diy solar

diy solar

Watch out for vandals

Or environmentalists.
They don't want you to use fossil fuels. But they don't want acres of solar farms either.
I thought they just glued themselves to roads or attempt to deface art work to make their point.

Last group of local environmentalists guerrilla terrorism was 20 people steeling 5 gallon pails of coal from the local coal plant and attempting to stop train deliveries.

Not sure what experience you need to drive a skid steer, my 4 year old nephew could likely drive one within 15minutes of non supervised curiosity.
Looking at the damage id put money on it being random kids who found the keys in the skid steer and wanted to play real life GTA.
Not sure what experience you need to drive a skid steer, my 4 year old nephew could likely drive one within 15minutes of non supervised curiosity.
Looking at the damage id put money on it being random kids who found the keys in the skid steer and wanted to play real life GTA.
Same could be said with operating a light switch or driving a car, yet some a Amish are forbidden.
Same could be said with operating a light switch or driving a car, yet some a Amish are forbidden.
Amish can't sit in them but if they mcgyver the controls so they can walk beside and control it I don't think it's an issue, you see them regularly using forklifts that they have bodged the controls to enable them to use next to said forklift.
No idea about light switches though personally I try to keep away from crazies have enough in my immediate family(including myself) that paying interest to others seems counter intuitive.
it is not theft that did not work out. as I can't open the link here.

A lot of solar farms in my country have that problem..
steal copper wire.
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it is not theft that did not work out. as I can't open the link here.

A lot of solar farms in my country have that problem..
Steel copper wire.
No I wouldn't even say it's someone angry as from what I can see the destruction is fairly small, as I said earlier it just looks like someone drunk or high found a skid steer with the keys in and just went "GTA M*****F*****" proceeding to yeet said skid steer through whatever he could find.
They allowed to use skid steers yet?
Depends on the group they belong to. The ones that built my pole barn would get dropped off each morning and the oldest drove the skid loader while the younger ones ran shovels. It was impressive watching how fast they worked and balanced on 2x putting the trusses up.

One of the supply stores out here sells LiFePO4 batteries, millertech iirc, they are allowed to use solar for lighting but the group a few towns over can't use it.
Different Amish groups have different rules. There was a group in PA that their rule was it had to be utilitarian and couldn't be flashy. So they spray painted their vehicles flat black.

A group near me on the IN MI line their main rule is "neither a lender or borrower be". Grid electricity is a problem mainly because you can't pay ahead. So they have lots of solar in that area. And while they never have any power in their houses their work areas have all the normal power tools. As a kid my dealt with one family that had a full commercial sawmill in their barn.
Is it steel, or copper wire that they are stealing?;)

From the sentence construct, he is clearly using "steel" as a verb.

He says they are making the copper resolute.
Different Amish groups have different rules. There was a group in PA that their rule was it had to be utilitarian and couldn't be flashy. So they spray painted their vehicles flat black.

A group near me on the IN MI line their main rule is "neither a lender or borrower be". Grid electricity is a problem mainly because you can't pay ahead. So they have lots of solar in that area. And while they never have any power in their houses their work areas have all the normal power tools. As a kid my dealt with one family that had a full commercial sawmill in their barn.
I think we might be on to something, instead of Amish it was prob the local Shakers up to their usual antics.

Ahh the childhood school field trip and thinking how cool it’d be at Shaker (and not knowing what celibacy was). Good memories.
Different Amish groups have different rules.
My favorite work-around to the prohibition of using a tractor was the removal of the tires and putting it on skids so a horse could pull it around to where it was needed.

Lots of hard liners in northern NY
They refuse to even put a small reflector on their buggies, as a result it's not uncommon to them getting rear ended at night
There's another group in Indiana that can't have rubber tires. It's funny seeing a monster 4wd running through the fields on steel wheels from 1920.

diy solar

diy solar