Good point, and I finally seems, that I am one of those members. I championed Jenny until yesterday when I finally had to admit that I was probably wrong.
My question is though, where can you purchase A grade cells guaranteed to be genuine at a price that is affordable?
If I take one of my 12v 280ah batteries completed its total price is just over $250 USD, that's cells, BMS, T fuse, materials for box.
The commercial 320ah batteries I ended up getting refunds on because they kept failing, were $1800Aud. Currently I can buy 4 Hithium cells branded etc from retail outlet here in Aus, for $1199. But I still have to buy the BMS and T fuses plus materials for the bus bars and box.
If Chinese vendors were upfront that they were selling B grade cells and perhaps included testing results per cell bought then folks like me, who can't afford the ridiculous retail prices would still buy, but not have to go through the rubbish of whether they are genuine or not.
I can only hope that the performance of my cells continues to impress as they are right now.