diy solar

diy solar

Will, your current video "Quick Morning Rant: Chinese VS American Solar Products"

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Electric Night

New Member
Jan 9, 2020
Is right on point -- and you are the "example" for how it can be done.

That being said, there are plenty of "Keyboard Warriors" who are self-taught and make a good living writing code. There is a shortage of people who really know how to write good code. Though I suppose it wouldn't be the first time they were "labeled" like that, so they will ignore you :)

I hope there are more people in your age bracket that think like you do, Thanks for sharing that video I sent it to a few other ppl who needed to hear that!

Oh, and if this is the wrong place to post this Please just relocated it where is should go
I didn't get far into it. I stopped listening after the suggestion social science was worthless.
There are plenty of social science degrees worth something maybe pay attention to the rest of it beause there are many liberal arts that don't lead to Employment
Can you correct the error in the thread title?
Sorry Auto-correct strikes again (i definitely know the difference between possessive and contraction and with dyslexia it annoys me when ppl do that so I get it )
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There are plenty of social science degrees worth something maybe pay attention to the rest of it beause there are many liberal arts that don't lead to Employment
He said social science, not liberal arts but the distinction isn't all that important given liberal arts involves history, literature, writing, philosophy, psychology, sociology, creative arts and so on. Surely a deeper understanding of the human condition and our collective histories is vital to providing context to the way we live and the technology we develop and how we use and interact with it? Without the creative arts what a dull world it would be.

Meanwhile the purpose of science is to continually expand our collective knowledge and understanding. That alone is the most worthy of goals (when done ethically). Whether or not employment results from education in any of these related fields is neither here nor there.

Besides, why does education need to be tied to an employment outcome? That just seems such a limiting a criteria.
while i agree to a certain degree with will's statement, i believe there is a different issue here, that has nothing to do with engineering, nor social studies.

the true problem is here is the uncheck capitalism in the USA.
There is no longer a balance between income and expense.
that means it is for less and less (smart) people viable to actually get a good education, which limits the number of folks that can actually do engineering.
when you're hungry , your first priority is getting food on the table , and not walking into the library

besides that the unbridled capitalism has made sure production will always go where there is most profit to be made, regardless of the consequences that has to the local labor and student force
that means cheap labor countries

no national pride ( or rather the last few year an almost airy nationalism) can stop that
Super Wheat from the 60's, being 62 the 1st 10 years of my life was eating normal wheat, now days younger folks were brought up on SUPER WHEAT with the following Genetically modified consequences, Joe.
1. Glue - pulmonary issues, heart disease, high blood pressure, hypertension.
2. Amino estrogen - Women thyroid disease - hormone replacement therapy for life - Men - double chin, man tits, swollen gut, soft tt.
3. Opioid effect, attaches to brain receptors as an opiod (comfort food) and causes ADHD, Autism, and others - google it
4. Inflammation in different parts of the body - every drug commercial claims (reduces inflammation here) - quit eating what's causing it.

Books: Healthier without wheat - Dr. Steve Wangen
No Grain, No Pain - Dr. Peter Osborne
Wheat Belly - William Davis MD.

Don't believe it - switch your diet to meat, vegetable's, and fruits for 2 weeks, you'll feel so good you'll go 2 months and then never go back.

What's next - Politics - Religion - NOT Google any condition, affliction, disease & Gluten and get educated.
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Well, "Streaming Students" started with Grade School's in the 70's got into High school's in the 80's and is now the Norm in all US Education institutions. My GF is University Proff, Medical U in the USA. What she tells me daily, and some of the adventures doing Accreditation for other Universities that she is working on (she also works with the Accreditation agencies as a Reviewer) it's no wonder that Tech & Sciences are falling in the US. Guess What, NO One wants to hear it... The University Refrain from Management is they have to keep the Graduate Numbers up for the Money but they focus more on Research Grant Hunting than the actual Teaching, which is often taught by Adjuncts under a Research Professor.

Student Mantalities have a LOT to do with it as well... The foreign students all work much harder and get better grades. The Asian Students (not just the Chinese) also approach school work quite differently with much more dedication. There is quite a different Education Culture between the "east & west"... Streaming and passing little Johny & Janey so they don't feel bad, does not cut it in the majority of the world.

BTW: One thing Will is obviously NOT AWARE OF... Late 2000's early 2010's, Many US Companies sold their patents and such to Chinese Firms for Solar Panels and even Battery Tech. Some even moved from US to China. While many accused them of "Stealing" the tech, they have no clue that Chinese companies bought the base patents and then moved beyond them in a few short years.

We must ALSO Remember that by 2010 the ANTI EV, Anti Renewables Horse Pucky was starting to get pushed hard & heavy backed by Big Fossil to the tune of 100's of Millions of dollars so they could maintain their dominance. That rhetoric and crap "squelched" US Innovation and allowed the US to lose the Lead in the biggest way possible... AND all the while these same Big Fossil Companies were taking Billions in Subsidies and Tax Breaks for teh Western Governments.

