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diy solar

Newbie comment on rant

Sorry but even though I am not all that young anymore I have not become cynical with age. Some politicians are most certainly corrupt but I have been in the loop and have seen that when the truth is told people micro analyze it until they find something that seems off to them and quickly declare it as a lie. I have been there and knew that what was being told was the truth but the public is never interested in the truth, they want things to fit their own personal agenda.

This anti vaccine crap is a perfect example. When I got my TB shot in the 1970s they did not ask us if we wanted it or not. They sent us home with a letter on the Friday basically saying you either get the shot on Monday or don't come back to school. I did not even know what the hell TB was and all I knew was that I had already seen people with those huge puss filled bumps on their arms from the shot. We were told it was safe and we believed that we were not being lied to or that there was some freaking agenda at work. We did not get 1% of the info people get today, nothing about efficacy or even any info on how many people died after the shot.

We got the shot without question for the same reason our fathers fought in WWII, because we were told it was for the good of the country and her people. Call me Naive but it's just no life at all if you think everything is one big conspiracy and everyone is some kind of money grubbing crook trying to cook up an evil plan to get rich. Paranoid and Angry is a recipe for a very unhappy life.

Lord help us if we ever have to go into another major war! If so many people are unwilling to take a 1 in 10,000 chance on a vaccine, what ya gonna do when they draft you into the front lines where one in every three men is certain to die?

We have gotten Fat and Lazy, we are like the Romans in 400AD. We are constantly looking back at all that we have done while losing sight of the future and we just love to keep pointing fingers as to why we are in a rapid decline while other countries are moving forward to take our place.
And the Germans told the Jews to get on the train. No worries! Trust us!
I don't know if skipping out on the Draft with fake medical claims makes you a war criminal but I guess some would agree.
As someone who's been to war and saw the dead and knows people who's paid the price for Politicians who advocate for war so they can pad their wallets its insulting (to say the least) when people get it all backwards.
Previous? lol....

At least I got a good laugh this morning.
It seems that now that so many of the Faithful have died, the Vaccinated Leaders who told their followers to hold off have suddenly started to preach that getting a shot is a good thing. You poor souls keep on following these people who have zero interest in you.
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As someone who's been to war and saw the dead and knows people who's paid the price for Politicians who advocate for war so they can pad their wallets its insulting (to say the least) when people get it all backwards.
Yeah tell me something I don't know about! And which Politician lead us into those wars?
the constitution is flawed in that it makes no sense that a state like California with 40 million people has two Senate representatives, the same as Alabama which has 5 million people. In any sane country California would have eight senators. Texas would have six and so on and so on so that the will of the people in the Senate
The constitution is not flawed. Your understanding of the purposes is flawed.
Then there’s the corruption among politicians to consider which - IF anything is flawed- our forefathers didn’t fully envision (I don’t think they imagined people would give up their freedoms so easily one day)

The country was envisioned as an arrangement of individual nation-states in a constitutional republic, not the willy-nilly democracy many pontificate over today.

Will’s point was HE, WE, YOU need to participate in making America strong at our level- be entrepreneurial, be self-sufficient, be productive… And don’t be blaming the government or chinese because “we” stopped competing.

This is a solar power forum, however. The political component IS an issue but too few can platform reasoning and fact these days anyway. Catapulting the discussion to politics or the governmental context of our current times here is going to spiral into the funnel and become a dogmatic non-productive argument where parrots of basically two sides are more popular than water and the thread will get shut down like another thread already has.

Let’s keep it solar, shall we?
As with many things, a single-point comparison obscures other facts and factors that are relevant.

The ‘blue state bailout’ fallacy is that the comment was evaluated, criticized, or supported by the media on literal terms instead of the context.
Deficit spending to prop those who otherwise might be ‘hungry’ and thereby motivated to find work was the context.

