diy solar

diy solar

Eclipse 2024

Barn system (20 kW of panels) was down to 160 W, is now back over 5 kW. Shed was down to 10 W (1 kW panels), now is back to 200 W. SE Michigan, 98% coverage here.
Some observations on wildlife. I live in a forest with a wetland nearby. Just before totality, frogs in the wetland started to croak. Bats from tge forest began to fly and a Barred owl hooted. My chickens hid under solar panels until my family came out and they stood next to us. No wind, deathly quite (except for the frogs, bats and owl), and an odd stillness through the forest until the moon passed. Pretty cool stuff.
Didn't get total here, SE Mich. It got a little dimmer. I have the panels on a solar tracker, as it got close to the darkest it was gonna get, the tracker went into nite mode. About 20 or so mins later it found the sun again. We did have nice clear skies tho.
Clouds just started to breakup as the max happened here around 2 pm. About 82% coverage by the maps I saw. Definitely a pretty significant dip in midday production.
We had clouds and intermittent rain all day, but our solar production was about the same as the day before ... terrible.

As for the eclipse, I was in Arkansas and got to see the whole thing.
I decided to look at our production for the day. Production was down overall by a lot, but we had a mid day dip due to clouds and the eclipse. Both chargers looked the same.

Screen Shot 2024-04-09 at 4.19.38 AM.png
99.2% totality at my house.
Production went down to 15w, and recovered shortly after.
Battery lost 1%, during the eclipse.

I was a two hours drive away. Watching it in full totality.
It's a one million percent difference between 99% and 100% eclipse totality.
It was definitely worth the drive.
Great shot.
All I had with me was my phone.
So all that I have now, is memories.
I like to travel with my DSLR in case I stumble across something interesting, but I had no intention of taking photos of the eclipse, so I didn't take the tripod or big lenses. Then, after a couple of minutes sitting in the dark I just instinctively reached into the bag, pulled out the camera and snapped a few.
Here is my production graph from So Cal. Well out of the total coverage area.


The power cut to about 50% on a totally cloud free sky.

diy solar

diy solar