diy solar

diy solar

Today's Daly SmartBMS Android App Update forces a firmware update which fails

Es sieht so aus, als wenn die Variante von Daly geschickt:
die ist, die den Strommessfehler hat!
Hat jemand für ein 8s 100A eine Fimware mit Strommessung die funktioniert?
Hat schon jemand das firmware upgrade
to fix the problem on bms daly i think it can only be done by changing the firmware. The following is a good tutorial with a PC or Android phone and firmware that I got from Daly.
now my bms is back to work normally
I hope in the future Daly will not do stupid things like this again
Hat schon jemand das firmware update via bluetooth smartphone app erfolgreich geschafft? Da ich leider kein UART - USB Kabel hab muss ich mich damit zufrieden geben... nur leider findet diese BMS升级工具_1.0.0.apk das bluetooth Signal meines BMS nicht.
Got it recovered! At last.

My BMS is 4S 12v 100A, R05A1-HJ26.

Support did give me a code for OTA update.
First, tried it with last version(2.4.3) of Android Smart BMS App. Several times progress gone up to 26%, reset to 0% and start over again.

Then, updated IOS app, started update - and it worked. Several minutes later update was installed and BMS went alive. Now software version is 32_221130_100T and even average voltage displayed correctly.

Remember, at your own risk(you better get code or file from Daly support/vendor): 220736

Good luck :)
Got it recovered! At last.

My BMS is 4S 12v 100A, R05A1-HJ26.

Support did give me a code for OTA update.
First, tried it with last version(2.4.3) of Android Smart BMS App. Several times progress gone up to 26%, reset to 0% and start over again.

Then, updated IOS app, started update - and it worked. Several minutes later update was installed and BMS went alive. Now software version is 32_221130_100T and even average voltage displayed correctly.

Remember, at your own risk(you better get code or file from Daly support/vendor): 220736

Good luck:)
Do you remember saying NULL on the version?
Remember, at your own risk(you better get code or file from Daly support/vendor): 220736

Good luck :)
Die Zahl 220736 ist mit Hardwareversion verbunden! VORSICHT! Die genannte lädt die 32_221130_100T FÜR - 4S BMS!
The number 220736 is associated with hardware version! ATTENTION! The mentioned loads the 32_221130_100T FOR - 4S BMS!


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I thought, that R05A1-HJ26 is a hardware version. Unfortunately, I dont have UART cable to check HW version in the BMS Monitor
Try to remove the chinese Letters in the name of the file and try again. Perheaps it helps...
Hat schon jemand das firmware upgrade

Hat schon jemand das firmware update via bluetooth smartphone app erfolgreich geschafft? Da ich leider kein UART - USB Kabel hab muss ich mich damit zufrieden geben... nur leider findet diese BMS升级工具_1.0.0.apk das bluetooth Signal meines BMS nicht.
yes, the android application will find your bms via bluetooth. and don't worry about installing the wrong firmware because the app will automatically reject it
yes, the android application will find your bms via bluetooth. and don't worry about installing the wrong firmware because the app will automatically reject it
my android app didn't find any bms bluetooth signal...
and when i open daly bms official app i find my bms bluetooth signal...
my android app didn't find any bms bluetooth signal...
and when i open daly bms official app i find my bms bluetooth signal...

have you pressed the plus sign on the top right and select firmware file? as i remember, bluetooth should appear once the firmware is selected
Hello someone has the firmware GD32E230_303_32_221130_100T ? I would be very grateful for that.
Vorher Mal ein reset oder spannungfrei machen, dann sollte die bt-id erscheinen.
Andere Apps müssen geschlossen sein.
Dann evtl. mehrmals die BT Update App starten. Irgendwann erscheinen die IDs
Vorher Mal ein reset oder spannungfrei machen, dann sollte die bt-id erscheinen.
Andere Apps müssen geschlossen sein.
Dann evtl. mehrmals die BT Update App starten. Irgendwann erscheinen die IDs
Alles probiert. Ich verstehs nicht. Direkt unter bluetooth scheint meine bt-id auf, sobald ich die BT Update App öffne erscheint kein Gerät. Mittlerweile versuche ich es auf 3 verschiedenen Smartphones ?
Hast Du Mal das Bluetooth Modul abgezogen, wieder angesteckt, den Knopf gedrückt. Alle anderen Handy ausgeschaltet?
Wenn ich die daly App offen hatte bekomme ich auch keine Verbindung.
Salut tuturor ,unde pot găsi firmware-ul pt lifepo 4s 12v 100ah ,atașat în poza alăturată,va multumesc tuturor


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Hi all, 4S Users,

For my daly 4S 12V 100A (see pic) i ve gotten the firmware-file:
direct from Daly. (It is here in the forum).

After deleting the chinese signs in the name, i can flash the file via BmsMonitor 2.1.9 and
serial UART Adpater into BMS without errors.

Updating via Bluetooth does not work in any configuration.

After restarting the BMS (switching off-on) i can read the parameters with BmsMonitor,
but i did NOT get values from the sensors (Ubat 1-4, and Temp.)

So i think I shoot down the ADCs ???
or does anybody know a trick to activate the ADCs ? an other firmware maybe ?

Thanks J.R. bms.jpg

diy solar

diy solar