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diy solar

Ask Me Anything About LFP Batteries and More! – Industry insider at top EV firm

Top selling BEVs in Australia in May 2024 were:

Australian auto sales about 100,000 per month

7000 EV sold in May, 7%

In US, EV + hybrid was 16% of sales in 2023. EV about 7.7%
1Q 2024, EV 7.3% (same as 1Q 2023

Same percentages for Australia as for US.
Australian auto sales about 100,000 per month

7000 EV sold in May, 7%

In US, EV + hybrid was 16% of sales in 2023. EV about 7.7%
1Q 2024, EV 7.3% (same as 1Q 2023

Same percentages for Australia as for US.
Australia is pretty unique in the developed world for not having any kind of clean air standards /incentives for ICE vehicles so manufacturers were free to ship stuff that wouldn't make the grade in US or Europe. I guess government is still working on it...
GPTs: I spent 7+ years in Australia but I'm not a native english speaker so I used LLMs for proofreading and enhancing clarity.
what's your native language ?

how long can LFP last as an UPS, Uninterrupted Power System, as opposed to frequent cycling ?
May I ask why from your initial post you have gone from pretty much grammatical and spelling perfection to misplaced words / letters with grammatical errors in every sentence, mixing English US spellings with the European / UK spelling of the same word, Realise / Realize . I hope I am incorrect but I think I am with @SeaGal and a few others on the AI response, now edited to include mistakes to make this feel a more genuine natural response. If you ask some of the posed questions in to Chat GPT 4 you get a very linear and similar response without the spelling mistakes. If I am incorrect, I apologise.
May I ask why from your initial post you have gone from pretty much grammatical and spelling perfection to misplaced words / letters with grammatical errors in every sentence, mixing English US spellings with the European / UK spelling of the same word, Realise / Realize . I hope I am incorrect but I think I am with @SeaGal and a few others on the AI response, now edited to include mistakes to make this feel a more genuine natural response. If you ask some of the posed questions in to Chat GPT 4 you get a very linear and similar response without the spelling mistakes. If I am incorrect, I apologise.
Surely I can't be the first one to suggest that it might be time for a Voight-Kampff test?

May I ask why from your initial post you have gone from pretty much grammatical and spelling perfection to misplaced words / letters with grammatical errors in every sentence, mixing English US spellings with the European / UK spelling of the same word, Realise / Realize . I hope I am incorrect but I think I am with @SeaGal and a few others on the AI response, now edited to include mistakes to make this feel a more genuine natural response. If you ask some of the posed questions in to Chat GPT 4 you get a very linear and similar response without the spelling mistakes. If I am incorrect, I apologise.
That is why I stayed away from this thread. I noticed the sudden increase in spelling mistakes once AI was being mentioned.

I subscribe to Sabine Hossenfelders YouTube channel.
She is a very pragmatic theoretical physicist who puts a spot light on things going in the world that just don't add up or that we should be looking at more carefully.
Just 4 days ago she did a video on ChatGPT being trained against humans to pass the Turing test.
It's worth the watch.
That is why I stayed away from this thread. I noticed the sudden increase in spelling mistakes once AI was being mentioned.

I subscribe to Sabine Hossenfelders YouTube channel.
She is a very pragmatic theoretical physicist who puts a spot light on things going in the world that just don't add up or that we should be looking at more carefully.
Just 4 days ago she did a video on ChatGPT being trained against humans to pass the Turing test.
It's worth the watch.
I think she is an ai from listening to her :)
@battery_professional how much “damage” (in terms of consumption of cycle life) is done by part charge/discharge cycles? Eg beginning each day at 30% SOC and charging to 80% then discharging overnight back down to 30%.

Do those half cycles accumulate over time to take 0.5 cycles of the overall cycle life over time, or are they less damaging than the very top or bottom end of the cycle? Perhaps a battery always used in the mid range of cycling like this would be expected to last many more cycles than if full charge and discharge cycling was happening?

How are part cycles counted in EVs and how does battery health get calculated and tracked in that application?
Wether OP is a Materials Science Engineer or Prompt Engineer I'm not that bothered good questions are being asked and answered. If everyone could word prompts correctly no one would be asking questions.

@battery_professional I noticed a discussion here on the forums about cell orientation some ESS manufacturers stack the cells horizontally with layers of the larger flat side on the top and bottom while a cell manufacturer has stated that cells stacked horizontally should only be stacked with the skinny side of the cell on top and bottom is there a reason for this?

Personally I'd listen to the cell manufacturer rather than some company that designs and makes tin boxes.
Just messaged OP for proof of degree. If no proof is given, the thread will be locked.

I think the responses are not ai.. seems like something I would write. Maybe I am an AI 😬

If everything checks out, I would love for OP to post more!
I am not trying to be argumentative, just trying to understand the logic here. Why should this person need to provide proof of degree? If I said I was a licensed electrician would I need to provide proof? Do we all need to provide a copy of our diplomas? This seems like you are beginning sown a slippery slope here. The OP makes an unusual claim to have exceptional experience in the field but why should the OP be subject to, what seems to be, a different standard?
I am not trying to be argumentative, just trying to understand the logic here. Why should this person need to provide proof of degree? If I said I was a licensed electrician would I need to provide proof? Do we all need to provide a copy of our diplomas? This seems like you are beginning sown a slippery slope here. The OP makes an unusual claim to have exceptional experience in the field but why should the OP be subject to, what seems to be, a different standard?
I actually do it all the time. Whether someone claims to be CEO of a company, in academia or otherwise.

And not really a slippery slope. I have never had anyone state they are an electrician to convince people of something or shill a product. We can tell if they are lying. And again, if something seems fishy, I will ask for proof. I have done this many many times.
I actually do it all the time. Whether someone claims to be CEO of a company, in academia or otherwise.

And not really a slippery slope. I have never had anyone state they are an electrician to convince people of something or shill a product. We can tell if they are lying. And again, if something seems fishy, I will ask for proof. I have done this many many times.

Of course the question is would you be able to spot an AI generated diploma using a real diploma as a template?
What were you doing in Australia for 7 years? Australia is the top lithium exporter, were you working with the mines? Or on other storage projects?
Re: Compression

Does this only need to be applied during charge/discharge, what about for batteries in storage? What is the best voltage for storage in your opinion please?

Re: Temperature

How much affect does this really have, I'm also Australian and have concerns about my batteries in my shed reaching high +40c during our summers.

Re: Low voltages

How much affect does allowing the batteries to go below the safe 2.5v per cell have? I guess this also depends on how much time they spend at these low voltages.

Thanks for your input!!

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diy solar