diy solar

diy solar

New Supplier for 280Ah cells: Shenzen Basen

How many weeks did your order take? I’m waiting on mine.
Well, there it is ... W in the 3rd digit.
The only way that could happen is if they skip 13. Many years ago when visiting Hong Kong, elevators didn't have a 13th floor.
Thanks for posting!
Then the theory for 3rd digit A,B,C,...V doesn't work! we should figure out something else.
FYI: I contacted the EVE company but since I did not buy from them directly, they refused to read my QR code.
Emily form Shenzhen insists that cells are production of July 2020 but she did not give me an exact date for my cell.


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For everyone trying to decipher these barcodes as per the EVE cells, I think you'll find they aren't EVE cells at all hence why it doesn't match.
Check out this thread posts #521 onward;
Too funny! Anyone can print 2D barcodes. We print them at my work to track items through our process. These barcodes are used for the same manufacturing data and serial number for the cell. They won't show up on the internet because the code doesn't contain a website or other searchable term.
Correct, they aren't standard QR codes and can't be searched. They can be made by anyone and can link to any database that a company has set up. Just thought I'd mention why some people can't work out the dates from the barcodes whilst using EVE's datasheet as the reference.
I bought those identical cells from Shenzen Basen and they don't even look the same as the EVE ones.
For everyone trying to decipher these barcodes as per the EVE cells, I think you'll find they aren't EVE cells at all hence why it doesn't match.
Check out this thread posts #521 onward;
Guess what?

Correct, they aren't standard QR codes and can't be searched. They can be made by anyone and can link to any database that a company has set up. Just thought I'd mention why some people can't work out the dates from the barcodes whilst using EVE's datasheet as the reference.
I bought those identical cells from Shenzen Basen and they don't even look the same as the EVE ones.

Could you post a photo?
Guess what?

Could you post a photo?
I would, except now I realise they do look the same. My bad, last I checked the EVE cells I looked at had two different coloured terminals. Seems as though they are both silver.

Additionally, if they are EVE cells as in the link you posted, then excellent! Sorry for interrupting, please continue!
I can now be even happier with my purchase!
All of the EVE cells I have seen have black and brown rings around the silver (aluminum) terminals. Is that what you are saying?
All of the EVE cells I have seen have black and brown rings around the silver (aluminum) terminals. Is that what you are saying?
No I'm talking about the colour of the metal surface of the terminals, I think I'm actual very mistaken and was thinking of another manufacturer completely. My cells have the same terminal colour, with the coloured rings. Again, I'm obviously just very mistaken, sorry again!20201006_121633.jpg
Did Shenzhen Basen charge you a $50 Alibaba Logistics Premium fee ?
I only had 1 other seller on Alibaba do something like this. It was MustPower; they charged me their seller fees that they pay to Alibaba.
I was new to alibaba at the time. I never had any company charge me an extra fee for logistics, knowingly that is.
I've bought cells from various vendors and 1 of them is quoting a high fee to me this time for shipping within China (I have my own reshipper who consolidates items from various aliexpress and alibaba sellers for me).
So it could be that lots of places just pad the shipping cost to make a buck there and Basen may be just more transparent about it?
I only had 1 other seller on Alibaba do something like this. It was MustPower; they charged me their seller fees that they pay to Alibaba.
I was new to alibaba at the time. I never had any company charge me an extra fee for logistics, knowingly that is.
I've bought cells from various vendors and 1 of them is quoting a high fee to me this time for shipping within China (I have my own reshipper who consolidates items from various aliexpress and alibaba sellers for me).
So it could be that lots of places just pad the shipping cost to make a buck there and Basen may be just more transparent about it?
When I asked why the extra charge, I was told that my credit card charged a 2.95% fee. Were that true, it would have been a separate line for a service charge on my statement. I'm thinking it's their charge for accepting a credit card. Just like many gas stations charge more for credit than cash, they have to pay the fee, so they pass it along to the customer.
Either way, their shipping is much cheaper than the alternatives and with the surcharge, the price is still better than I found elsewhere.
When I asked why the extra charge, I was told that my credit card charged a 2.95% fee. Were that true, it would have been a separate line for a service charge on my statement. I'm thinking it's their charge for accepting a credit card. Just like many gas stations charge more for credit than cash, they have to pay the fee, so they pass it along to the customer.
Either way, their shipping is much cheaper than the alternatives and with the surcharge, the price is still better than I found elsewhere.
Yeah you're right; In my experience Alibaba lists the credit card fee separately when you check out though.
It's not tacked on as an extra itemized fee by the seller. That's why I think it's the seller trying to push their alibaba fee onto the buyer in addition to what Alibaba takes from the buyer for credit card processing.
So Alibaba charges the seller for the purchase and the buyer. The seller side is usually not passed on to the buyer, it's prefigured in their pricing structure.
*** edit ***
1 card I used limits the Alibaba fee to $40!!! That was neat to find out.
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Well, there it is ... W in the 3rd digit.
The only way that could happen is if they skip 13. Many years ago when visiting Hong Kong, elevators didn't have a 13th floor.
Funny, I thought 13 was a "lucky" number in chinese lore. Maybe the British influence?
Funny, I thought 13 was a "lucky" number in chinese lore. Maybe the British influence?
Hong Kong is the only place I ever saw that ..... unless I'm having an old codger moment and that was in Singapore. I never was in mainland China, but was all over the west pacific otherwise.
Hong Kong is the only place I ever saw that ..... unless I'm having an old codger moment and that was in Singapore. I never was in mainland China, but was all over the west pacific otherwise.
I thought I remembered that 8 is the lucky number in China.