diy solar

diy solar

I was wrong regarding Missing Hithium QR Codes


New Member
Dec 2, 2023
I received 16 280AH cells from Jenny Wu of Docan, but the QR codes seemed off. Anyway I posted that I believed these cells were fakes or not new.

After top balancing and capacity checking as 12v packs I can confirm that they are performing above rated AH.

Each pack has given between 293 and 298AH. They are using JK-B2A8S20P BMS's. I spent time to fully balance and then discharge/recharge twice and capacity checked each discharge.

I wrote to Jenny apologising for my earlier accusations portraying her and Docan to be bad actors.

I wish now to say to forum members that Docan and Jenny Wu supplied me exactly what I paid for and can be relied upon to be honest and above board.
It's against forum rules to post the contact details but a Google search will find them

I received 16 280AH cells from Jenny Wu of Docan, but the QR codes seemed off. Anyway I posted that I believed these cells were fakes or not new.

After top balancing and capacity checking as 12v packs I can confirm that they are performing above rated AH.

Each pack has given between 293 and 298AH. They are using JK-B2A8S20P BMS's. I spent time to fully balance and then discharge/recharge twice and capacity checked each discharge.

I wrote to Jenny apologising for my earlier accusations portraying her and Docan to be bad actors.

I wish now to say to forum members that Docan and Jenny Wu supplied me exactly what I paid for and can be relied upon to be honest and above board.
It's against forum rules to post the contact details but a Google search will find them

It would be a good idea to add this to your previous thread, also.
Hmm, QR codes being tampered with and cells performing with the right capacity are two different things. Then again it is hard to tell with the label being there. If you're willing to go the extra mile I'd do what I did to my cells received from QSO:

You need a bottle of ISO, (or methylated spirit), a plastic guitar pick (do not use your nail - it will scratch it) a roll of soft cotton wipes (don't even think nabout using paper kitchen towels, they will scratch the hell out of the surface), gloves, some foil to put on the work surface and patience. You take the sticker off, you pur some alcohol on top, you wait 5 minutes for the glue to soften and you use the guitar pick to remove it. Once you think you're done, you wipe it with the cotton wipe. You realise you're not even 10% there and you repeat the process 10 times.

Please don't forget to take nicely lit photos if you do.

Edit: I would love to see if these hithium cells have another QR code there like EVE MB30 and 31s do. The second code is meaningless to my software. So perhaps the real code is hidden? Or maybe Hithium uses a different numbering scheme? Who knows. Only by comparing with the rest of the surface you can tell for sure.

But I doubt these are fake. Why? Precisely because they don't read properly. Why go to the trouble of sanding down and relasering to put meaningless codes on? Surely as a clever forger you would put today's manufacturing date. Or even future one if you think these will be on their way for a while.

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diy solar