Price support of a resource (in this case, labor) to effect its fields to lay fallow is dubious and is the opposite mentality and antithesis of taking action to be productive and competitive in the world market: the point of Will’s rant.
It seems that now that so many of the Faithful have died the Vaccinated Leaders who told their followers to hold off have suddenly started to preach that getting a shot is a good thing. You poor souls keep on following these people who have zero interest in you.
Yeah, like all the east coast govenors and the thousands of nursing home patients who were forced to take known infected, while a nice big ship and convention center purpouse built sat empty.
WTF was that about?
Yeah, like all the east coast govenors and the thousands of nursing home patients who were forced to take known infected, while a nice big ship and convention center purpouse built sat empty.
WTF was that about?
Nothing new really.
In 1953 the floating palace, Royal yacht Britannia was built, with one of the caveats being that in time of war it would be used as a hospital ship.
In 1982 during the Falklands war they decided that the fuel the Royal Navy used was unsuitable for it's engines, so they used the SS Canberra and SS Uganda as hospital ships. These ships used the same fuel as the Britannia, and there was plenty of it. The Britannia went off on a cruise instead. :mad:
No socialism is the centralized ownership and control of the economy. AOC, Bernie, and the others you mention want a regulated democratic socialist structure that is not either true capitalism or socialism. They want a heavily regulated capitalist structure with a significant safety net. Virtually every northern American wants some variation of this. It is just a matter of where you draw the line. Absolute capitalism works in young economies but as the economy ages, it will fail without controlling monopolies and regulating the excesses. The throwing of labels at folks is a big reason we have so much strife right now. Adam Smith is the father of modern economics, capitalism, and/or free-market economics. He is the one that talked about the invisible hand laissez-faire economics. However, what is often misunderstood is that he said that for capitalism to function properly it needed to be controlled. You need a level playing field. The United States functioned best with a healthy middle class. Socialism would squash market incentives but at the same time unrestrained corporations without meaningful regulation also destroy capitalism and rob man of dignity. As Adam Smith said: “Wherever there is great property there is great inequality. For one very rich man there must be at least five hundred poor, and the affluence of the few supposes the indigence of the many.” He also said: “Civil government, so far as it is instituted for the security of property, is in reality instituted for the defense of the rich against the poor, or of those who have some property against those who have none at all.” So can we call him a socialist??????? Of course not. He is the father of capitalism. Another way we could look at the world today is that the people that don't want the rules of the game to be changed are the people that are winning.
Every person who advocates socialism always says the same thing...Our way will work! the other idjits did not do it correctly. sorry AOC and bernie and the rest of that crowd can rename it all they want... It is communism and it is wealth redristrbution. and yes if you are not putting something back into the economy then you should not have the right to make any decisions. Do your children get a say in what job you work? how about do they decide if you will pay the rent or not? and to the poster above who tried the sob story about the women with the abusive husband.... Take the time to find the right person. that or don't get married to start with.

It boils down to personal responsibility. On both sides of the house. people are no longer held responsible for anything, thats what causes the problems...all problems.
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This statement is exactly what is wrong with our politics and attitude. We now deal in Absolutes!
Bernie Sanders does not want America to become a communist or socialist country, what he is saying is that some aspects of a socialist country are actually good for the people, things like universal Healthcare and more equal wages between the wealthy and the middle class. I agree on that point as it has been proven in the Scandinavian countries that you can have A++ Universal Health care and better wealth distribution.
You do know we had a system in place for hundreds of years that kept the wealth gap in check. Up until the 1960's we had a Tax rate of 91% on multi millionaires. The lowering of this is what has lead to all the billionaires in America and the massive inequality in pay.

Sadly though our thinking has now been lowered to the point that we now believe that if someone is not 100% with us they are against us, so divided we stand while the very rich keep on raking it in and the countries that don't like us all that much get bigger and more powerful.
you might want to go to some of those scandanavian countries... most of them have reported that they have been removing socialist programs as in the end taxes went up and productivity among the general population went down...resulting in a spiral of inflation. Don't ask me to do research for you, if you are interested you will search something other than this forum and wikipedia.
Every person who advocates socialism always says the same thing...Our way will work! the other idjits did not do it correctly. sorry AOC and bernie and the rest of that crowd can rename it all they want... It is communism and it is wealth redristrbution. and yes if you are not putting something back into the economy then you should not have the right to make any decisions. Do your children get a say in what job you work? how about do they decide if you will pay the rent or not? and to the poster above who tried the sob story about the women with the abusive husband.... tell her to keep her easy bake oven closed, and instead of getting prego by the first wandering peice of meat that walked along. Take the time to find the right person. that or don't get married to start with.

