diy solar

diy solar

Prepping for impending grid outage

It’s always a good idea to listen to the scientists that suddenly take action against a pandemic and fail to revert to any form of basic pandemic response.
Isolation, masking, hand washing and crash vaccine research is what the most basic pandemic response involves.

Had scientists said "it's not a problem! Will be gone in a few months! Don't worry about it at all! Trust us!" then you'd have reason to be suspicious.
Isolation, masking, hand washing and crash vaccine research is what the most basic pandemic response involves.

Had scientists said "it's not a problem! Will be gone in a few months! Don't worry about it at all! Trust us!" then you'd have reason to be suspicious.
Don’t forget your 10th booster this fall!
I am not one to trust that the government has my best interest, but when the scientists whose job is to monitor these situations sound the alarm, tell us "this is deadly, these are the actions you should take to save yourself and loved ones", to second guess that warning is foolish.
"There is a tornado on the ground headed for your neighborhood, seek shelter now"
"There is an active shooter on Main St., stay clear"
"There is a boil water advisory due to broken water mains"
"There is a deadly virus circulating from China, take precautions and get vaccinated"
I never take a new medicine or anything without lots of testing data. That was not available because it was too new. I decided, after reviewing the available data we DID have, to hold off (besides, I was in almost the lowest risk class they had, except for kids). Then they started punishing and silencing anyone who suggested any alternate treatment plans other than the official ones (that really weren't working), even though that's what doctors often times would do is make use of what they had, or knowledge and experience they had gained over time. That made me instantly suspicious that something this time was different, and wrong. And it just got worse from there. So by the time the vax was available, I held off as I wanted some real, more long-term data. They just parroted "safe and effective" but wouldn't say exactly how. Then the effectiveness stories changed, and now it doesn't stop the spread but then they wanted to force people to take it, and that was when I said absolutely no never going to do that. You don't force ANYONE to take a medical treatment EVER. That's just plain wrong.

The more I've read about after effects, the more I'm glad I never took it, as I'm in the demographic that is the highest risk of keeling over dead from sudden heart attack from heart damage from the jab. Look, I know lots of people die from cardiac issues every year, but the volume of cardiac issues in younger people in particular has skyrocketed since the jab. That can't be coincidence.
Don’t forget your 10th booster this fall!
Given that I've gotten ~30 vaccines in my life for diseases that haven't killed anyone I know in the past 30 years, getting 3 vaccines against a disease that has killed millions of Americans doesn't seem that odd to me. You've probably gotten a similar set of vaccines - measles, mumps, rubella, polio etc - all for diseases that effectively don't exist any more for Americans. And most of them were far more dangerous than the COVID vaccine.

In the 1950's, a bad batch of polio vaccine killed 5 kids and paralyzed 51. Fortunately, back then we had more common sense than we do now, so we fixed the problem with that batch and kept vaccinating kids. As a result, polio was completely wiped out in the US.
It's easy to armchair quarterback after the fact. It's great that tornado didn't actually hit us as predicted.

Will I still seek shelter for the next one?
"No way, my political news feed says it's a scam, don't be such a lemming. Sheltering kills people!"
Is it possible for the mods to split this covid talk off into that other thread that we generated a couple days ago, it's great conversation but has sweet fa to do with this particular thread.
Dunno if I'll ever be able to fully do that here in Ohio. With some work and time 8-10 months of the year would be doable. But Dec-Jan would be impossible.
I agree completely in Pennsylvania.
I'm somewhat prepared but not enough...
I'm hopeful one more ground mount and at least 2 more battery expansions will get me there next dark season.

Now if we could develop and MSDDH (mostly sunny during daylight hours ) vaccine and spread it to the masses I'll fully support it. I'm sure we could get SAA (Solar addicts anonymous) emergency approval. Enforce the spread of sunlight, mask the clouds.

diy solar

diy solar