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diy solar

Crazy low prices on Aliexpress LifePO4 320A, with buyer protection?

The reality is you cant chase debts in China unless you have serious connections in the Chinese government.
Even companies moving manufacturing to China dont have any legal right.
If legal cases are taken to court inside China by None Chinese origin citizens (foreigner's), the courts always rule in favour of the Chinese person/company.
So sadly emails from another country wont make an ounce of difference.
Even from the police/FBI etc.
This has always been the case.
It's a Chinese cultural system to ultimately protect Chinese Citizens.
only if the company has establishments in the US or EU (e.g. warehouse) and you can get at them there. So in conclusion you should buy from companies who have local warehouses
If you are going to open a case with Aliexpress/Paypal/Credit Card, just remember to be polite.
Your dealing with a person that has to deal with complaints every day.
Yes it is frustrating and understandably you as the buyer are upset because you paid out a lot of money and waited 2-3 months and nothing has been delivered. You have every right to be Angry but try to keep that to yourself.
Just keep things civil and explain the problem calmly.
Gather all the supporting evidence you can.
If you treat the people with respect at Aliexpress, Paypal, Credit Card company, They are much more likely to help you resolve the problem.
If you are screaming and shouting and rude to the people you are expecting to help with your claim, It's likely they wont go out of their way to resolve your problem.

I have been buying directly from China for over 20 years and YES i have had items go missing or get damaged and even scammers trying to take my money. You can have the same thing happen when buying items from your own country/town/city.

It's not nice but if you deal with people in call centres/offices politely, your more likely to get the result you want.
If you are going to open a case with Aliexpress/Paypal/Credit Card, just remember to be polite.
Your dealing with a person that has to deal with complaints every day.

It's not nice but if you deal with people in call centres/offices politely, your more likely to get the result you want.
ps same thing happens also on Ebay, AirBNB IN the US. Ive been ripped of $2000 on AirBNB, I was ripped off by Uber in Florida and so on. The big difference however so far, was I had no any issues to get my money back from US based companies, simple evidence was enough in most cases to get a 100% refund without long dispute with them. And sometimes I even got a coupon code on top from them etc. Something that apparently does not happen with these Ali companies!
I am not sure why the persisting with Aliexpress. You have a police report, now open a formal dispute with your credit card company. Get your money back. Let the guys with computer fraud departments handle it. There are federal liability limits.
I filed a Policy Report today, its just for the Statistic, no way of Power in China for our Police.

Maybe this poor Guy can Help finding non existing delivered Parcels

Have Fun,

What was the answer from Vicent ?

Can anyone contact company www AND www that are the ones that are being used for this scam on their contact telephone or WeChat app and explain them the gravity of the situation ?

Each day I see order number increasing and new fake stores are now created with names that are not in the same format and they also already have a few pages of only 5 star reviews so if we don't stop that 2 companies of spreading this scam each day many hones persons loose their money thinking that they are protected but as you can see already at least 1000 persons already lost the dispute that was in favor of the seller that already had the shop suspended and surprise ... AliExpress is not returning the money even if they suspended the shop, so they are also a part of the fraud, first because they let since August till October more than 100 fake stores with duplicated product images and product description (all have identical products for sale) and also now because they rule the dispute in favor of the seller. They say to provide evidence that you did "not pickup the package from local pickup center" ?! Witch one ? What is the local forwarder ? Who to ask from more than 30 local delivery companies ?

So each one that does something, anything they can will help the community and will stop this fraud eventually, each one with an idea and an action.
Thank you all.
I am not sure why the persisting with Aliexpress. You have a police report, now open a formal dispute with your credit card company. Get your money back. Let the guys with computer fraud departments handle it. There are federal liability limits.