It boils down to personal responsibility. On both sides of the house. people are no longer held responsible for anything, thats what causes the problems...all problems.
You seem to confuse ( or simply don't know , or refuse to educate yourself on) the difference between democratic socialism ( what pretty much 99% of the developped world has and communism.....

i suggest you do some reading, stay away from fox news or american news network, then review your statement again
you might want to go to some of those scandanavian countries... most of them have reported that they have been removing socialist programs as in the end taxes went up and productivity among the general population went down...resulting in a spiral of inflation. Don't ask me to do research for you, if you are interested you will search something other than this forum and wikipedia.
an this is just an untrue statement...
scandinavia, just like most of northern Europe still has, and have no intention to change their Social-Democratic controlled capitalism system...

or should i call it, true capitalism , with intended rules that allow capitalism to thrive, instead of the croney capitalsm that the us has had since the reagan era ?
Yeah tell me something I don't know about! And which Politician lead us into those wars?
TLDR: All of them...but especially congress and the senate for not putting their foot down on the last 5 or 6 presidents.

it started in the 60's & 70's iran, beruit, lebanon, then the clintons with libiya & it kept ramping up...the industrial military complex wanted a good solid war they could get fat off of and they got one. W led us into Afghanistan, Obama kept us their, tried to bribe them. next we have Trump trying to pull us out and the CIA, NSA, the joint chiefs were all against that as it would hurt their retirement funds they had in weapons and armaments. Biden was just dumb enough to do it without a revised plan. Trump left a framework that was not fleshed out entirely and I think he might have gotten it correct if he had stayed in office. Biden like a dumb ass did not bother to actually look or consider any of his actions and I predict we will be back there quickly if he kicks the bucket and Willy Browns Ho gets in office.
You seem to confuse ( or simply don't know , or refuse to educate yourself on) the difference between democratic socialism ( what pretty much 99% of the developped world has and communism.....

i suggest you do some reading, stay away from fox news or american news network, then review your statement again
how about you grab a big cup of NO.

I know exactly what communism is when i see it. Let me guess kind of like Venuzuela which started out with Democratic Socialism and are now eating their zoo animals? Maybe like Cuba where the folks get on flimsy ass rafts to float to the US as it has a better chance of success than staying on that socialist island paradise? maybe all of them folks running from the authotarin regimes in the central south america banana republics that cross our border to escape...
an this is just an untrue statement...
scandinavia, just like most of northern Europe still has, and have no intention to change their Social-Democratic controlled capitalism system...

or should i call it, true capitalism , with intended rules that allow capitalism to thrive, instead of the croney capitalsm that the us has had since the reagan era ?
Have you ever been there? I have and guess what, its not what you read in newsweek, , or whats on CNN/MSNBC that is the truth. Next you will tell me about Japan right? you know they have socialized medicine? its the worst option, but at least you have options.... as you can still get your own private insurance and you can keep your doctor.
Have you ever been there? I have and guess what, its not what you read in newsweek, , or whats on CNN/MSNBC that is the truth. Next you will tell me about Japan right? you know they have socialized medicine? its the worst option, but at least you have options.... as you can still get your own private insurance and you can keep your doctor.
i LIVE THERE ( moved from the US in 1996 -> met a girl -> stayed )
well I have been there in the last 3 years and the people I associate with while I was there tell me that the times have been a changing for the last 5 years or so. I will believe folks I spoke with face to face first and foremost.
well I have been there in the last 3 years and the people I associate with while I was there tell me that the times have been a changing for the last 5 years or so. I will believe folks I spoke with face to face first and foremost.
while it is true that europeans are looking to keep things a bit more payable into lessening benefits, it is a VERY LONG WAY away from the Shit show that is called the US at the moment.

Reasons are as simple as predictable : less kids were born after the babyboomers, that generation did well for itself, and like many other thing though "after us, the deluge will clear things up"..

So the folks most impacted by their lessening of benefits, are those that recieved too much already
how about you grab a big cup of NO.

I know exactly what communism is when i see it. Let me guess kind of like Venuzuela which started out with Democratic Socialism and are now eating their zoo animals? Maybe like Cuba where the folks get on flimsy ass rafts to float to the US as it has a better chance of success than staying on that socialist island paradise? maybe all of them folks running from the authotarin regimes in the central south america banana republics that cross our border to escape...
Guys,guys. You will never change anyones point of view on this. No sense making political enemies on this very cool forum where we all share a common interest, and can agree together on many topics.
Let's leave the politics to the talking heads and corrupt politicians.
I myself need to get away from all that crap.
The good news is that as the ruling class destroy the country and the world, we will all have a way to power our homes!

