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diy solar

Progressive Dynamics Lithium battery Chargers.... or are they just Power Supplies?

By reviewing the PD web site, I was not able to see any change in the PD power supply (converter) used to charge LiFePO4 batteries. In fact the site appears to be identical to the one I previewed more than a year ago when I purchased the PD converter as recommended by BB when I bought my first BB battery. Can anyone find any info on the 'new' PD91##ALV converters ?
I got a PD9145ALV from Amazon yesterday to play with. It's definitely just a power supply.
Can anyone find any info on the 'new' PD91##ALV converters ?

I looked, but cannot. I wish to replace the unit in my Casita travel trailer with a PD 9100L series located here so I can convert to LifePo4...

The Owner's Manual on their website says on page 4...


This is the most up-to-date information I can find on their website, and does not inspire confidence.
I looked, but cannot. I wish to replace the unit in my Casita travel trailer with a PD 9100L series located here so I can convert to LifePo4...

The Owner's Manual on their website says on page 4...

View attachment 57546

This is the most up-to-date information I can find on their website, and does not inspire confidence.

BTW: The copy you've shared here is for the 9200 model. Not the 9100's we're talking about. Easy to do with their crap manual
You shared from the 9200 section.
Ah. I see what you mean. Thanks.

I wish they offered a separate Owner's Manual for each model, including a charging profile for each.

It's the current year after all, and Word documents are easy to create these days. :)

No prob. And I wish they offered an actual lithium charger, instead of a 50 dollar power supply that costs 200 dollars. ?
Dennis Wieske (Progressive Dynamics) discussed with Mike Sokol (RV Electric) use of Progressive Dynamics Converters to charge LiFePO4 batteries.
-This discussion reveals a change in the Progressive Dynamics PD91**ALV converter design currently in progress to change the converter from a one stage charger to a two stage charger (see youtube video starting at 37.3 minutes thru 39.2 minutes and on to 40.3 minutes for more info).
-Battle Born has stated that the PD converters made for use/charging with LiFePO4 batteries at 14.6 v (one stage) are acceptable for use with the B/B battery.
-I am glad to see the change to a two stage LiFePO4 PD**ALV converter. Apparently they will be available soon, if not already available. These 2-stage chargers will replace the one stage charger with no change in product part number. I never did like the single stage fixed 14.6 v converter for charging LFePO4 batteries because it holds the battery at 14.6 v as long as the converter is turned on (plugged in or 120v circuit breaker turned on).

Just a reminder of what has already been posted. The PD guy claims that the single stage 14.6 v power supply is being changed to a two stage LiFePO4 battery charger, this year, without changing the model number.
Perhaps the electronic component shortage that all of industries have experienced this year impacted their plans.
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Still no details on battery charging voltages and duration. Pretty disappointing.

There's no detail to share for the lithium version, at least the ADL version I got a few days ago. It's 14.6V all the time.
A gentleman in a solar power facebook group just posted this PD link for PD9100l converters. It appears as if PD has finally updated their manufacturer specs on the PD9100l model converters. And the good news is that the PD9160ALV model is the only 2-stage battery charger/converted in that line with 14.6 v bulk and 13.6 v float charging:
From the link above:

"Note: Units manufactured in 2021 have 2 stages. This applies to the PD9160ALV only. The second stage drops the voltage to 13.6 after The battery is fully charged."

I still do not like the 14.6v charging voltage for 12v LiFePO4 batteries. That would be 3.65 v per individual cells.
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diy solar

diy solar