diy solar

diy solar


Just convert a 240V dryer, dime a dozen used.
May be a little effort to properly separate N from G. I got that done with 3-wire 240V to make 4-wire and not trip GFCI.

If buying 120V, consider condensing (even more expensive) if it looks like it will save power. Multiple types (air cooled, water cooled maybe only if washer/dryer in one, heat pump.)
I would prefer a designed properly 120vAC dryer rather than trying to convert one. Unlike a hot water tank that you can simply buy replacement 120VAC rated heating elements a dryer you are wiring the 240vAC ones to operate with 120vAC.

As you noted: "Wiring 240V resistive heating elements for 120V draws 1/2 current, 1/4 power." So to get 1500w amount of heating those 240vAC would have to be 6000w rated. Many are only rated for 4000w elements so you end up with a 1000w worth of heating.
Don't count on anything being "properly designed", but the big name brands (assuming not just relabeling) might be a better bet.
Instructions shown for 120V conversion; is that "proper" enough for you?

Not since 1987, this says. Maybe mine haven't been GE? Or older?

If 240V required, converting at the plug wouldn't work. Elements could still be rewired internally.
Plenty of electromechanical units still out there.

The document suggests 4x slower, but that isn't the case. Especially if you were drying on gentle low heat.
High speed spin in washer is important to save time & power.

Not since 1987, this says. Maybe mine haven't been GE? Or older?

If you run a 1987 or older dryer you have me beat. Mine is a youngster built in 1995, Kenmore (Remember Sears?). :cool:
I have an electric dryer and hot water heater. I used an EV switch to keep them from running at the same time. Dryer has priority HWH as long as the dryer is not on. Both pull around 16-17A@240.
I just thought if you needed some help I was near is all.
Well lately all I have done is experiment with how this critter runs and works … figuring out the tweaks I need to add/change/ do / remove…. Drink beer and watch the different lights blink and now sketching out the second array and where it should go … how much of the leftover stuff can I use….and how to not let the wife see new stuff I need .

“Hey babe, look what was just laying down by the big highway…side of the road…free for the taking… a bunch of solar panels and some new Victron stuff…. All of it is the correct voltage and size I needed..
Damn ain’t America a great place to live…”

yes, I am trying to refine that story a bit more……….
Demand is a b*tch, that's why I have two inverters. Theoretically I can hit 24KW = 100A or even a little higher. if you don't mind a little programming you can use a modbus sensor like I did. My highest recorded peak was around 80A, My highest since the solar as been on was around 73. The HWH/DRYER box, basically removed +17A of peak, with near zero downside.
I have an electric dryer and hot water heater. I used an EV switch to keep them from running at the same time. Dryer has priority HWH as long as the dryer is not on. Both pull around 16-17A@240.
What is this EV switch you speak of ? :)

I could use something like that on a few things.

diy solar

diy solar