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diy solar

Mounting the EG4 18Kpv outside on wood siding


New Member
Jul 18, 2024
I am getting ready to mount my EG4 18Kpv. It will be located outside, attached to my house. I have cedar shingle siding. I read that a non-combustible surface is required, but is there a minimum clearance between the siding and the back of the inverter that I could maintain so I wouldn’t have to mount some kind of material to the wall? The manual mentions clearances for top, bottom, and sides, but not the back. If the non-combustible material is absolutely required, then what material is recommended? Thanks!
It is a completely sealed unit and mounts via metal brackets that also stand it off from your wall so I would not worry about it at all, as long as there are no permits and inspections involved.
But a sheet of cement board or aluminum behind and above it probably wouldn't look too bad.
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I am getting ready to mount my EG4 18Kpv. It will be located outside, attached to my house. I have cedar shingle siding. I read that a non-combustible surface is required, but is there a minimum clearance between the siding and the back of the inverter that I could maintain so I wouldn’t have to mount some kind of material to the wall? The manual mentions clearances for top, bottom, and sides, but not the back. If the non-combustible material is absolutely required, then what material is recommended? Thanks!
I don’t know alot about a EG4 , but I do know alot about cedar shakes and siding… it sold used up here in the mountains for fire starter for fireplaces fat wood or starter logs…
if it ever goes off for what ever reason it really goes..I would put somthing fireproof behind it if there was any potential for any type sparky or fire incident…jus sayin..

Btw, if you ever strip it off and replace it for some reason, save it…it takes forever to rot, bugs don’t eat it and it’s worth good money as it’s great for starting a camp fire, fireplace or survival stuff ..etc..

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