My son is a die hard liberal atheist, who was brainwashed in college, and I am an Army veteran who loves God and country. We love each other very much, but stay away from politics and religion.
Time will tell who was right. I am locked and loaded just in case. In the meantime, we dont watch TV or have facebook accounts. Politics and media thrive on division. Just say no, and love thy neighbor.
Man, I've lived in the States, Africa and now I'm living in Finland - reading this thread makes me feel there is no chance in hell the human race is ever going to make it. Everyone has extreme views on one side or the other, and no debate what so ever seems to be able to bring people together - it just amplifies the extremes. Coupled to half-truths or outright lies, polarization and amplification of these through (social) media... sigh. It's depressing.
Man, I've lived in the States, Africa and now I'm living in Finland - reading this thread makes me feel there is no chance in hell the human race is ever going to make it. Everyone has extreme views on one side or the other, and no debate what so ever seems to be able to bring people together - it just amplifies the extremes. Coupled to half-truths or outright lies, polarization and amplification of these through (social) media... sigh. It's depressing.
Yeah, seems like the whole world is going through a deliberate Psyops campaign through social media and traditional media. If the internet was taken down today, and news media reported truth vs opinion, our world would be much safer and better off.
We would lack fast access to information such as here, but traditional study of books and mentoring would take longer, but solve that.
The problem is everyone thinks their answer is THE answer. Hubrus in Humans, always leads to strife or war.
Everyone needs to understand the value of the moral individual and right to persue happiness, as written in the US constitution. Our problem in the US is our leaders and many citizens no longer value or abide by the wisdom in that inspired document, along with the 10 comandments.
The answer is not in capitalism or communism, or any ISM. The answer is in Love, and the freedom of the individual.
E Pluribus Unum.
Guys,guys. You will never change anyones point of view on this. No sense making political enemies on this very cool forum where we all share a common interest, and can agree together on many topics.
Let's leave the politics to the talking heads and corrupt politicians.
I myself need to get away from all that crap.
The good news is that as the ruling class destroy the country and the world, we will all have a way to power our homes!

My son is a die hard liberal atheist, who was brainwashed in college, and I am an Army veteran who loves God and country. We love each other very much, but stay away from politics and religion.
Time will tell who was right. I am locked and loaded just in case. In the meantime, we dont watch TV or have facebook accounts. Politics and media thrive on division. Just say no, and love thy neighbor.
i agree, and this is why , for a time i didnt respond to topics like these.
just can't stand just plain fox news/american news network lies being spuwed like the truth..

that all being said, while we all have our own view and believes, i for one believe there is still much more that bonds us than seperate us..

being idiots trying to create useable energy out of sun/wind/water is just one of them :)
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“Virtually every northern American wants some variation of this”

im real, not virtual

I believe we should be striving for prosperity, not devolving into wealth redistribution. IMHO there should be consequences for not being productive in society. Not rewards.
The mentally impaired, severely injured, or other tragedy- a society with a robust economy can afford to appropriately take care of them. The problem is we have this broken idea the government can take care of everything.
It used to be local communities and churches and businesses looked after folks. Now we act like the government (which wastes 60%+ of our tax money) can do it better.

I’m not virtual and I don’t want a ‘version’ of anything but the work ethic and pioneering spirit that founded this country. (I wish the bad parts didn’t happen but that’s a different topic…)
i agree, and this is why , for a time i didnt respond to topics like these.
just can stand just plain fox news/american news network lies being spuwed like the truth..

that all being said, while we all have our own view and believes, i for one believe there is still much more that bonds us than seperate us..

being idiots trying to create useable energy out of sun/wind/water is just one of them :)
Do not point out one network based on opinion. They all work together. Russia russia was all a PROVEN lie too, in court and in congress. And they harped on that for years. Complete madeup bullcrap, just like the policemans death on Jan 6th. He died of a heart attack, not republicans.

We all need to either do real non biased research from alternate means, or just go fishing with our buddies and let the media and politicians do their thing to each other. Life is too short to carry their crap around in your head. Read a good book, or do something nice for someone instead.

diy solar

diy solar