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diy solar

How to get warranty help for an SOK 48V100 battery?

Either way, I'm waiting on @reader2580 to send me a DM with details about his root cause so we can get the right parts sent and get the issue resolved for good.
I have to wait until Thursday to be able to get the information needed to get this taken care of. The batteries are heavy for one person to pull out.
I have to wait until Thursday to be able to get the information needed to get this taken care of. The batteries are heavy for one person to pull out.
No problem, we can work at your pace, please just keep me posted and we will work through this together.
What gasoline generator? I have a Wrico International water cooled 12.5 KW generator with a Mecc Alte generator head. It was installed in 2021. A gentleman who has installed hundreds of these did most of the installation with some help from me.

The inverter charges the batteries. The generator does not charge the batteries. The generator has a separate battery for starting.
Post #66 by OP.
Sorry if I do not understand.
All this shows is we really need a better way of publicizing the quality of support from dealers/distributors otherwise we have people just using whatever comes up on google first and/or "cheapest" prices.
It shows I need to be in another tax bracket so that when I too have a bad day I can write a check for 5-10k on the spot just because
What should I have done?
I don’t know. Maybe even ONE time simply listening to the Chief Technical Officer of Current Connected that the response you received was incorrect initially. And that PER HIM ALL SOK BATTERIES IN THE US FALL UNDER HIM
Which was clearly stated PRIOR to you just giving up and buying another battery

I try and empathize with your situation but I feel like the only reason we are 6 pages in is because of pages talking in circles
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I try and empathize with your situation but I feel like the only reason we are 6 pages in is because of pages talking in circles

And sometimes we need reminders. My wife reminds me regularly about things I’ve forgotten lol.

Plus, Victron’s warranty model is rather unique in the American mind. I have a bit of a hard time believing it’s true. I know it’s true, it’s just very un American lol.
Jeez six pages and it was explained and could have been resolved on page one. ?Someone needs to put down their bottomless checkbook stop arguing, making silly excuses and learn to read. Or just move on.

I tried to BUY, as in give them money, a replacement BMS for my 48V100 from Current Connected a few weeks ago. The gentleman on the phone said they cannot sell any parts for the batteries. I had hit a dead end on possibly getting a warranty replacement so I decided to try buying a replacement BMS. If someone said the BMS is not covered under warranty and I destroyed it then I would be fine paying for a replacement BMS.

I ended up buying a replacement battery because it seemed clear I was never going to get a fix for the battery I have.

I tried to price out a BMS from Current Connected on November 8th. Garrett Hoeffgen emailed " ....we do not currently carry any replacement units for the SOK BMS. We are not planning on carrying any for purchase anytime soon."

I emailed SOK and they told me they could sell a replacement BMS for $120. They also said that they just sent a shipment to Current Connected and would probably be in stock in 4 to 5 weeks.

Seems like this is one of those issues that needs a little TLC .....
I tried to price out a BMS from Current Connected on November 8th. Garrett Hoeffgen emailed " ....we do not currently carry any replacement units for the SOK BMS. We are not planning on carrying any for purchase anytime soon."

I emailed SOK and they told me they could sell a replacement BMS for $120. They also said that they just sent a shipment to Current Connected and would probably be in stock in 4 to 5 weeks.

Seems like this is one of those issues that needs a little TLC .....
Ever thought cc might use these exclusively for replacement of failed warranty cases ?
Ever thought cc might use these exclusively for replacement of failed warranty cases ?

That's how it appears. I may well have to order direct from SOK. Make sense to you?

Given the geo-poltical situation on planet crazy-town, I'm sure some of us would like some spares. If a solar/war generated EMP takes out my SOK BMS, I'm gonna be in a world of hurt. I'd like spares in EMP protected storage for at least 5 of my SOKs.
That's how it appears. I may well have to order direct from SOK. Make sense to you?

Given the geo-poltical situation on planet crazy-town, I'm sure some of us would like some spares. If a solar/war generated EMP takes out my SOK BMS, I'm gonna be in a world of hurt. I'd like spares in EMP protected storage for at least 5 of my SOKs.
Well then, had you ordered for cc , a new BMS would have been waiting state side..

Since there is -0- broken so far, I would, if I were you, get a grip on my anxiety issues and somewhat twisted world view and order them at once from china.

But hey, that would be me
Well then, had you ordered for cc , a new BMS would have been waiting state side..

Since there is -0- broken so far, I would, if I were you, get a grip on my anxiety issues and somewhat twisted world view and order them at once from china.

