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Supreme Court to take on Vaccine Mandates.

yeah...I wouldn't rent my homes to conspiracy theorists.

Would you rent to Batvette knowing he thinks people are gangstalking him?

Honestly, I don't pay much attention to WHO says what in here.. just what's being said.

Seen Batvette name, haven't had enough interaction to remember his position on things.

I don't rent to anyone with a FICO score below 700, or anyone with felonies, or anyone who's social media posts make me think they're not playing with a full deck of cards. 3 Years on the job, good credit, and only normal people...
Honestly, I don't pay much attention to WHO says what in here.. just what's being said.

Seen Batvette name, haven't had enough interaction to remember his position on things.

I don't rent to anyone with a FICO score below 700, or anyone with felonies, or anyone who's social media posts make me think they're not playing with a full deck of cards. 3 Years on the job, good credit, and only normal people...
referring to this gem..this is Batvette. He says he got caught up believing stuff on the internet LOL

Yes, with 90% of those deaths being unvaccinated people.
You think you can say things without me checking you out ?

(The Center Square) – The head of Indianapolis-based insurance company OneAmerica said the death rate is up a stunning 40% from pre-pandemic levels among working-age people.

“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” the company’s CEO Scott Davison said during an online news conference this week. “The data is consistent across every player in that business.”

It doesn't specify how many who died are vaxed/unvaxed.
But death rates for "working age" people are a lot lower than retired "over 70 years old" people.
So if you vaccinate a lot of healthy working age people and the death rate skyrockets ?
Hope your heart doesn't stop tonight Murphy. Better lay off those booster shots.
referring to this gem..this is Batvette. He says he got caught up believing stuff on the internet LOL

View attachment 79592

There's that religion... almost every conspiracy theorist has it..

I understand why some of these people are so upset, but things need to be kept in perspective.. Crazy is defined as making a mountain out of a mole hill.

Stephen Covey once said "The world is not what you see, but the lens through which you see it".. I think some people have messed up lenses.
You think you can say things without me checking you out ?

(The Center Square) – The head of Indianapolis-based insurance company OneAmerica said the death rate is up a stunning 40% from pre-pandemic levels among working-age people.

“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business – not just at OneAmerica,” the company’s CEO Scott Davison said during an online news conference this week. “The data is consistent across every player in that business.”

It doesn't specify how many who died are vaxed/unvaxed.
But death rates for "working age" people are a lot lower than retired "over 70 years old" people.
So if you vaccinate a lot of healthy working age people and the death rate skyrockets ?
Hope your heart doesn't stop tonight Murphy. Better lay off those booster shots.

Have a reference for that? My understanding is that there were no conditions of employment until the FDA approval was given.

Its an endless list...

Its an endless list...
LOL...and the dates on these?

Apparently you missed the part where we were discussing if this happened before or after FDA approval.
Hope your heart doesn't stop tonight Murphy. Better lay off those booster shots.
I will take my chances with boosters. When you get sick...please stay out of the hospital....ok?

Did you get the shingles vaccine or is that also going to kill you?
The Supreme Court ruling about the OSHA mandates is in. They struck it down with the 3 liberal judges dissenting.
I think they did uphold the mandate for healthcare workers ...
The readers digest version is below .... I attached a PDF of the full ruling.

View attachment 79529

Hmm, do you think "All employees are to wear a mask while at work" would have been acceptable as a workplace safety standard, since it wouldn't be a broad public health measure?

(Not that the US constitution allows federal government any authority over workplace safety standards, that is reserved for "the states or the people". But the Supreme Court hasn't made a habit of interpreting what is actually written in the constitution.)
Vaccine mandates might have looked like a beneficial public health measure in the beginning, when effectiveness was so high.
At this point, it isn't even clear that vaccinating for last year's pandemic doesn't increase susceptibility to the current variant.

All this paper offers is hand-waving arguments saying that can't be so, it must be behavior differences.
The least we can expect is a proper analysis, matching vaccinated/unvaccinated participants and otherwise adjusting for "confounding" variable.
(But that offers the opportunity to engineer results.)

See graphs at end of the following paper.

How are you any different, Brad? You seem to be stalking Batvette by posting stuff he said years ago on different forums ?
LOL....sorry...when you believe that people are following you with energy weapons, you deserve the scrutiny.

So, what other conspiracy theories do you believe in? Flat earth? Chemtrails?
Vaccine mandates might have looked like a beneficial public health measure in the beginning, when effectiveness was so high.
At this point, it isn't even clear that vaccinating for last year's pandemic doesn't increase susceptibility to the current variant.

All this paper offers is hand-waving arguments saying that can't be so, it must be behavior differences.
The least we can expect is a proper analysis, matching vaccinated/unvaccinated participants and otherwise adjusting for "confounding" variable.
(But that offers the opportunity to engineer results.)

See graphs at end of the following paper.

WOW .... This study finds that the vaccine and booster fades QUICKLY with Omicron and a little slower with delta .... So, the solution is to have a "massive rollout of vaccines and boosters."

Since there is concern that repeated boosters could harm immune response .... That doesn't seem like the right way to be thinking about it.
WOW .... This study finds that the vaccine and booster fades QUICKLY with Omicron and a little slower with delta .... So, the solution is to have a "massive rollout of vaccines and boosters."