There is a LOT of blame to go around and Finger Pointing can be a real exercise as there are many to point at. BUT the bottom line, is that had the US Kept it's lead by NOT Listen to the Anti Gang of Dissenter Protectionists but no Chicken Little won that but at a tremendous cost the people of the US. Consider IF all those companies & jobs related to Renewable Technologies had stayed & developed in the States, where the US would be today... Imagine the 100's of Billions of dollars RE Tech generates for China ! And that Oil/Gas/Coal Fossil Companies helped China gain & Maintain that lead with their pushing of Anti-RE FUD and bribing politicians with Big Donations...

IF you wanna be MAD, then Focus it on the "WHO" that Caused & supported it.

In China's case, like any Business Person with 1/2 a sense, if someone gives you a Golden Opportunity & then gives you "protectionists" who will OBSTRUCT R&D and advancement by potential competitors by spreading FUD (Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt) with 100's of millions of dollars, (Free for China) which in essence is a Solid Golden Platter - what fool would NOT take advantage of it... It was the Perfect GIFT and now the scramble to squelch it.... while crying in the soup.... for being bamboozled by your own Fossil Corps.... who are still getting millions in subsidies FROM YOU ! every single year...
So a follow up question to everyone who agrees with his rant.

What are you doing about it?

Who is going out and getting an engineering degree to replace me when I retire? (on the "innovation" part of the rant- I disagree that US engineers are not innovative- we are, and there's a lot that has been happening) (on the other hand, I have noticed that my company has been importing engineers to fill roles- not sure why, but we have).

Who is going to start the small business that has the potential to grow into a big one?

The problem with rants like this is that it bashes blaming everyone else for your problems by blaming other people for our problems. If the end punchline was "I'm starting my own business"- that would be different. But I heard "someone needs to do this". At some point, instead of ranting about nobody doing something, then do stuff.

BTW, much of the issues with the social issues prevent potential engineers from getting the education they need. Which is why we support multiple education programs for people and areas that have people but few opportunities.
(on the other hand, I have noticed that my company has been importing engineers to fill roles- not sure why, but we have)
They (think they) save money this way. H1B visa holders are basically indentured labor.
BTW, much of the issues with the social issues prevent potential engineers from getting the education they need. Which is why we support multiple education programs for people and areas that have people but few opportunities.
The unchecked for-profit higher education system, combined with public education (K12 etc) getting their budgets cut every year is a toxic combination that leads to worse outcomes overall.
They (think they) save money this way. H1B visa holders are basically indentured labor.

The unchecked for-profit higher education system, combined with public education (K12 etc) getting their budgets cut every year is a toxic combination that leads to worse outcomes overall.
Even the not-for profit public university system is struggling with costs. Things have changed a lot since I went to school in the 80's. But this conversation has the potential to become incredibly political.

One weird thing though- a few years ago, I had a conversation with the local big university provost, asking why there were some very specific fund raising programs going on.... I had not known that the pool of state HS graduates is declining. So our state has to try to get students from other states to come to school here.

Still, many of the bashed social issues are core reasons why a significant portion of our population does not go out and get engineering degrees. Seen that with my own eyes, and have done what we could to add people to the pool of potential engineers that have been mostly left out.
I didn't get far into it. I stopped listening after the suggestion social science was worthless.

Will is spot on. What kind of job can you get with a social science degree? Yes, it is worthless. Get a technical degree and make some $$, and lose some weight while you are complaining about social misjustice.
BTW, I'm not sure how one makes the connection between overweight and being a lazy worker. Engineers mostly work at a desk- there's no physical activity for the gross majority of us. Being physically lazy is not an indicator of a work ethic for your job.
BTW, I'm not sure how one makes the connection between overweight and being a lazy worker. Engineers mostly work at a desk- there's no physical activity for the gross majority of us. Being physically lazy is not an indicator of a work ethic for your job.
People are not fat cause they are engineers....being fat is about ones mind unless they have a real medical condition (not common).

But you won't find many hard working people who are smart who are "fat". As it is about ones mind.
H1B visa holders are basically indentured labor.

For sure true. Humanity would be far better served if people made where they live better than the mass movement of humans (breaking up many families).
People are not fat cause they are engineers....being fat is about ones mind unless they have a real medical condition (not common).

But you won't find many hard working people who are smart who are "fat". As it is about ones mind.
If that's what you really think, it's just throwing more blame around. I've been an engineer for almost 30 years, and see plenty of lazy incompetent fit people as hard working skilled overweight people. Throwing labels around like that isn't really helping at all.

We want to fix engineering in the US, right? Tell me how complaining about overweight people fixes that.
Again, who is planning on starting that local manufacturing? Someone else?
The problem is far larger than what you imply....

Enderes tools.... Used to be my "go to" tool company. I'd even been by their plant in Minnesota (worked as a iron worker there for a year). But then they moved most of that guessed it...China... I stopped buying cause their tools went "soft"....

The problem/solution has ALWAYS been at the consumers/purchasers feet. Always.

I really know to avoid conversations like this though.... Will hit it on the head, you just can't beat lazy when its subsidized by the Government.
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