But hey, that would be me

Lol. In the event of a solar/war generated EMP, we can pretty much write off the electric grid and the communications grid. Almost nothing will be moving afterward -- transport or transportation. Life as we know it changes in the blink of an eye. Understand?

BTW, I did order from CC.

I'd definitely say that one of us needs to get a grip .....
We bought 20 BMSs and air shipped them in a few weeks ago; 15 of them immediately went straight to a customer that got struck by lightning (blew 4 and the other 11 were questionable).

So put yourself in my shoes; you have 5 BMSs on the shelf and 30-45 days ocean transit time. Would you sell out or hang on to them for warranty purposes? When you get customer with a faulty battery, do you think they will accept "Sorry we don't have a warranty replacement for you because we sold them to other people. We will get back to you in 30-45 days!" That does not sound like a solid business practice to me.

We have another 50 BMSs on order already, I'm figuring the worst thing that can happen is we sell them, best thing we keep them on the shelf in case someone needs's just hard to judge demands for spare parts on when the failure rate is practically zero.

Once we have enough of them on our shelf, we will allow customers who have purchased through us to purchase spares.
I don’t know. Maybe even ONE time simply listening to the Chief Technical Officer of Current Connected that the response you received was incorrect initially. And that PER HIM ALL SOK BATTERIES IN THE US FALL UNDER HIM
Which was clearly stated PRIOR to you just giving up and buying another battery
I did not know that Current Connected was the proper warranty and support contact for SOK batteries sold in the USA when I started this thread. There is a big SOK logo on the battery so naturally I assumed I should contact SOK for warranty. The website lists a USA phone number for technical support plus a physical address in California. I tried the phone number a couple of times and there was eventually a message stating to email for help. I did so and got a pretty quick response asking for who I bought from and the order number. Radio silence for the next six weeks.
It shows I need to be in another tax bracket so that when I too have a bad day I can write a check for 5-10k on the spot just because
I am far from rich. My income is under six figures. I had to dig deep into my savings and postpone some other planned expenses from 2024 to 2025 to buy a new inverter and battery for my motorhome.

I get so upset when basics in my motorhome like electricity don't work that it affects my mental health. I think Current Connected will be more responsive if I need help diagnosing issues than the previous vendor. Ideally, I don't have to contact anyone and the stuff just works. That is why I plan to spend a week or two living in my motorhome next summer before my trip trying to stress test the system.
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Got feedback from SOK battery - Min reached out to Nick at Inverters-R-Us but apparently forgot to forward them the email inquiry with the customer details. SOK was not trying to blow OP off or leave ignored, they just had poor communication with the seller. Normally I get looped in on this communication but for some reason the ball got dropped this time.

Either way, I'm waiting on @reader2580 to send me a DM with details about his root cause so we can get the right parts sent and get the issue resolved for good.

I also am in contact with @smickie6000 and working through that issue right now.
Finally got our email problems straightened out and now communicating ???...... Dexter reached out and were moving forward in a positive way.
18650 battery store is a reputable US vendor that sells legitimate grade A cells.

You can pick up a JBD or JK BMS for under $200 and replace the failed BMS in your SOK pack. (I did this exact thing with some 12v packs I bought for an insane deal from CC savings shack).
Agree, and I would recommend the poster get an appropriate charger or cheap DC power supply. Then drain and balance the individual cells prior to replacing the BMS. Google “top balancing lifepo batteries”. This will give an indication what cond the cells are in.
I just did this successfully and didn’t previously know ANYTHING about battery construction. Mine were just asleep and out of balance. It’s easy to work on SOKs. Changing the BMS is almost as easy as changing a light bulb with the right tutorials
don't work that it affects my mental health. I think Current Connected will be more responsive if I need help diagnosing issues than the previous vendor. Ideally, I don't have to contact anyone and the stuff just works. That is why I plan to spend a week or two living in my motorhome next summer before my trip trying to stress test the system.

I hear that piece loud and clear. I apologize for being brash and judgemental.
I hope dexter and current connected can prove to you that they will stand by their word and you can enjoy stress free travels
Dexter had me check the voltage of all the cells and one of them is only at one volt. The other cells are all above three volts and pretty well balanced. I am not sure that explains why the BMS is doing crazy things and not reporting any pack voltage, cell voltage, or cell temperatures.
We bought 20 BMSs and air shipped them in a few weeks ago; 15 of them immediately went straight to a customer that got struck by lightning (blew 4 and the other 11 were questionable).
Do you have any details on why the batteries got zapped? Wondering how the lightning got to it (hit building batteries were in?) and if there was and surge protection devices.

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diy solar