diy solar

diy solar

Solar assistant update 8/2023 has new battery label %/hr


New Member
Apr 3, 2021
I just updated Solar assistant 8/2023 and there is a new line of text under the battery % in dashboard. The values dont make sens. It reads %/hr. I could not find any information on it in the update detail. Does anyone know what its referencing.
My values are not even close to representing that calculation I will have to check other setting. Time to full charge at current rate would be a better option in my opinion.

Edit: I also wanted to mention Solar Assistant is my favorite monitoring device and look forward to there updates.
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My values are not even close to representing that calculation I will have to check other setting. Time to full charge at current rate would be a better option in my opinion.

Edit: I also wanted to mention Solar Assistant is my favorite monitoring device and look forward to there updates.
Under the inverter and battery setting (last tab) click “Advanced” and input your correct battery capacity (kWh).