diy solar

diy solar

Review my system please

Ok. No problem. I can't buy anything until June anyway. Thank you.

Are you working on a computer or from a tablet/phone?

If on a computer can you download and install drawio? it is a free program.

I ask because I am doing up a simple diagram of what your components are and how they are connected. I can take screenshots of the finished diagram, but it would be good for you to be able to zoom in and look at all the little details

One more question - is your install area in any way exposed to the elements?
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OK, try this on for size - @Rednecktek pls check this

I attached the drawio file and picture in a zip if you want to download and modify (either of you)

I changed some of the links to be more appropriate wire and I added a main disconnect switch and an active equalizer to keep the batteries in sync.
Don't skimp on the switch - I picked one of a brand I know is good, this is one place the cheap knock-offs are pleantiful and not nearly so good. You can get a cheaper version, just make sure you know what you are getting. If you pay less than $15 it is very likely junk.

Also changed the breaker to 16amp dual pole since it was talked about being for disconnecting the PV wires verse being inline with the inverter.

I don't have one of the battery monitors you linked so I have no idea what size the shunt bolts are.

@platinumphoenix - You will need to figure out what the correct lug sizes are when you order cables - they have to be right.
I linked the windy nation pre-made battery wires on Amazon - they are good stuff and you can't go wrong.

Note - I may have missed a link from prior posts - so ask if you have questions
Noticed I listed the wire between the batteries as 2 AWG, it should be 4 AWG.
And I just noticed that the 10awg wire from negative of MPPT should be going to the other side of the shunt

Fixed now

Did I miss anything?


You have batteries - 12v 200ah - connected in series to get 24v

Equalizer - connects to the batteries to keep them in balance - required

Wire between batteries and to hookup to inverter and breaker are 4 AWG - pure copper with lugs - these are the 2ft version
Need to know what size the screws on your batteries are and bolts on the shunt

Wire between the solar panels and the MPPT and splitter

MPPT - Charge controller - bougerv 40amp

Battery Monitor - @Rednecktek - what size are the bolts on the shunt? 3/8 or 5/16?

Fuse, holder, cap

Ground wire

Ground rod

Breaker - changed to 2-pole (if you are using to disconnect solar panels you have to do both poles - NOTE the breaker is polarized - so have to get the pos and neg in the right place.

Battery disconnect - this is your on/off switch - 3/8" screws/lugs


  • 24v
    2.2 MB · Views: 3
  • 24v cabin layout.drawio
    2 MB · Views: 4
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Are you working on a computer or from a tablet/phone?

If on a computer can you download and install drawio? it is a free program.

I ask because I am doing up a simple diagram of what your components are and how they are connected. I can take screenshots of the finished diagram, but it would be good for you to be able to zoom in and look at all the little details

One more question - is your install area in any way exposed to the elements?
I'm on a tablet. Really really really old tablet.

The install area is indoors. But to be fair humidity is a given around these parts. So I plan to keep the layout as open as possible (but away from kitty paws and little hands) to allow air circulation and reduce condensation. This way I'll also be more likely to notice moisture damage or rust.
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I bought some bolts for replace the battery terminals. Found them at the car parts store. And I came across connections for the batteries. I'm not they are correct. But I know it's what they were built for.

I'm going to get the shunt, disconnect switch and the equalizer next.


The current is carried through the mating surface so any bolts that fit will work. But, run yhe bolts on finger tight and see if they bottom out. If so, see how latge the gap is, you want most or all threads to engage without bottoming out

diy solar

diy solar