Yes, I explained above, only way to solve this is by doing something each one of us, together we will succeed :

Can anyone contact company www AND www that are the ones that are being used for this scam on their contact telephone or WeChat app and explain them the gravity of the situation ?
Each day I see order number increasing and new fake stores are now created with names that are not in the same format and they also already have a few pages of only 5 star reviews so if we don't stop that 2 companies of spreading this scam each day many hones persons loose their money thinking that they are protected but as you can see already at least 1000 persons already lost the dispute that was in favor of the seller that already had the shop suspended and surprise ... AliExpress is not returning the money even if they suspended the shop, so they are also a part of the fraud, first because they let since August till October more than 100 fake stores with duplicated product images and product description (all have identical products for sale) and also now because they rule the dispute in favor of the seller. They say to provide evidence that you did "not pickup the package from local pickup center" ?! Witch one ? What is the local forwarder ? Who to ask from more than 30 local delivery companies ?
So each one that does something, anything they can will help the community and will stop this fraud eventually, each one with an idea and an action.
Thank you all.
If you are going to open a case with Aliexpress/Paypal/Credit Card, just remember to be polite.
Your dealing with a person that has to deal with complaints every day.
Yes it is frustrating and understandably you as the buyer are upset because you paid out a lot of money and waited 2-3 months and nothing has been delivered. You have every right to be Angry but try to keep that to yourself.
Just keep things civil and explain the problem calmly.
Gather all the supporting evidence you can.
If you treat the people with respect at Aliexpress, Paypal, Credit Card company, They are much more likely to help you resolve the problem.
If you are screaming and shouting and rude to the people you are expecting to help with your claim, It's likely they wont go out of their way to resolve your problem.

I have been buying directly from China for over 20 years and YES i have had items go missing or get damaged and even scammers trying to take my money. You can have the same thing happen when buying items from your own country/town/city.

It's not nice but if you deal with people in call centres/offices politely, your more likely to get the result you want.

I think that under 1% of the scammed persons know about this thread, and 900 already wrote about their problem to trustpilot reviews or their Facebook page but guess what, even them did nothing to correct the situation that they are part of too because they are being used too to promote the issue, they could have suspended the 2 hacked shipping companies from being used by the scammers and / or contact them, but they did nothing too, sometimes you wonder how much can a company put the head int he sand as nothing happened as an ostrich ?
Yes, I explained above, only way to solve this is by doing something each one of us, together we will succeed :

Can anyone contact company www AND www that are the ones that are being used for this scam on their contact telephone or WeChat app and explain them the gravity of the situation ?
Each day I see order number increasing and new fake stores are now created with names that are not in the same format and they also already have a few pages of only 5 star reviews so if we don't stop that 2 companies of spreading this scam each day many hones persons loose their money thinking that they are protected but as you can see already at least 1000 persons already lost the dispute that was in favor of the seller that already had the shop suspended and surprise ... AliExpress is not returning the money even if they suspended the shop, so they are also a part of the fraud, first because they let since August till October more than 100 fake stores with duplicated product images and product description (all have identical products for sale) and also now because they rule the dispute in favor of the seller. They say to provide evidence that you did "not pickup the package from local pickup center" ?! Witch one ? What is the local forwarder ? Who to ask from more than 30 local delivery companies ?
So each one that does something, anything they can will help the community and will stop this fraud eventually, each one with an idea and an action.
Thank you all.
I contacted them on Friday, but got no response.

My seller has many open disputes because they say in the comments that they have done the same to him as they have done to all of us.

What is Aliexpress doing with this store? NOTHING.

There still scamming hundreds of people every day.


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Update.. after uploading the proof of fake tracking ID and changing my tracking with one or digits findings all tracking status are the same, and after the shop was closed on AE, and after I ve received an official email from local post that they dont recognize the tracking ID, AE dispute judgement was that my reason is INVALID.
Update.. after uploading the proof of fake tracking ID and changing my tracking with one or digits findings all tracking status are the same, and after the shop was closed on AE, and after I ve received an official email from local post that they dont recognize the tracking ID, AE dispute judgement was that my reason is INVALID.
Open dispute in PayPal or CC
Update.. after uploading the proof of fake tracking ID and changing my tracking with one or digits findings all tracking status are the same, and after the shop was closed on AE, and after I ve received an official email from local post that they dont recognize the tracking ID, AE dispute judgement was that my reason is INVALID.
I would suggest that next time, the cheapest price is not actually saving you money.
Maybe pick a reliable vendor instead.

Of course filing a police report and a claim with the credit card company might help, since obviously Aliexpress is not going to help.
Update.. after uploading the proof of fake tracking ID and changing my tracking with one or digits findings all tracking status are the same, and after the shop was closed on AE, and after I ve received an official email from local post that they dont recognize the tracking ID, AE dispute judgement was that my reason is INVALID.

