diy solar

diy solar

Happened again, DIY battery fire

We're already illegal with the latest NEC and UL requirements. Pandering to the building code fascists isn't gonna get us anywhere with them.

What we need is safe and affordable coal power delivered to our homes so that we don't have to resort to these piles of chinese crap for our energy.
poland has safe and affordable coal for homes.. damn they're way ahead of us

Microbatteries for his microinverters!

Somehow I think the batteries are being faulted for a panel wiring failure. It says the fire started by the panel fault, catching the roof on fire, but then they blame the batteries for starting it all? Seems odd. unless I'm misreading it (or the translator is not doing a good job).
the journalists probably have no idea how the system works and were confused

oh someone said that right under you
You're talking about the lunatics that want to vaccinate cows to fart less....cause climate change.
the methane cows release is serious business. They need to harness it for power generation

What makes me laugh is how a "DIY" solar enthusiast like myself can purchase just about any type of solar and electrical supply or equipment that I want but I cannot buy professional grade pesticides to kill a hornets nest in my backyard....
Where you at? I can buy them
just get a flame thrower, they're legal too
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If they're in the ground I use gasoline and a match at night.
My dad used to use K1 Karosene to kill the hornets growing up until he doused my mom's lilac tree and decided it need to burn....not a great idea.... needless to say he slept the next week in the work shop....My dad won many battles with the hornets but lost the war:love::LOL:
poland has safe and affordable coal for homes.. damn they're way ahead of us

the journalists probably have no idea how the system works and were confused

oh someone said that right under you

the methane cows release is serious business. They need to harness it for power generation

Where you at? I can buy them
just get a flame thrower, they're legal too
I'm in Maine, USA...Where the hell is a flame thrower legal to buy???
What makes me laugh is how a "DIY" solar enthusiast like myself can purchase just about any type of solar and electrical supply or equipment that I want but I cannot buy professional grade pesticides to kill a hornets nest in my backyard....:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
WD- 40 drops em like a rock…spiders ,ants ,bees and probably other stuff too …amazing results.
( #7 birdshot works pretty good too…)
I'm in Maine, USA...Where the hell is a flame thrower legal to buy???
Got this at the Palmetto State Armory in Myrtle Beach. There was a whole pile of them on the shelf. Right behind the pallets of Tannerite. Place is bigger than a WalMart. Put my night scope on it to confuse my brother lol.

I bought 39.6KWH of outdoor (EP Cube) batteries and there will be zero PV DC power on or even touching my house. We rural Californians are having enough problem even buying fire or homeowners insurance so no panels on our house & lots of fire clearance on all sides.
What makes me laugh is how a "DIY" solar enthusiast like myself can purchase just about any type of solar and electrical supply or equipment that I want but I cannot buy professional grade pesticides to kill a hornets nest in my backyard....:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
AI Lasers!!!!
poland has safe and affordable coal for homes.. damn they're way ahead of us
Not for long... The price has been increasing steadily for last few years. During covid there was a (some argue a pre-planned) shortage with consequent doubling of price followed by "good government giving out coal for free" and heating fuel grants (not just for coal). I myself got $900 "to offset high cost of fuel". As I managed to buy before the craze it covered my entire heating cost for that winter (I use conifer pellets).

Also regarding coal. I built my house 7 years ago. I started the permitting proces 10 years ago and even back then there was no chance I'd get a permit listing a coal boiler as the primary heat source(not that I'd want one, but still). Of course no one inspected these back then so you could declare one thing and build another.

Later, as part of that "get free money for fuel" initiative everyone had to (it was compulsory) declare what fuel they are using and govt introduced ability to inspect to verify etc.

Then, since at least few years ago most local governments have new houses that use heat pumps pre-approved so you can build with little formalities. But if you want, for example a secondary heat source of gas, pellets or even a fireplace you have go throughout lengthy permitting and my sister got advice "no one is getting these permits for air quality reasons" (we're in a sparsely populated region that never had air quality issues). So if you're building a new house a heat pump is the only option in many places.

Then, they switched from net metering (you get 80% of electricity for your pv electricity billed annually) to net billing (they "buy" your pv electricity at an hourly rate of their choosing, then they sell you theirs at another, usually 4x hourly rate of their choosing). People that already have pv are grandfathered into the old system for 15 years. New people are screwed. There is no battery you can use to store electricity for winter. Also from 1st of June a so called "govt pricing shield" expires which is likely to see electric prices go up to about 4x to what they were a year ago.

And what about all these bastards (like myself) who are grandfathered into the old net metering system and are able to "store their pv energy for winter" for free? They can't have it too good, can they?

Of course we can't so the suppliers came up with a trick to f*** us over. Essentially the law states the utility has to supply a voltage of 230V +-10% (207 up to 253V) as measured averaging in 10 minute periods over a week. Momentarily this can be exceeded and it's fine. As part of this our grid-tie inverters have to seize operation completely when the voltage reaches 253V.

Last mile transformers have multiple voltage taps. Previously it was customary for it to be set higher for winter (higher use due to heating) and lower for summer. Now they leave it on winter setting all year. So the voltage is around 245V even in a middle of the night, but the moment you and your neighbour start pushing into the grid it shoots up to 253 and both your systems shut down.

Then a "war of inverters" happens. Sometimes unscrupulous people risk a lot of money they can get on penalties and they set their inverter a volt two higher. Screwing all their neighbors in the process, because not only neighbour's inverters shut down. If neighbour's have programmed their washer/dryer or an electric car to charge/run at the time of peak solar they are now buying grid power for it as their inverter is completely off. It can't even supply for self consumption.

