diy solar

diy solar

Sol-Ark not a good company to deal with 12k

You see the problem with people like you is that you have never been in the field so you have no clue what has happened.
Let me tell you what you already realize but some how cannot imagine it's country wide.
Chinese engineers cannot design shit! They can only copy and steal stuff that other engineers in other countries have made.
Even the very basic stuff eludes them. That is why they send batteries to Will Prowse to evaluate and then follow his suggested changes. They cannot even understand where to put a temperature sensor or that an AC Breaker does not work with DC current.
Do you really think these same Numb nuts came up with the Sol-Ark design?

Hmmm.....seems like the "Numb nuts" copy the Sol-Ark 15K design or did they design and manufactured the beloved Sol-Ark 15 ?
That's a question for Mr. Brennan. Why did he allow the commies to host the data in China and the extra cost EMP is not going to prevent the inverter from cyber attack by the commies (as they know our username & password) ? Why did he let them market a 16K with one less 200A breaker for 1/3 the price ? ???


Deye 16K
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You see the problem with people like you is that you have never been in the field so you have no clue what has happened.
Let me tell you what you already realize but some how cannot imagine it's country wide.
Chinese engineers cannot design shit! They can only copy and steal stuff that other engineers in other countries have made.
Even the very basic stuff eludes them. That is why they send batteries to Will Prowse to evaluate and then follow his suggested changes. They cannot even understand where to put a temperature sensor or that an AC Breaker does not work with DC current.
Do you really think these same Numb nuts came up with the Sol-Ark design?
i have a serious problem with statements like these, especially made by fanboys..
@Will Prowse even enlightened you that your statement is bollocks.
i fully expect you to take this back en public, if not i expect the moderation team to intervene.
i have a serious problem with statements like these, especially made by fanboys..
@Will Prowse even enlightened you that your statement is bollocks.
i fully expect you to take this back en public, if not i expect the moderation team to intervene.

you are aware you posted the on-grid 8k model of deye ?
do yourself a favor..
search for sun gtil and gtil2.
that is the mother of all of these.
company was based out of hongkong, owned by a guy named keith, and bought by deye.
deye brought out gtil2 , keith as a part of his deal started sunsynk, and kept developping the thing...

do sone serious research man

LOL were you not the one that said Keith Gough from Sunsyk designed the Deye 8K Inverter?
BTW when you have your own work ripped off by the Chinese get back and let me know how it feels!
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View attachment 122989
Heavy raining day with just 0.02KW, Inverter is outputting to LOAD 0.28KW

View attachment 122990
LOAD Output 52.72V * 4.4A = 231W ~ 0.23KW ...... IS NOT 51.2V UNDER LOAD, GENERAL DAN ?.
51.2V is the voltage used when doing specifications. I told you that the 55.5V you were dreaming of was not possible and that 53.4V was going to be 100% SOC voltage when it settled and then it would drop down into the 52V range not long after it was put under load, which your picture shows that it has.

Are you seriously charging those batteries with 58.4V? Good luck with that :ROFLMAO:
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All 5*10.24KW=51.2KW battery are configure to Lithium Mode = 12. The battery bank is capable of Charge/discharge at 350A.
Get back to us when you have it running at 350 Amps. I suspect the firmware is so buggy that it does not even register when it has exceeded it's own limits.
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This was true for the Sol-Ark 5k. And maybe the 8k, I'm not sure. But the "12"k and the "15"k build designs are owned by Deye. Otherwise, they couldn't be selling them through other distributors. All of the distributors just order the latest model, with the features that they want. And like every other manufacturer in the world. If you want something else integrated. It's not a problem, if you order enough to make it worth it to the manufacturer.
It was made clear by Sol-Ark that they allowed Deye to make and sell the Inverter for other Markets except for North America.
If Deye really owned the IP do you think they would stop making Split Phase units when Sol-Ark told them to Stop?
They would have told Sol-Ark where to shove it and just rebranded it and sold it through another company in the USA or multiple companies like they do in Asia. I am pretty sure that companies like Schnieder would have loved to have cut a deal with Deye.
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Sorry, I'm not buying that. Sol-ark is nothing more than a Deye distributor. They've sold out, but don't want to admit it. I wouldn't trust anything they say.
If they would clean up their act, they might be able to regain some respect and trust. Not from me, but maybe from others. (I won't forget who they really are) I haven't paid much attention lately. Are they still claiming that the units are built by veterans? (Without saying who's veterans lol)
Get back to us when you have it running at 350 Amps. I suspect the firmware is so buggy that it does not even register when it has exceeded it's own limits.
I guess you're confused. The Battery BMS is capable of 350A combine charge/discharge of the entire battery bank, each Deye 8K is limited to 190A charge/discharge on the DC/Battery. I have two 8K operating in parallel and the MAX output to the Critical LOAD PANEL is limited by 8KW (per Deye datasheet). See pics below, I did max out the CRITICAL LOAD at 8KW per Inverter Total=8KW*2=16KW on parallel. There no slide of hand or Mickey mouse marketing like your beloved Sol-Ark 12K with 9KW on GRID & LOAD. The Deye 8K does mean it can handle 8KW on GRID & LOAD, no marketing nonsense.

