacuum energy and believe it is a form of free energy that can be extracted.

An absolute vacuum indeed contains quantum fluctuations, but these do not constitute usable energy.
The effects of vacuum energy are already factored into everyday reactions.
In the strict sense, you are already using the effects of vacuum energy every time you light a candle or drive your car, but there is still no permanent removal of energy from the vacuum.

Every particle is "dressed" or surrounded by a cloud of quantum fluctuations in addition to its regular fields.

If you were somehow to remove the cloud, the particle would be left naked and would interact very differently with the world.
The mass-energy gained by removing the cloud would cancel the mass-energy lost by changing the way the particle interacts with the world, so in the end mass-energy would still be conserved.

You would still end up with the total energy created from nothing equaling zero
energy is free is you can grab it for less than the price it cost to grab it from other sources (meaning there is cost for building the infrastructure but no cost to operate it) , and can be considered as perpetual if the source last long enough. (let's say 10 thousands years)
So put like this , solar is free energy since solar panel are dirty cheap and perpetual since sun is expectedly lasting a long time.
Trees are even better, since they ask nothing than a seed and after a while ou can get a full forest for free.
They can survive also long enough to be considered as perpetual.
nuclear power is great too, but it cost so much to produce an exploitable form of energy (usually electricity) that is totally uninteresting on earth.
it could be another story if you make a plant on the moon or a starship and need heat/electricity and don't bother too much with radioactivity.
radioactivity has long life, but at least there is a limit, so it cannot be really considered as perpetual.
The USA has done that in greenland (and also in north pole in the 50's but this one they brought it back to USA, at least that's what they said) were they put a nuclear reactor ( the camp century ) and simply left it behind when the mission was over.
with the global warming this become a issue since the ice is not covering the dangerous littering anymore.
Also you can build a small portable nuclear battery that deliver heat or electricity for a very long time, but again this is usually limited to mission critical use.
US Navy used that to warm divers suits, but that was long time ago.
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Maybe if one could put strong magnets - neodymiums - spinning against each other in a vacuum environment then that could possibly produce a "perpetual motion" machine and one could bleed the electricity from that!

If you would do that, the magnets would slow down and stop spinning. This is essentially what energy recovery braking in an electric card does: you get power back by turning the motor into a generator, and doing that also brakes the car. Similar to a generator: the more you load a generator, the harder it is to spin its rotor. Whether this is in a vacuum or not makes no difference. You could make something that spins 'forever' in a vacuum because you take friction away, but the second you start extracting energy from this spinning thing, it will slow down and stop.
Unlikely... far too complicated for this scam... more likely is there is a cord under the dirt feeding electricity up one of the legs of the stand all this is bolted to.
The flywheel and huge motor is more likely the way this one scams.
The video stops before the device stops.

Most people who "feel" like a certain free energy machine should work simply don't grasp how much mass-energy it takes to get the machine going.
For instance, magnetic free energy machines are essentially spinning electromagnetic motors.
The machine is plugged into an electrical source, which gets the motor's wheel spinning.

The machine is then unplugged and the wheel keeps spinning under its own inertia.
Then electrical energy is extracted from the spinning wheel.
This energy was not created out of nothing.
It was put in the wheel by the original electrical power inputted to the motor.
The electric power extracted from the wheel in the end will always be less than the electrical power put into the wheel in the first place.
Energy is simply converted from electrical to kinetic (the spinning motion of the wheel is a form of energy), and then back to electrical, while some of the energy is converted to waste heat due to friction.
Unlikely... far too complicated for this scam... more likely is there is a cord under the dirt feeding electricity up one of the legs of the stand all this is bolted to.
LOL you guys are way over analyzing. I just thought it was perfect sarcasm because you watch the video, and then you see "this is actually very clever and it does work".

If you didn't laugh when reading the rest of his comment, pinch yourself. ;p

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