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diy solar

Will, Delta Pro claims you refused to review the new Delta Pro... is this true?


New Member
Jun 21, 2021
Will, Delta Pro claims you refused to review the new Delta Pro... is this true?
If an official person from Delta-Pro posted that when in fact they never reached out to Will, then to me that is a Red Flag because WHY would someone say such a thing. If a company lies about something so innocuous well I'd question their credibility across the board. If they posted that on FB and if I was Will I would not do a review because who knows what other BS they'd come out with... if it's stinky before you open the package, expect it to be worse once opened.
If an official person from Delta-Pro posted that when in fact they never reached out to Will, then to me that is a Red Flag because WHY would someone say such a thing. If a company lies about something so innocuous well I'd question their credibility across the board. If they posted that on FB and if I was Will I would not do a review because who knows what other BS they'd come out with... if it's stinky before you open the package, expect it to be worse once opened.
Sounds like BS to me too, otherwise why would Will ask OP to tell Delta to Email him.
No prices on their website. This immediately tells me their products are overpriced. The only way they can sell them is to "sell" them. Also indicates they may be mining personal information for profit by requiring one's email just to see prices. Very shady.
If an official person from Delta-Pro posted that when in fact they never reached out to Will, then to me that is a Red Flag because WHY would someone say such a thing. If a company lies about something so innocuous well I'd question their credibility across the board. If they posted that on FB and if I was Will I would not do a review because who knows what other BS they'd come out with... if it's stinky before you open the package, expect it to be worse once opened.
What probably happened is they sent an email to my business address that gets thousands of emails a week. And I didn't catch it.
I'll email them and see what's up
Maybe I missed something but I thought you were done reviewing new products until you were sure the bugs had been taken care of because you were getting too frustrated with receiving defective products? I thought you had posted that here on the forum or in one of your videos. Or did you mean beta units? Maybe that's why EcoFlow thought you no longer were doing reviews.
What probably happened is they sent an email to my business address that gets thousands of emails a week. And I didn't catch it.
My only thing about this, if they posted such BS on FB then I would be extremely leary of them if they are so quick to bash & post it "officially" if it was one of their employees. Guard Mode ON !
Maybe I missed something but I thought you were done reviewing new products until you were sure the bugs had been taken care of because you were getting too frustrated with receiving defective products? I thought you had posted that here on the forum or in one of your videos. Or did you mean beta units? Maybe that's why EcoFlow thought you no longer were doing reviews.
I stated I will not review crowdfunded junk. But I have never been opposed to prototypes. What makes me angry to no end is when they send me out a "production" model, then it fails a simple test, then they later call it a "prototype". Even though they sent out literally thousands of what they now consider "prototypes" to consumers. That is not cool.

But if victron or another high quality solar product company sent out a prototype, I would gladly do a review on it. I just hate crowdsourced junk or low quality products.

For example, electrodacus has crowdfunded some projects and I support that guy 100%. He is awesome, and needs crowdfunding. He puts a lot of thought in the design of his products too. I would never hesitate to review anything he sends me, whether I get paid or not. I want people like him to continue to work on their projects and succeed.

But a multimillion dollar company that has low quality products and is trying to push them on kickstarter? It makes my blood boil.
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My only thing about this, if they posted such BS on FB then I would be extremely leary of them if they are so quick to bash & post it "officially" if it was one of their employees. Guard Mode ON !
I would not listen to any random facebook posting, even if it is official. Typically, these companies have some random marketing team handling the posts. And a lot of times, they are wrong. I have seen people post bad technical information from facebook/instagram pages. I would wait till you can actually test the product or read the data sheet etc.
I stated I will not review crowdfunded junk. But I have never been opposed to prototypes. What makes me angry to no end is when they send me out a "production" model, then it fails a simple test, then they later call it a "prototype". Even though they sent out literally thousands of what they now consider "prototypes" to consumers. That is not cool.

But if victron or another high quality solar product company sent out a prototype, I would gladly do a review on it. I just hate crowdsourced junk or low quality products.
Got it and thanks for making that clear. Hopefully you won't end up being frustrated with the Delta Pro.
Totally agree but it is defamatory regardless of where they post it.
The crowdfund Farce some companies pull, hurts everyone, it is best to stay away from that crud, as you are doing... How many times does it take them to figure out they screwed the pooch.
Real Companies like Victron etc, even their prototypes & sample experimental models are damned solid, so that is a safe bet and they are honest about it up front too !

I never Ever joined FacePox or any of those mass manipulation sites. I was running Dial Up BBS (Bulletin Board Services) when 1200 baud modems were the mainstream and 2400 was WOW.... way before the internet appeared to the public. As a Result I saw the Herding Management Factor in Social Media like the POX... THE Social Disease of the 21st Century.

Herding: people resist the term, but if you are a part of a Sports Team Super Booster Fans or rally for a group, cause or purpose, then you belong to "that/those" herds... or Flocks, or Schools, or clutches, if you prefer.
Maybe I missed something but I thought you were done reviewing new products until you were sure the bugs had been taken care of because you were getting too frustrated with receiving defective products? I thought you had posted that here on the forum or in one of your videos. Or did you mean beta units? Maybe that's why EcoFlow thought you no longer were doing reviews.
I’m pretty sure he was talking about crowd funding units such as kickstarter
@Will Prowse

Did you end up getting a Delta Pro unit? Any thoughts if you have one? Will there be a review posted before the Kickstarter closes?

Thanks, and appreciate all your posts and content!
I’m waiting on @Will Prowse Delta Pro review too! I’ve already missed the crowdfunding discounts but wanted to spend wisely. Can’t buy now until the crowdfunding shipments are completed.
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They said they sent it out this week actually. Very slow response time and hard to work with them. I had these issues with the first unit from them. I purchased the first one with my own money too.

Thank you ?

I’m looking forward to your assessment.

They promise the world and the kitchen sink with this unit. But, if how they have been with you is any indication of their support I’d hesitate to buy into their product regardless.
Been really waiting on Will's take on the Delta Pro - trying to decide between this and an AC200 MAX or AC300. I read on the Ecoflow website Q&A that they don't recommend leaving the Delta Pro hooked up to solar over-nite and to disconnect it????? Does that make any sense?

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