diy solar

diy solar

Growatt, tell me I'm wrong

Its been about 10 days and my power (inverter) went out again!!! Still resetting all my clocks. Sure wish I was wrong, this is going to take months to resolve.
Even after disabling the communication feature and changing setting voltage, on the batteries from the suggested 46v up to 47, cut off. My power went out for 2-3 seconds. Same old s@#$.
Update.... I called Signature Solar, this time I got a "teir1" anyway, I've recieved a few e-mails. So far, they have just started the "jump through some hoops" protocols.
I even asked for a software update, he said that there was one available but did not want to do that, Until he checked on a few things first. Wth? I wonder why they would hesitate. Anyway, this will be the decider for me with Signature Solar. Over 10k spent with them, we will see if any of that matters. 3 days in, on this contact. I still like sigsol and growatt....
I do have a back up plan, with another supplier Genetry Solar, American made, American owned!!! (With parts sourced from other countries of course)
I'm running a growatt 8000DMV (basically same as the 12000) with 6 eg4 batteries and communication. I have 3 issues but, only one I can't live with.
1. Can't get the darn thing to stop beeping when I push a button. I've tryed the settings and pushing the right two buttons at the same time. The icon even goes off, but keeps beeping.
2. While using communication, it clips solar at 50a. (Whatever)
3. System works GREAT, but... output power turns off for 3 sec. Every day or so. This sucks. I'm so tired of resetting my clocks it unreal. ALL else is good.
I am only utilizing about 40% of available power. Inverter is set NOT to restart after over current. Electrical breaker System is well balanced.
There may be a firmware update so contact signature, my 12k did the 3 second restart once a week or so, then sometimes back to back. The firmware update fixed the issue for mine.
I really did not want to spend money and time with monitors and self diagnosis. This growatt system is suppose to be a complete, trouble free solution to the dyi build. I just want to see how they do.
I'll go that route, all out, when I see how S.S. does.
Kromc5, thank you very much for that information!!! It fits my situation 100%
I will use that info. Next time I talk to them. Not using your name, ofcourse.
I really did not want to spend money and time with monitors and self diagnosis. This growatt system is suppose to be a complete, trouble free solution to the dyi build. I just want to see how they do.
I'll go that route, all out, when I see how S.S. does.
The software is not too expensive but you'll need a Pi to run it. No comparison to the krappy Growatt software. Check out the link, it's pretty nice.
My only issue with Solar Assistant is that I didn't get it sooner. I can only blame myself for that. lol
It seems cheap enough to me. I guess it wouldn't hurt just to have it anyway. The site doesn't say anything about, if it keeps track if faults?
It seems cheap enough to me. I guess it wouldn't hurt just to have it anyway. The site doesn't say anything about, if it keeps track if faults?
Just to be clear, I do not see an area in SA that shows inverter faults, but SA provides a lot of easily accessible information that may help you diagnose what is happening. If your inverter has the comms connected with the battery then SA will only show the rather generic data the inverter sees, but if you use one of the 'use' battery settings in the inverter and connect SA with the batteries comm then SA goes a bit further in depth.

While it does not have to be connected to wifi, it really needs to be in order to take advantage of what it offers.

I do not want to lead you into buying a product you may not need, but it is a product I have found very convenient and useful.
The software is not too expensive but you'll need a Pi to run it. No comparison to the krappy Growatt software. Check out the link, it's pretty nice.
I agree with that, it even caught my very quick restart issues before the firmware updates. So of the data from inveter 1.


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Just a quick update. Sigsol actually called me today and said; after a review of my setup, I should install a firmware update. They sent me the firmware today... Now we will just have to wait and see how this goes. We are at 30days. ?
Nobody likes a dead end thread.... I installed the updated firmware.
I want everyone to know, I had a issue installing the new firmware. I called Signature Solar and left a message, i was dead in the water (stuck) Payton called me back in 10 min. AWSOME!!! he helped me through the issue. That's good service!!!
Now we have to give the inverter a 30 day run, to see if the issue is fixed.
I know there is some hate going on about S.S. but I am VERY happy with their service. Although I reserve the right to change my opinion in the near future. Thanks for all you help and guidance on this forum.
Nobody likes a dead end thread.... I installed the updated firmware.
I want everyone to know, I had a issue installing the new firmware. I called Signature Solar and left a message, i was dead in the water (stuck) Payton called me back in 10 min. AWSOME!!! he helped me through the issue. That's good service!!!
Now we have to give the inverter a 30 day run, to see if the issue is fixed.
I know there is some hate going on about S.S. but I am VERY happy with their service. Although I reserve the right to change my opinion in the near future. Thanks for all you help and guidance on this forum.
The firmware has fixed my quick restarts, no happened once in the past 3 weeks. Hopefully it will fix yours as well.
I think it's time to end this thread...
The firmware update solved my intermittent restart issue, but with all firmware updates I've ever done, there are new issues. This time, I only found a small issue... the inverter will now allow a combined charge (solar and utility) to high for my inverter limit. I do not use this function, so all is well. But, others should be aware.
As a pleasant firmware change. The inverter does NOT limit the incoming pv (at 50amps) it now allows, well as much as my pv makes. That has been as much as 71amps. This is really important to me and others hear have stated, they were disappointed at the 50amp limit, under li mode.
This last part is all about, me me me, so if your not intrested, feel free to skip this post.
I really like this setup and it provides for all my needs. Signature solar has treated me very well and have contacted me several times to insure that I am satisfied.
I run my entire home off this setup and is plenty powerful for my needs.
A small list of usages: tv, PC, router, ceiling fan (24-7) lights, dehumidifier, central air, 2 window a/c, 2 deep freezers 16cf. Side by side fridge/freezer, clothes washer, dish washer, coffee pot, toaster, sump pump, well, charge cell phones, chain saw, drills, circular saw, weed wiper, leaf blower, And more. Thanks to all here!!!

diy solar

diy solar