Some people have this high voltage start in April and don't stop until November. Imagine you're a person like this who bought expensive solar via debt. You now have your pv repayment and a bill that is 4x what it was before. Enjoy. Thankfully that's not me.

So off grid becomes popular at least for some power hungry appliances.

the journalists probably have no idea how the system works and were confused
Honestly, I sometimes think the journalists never had any idea about anything. Anyone that has ever been personally involved in a piece of news knows that first hand.

About the incident in question. The fire was started by solar panel wiring, the guy happened to have a diy battery and there were "explosions" heard but the building didn't collapse, surrounding houses were not damaged. Now compare it to if he had a (common in my country) 13kg bottle of liquid gas for cooking. When that thing ends up in a house fire it really causes an explosion. No one talks about banning these things.

Another, peculiar news from Poland, for anyone interested. There is a proposal (extremely likely to be force-passed) to change the building code to "allow energy storage up to 20kW with no permitting requirements" (that's the exact wording translated). There are no building code permitting requirements for any energy storage now. Just some electric code to follow.

The govt (the new one as well as the old one) has used that trick to make the law work back in time many times. Every time they pass a law something is now permitted the courts take the "logical" view that it wasn't permitted before. Seriously. You built a battery over 20kW 3 years ago? Better get an architect/engineer to do a design and go through a lengthy building permitting process if this passes, because clearly it wasn't allowed when you've built it.

Let me also point out there is only wording of "energy storage", no battery etc. What if you have 1000l of hot water? What if you have more than 2L of fuel in your gas generator? Both things are over 20kWh energy storage. This is the quality of politicians here, same as everywhere else. (this is not unique to my country) You can vote for thieves, idiots or incompetent people. Which do you choose?

Since few years ago a building code permit is no longer required for many classes of non-commercial buildings. You can build a house, a barn etc with almost no paperwork providing it meets certain pre-approved conditions, this is great. But it suddenly leaves an army of people with no work. All the architects, building site managers, engineers that had to "stamp" your work and were getting money for putting their signature on paper are now unhappy. A cynic would say they whole law is constructed so these people can continue to earn money for their signatures. (we're not talking about an architect that designs a house, 99% of all houses are built from ready made plans).

As for DIY batteries and solar. Is it possible where you live to insure DIY solar system from hail or wind damage? It isn't here. Every insurer I called said. "it has to be installed by a certified person". But there is no certified installer required for off grid systems. It doesn't matter. You can't insure against hail, wind nor vandalism or theft. It is literally insanity.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not just complaining about my country in a "grass is greener elsewhere" style. I spent half of my life living elsewhere (UK) and shorter lengths in other places (France, Germany). So I made my decision to move here weighting all the pros and cons. I still think it is the best place for me. I wrote this too long of a post to show people living elsewhere, every place has its issues.
This is a real problem. If these types of incidents increase, it will not reflect well on the future regulations of DIY solar and battery systems and will put additional obstacles in the way of all of us DIYers.
It is sad to see a system cause a fire, but I am not convinced "it is a real problem" - and before everyone jumps all over that statement think about it this way: over the last year we have read about a few LFP fires, some (like this one) don't appear to be caused by the battery at all, reporters are seldom technical people with any understanding of electricity.
A quick search of "Annual house fires in the US caused by Natural Gas" = 4200 fires per year on average. I feel the average natural gas fire just doesn't hit the news the same way as a battery fire.
Yeah, imagine if someone were to ask the AI how to reduce home fires - so it says to shut off the home heating system, quit smoking, and eat only in restaurants !!
Yeah, imagine if someone were to ask the AI how to reduce home fires - so it says to shut off the home heating system, quit smoking, and eat only in restaurants !!
Google's AI would tell you smoking is healthy for kids. And to use glue in your tomato sauce to hold your cheese on your pizza.

By the way, since most car accidents happen within 10 miles of home, don't ever go home to avoid accidents.
Google's AI would tell you smoking is healthy for kids. And to use glue in your tomato sauce to hold your cheese on your pizza.

By the way, since most car accidents happen within 10 miles of home, don't ever go home to avoid accidents.
but your not a kid, so no smoking for you,
you're not allowed to use the kitchen since that is the #1 cause of house fires so the restaurant will have to add the glue to your pizza for you!
since most car accidents happen within 10 miles of home, you need to park 10 miles from your home and walk that portion, then you can drive. LOL!
But maybe all that walking would actually help us to stay healthy, especially if we need to walk that 10-miles each way x three meals a day :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
but your not a kid, so no smoking for you,
you're not allowed to use the kitchen since that is the #1 cause of house fires so the restaurant will have to add the glue to your pizza for you!
since most car accidents happen within 10 miles of home, you need to park 10 miles from your home and walk that portion, then you can drive. LOL!
But maybe all that walking would actually help us to stay healthy, especially if we need to walk that 10-miles each way x three meals a day :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Forget it, I'm living on microwave TV dinners now. And not leaving my couch. Problems solved.
Main thing we all need to do is to not get defensive on the battery usage but to analyze every report like this to see if there is something we can add to our arsenal of howto's so to speak to protect ourselves and others.

The day we go postal on reports saying its all safe and ignoring reports like this and others as "something else" did it is the day we lose.

diy solar

diy solar