Deye 8K datasheet

Sol-Ark 12K datasheet
I guess you're confused. The Battery BMS is capable of 350A combine charge/discharge of the entire battery bank, each Deye 8K is limited to 190A charge/discharge on the DC/Battery. I have two 8K operating in parallel and the MAX output to the Critical LOAD PANEL is limited by 8KW (per Deye datasheet). See pics below, I did max out the CRITICAL LOAD at 8KW per Inverter Total=8KW*2=16KW on parallel. There no slide of hand or Mickey mouse marketing like your beloved Sol-Ark 12K with 9KW on GRID & LOAD. The Deye 8K does mean it can handle 8KW on GRID & LOAD, no marketing nonsense.

View attachment 123012
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Deye 8K datasheet

View attachment 123014
Sol-Ark 12K datasheet
So all your posts have been about your new Deye 16K and now you post pictures from an 8K and we are supposed to know your talking about dual 8K Inverters! You did not even mention that, and BTW we were posting about your 16K claims with 290A limit not dual 8Ks with a 370A limit.
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this robby is clearly a troll working for solark logo creators i mean solark engineers.
LOL yeah that's it. You also forgot Fortress Power which I have also been accused of.
This really adds so much more to the conversation, Not!
@robby, I agree with you, but at some point, no matter how many times you say it, it just ends up being wasted breath. These guys aren't going to change their minds with logic.

I see the same exact things getting repeated in a different format all over the place, at some point we all just have to agree to disagree, find a mountain, and get the hell over it.
@robby, I agree with you, but at some point, no matter how many times you say it, it just ends up being wasted breath. These guys aren't going to change their minds with logic.

I see the same exact things getting repeated in a different format all over the place, at some point we all just have to agree to disagree, find a mountain, and get the hell over it.
It really does get tiresome listening to the same people who have an Axe to Grind with Sol-Ark just because the Price does not make them happy, but if they want to keep coming with illogical arguments I have spare time to debate them.
You see the problem with people like you
People like. me? I was once the Chairman of an International Bank Loan Committee for the one of the largest Banks in the US. I think I understand global economics.
When you say, "Chinese engineers can't design shit", your dismissal of ethnic Chinese smacks of an ignorance that has seen this great country of ours lose its technological advantage. Morris Chang, an ethnic Chinese grew TSMC into a leader in manufacturing innovation of the fabrication of semiconductors for the world. I am respectful of the intellect of people like him and am concerned that blind prejudice will prevent us from seeing the challenges we face. What patents does SolArk own?
I agree at lot of the original growth in Mainland China has been through copying US technology. However, they are growing their renewable energy sector and have more EVs on the road than any other country, That in my book is innovation on a macro level. They have electrified their transportation sector without copying any of our technology, unless you think utilizing hundred year old electric motor designs is copying technology? Innovation is applying common sense to solve problems.
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People like. me? I was once the Chairman of an International Bank Loan Committee for the one of the largest Banks in the US. I think I understand global economics.
Your not a Design Engineer so you have not had your work stolen like so many of us have. So you definitely have no idea what it is like.
When you say, "Chinese engineers can't design shit", your dismissal of ethnic Chinese smacks of an ignorance that has seen this great country of ours lose its technological advantage. Morris Chang, an ethnic Chinese grew TSMC into a leader in manufacturing innovation of the fabrication of semiconductors for the world. I am respectful of the intellect of people like him and am concerned that blind prejudice will prevent us from seeing the challenges we face.
Design and Fab are two different things. TSMC is Taiwan, we dealt with them a lot. There are many good Chinese Engineers working in Taiwan and in America but in China itself the notion of designing something from scratch is seen as illogical when you can just buy a few units and reverse the technology or take advantage of short term thinking Foreign CEO's that are willing to hand them the IP so that they can use Chinese factories to build the product for less and make more money.
Here is a Nice example of how China works.: Hand it Over
Unfortunately for China they are not interested in the deal so the people in China suffer with a useless locally designed product.

