diy solar

diy solar

Happened again, DIY battery fire

Nothing is clean cut about net metering policy. Except maybe banning exports completely.
I am not talking specifically about sending power to the grid, but solar in general.
You can put a system at home, produce energy for yourself, get your money back in 5 years or less in energy value and you still have your system. I live much better now that i produce my own energy. Is a very decent investment.
Coal powers prosperity and saves precious natural gas in the ground for the benefit of future generations. The poor EROI and intermittency of solar will prevent it from entirely replacing fossil fuels.

I am here on this forum because I know that we are allowed to have our different opinions here, unlike the reddit echo chamber where discourse is banned.
Poppycock. Even in the Pacific NW I get plenty of solar year round and could easily power my whole house and EV if I wanted to go through the permitting process. Instead I have a smaller off grid system on my fence and trailer that charges my EV and provides emergency back up as well as lots of extra that I use through a transfer switch when available. Solar is way under utilized with literally millions of roofs, fences, and backyards without solar panels on/in them due to the influence of oil companies and their bought and paid for politicians, presstitutes, and lobbyists. Coal is filthy polluting and cancer causing just like all fossil fuels. Also, heavily subsidized by all of us... again, like all fossil fuels. Unlike coal, with solar you can have your own energy generation plant. But, by all means keep polluting as long as you must.... or until all that crap is gone.
And in another 5 years after that you get to throw that pile of trash away! While a coal plant built today might well provide power for your grandkids.
Batteries and panels last a lot longer than that, and they won't cause cancer in your grandkids, but you do you.
I take an all of the above approach to energy. Some forms are better suited in different areas/climates/seasons. Solar here is great in summer. It absolutely SUCKS in winter, so you have to have something else during that time, no way around it.

You don't have to be anti solar to be pro coal, and don't have to be anti gas to be pro solar. We don't need false dichotomies around here.
Exactly. Here as well. Many people that only have a heat pump have been very badly hit in their wallets last winter. I'm very glad I have my pellet furnace/boiler.

Coal is a very energy dense and versatile fuel, it can be stored anywhere, but it is either pretty expensive, heavily subsidised or dirty. Yes, there is cleaner and dirtier coal and I'm not even talking about lignite. All my life I knew coal mined in very deep mines in Poland / Russia. That coal is pretty high quality, good enough for making coke and for the industry. However during the recent "covid fiasco" happening at the same time as Russian coal embargo the government here has procured coal from half way around the world (I heard Malaysia etc). They were giving that coal away for free (a certain amount per house). And I can tell you that winter during a particular week with very low temperatures and no wind is the first time in my life I actually smelled in a nearby town what shitty coal does to the air. That municipal heat supply has been burning coal for decades. I've been there many times and only that year I actually smelled it for the first time.

So coal is not all the same. Not every burner is the same. There are various filters etc. In certain countries like here coal is the only reliable energy source that can power the industry during war. So it has strategic significance. It is actually pretty expensive to mine here due to geological conditions, but it makes sense to subsidise for reasons mentioned. Does this mean I'd like to use it to heat my home? Hell no! (but my hobby forge is powered by coal coke)
Poppycock. Even in the Pacific NW I get plenty of solar year round and could easily power my whole house and EV if I wanted to go through the permitting process. Instead I have a smaller off grid system on my fence and trailer that charges my EV and provides emergency back up as well as lots of extra that I use through a transfer switch when available. Solar is way under utilized with literally millions of roofs, fences, and backyards without solar panels on/in them due to the influence of oil companies and their bought and paid for politicians, presstitutes, and lobbyists. Coal is filthy polluting and cancer causing just like all fossil fuels. Also, heavily subsidized by all of us... again, like all fossil fuels. Unlike coal, with solar you can have your own energy generation plant. But, by all means keep polluting as long as you must.... or until all that crap is gone.
1. I am calling bullshit. It can be done. I am doing it MO. With 72 panels, 130 KWH of batteries, and 100A @ 240. You would need more panels in the Pacific Northwest and more inverter power unless you are trickle charging that SOB (the EV).

2. You are in fact a passive aggressive asshole. Me? I’m an active aggressive asshole.
1. I am calling bullshit. It can be done. I am doing it MO. With 72 panels, 130 KWH of batteries, and 100A @ 240. You would need more panels in the Pacific Northwest and more inverter power unless you are trickle charging that SOB (the EV).

2. You are in fact a passive aggressive asshole. Me? I’m an active aggressive asshole.
I have a south facing roof that is 100' long by about 20' to the top.. plenty of room for enough solar panels to provide what we use.. ad there is mpre space available than that.... and as I said, it is the permitting process I am reluctant to go through in a county that is notoriously difficult to deal with... that and the massive expensive of more batteries... since most of my taxes are needed for the war crimes complex and subsidizing oil, the miniscule solar subsidies available will NOT be enough. You are not much of an asshole compared to many I've dealt with so far, but do keep trying. Practice makes perfect! If the authorities were reasonable here and net metering was used I am quite certain, based on my experience, that I could actually afford to run everything from solar, despite your ignorant bleatings to the contrary. Thanks for playing.
Batteries and panels last a lot longer than that, and they won't cause cancer in your grandkids, but you do you.
Victron, Schneider, Midnite etc inverters should be good for 10 years+...some of the others may well be in the trash by 5 years or out of support and abandoned far sooner than that (too bad if you were adding second inverter in future plans etc).

I think there was a post here that the eg4 6000xp doesn't use conformal coating and 5 years is about its expected lifetime. Kinda sad. Apparently an upsell to the 18kPV which does have the coating.
I have a south facing roof that is 100' long by about 20' to the top.. plenty of room for enough solar panels to provide what we use.. ad there is mpre space available than that.... and as I said, it is the permitting process I am reluctant to go through in a county that is notoriously difficult to deal with... that and the massive expensive of more batteries... since most of my taxes are needed for the war crimes complex and subsidizing oil, the miniscule solar subsidies available will NOT be enough. You are not much of an asshole compared to many I've dealt with so far, but do keep trying. Practice makes perfect! If the authorities were reasonable here and net metering was used I am quite certain, based on my experience, that I could actually afford to run everything from solar, despite your ignorant bleatings to the contrary. Thanks for playing.
“War crimes complex” and dislike of permitting. We might get along after all (and I am an ex Army field grade).
Don't have to have conformal coating to last, in a reasonable environment. My desktop PC is way older than that, the power supply being the oldest part from 2008-ish, and it works flawlessly 16 years later.
And in another 5 years after that you get to throw that pile of trash away! While a coal plant built today might well provide power for your grandkids.
The problem is after a huge push to get away from "dirty coal" and embrace natural gas, the environment terrorists are now saying we should replace gas with solar cause gas is evil and dirty..... But that's not going to cut it for base load generation.
Do they make it difficult to obtain the permits for a solar system in Canada? Even for an off-grid system?
Last I saw at least one province requires the cables connecting panels to each other to be covered to avoid damage by rodents (for a ground mount).
Last I saw at least one province requires the cables connecting panels to each other to be covered to avoid damage by rodents (for a ground mount).
Generally Canada has one electrical code - the CEC (Canadian Electrical Code) - this is the basis for the entire country, although a Province or Municipality can have additional requirements.
Google's AI would tell you smoking is healthy for kids. And to use glue in your tomato sauce to hold your cheese on your pizza.

By the way, since most car accidents happen within 10 miles of home, don't ever go home to avoid accidents.
Looks like I’ll be stuck eating bananums and tomatums

diy solar

diy solar