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diy solar

Wow, basen rack.mounts batteries destroy a home in germany


Solar Wizard
Nov 29, 2019
Not my home, but very much a wake up call when using basen 19" enclosures and lpf cells

Ohh there is a dash of "Chicken Little" in this one.
After the explosion, the basement – which housed both the boiler and the battery system – was filled with white smoke. However, there were “hardly any signs of fire” near the battery storage unit, according to the homeowner. “The inverters on the other side of the room look like new,” he said.
Afterward's they notice the smells from the LFP Packs... Well, they just went through a house fire, of course they got cooked & burnt in that event and will stink to high heaven as a result.
Long after the incident, the homeowner noticed an odor that he described as the smell of lithium.
Interesting how they OMMIT what Fuel is used for the Boiler ! Well in Germany, that is most often GAS... and we ALL KNOW that Gas Boilers & Furnaces NEVER FAIL or BLOW UP !

LFP does not "blow up" but can flame out is extremely damaged, neither do NMC, NCA cells as such but their Thermal fires are seriously extreme but that isn't an "explosion" that will blow apart concrete walls....

The Current GLOBAL PASSTIME: Theorisation, conjecture, postulation, finger pointing & blaming...
It is not yet confirmed if the batteries are to blame. So far, all reports are based on speculation.
To me the battery case looks very much undamaged

Funny how the focus changes based on the intended message.
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30 kWh of energy is less than the energy contained in a gallon of gasoline. Do we believe that a single gallon of gasoline could turn a house to ruble?
A gallon of gas IF completely vaporized and then ignited, possibly. We have all seen (in news) where a fool stores their BBQ Propane Tank inside, it leaks and levels the house... LPG is a heavy gas and sits in low spots while Natural Gas is light & diffuses into the home... both are equally nasty when they go.
Actually, I am surprised that no one has leaped all over it blaming "Chinese Components" or other similarly ridiculous conspiracies 'stuff', probably just a matter of time.
I was gonna put my batteries near the water heater. It is concerning to imagine that LFP offgassing could reach some kind of stoich ratio in the room.

This might be my prompt to build an external cabinet.
Not my home, but very much a wake up call when using basen 19" enclosures and lpf cells

Wow shocking! Only UL batteries for my house!
Not my home, but very much a wake up call when using basen 19" enclosures and lpf cells

It will never be the batteries.

Why you may ask? Because if it was the batteries, it ruins the whole safe EV promotion. Look at the parking garage fire, the press made certain it wasn't disclosed as a hybrid diesel that started the fire.

It wasn't the batteries, we have seen how safe LFP is. Most likely gas.
A gallon of gas, absolutely would destroy a house.
It might burn it down. But explosively I think it would just blow the windows out. And even if vaporized gasoline could do it, there no way to spontaneously release all the energy in a battery like that.

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