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diy solar

Happened again, DIY battery fire


Solar Addict
Jan 19, 2022
Arizona, Mohave County
Another fire because of a home-made solar battery.
This time, on the popular holiday island of Rügen in Germany, €300,000 structural damage (the link points to a German news story and may be translated online). Until now they don't have more technical details about the DIY battery - but there were 3 explosions in a row the neighbors told the first responders...

Many people underestimate the potential dangers of improper battery construction and operation. Many of the DIY videos suggest that it's very easy... yes, in theory that's true... BUT the dangers lurk in places that people often underestimate - even if the battery cells and BMS were connected "logically correctly" it happens that they use too small wires, busbars that are too weak, poor contacts, incorrect torques, use of cheap crimp connectors and tools and many other possibilities. If someone is unfamiliar about the potential danger of very high currents and/or with high PV DC voltages the potential dangers are just not on the screen of the people.

This is a real problem. If these types of incidents increase, it will not reflect well on the future regulations of DIY solar and battery systems and will put additional obstacles in the way of all of us DIYers. On the other hand we want and encourage others to DIY - that's the idea of this forum and our hobby...
I have no idea how it can be improved... maybe even more information, instructions, assistance, etc. but against a poorly implemented system, nobody can do anything against it.
If these types of incidents increase, it will not reflect well on the future regulations of DIY solar and battery systems and will put additional obstacles in the way of all of us DIYers.
We're already illegal with the latest NEC and UL requirements. Pandering to the building code fascists isn't gonna get us anywhere with them.

What we need is safe and affordable coal power delivered to our homes so that we don't have to resort to these piles of chinese crap for our energy.
It's never a bad idea to segregate your ESS in an outside storage structure made of cinder block or metal. IMO

This would mitigate any issues due to poor quality products or poor assembly practices and workmanship.
If installed improperly, almost anything can start a fire.


My fear will be insurance companies eventually becoming wise to the subject and not covering a loss or a blanket increase in premiums for any solar.
Who was it that said, "To try and make something fool-proof, will inevitably make you underestimate a complete fool"

Something like that. Either way, moral is, no matter how easy you make it, some dumba$$ will still do it wrong and ruin it for the rest of us.
Better yet, how did he manage to build the battery into the solar panels.
Microbatteries for his microinverters!

Somehow I think the batteries are being faulted for a panel wiring failure. It says the fire started by the panel fault, catching the roof on fire, but then they blame the batteries for starting it all? Seems odd. unless I'm misreading it (or the translator is not doing a good job).
Somehow I think the batteries are being faulted for a panel wiring failure. It says the fire started by the panel fault, catching the roof on fire, but then they blame the batteries for starting it all? Seems odd. unless I'm misreading it (or the translator is not doing a good job).
If the fire started on the Roof, then the Batteries are not likely to be at fault. The electrical path to the Panels from the Battery is through the Charge Controller or Inverter. That would have to malfunction to backfeed battery power to the Panels and cause them to catch on fire. The only way that could be the battery fault, is if the batteries somehow over voltaged alot. Difficult to see how you could get a battery to short and go from 48v to 100v or more.

My guess is the reporter had no idea what they were summarizing.
If the fire started on the Roof, then the Batteries are not likely to be at fault. The electrical path to the Panels from the Battery is through the Charge Controller or Inverter. That would have to malfunction to backfeed battery power to the Panels and cause them to catch on fire. The only way that could be the battery fault, is if the batteries somehow over voltaged alot. Difficult to see how you could get a battery to short and go from 48v to 100v or more.

My guess is the reporter had no idea what they were summarizing.
That's exactly my point.
I am climate-controlling a 20' CONEX box 60' from my house to install all of my solar gear. I've read too many (greater than 1) reports of battery fires lately to not take the dangers seriously. Having said that ... at some point I'm gonna DIY a big-ass bank. Not before reading, studying and learning as much as possible- but still:

Frakkin' Murphy and Darwin...
Microbatteries for his microinverters!

Somehow I think the batteries are being faulted for a panel wiring failure. It says the fire started by the panel fault, catching the roof on fire, but then they blame the batteries for starting it all? Seems odd. unless I'm misreading it (or the translator is not doing a good job).
Maybe they are implying batteries are bad and dangerous intentionally because the utility monopolies are losing to much money 🤔
We're already illegal with the latest NEC and UL requirements. Pandering to the building code fascists isn't gonna get us anywhere with them.

What we need is safe and affordable coal power delivered to our homes so that we don't have to resort to these piles of chinese crap for our energy.
You're talking about the lunatics that want to vaccinate cows to fart less....cause climate change.
What makes me laugh is how a "DIY" solar enthusiast like myself can purchase just about any type of solar and electrical supply or equipment that I want but I cannot buy professional grade pesticides to kill a hornets nest in my backyard....:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
I do all my own pest control, diypestcontrol dot com
What makes me laugh is how a "DIY" solar enthusiast like myself can purchase just about any type of solar and electrical supply or equipment that I want but I cannot buy professional grade pesticides to kill a hornets nest in my backyard....:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
I've used Bifen I/T, it's not instant so hit them at night. I coated the ground mount and haven't had issues so far.

You could try this for instant.

If you want something more natural you could coat the opening with diatomaceous earth at night.
Rubbing alcohol and a bit of dish soap works wonders for direct contact as well.

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diy solar