diy solar

diy solar

What's the best solar-related item you bought in 2023?

I have 6 meters 4 Flukes( one is a 73 also), a cheap amazon chinese dc clamp meter and a the one I borrow to people...

My new purchase was more panels, a hydraulic crimper with multiple dies. Helps with the more battery problem LOL The old hands really appreciate it. Works perfect every time, just my hydraulic flare tool....

I think I am going to buy an 18v heat gun for X-mas....
Good idea with the heat gun. Saw one at Home Depot the other day. So much convenience for heat shrinking stuff
Best solar thing I bought this year was a pair of Coyote bi-focal 'reader' sunglasses... Wow, now I can read the solar panel sticker on a sunny day without having to stand 4 feet away...

I can also read the gauges and stereo buttons in my car now while I'm driving.

I may try these out. I have gone to using those sunglasses they give you when you have cataract surgery that cover my normal glasses since it blocks everything from everywhere and fits over my normal glasses. Looks goofy I guess but works great :)
My glasses auto darken but the glass on vehicles blocks the uv rays that make them darken so that's about useless driving so I may try these out.
When in the Navy in Lemoore I worked in the calibration lab and worked on literally thousands of meters, calibration and repair. Simson 260, fluke 77an, phase angle volt meter, true rms, and a variety of others.

I had a 77an that had been dropped into a drum of old hydraulic fluid and left for days until it was empty and retrieved. It came in a ziplock to the lab. Take it apart and spray it with trichloroflorethane and clean it it.... new battery and it passed calibration and worked like new. Another run over by a tow tractor, put a new case and knob on it and it works. The only ones that were scraped were the ones that were literally melted from using the unfused amp input. And even those usually worked on other settings. Well we had one run over by a F18, that was just mangled.

The only meter I buy is a fluke.
Good story!
I love Fluke meters. Since my early electronic tech days. Almost went to work for them (well, at least had an interview when I graduated :) ).
What I'm eyeing for in 2024.

1. Another server rack of 6 Ruixu batteries.
2. Replace all 24 of my used Santan solar panels with new 300-400W panels.
3. EG4 18K inverter.
What I'm eyeing for in 2024.

1. Another server rack of 6 Ruixu batteries.
2. Replace all 24 of my used Santan solar panels with new 300-400W panels.
3. EG4 18K inverter.
Good choices. Love the ruixu stack with an 18K.

How about some nice 450W if you can find them. Might be good prices on them
EG4 doesn't offer an 18k inverter.
Quite the marketing scam isn't it?

I guess one can't say they are lying or being dishonest to an extent. But they are misleading people. I always say if you cheat a little now, when push comes to shove I probably can't count on you being honest or to have my back.

Given some of the experiences with SS/EG4 various members have had the last few years, I would say the above is true.

I know quite a bit about being honest, forthright and having someone's back after serving in combat.
Quite the marketing scam isn't it?

I guess one can't say they are lying or being dishonest to an extent. But they are misleading people. I always say if you cheat a little now, when push comes to shove I probably can't count on you being honest or to have my back.

Given some of the experiences with SS/EG4 various members have had the last few years, I would say the above is true.

I know quite a bit about being honest, forthright and having someone's back after serving in combat.
There are more suppliers/resellers doing that, and claiming even more non sense too
Quite the marketing scam isn't it?

I guess one can't say they are lying or being dishonest to an extent. But they are misleading people. I always say if you cheat a little now, when push comes to shove I probably can't count on you being honest or to have my back.

Given some of the experiences with SS/EG4 various members have had the last few years, I would say the above is true.

I know quite a bit about being honest, forthright and having someone's back after serving in combat.
How about you sue them? Let's get this going, do you have an attorney that would take this case? If not, does someone else reading this that has some other options? Let's make something happen

While we are at it, let's get the other hybrid inverters that are for sale being rated by their PV input. Sue them all.
How about you sue them? Let's get this going, do you have an attorney that would take this case? If not, does someone else reading this that has some other options? Let's make something happen

While we are at it, let's get the other hybrid inverters that are for sale being rated by their PV input. Sue them all.
Something should be done. Like I said, it isn't technically lying but misleading so going into civil court won't get you far.

With your audience, you would be in a better position to influence changes. I'm just some little guy in Timbuktu, IA.

I would consider the 18Kpv but given the misleading name, I'll just go elsewhere. About the only thing a little guy from Timbuktu, IA can do. EG4 has some good products and I've stated as such, some were turds and I stated as such. I give anyone a fair chance in life, whether they decide to shine or lay down in the gutter is up to them.
At least they do put "pv" in the name, since that's what the number refers to.
Is the data sheet correct?

Or, could just name it according to AC wattage.

Consider the SMA "Sunny Boy Smart Energy" SBSE 7.7

Max apparent AC power 7650 VA
Max PV array 15400 Wp
Max battery charging 10000 W

Something should be done. Like I said, it isn't technically lying but misleading so going into civil court won't get you far.

With your audience, you would be in a better position to influence changes. I'm just some little guy in Timbuktu, IA.

I would consider the 18Kpv but given the misleading name, I'll just go elsewhere. About the only thing a little guy from Timbuktu, IA can do. EG4 has some good products and I've stated as such, some were turds and I stated as such. I give anyone a fair chance in life, whether they decide to shine or lay down in the gutter is up to them.
What is misleading? It says 18kpv. PV means photovoltaic, and that's what the rating is for. I still don't see the issue. I'm pressing others like yourself to do something about it because I don't see any issue at all. Have you purchased other grid tie or hybrid inverters? They are all rated by the PV input.
I am trying to figure out how to do this. Did you use the Victron Energy VE.Direct to USB Interface cable as your UART to USB to connect the Rpi to the BMS?

View attachment 184181

No VE.Direct components.

RPi only has USB and JBD has UART. UART to USB I bought from Overkill linked by @Samsonite801

Needed superuser access and had to manually install drivers through PuTTY/ssh.