Since there is concern that repeated boosters could harm immune response .... That doesn't seem like the right way to be thinking about it.
The solution is to make vaccines for the prevailing strains. I am not a virologist and obviously guessing. but that is what we do for the flu. If people don't take the vaccines hospitals could be overcrowded and politicians will have few choices mid they want to protect the public without additional heqlthcare funding.
The solution is to make vaccines for the prevailing strains. I am not a virologist and obviously guessing. but that is what we do for the flu. If people don't take the vaccines hospitals could be overcrowded and politicians will have few choices mid they want to protect the public without additional heqlthcare funding.
I think that the variants are happening at such a fast pace that it is nearly impossible to keep up with them with vaccines. By the time you develop and test them ... the virus has moved on.

I think we need treatments that work regardless of what variant it is.
I think that the variants are happening at such a fast pace that it is nearly impossible to keep up with them with vaccines. By the time you develop and test them ... the virus has moved on.

I think we need treatments that work regardless of what variant it is.
It takes 2 weeks to make the vaccine and years to tests them, unless you speed up that process like we did with the COVID vaccines.

I agree that treatment is also a valid (additional) option.
It has been suggested that vaccination every 2 months is harmful, that once each fall might be better.
Some studies (if only in vitro) indicating vaccination causes suppression of some immune functions. Field data appears to show the same for Omicron, but not conclusive yet (not a well controlled study.)
It has been suggested that vaccination every 2 months is harmful, that once each fall might be better.
Some studies (if only in vitro) indicating vaccination causes suppression of some immune functions. Field data appears to show the same for Omicron, but not conclusive yet (not a well controlled study.)
There are a number of different types of vaccines available, we can switch between them.

At some point we will end up living with the virus just like we do with the flu. Seeing occasionall deadlier variants.

Hospital beds will likely need to be increased and this will require additional funding. Expect vacine requirements imposed by governments, companies, schools and insurance companies.
Never trust the take-away

"Israeli study shows 4th shot of COVID-19 vaccine less effective on Omicron"

Nothing in the text of the article indicates that protection against Omicron was lower for the 4th shot, compared to the 3rd.
Perhaps the study data indicated it was. But article didn't quote anything to that effect.

All it says is that antibodies are even higher with 4th shot, but they know not high enough to protect against omicron.
Even higher would mean either more effective or as effective. Not less effective.

My Googling didn't turn up any reports of data from the study. Anybody else see some?
How are you any different, Brad? You seem to be stalking Batvette by posting stuff he said years rago on different forums ?
Its hilarious, it seems he is now obsessed with me. I dont even know or care who he is. What did I say that got him so butt hurt?
Im not sure what he is trying to accomplish by turning threads into discussions about me, but I addressed this previously and like an ankle biter he ran away.
I was going through some things in my life and I thought I found the answers to questions I had on the internet. I quickly realized I was lied to, and I was wrong. I actually spent much more time afterwards trying to talk sense into many of these people but of course Brad wont mention this.
If Brad or anyone else here has never been wrong in their lives, well just post up your story and turn this into a discussion about you.
A much more interesting discussion might be about the directed energy weapons that actually exist. These arent as classified as youd think.
Or how about the backscatter xray vans, hundreds of which are deployed in cities across the nation.
There is no reason to laugh at the idea of fantasy weapons, surveillance, etc when the ones we know they have are scary enough.

Raytheon's active denial system:

Which was made operational by the military 15 years ago and installed at the LA county jail soon after.
I guess Brad has been locked in a closet somewhere and hasnt been keeping up.

Backscatter Xray vans:

By 2010 the manufacturer had sold over 500 worldwide and in US cities coast to coast. How many in the dozen years since? These are not legal to be used on a dwelling without a warrant, yet its pretty obvious they do.
Some reports claim they can park 27 ft or more from a wall and have the resolution to count the change in your pocket as you walk across the room.

So Bradley, or Chumley, or whatever you call yourself, maybe some day you feel an unusual heat on one side of your body. Or a strange metallic taste in your mouth, and you look outside and theres a strange van in front of your house. Maybe if you go on the internet in search of answers you might find actual information like that I am presenting you. Not some ignorant nonsense like that which was circulating at the time nor some heckler like you adding confusion.
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So Bradley, or Chumley, or whatever you call yourself, maybe some day you feel an unusual heat on one side of your body. Or a strange metallic taste in your mouth, and you look outside and theres a strange van in front of your house.

Have any references regarding X-ray (of any energy level) causing metallic taste?
That can be symptom of neutron exposure, I have read.

If you think X-ray (backscatter or otherwise) is likely, any appropriate detectors we might employ?
Film would show it, but only after development.
Electronic detectors could trigger real-time alarm. And log directionality over time, appropriately configured.

The article is about backscatter. More practical for the stated application. But targets anticipating that sort of probing could be cloaked.
I've parked at the border while transmission X-ray was used to inspect vehicles.
We once saw news with X-ray of a semi-truck, showing the skeletons of all the "migrants" standing inside.
I was just making a general assumption about radiation exposure. Not sure if that is typical of backscatter emissions.

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