I agree at lot of the original growth in Mainland China has been through copying US technology. However, they are growing their renewable energy sector and have more EVs on the road than any other country,
Well we agree on something. Although saying a lot of their growth might be closer to almost all of their growth.
Your notion of "Original Growth" is wrong. For example five years ago DJI cut a deal with Flir to make thermal cameras for drones.
Flir went ahead and setup manufacturing in China and within 2 years they got the boot. Then China suddenly went from having no market share in the Thermal camera market to now flooding the Market with Thermal Cameras. The IP theft has never ceased, it has only slowed because the last two administrations have put the brakes on companies in the USA sending tech to China.

As for renewables, they also use as much coal as they can get their hands on!
If it was not for their foot in the mouth move with Australia they would not be moving so fast on renewables.
That in my book is innovation on a macro level. They have electrified their transportation sector without copying any of our technology, unless you think utilizing hundred year old electric motor designs is copying technology? Innovation is applying common sense to solve problems.
How is it not copying? It's technology that they copied from Germany and Japan. The Japanese were using bullet trains for Decades before them. The Chinese did their typical maneuver of having companies from abroad come in and build the first set of trains and rails and then they copied it and booted them out. Now they make their own.
The same thing for the Fighter Jets and Rockets. They were bought from Russia and then copied and improved on.
It's all so Laughable because even now they still cannot figure out how to make a reliable Jet engine. Almost all of their engines in their Fighter Jets are built in Russia. They have been struggling to get their latest fighter Fighter the J20 to fly with Chinese built engines.
(Wanna know why?)
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How is it not copying? It's technology that they copied from Germany and Japan. The Japanese were using bullet trains for Decades before them. The Chinese did their typical maneuver of having companies from abroad come in and build the first set of trains and rails and then they copied it and booted them out. Now they make their own
I see your pain and point of view. I do believe constant process improvement is innovation. Some would call that best practices. The Chinese did have to design the viaducts which someone could say was copied from the Romans. I don't know who invented the tunnel? Does SolArk have any patents for the design work they did on the Deye inverter?
I remember Peter Drucker suggesting US companies follow best practices of Japanese auto manufacturers. It all depends on where you are standing. I do not agree with the title of this thread. I agree with others that think SolArk makes unnecessary claims.
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I see your pain and point of view. I do believe constant process improvement is innovation. Some would call that best practices. The Chinese did have to design the viaducts which someone could say was copied from the Romans. I don't know who invented the tunnel?

Does SolArk have any patents for the design work they did on the Deye inverter?
Yes. But don't ask for anymore info because I cannot give away anything. (And for those who are about to post that this is a convenient answer or that they don't see it listed under PS LLC) Nope I am not costing the person their job and secondly companies often Patent things under various other holding names.
I remember Peter Drucker suggesting US companies follow best practices of Japanese auto manufacturers. It all depends on where you are standing. I do not agree with the title of this thread. I agree with others that think SolArk makes unnecessary claims.
Yes. But don't ask for anymore info because I cannot give away anything. (And for those who are about to post that this is a convenient answer or that they don't see it listed under PS LLC) Nope I am not costing the person their job and secondly companies often Patent things under various other holding names.

