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Inverter capacitor charging spark!

Install a precharge resistor or you are sure to damage your 24 volt inverter as well as weld and contactor switch. Just by using a dc breaker does not control both issues I stated above. The Breaker switch still sparked and welds the copper contactors and sends a high amp jolt to your caps in the inverter. The box around the breaker just hides the spark every time you switch on.
Does anyone have a link or suggestion for a 24v precharge resistor.
Usually LiFePO4 BMS OCPD is triggered from charging most caps, but yeah if you are doing raw cell system, get a resistor on there and pre charge them. Hightechlab covered it nicely
Could you please an post an ebay/amazon link for the resistor you are referring.
Heres a silly question but how exactly do you put this tiny resistor inline with a 2/0 battery cable? Or is it on its own wire running from inverter to battery?

I first hook up the negative cable.

Then I hold one end of the resistor on the positive terminal and touch your 2/0 cable to the other end. A few seconds later you are done. Hook up the positive cable and go about your day ?
I have a marine battery selector installed on my bank, I put a light bulb on the #1 position, and the 1/0 cable on #2, I first select #1, the light bulb glows for a sec, then dims. Then I switch to #2... done.
Nothing about pre charging in my Victron Manual. I'm running a 12/3000/120 Multi Plus. Seems to me if it was a big problem Victron would say something about it.

Nothing about pre charging in my Victron Manual. I'm running a 12/3000/120 Multi Plus. Seems to me if it was a big problem Victron would say something about it.


Take a look at Will’s video at 19 seconds in.

He mentions damage to your BMS so Victron need not address that issue.
This is what I do:

A couple of notes:
1) I like this better than a push-button because even if you rotate the switch quickly, you will at least partially pre-charge the caps, but it is easy to forget to press the push-button.

2) When I first developed the design in the resource, I was worried about the case where someone leaves the switch on pre-charge *and* has the inverter on. In this case I was worried about a lot of current going through the pre-charge resistors and overheating them. Consequently I put the PTC resisters in to act as a limiting device to prevent any problems. I have since tried this on three different inverters and if you leave the switch on pre-charge while the inverter on, the inverter detects low battery and does not fully turn on. Consequently, the pre-charge resistors never heat up. I am debating whether I should remove the PTC from the design but I don't know if the sample of 3 different inverters are representative of all inverters.. (I did not put the PTC in the last build I did because the inverter I was using did not need it)
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Nothing about pre charging in my Victron Manual. I'm running a 12/3000/120 Multi Plus. Seems to me if it was a big problem Victron would say something about it.

Victron isn't a cheapie Chinese manufacturer so you can expect decent quality components. Try dead dropping a crappy 2000uF electro capacitor onto a 200 amp power supply 30 times and let me know how it performs after that ...

added 'dead'
Nothing about pre charging in my Victron Manual. I'm running a 12/3000/120 Multi Plus. Seems to me if it was a big problem Victron would say something about it.
In the inverter, the only thing that is taking the current is the capacitors and wires (and *possibly* a shunt) so it is not a surprise the inverter manual does not mention it. Several folks have commented that the inrush is bad for the capacitors. I can not say they are wrong, but I am not sure how the current would damage them.

The surge current through the battery is probably not good for the LiFePO4 cells, but my guess is the surge is so short the cells handle it with little or no damage.

Where things get 'interesting' is the surge current through the BMS, In this case you are putting a momentary but monster current through the FETs of the BMS. In many cases, the BMS will detect this as a short circuit and shut off. (You can see this in a few of @Will Prowse videos). Even if the BMS does not shut off, the surge through the FETs can damage them.
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but I am not sure how the current would damage them.
Legs of capacitors are relatively thin, so are PCB tracks ... large currents, even momentarily, could cause enough heating effect to damage them?
Damage can be hidden within the capacitor too. The joint between the leg and the sheet can be degraded, oxides can form on the foil, both increasing the ESR significantly and the latter reducing the capacitance too. Quality capacitor manufacturers provide this info, I'm sure a Google search will turn up heaps of info if anyone wants to do more reading about it.

I've mentioned it before but there is a class of capacitor specifically for high current flows, pulse capacitors. You'll find them in applications like electric fence controllers, very high ripple current applications etc.
2) When I first developed the design in the resource, I was worried about the case where someone leaves the switch on pre-charge *and* has the inverter on. In this case I was worried about a lot of current going through the pre-charge resistors and overheating them. Consequently I put the PTC resisters in to act as a limiting device to prevent any problems. I have since tried this on three different inverters and if you leave the switch on pre-charge while the inverter on, the inverter detects low battery and does not fully turn on. Consequently, the pre-charge resistors never heat up. I am debating whether I should remove the PTC from the design but I don't know if the sample of 3 different inverters are representative of all inverters.. (I did not put the PTC in the last build I did because the inverter I was using did not need it)

But if there's other loads than the inverter the PTC is still useful as they usually don't have LVD unlike the inverter.

NB: in the last page of the ressource the last diagram title should say 48 V instead of 24 V. Also most of the resistors values aren't standard and will be hard to find and more expensive, you should pick from the E12 series (or the E24 one if you really need closer values) ;)
I just did the delivery(smoke) test on my 1500watt@24volt inverter.
I don't have batteries yet so I used my powermax 30amp converter.
the 30amp fuse between the 2 survived.
Wish I had a clamp meter to see what the inrush was.
Wish I had a clamp meter to see what the inrush was.
I doubt very much you'd see this inrush with a clamp meter, maybe a modern oscilloscope. These unrestricted inrush currents would only last for milli-seconds, certainly less time than it would take to blink.
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Any DSO + shunt works a treat., just don't under-estimate the rating of the shunt required.
Legs of capacitors are relatively thin, so are PCB tracks ... large currents, even momentarily, could cause enough heating effect to damage them?
OK.... I would not have expected such a short surge to effect the traces or component leads.

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