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diy solar

Mortons on the Move LiFePO4 Battery Comparison

So the Dakota was actually better than the Battleborn? Higher voltage before destructive overcharge? He doesn't seem to bother touting that toward the end, even though the BB was barely more than the Li-time breakdown voltage.
Actually, might not the Bluetti AC180 be a better choice if you are really worried about large prismatics and wanted individual cells? The AC180 is 1152Wh, not far off from the BB and Dakota, yet is half the price and uses cylindrical LiFePO4 cells.
Actually, might not the Bluetti AC180 be a better choice if you are really worried about large prismatics and wanted individual cells? The AC180 is 1152Wh, not far off from the BB and Dakota, yet is half the price and uses cylindrical LiFePO4 cells.
And likely work after puncturing a cell also because that's such an important selling point.

Got another video. He destroyed the fet banks with high voltage so I thought he was going to test over charging the packs. But instead he did a puncture test. What a bummer. I was really hoping he would overcharge them.
Indeed Will this is exactly the kind of TIME WASTING pseudo testing shite we have to deal with (a BB shill). A stoopid illiterate kid showing his technical ignorance making clickbait rubbish and sadly getting viewed 2400 times spreading fake info. A kiddies pantomime magician has more value but 1/2hour of your time
Just as a comparison, this is what happens when you puncture a gas tank:

In the first few seconds of that video, the first thought I had was "those guys are way too close to the about to explode vehicle".
Then, after the vehicle burped out that large ball of flame and almost toasted the first two guys, the third guy with the hose doubled down by crawling on his knees to within a few feet of the back bumper.
The guys milling around with the shorts also stood out.
I am not a fireman but am left with the impression that those guys are untrained.
Maybe they should quit their jobs and join the secret service.

PS: The little "guy" holding the hose, standing behind the tall guy at that beginning of the video, reminded me of the woman secret service DEI who could not holster her weapon.

Thanks for posting the video.
sombody ought to report moron on the move for improper disposal of Lithium batteries and deliberate air polution

diy solar

diy solar