Yes, same for me and same for all the others ... How can ALiExpress judge in favor of the seller after there is so much evidence of the fraud, also so many disputes for all orders opened, store suspended, just because they are both Chinese ?
So money is lost, I am sendingbthis to all the youtubers that deal with lifepo4 perhaps someone can talk about it.
Appreciate if you can do the same.
So money is lost, I am sendingbthis to all the youtubers that deal with lifepo4 perhaps someone can talk about it.
Appreciate if you can do the same.

Another thing that happened to me is this. I contacted online support and "chat with an agent" and explained to them the 35th time the entire story again with the scammer using fake tracking numbers and they asked "did you open a charge-back from credit card company ?" and I said YES, and guess what happened 2 days latter, even having concrete evidence of unreal tracking number steps and unreal product delivery in 14 days by sea to EU : "ruling was in favor of the fraudulent chinese seller by AE dispute team" .

So I think you should know this and tell us what are your advice for the others in this situation ?
Another thing that happened to me is this. I contacted online support and "chat with an agent" and explained to them the 35th time the entire story again with the scammer using fake tracking numbers and they asked "did you open a charge-back from credit card company ?" and I said YES, and guess what happened 2 days latter, even having concrete evidence of unreal tracking number steps and unreal product delivery in 14 days by sea to EU : "ruling was in favor of the fraudulent chinese seller by AE dispute team" .

So I think you should know this and tell us what are your advice for the others in this situation ?
I suggest you file a police report. If you think Aliexpress cares, you are mistaken.
Then you call the FBI computer fraud division.
Guys, I just had a win via Paypal, refund in full.
Going via my last correspondence with Paypal I had lost all hope due to the response, it seemed no one was reviewing the facts again, but alas things changed.

Some suggestions to those using Paypal...
-Upload aliexpress screenshot showing no logistics tracking.
-Upload aliexpress screenshots showing '16 day DHL postage' that has been breached.
-Upoad aliexpress screenshots of other customers negative feedback and scam warnings.
-Provide URL to this thread
-Provide overview of how they generate fake tracking as outlined in this thread.

Best of luck to those still trying!
Really, did you bother to try?
Many banks (credit card companies) will require it (police report).
Certainly, the FBI will be interested in people being defrauded out of thousands of dollars by organized Chinese scams.
In the USA, the FBI is who you report computer fraud to.

So our Division got scammed out of nearly 120K - from an Alibaba company - that we had dealt with quite a bit -- in fact we had made nearly 1.2 Million in previous purchases with no issue .... then all of a sudden I guess the company got some good revenue coming in suddenly all in a month -- the owner cleared out the account and left China ....

It took us about 6 months but finally the insurance company took the hit - and we got back all the money ...

I will tell you - that not a single person cared - not the FBI, nor Treasury, nor the bank nor anyone ... of course we had to contact them and do a report for the insurance company -- but dude ... they told us that 10's of millions of dollars each and every day is scammed and most companies don't report it for embarrassment reasons ... so our 120K was nothing - 000 - to them ... so you can imagine what reaction the normal person out 2K is going to get ....
I advise everyone that reads this to open AliExpress online support and type "chat with an agent" and ask for a solution. I am doing this since august but can;t do that alone, only if we are many we can get this solved. Many of us already lost money.

I was asked to contact DHL by support and ask them to send the proof i did not pickup the package.
I contacted DHL, provided the tracking number and they said that there is an invalid format provided for the tracking number and they can only answer about the tracking numbers that have DHL format and that was registered into their system.

So result from ALiExpress dispute was this :

View attachment 67076

View attachment 67077

But DHL said they only can provide information about valid tracking numbers of their system, if the tracking number is not valid it is obvious the package was never registered on their system.

And hjyte2134001198yq isn't even remotely a DHL number ... DHL Parcel service tracking number will usually be a 10-digit numeric, starting with 3S, JVGL, or JJD.
Guys, I just had a win via Paypal, refund in full.
Going via my last correspondence with Paypal I had lost all hope due to the response, it seemed no one was reviewing the facts again, but alas things changed.

