diy solar

diy solar

Wow, basen rack.mounts batteries destroy a home in germany

Gas appliance with pilot or ignitor. Gas leak in pipe. Room fills with gas from the ceiling down, until it encounters ignition.
Gas appliance with pilot or ignitor. Gas leak in pipe. Room fills with gas from the ceiling down, until it encounters ignition.
So you agree, it was a leaking natural gas (not LP higher SG) pipe with a pilot light/igniter ignition source.??
So you agree, it was a leaking natural gas (not LP higher SG) pipe with a pilot light/igniter ignition source.??
i think it was, as a kid i grew up with a lpg gas house furnace, gas water heater, gas dryer, and combination stove/oven. as kids we got the training from my father who was an electrical foreman at the breed power plant.

safety was one of those things baked into his bones as OSHA was just starting to get some real teeth.

all our appliances got cleaned (burners) professionally every year and burners, orfices etc. changed when ever deemed necessary by the company doing the maintenance and cleaning.

we were made to watch while they did the dryer and stove as they were easy to access and the kids could watch and learn. the guys doing the work were thrilled to have an audience and went over ad nauseam what could (and sometimes did) happen with gas appliances. and how to see the warning signs. (trouble igniting, not reaching temps multiple ignition attempts etc.

back then people rarely paid attention until something bad happened... I would guess its even worse these days. like I said in an earlier post you can the the battery pack in the photo's no apparent burns just the casing knocked about by the concrete blocks crumbling. I would bet on a bad inlet valve leaking on the water heater or clogged orfices and or several false starts and just enough gas to go Stoichiometric and then a nice little attempt at relight and BOOM!

much more believable then all the force manufactured panic. it is something that has happened many times in the past and will continue to happen in the future, even to folks who have no solar power production system for the insurance company to blame it on to avoid paying out. does anybody actually trust an insurance company to do anything in your favor vice their's?
To me the battery case looks very much undamaged

Yeah that's what I thought too. But everyone wants to jump on the batteries as the cause. Especially insurance so they can try to get out of paying a claim.
Insurance is the biggest scam on earth. They are in business to make money not shell it out to the claimants. I have seen it from every point of view as a customer. From car accidents to having lost everything in a fire. And unless you can fight them and prove every penny you spent they will still try to screw you. Just like many will not cover anyone who has solar or because they live in a certain area or state. They want profits. As soon as you call with a claim they put money into an account that earns interest and they make money off the claim. Usually not much, but if a claim lasts for months they make more money dragging out the payment. They have more tricks than a high priced hooker ?
Find me a denied insurance claim on a house fire or explosion, it would be worthy of a small news story somewhere. They cover tool battery fires, e-bike fires, all that.

There are other claims like water claims they will fight, but fire claims are like the sacred hazard.
Find me a denied insurance claim on a house fire or explosion, it would be worthy of a small news story somewhere. They cover tool battery fires, e-bike fires, all that.

There are other claims like water claims they will fight, but fire claims are like the sacred hazard.
That's a bit different than them trying to deny based on the cause. Finding out you didn't have insurance because it was cancelled or not paid is a separate and possible outcome even in the US. And when I have looked into it before it does seem the UK insurance environment has a lot more leeway for this kind of retroactive nullification. The rare stories I do find in the west are often in the UK.
That's a bit different than them trying to deny based on the cause. Finding out you didn't have insurance because it was cancelled or not paid is a separate and possible outcome. And when I have looked into it before it does seem the UK insurance environment has a lot more leeway for this kind of retroactive nullification. The rare stories I do find in the west are often in the UK.
No no he was all paid up, it was cancelled after the fact because he failed to declare a previous claim
And when I have looked into it before it does seem the UK insurance environment has a lot more leeway for this kind of retroactive nullification. The rare stories I do find in the west are often in the UK.

Haha doesn't surprise me, Britain has a LONG history of insurance brokers, we were very early in the modern insurance game. Property insurance was thought up after the great fire of London 1,666 , we were also the first to sell life insurance

Lloyds of London have been ripping off the masses for almost 3 times longer than America's been a proper unified country! ?
Exactly. Always an interesting blend of more consumer protections and yet also less in the UK.

Like on consumer products, you guys theoretically have more legal protections, but everything gets a lot more fighty between the consumers and the retailers. I returned a pack of sausages and some used pans the other day just because I didn't like them, satisfaction guaranteed and whatnot, and they'll look at you like you're crazy if you try that over there.
Exactly. Always an interesting blend of more consumer protections and yet also less in the UK.

Like on consumer products, you guys theoretically have more legal protections, but everything gets a lot more fighty between the consumers and the retailers. I returned a pack of sausages and some used pans the other day just because I didn't like them, satisfaction guaranteed and whatnot, and they'll look at you like you're crazy if you try that over there.

Absolutely right there . Very strange mix , we've got HUGE consumer rights over here and yet almost no way to enforce them , Trading standards are supposed to deal with it but they are under funded/over stretched , it would have to be serious before they'd way in.

You can take them to small claims , but the courts are prohibitively expensive , judgements often unenforceable and even if they are enforceable they have to be done by a high court bailiff to the tune of £5000+ (recoverable from other party if you're lucky) but you've got the have the money to stomp up in the first place ?

There's no real recourse for the poor man in Britain ... Don't forget, despite what they might tell us, we're not British 'citizens' , we are subjects of the Crown . And don't we all bloody well know it ...
I returned a pack of sausages and some used pans the other day just because I didn't like them, satisfaction guaranteed

Hahah I can see someone at a shop in Britain with a half pack of sausages trying to make a return , I don't think they'd be getting much satisfaction ?
Imagine a non-permitted solar install. A couple of panels on my roof and a battery inverter inside. None UL listed. Running my beer fridge. Cheap inverter catches fire. House burns. Covered?
Imagine a non-permitted solar install. A couple of panels on my roof and a battery inverter inside. None UL listed. Running my beer fridge. Cheap inverter catches fire. House burns. Covered?

I would say so long as no one knew about it but ..
I’d venture a hard no. Having dealt with insurance companies, adjusters, and investigators for a long, long time.
Find me a denied insurance claim on a house fire or explosion, it would be worthy of a small news story somewhere. They cover tool battery fires, e-bike fires, all that.

There are other claims like water claims they will fight, but fire claims are like the sacred hazard.
All you have to do is use Google and you will find endless cases

diy solar

diy solar