Don't ask robby anymore. Here's the little patent secret, Thomas Brennan has invented some kinda ink-jet contraption that was later use in the Sol-Ark products design, to create that beautiful logo. It's design in the Plano, TX and manufactured in Ningbo, China. ?

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Yes. But don't ask for anymore info because I cannot give away anything. (And for those who are about to post that this is a convenient answer or that they don't see it listed under PS LLC) Nope I am not costing the person their job and secondly companies often Patent things under various other holding names.
too funny feel we've had this discussion before, and when i gave the same reasons you called me a liar, a fake and batshit crazy..

guess this returns the favor ?
too funny feel we've had this discussion before, and when i gave the same reasons you called me a liar, a fake and batshit crazy..

guess this returns the favor ?
Oh How I loved watching you beg Keith for info on who designed the Sol-Ark :LOL: (No Comment From Him) and he is a Deye Distributor.
Then you were so certain that Sol-Ark was not writing it's own Firmware and Keith Dashed your dreams again:ROFLMAO:
How many times did you and others insist that Sol-Ark firmware was written by Deye?
Now you no longer say Deye writes Sol-Ark Firmware because Keith told you it's not true. So now you have moved back to who designed the Sol-Ark.
As I said in the other post find me a picture of a Deye 8K Hybrid Inverter that is dated before April 2018, the year Sol-Ark released their 8K Hybrid.
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Yes. But don't ask for anymore info because I cannot give away anything.
Ha, I am just a finance/economics guy and can not understand the significant of Brennnan's patents. As far as I can tell one is for some variable pitch roof mount and some kind of polymer contraption which has nothing to do with why the SolArk is a great machine. Do any of these patents have anything to do with the recent dialogue? Please correct me if I am wrong,
Ha, I am just a finance/economics guy and can not understand the significant of Brennnan's patents. As far as I can tell one is for some variable pitch roof mount and some kind of polymer contraption which has nothing to do with why the SolArk is a great machine. Do any of these patents have anything to do with the recent dialogue? Please correct me if I am wrong,
As far as I know Brennan is not the sole owner of the company and If you mean do they have to do with the Inverter, yes they do.
I am truly amazed that because you "think" the 15K on the unit means inverter output that it makes the company deceitful. Let's try again - nowhere do they state it is a 15K inverter - it is a 15K hybrid solar battery system. Just because the inverter output appears to be the most important spec to YOU doesn't mean the company views their product that way. For those of us with battery banks the 3KW of charging capability, coupled with the 12KW of inverter capability, is important. 12+3 = 15. Nothing dishonest at all in the number.

There isn't a "disclaimer" anywhere although there probably should be for people who can't understand spec sheets.

Using your thought process I guess Victron is being dishonest with their model numbers too. EVERY SINGLE ONE of their Multiplus inverter/chargers are labeled in VA output, which is much higher than the wattage output. Pretty much every other inverter manufacturer labels their inverter/chargers in wattage output. Is Victron being dishonest? The Multiplus 3000 only outputs 2,400 watts. There is a big 3000 right on the face of the unit. Is this false advertising, even though they clearly define the output wattage in the spec sheets?

It is the exact same scenario.

According to spec sheet, SolArk does have 15kW inverter (15kVA, 15kW into "real" load).
"Inverter" meaning DC to AC conversion. In this case, from high voltage DC.
It also has 15kW MPPT, from PV to high voltage DC.
But it only has 12kW boost converter, from 48VDC battery to high voltage DC.

So it's not a 15kW inverter in your colloquial sense, from battery to AC. But it is from PV to AC, or some combinations of battery and PV.

Is there anybody here who really needs 15kW continuous from battery?
With 24 kVA 10 second surge, it can probably sustain between 12kW and 15kW for a while.
Sol Ark couldn't afford to pay someone $200 to create an animation on Fiverr so they copied Deye's 2 year old video lol

Deye video from 2 years ago

robby, do you have the wayback machine record to show Sol-Ark did the video two year prior to Deye plagiarize it ? ?
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diy solar

diy solar