Some suggestions to those using Paypal...
-Upload aliexpress screenshot showing no logistics tracking.
-Upload aliexpress screenshots showing '16 day DHL postage' that has been breached.
-Upoad aliexpress screenshots of other customers negative feedback and scam warnings.
-Provide URL to this thread
-Provide overview of how they generate fake tracking as outlined in this thread.

Best of luck to those still trying!
This is the only thing Aliexpress cares about.
When credit card or PayPal start taking money back (they can reach in and take it back). Until that happens, Aliexpress doesn't care. Once that starts happening, then you will see them do something about fraudulent store fronts.
This is the only thing Aliexpress cares about.
When credit card or PayPal start taking money back (they can reach in and take it back). Until that happens, Aliexpress doesn't care. Once that starts happening, then you will see them do something about fraudulent store fronts.

Totally agree ... AliExpress and Alibaba will conduct their own "investigation" with no updates or anything ... in the past (and it has changed recently) there was a 99.999% chance they were going to side with their countryman ... now it seems allot better ...

BUT with that said ... I always recommend going the nuclear route if the company starts to ghost you ... You put a dispute in with your CC company at 0001 hours ... at 0002 they have FROZEN the funds ... at 0003 Aliexpress is told the funds are frozen and they notify the company (because aliexpress nor Alibaba releases te money AFTER the delivery of the product) that they are not being paid ....

At 0004 that company will move you to the top of the VIP list and jump on this ...

I just don't have the time or patience to deal with bad manufacturers or sellers and figure that swhy I have a billion dollar CC company do it
Hey all, I was also fool enough to order from one of the scam shops - So I was also a victim. Aliexpress judged the dispute in favour of the seller, even I have provided all the necessary and requested evidence. However, today I received the feedback from Paypal that they decided in my favour and I will get a charge back.

So I hope you all will get your money back.


Totally agree ... AliExpress and Alibaba will conduct their own "investigation" with no updates or anything ... in the past (and it has changed recently) there was a 99.999% chance they were going to side with their countryman ... now it seems allot better ...

BUT with that said ... I always recommend going the nuclear route if the company starts to ghost you ... You put a dispute in with your CC company at 0001 hours ... at 0002 they have FROZEN the funds ... at 0003 Aliexpress is told the funds are frozen and they notify the company (because aliexpress nor Alibaba releases te money AFTER the delivery of the product) that they are not being paid ....

At 0004 that company will move you to the top of the VIP list and jump on this ...

I just don't have the time or patience to deal with bad manufacturers or sellers and figure that swhy I have a billion dollar CC company do it

That's crazy ... My appeal to dispute that was previously in favor of the Chinese hacker seller was in favor of the same Chinese seller too !
They did that because I said I contacted the bank to avoid paying 2 times ! ?
From what I know the reverse of the payment has the link to original payment so that should not happen to be reversed 2 times, right ?
So they are acting crazy here.

What do you think ?
Me too have been scammed. Bought 4 320ah cells with "6668orders Store" on aliexpress. Selected DHL and after some time updates came through by Of course nothing arrived. At this moment the seller doesn't exist anymore in aliexpress and I opened a complaint to get my money back. I don't know if the seller still can act on the complaints because if not, the money is automatically returned after 11 days without reacting to the complaint. If not, I’ll go to paypall for a refund.

However it is incredible how many new shops are opened every day with these same cells for low prices. Hundreds of orders are made. Just until now I was reasonably happy with aliexpress but for now they have lost 90% of my trust. I knew the price was too good to be true but I thought: getting 200ah when sold as 320ah for this price is something I can live with. Never ever I thought that nothing would arrive and aliexpress supported this scam.
I knew the price was too good to be true but I thought: getting 200ah when sold as 320ah for this price is something I can live with. Never ever I thought that nothing would arrive and aliexpress supported this scam.

I urge you to think long and hard about trusting used and abused cells. You are storing kilowatt hours worth of energy in a very small space. Generally speaking, LiFePO4 is very safe, but the electrolyte is a hydrocarbon that boils at a low temperature, and bloating in cells is caused by exactly that. Boiling hydrocarbon in an electrical circuit is not to be taken lightly.

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diy solar