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diy solar

Signature Solar Customer Support and EG4 6000EX inverter issues

Nomad Mods

New Member
Feb 17, 2023
Animas, New Mexico
It has now been a month since I originally contacted Signature Solar about my issue with my inverter. I have had multiple issues, one of which was resolved with their latest firmware update, so that won't be discussed. The biggest issue anyway is the charge controller failing to produce what it should be. Every day, as the sun rises, so does the wattage from the panels, as it should. But then for whatever reason, it drops into almost a float charge and stays there. The only way to fix it is to go outside and flip the PV breaker off and back on. It immediately rights itself. Unless of course a cloud happens to pass by. In which case it drops back to a float state and stays there until I go back out and reset the PV breaker. I have reset the breaker 7 times in an hour before because of spotty clouds. I finally installed a Raspberry Pi with Solar Assistant to graph the exact issue. It shows no change in base load at the time the CC fails. Then the drop to 0 as I reset the breaker and the power curve lands exactly where it should have been without the failure.

Saying that dealing with their customer support is atrocious is an understatement. Stuck in tier 1 emails for a week. Then sent to tier 2 and stuck there for weeks again. Emails get you nowhere and calls aren't much better. I hate getting mad, but it seems you have to get mad on the phone to get any results. At one point I was told that I was #30 in line for tier 2 support. 2 weeks later I call and find out that I still have 15 tickets ahead of me! That is when I got ugly and a couple days later they were trying to help me. All that was done was a check to see if my firmware was up to date and check that my settings were correct. Once they found that I had everything correct, it was radio silence for a couple days. Then sent to a Resolution Specialist. A few more days and now I get an email that they want me to return the inverter so they can look it over and then they will send me another one. So, based on the fact that it took almost 2 weeks to get the inverter in the first place, I should expect to be without power for about 3 weeks? I don't think so.
I run a business installing RV solar systems and decided that after 3 years of perfect performance living off grid from my own personal install, I would make my system larger and test out a new company's product to see if it is a viable option for us to recommend to our customers. Aside from the CC issue which makes it so I can't leave before 8:30 any day or if there is a potential for any clouds (as I would be getting about 500w all day instead of up to 4000w) the product works well. What is Making me never recommend any EG4 product is the customer service from Signature Solar.

I can provide the email string for confirmation of dates and happenings but it is veeeeerryy long being a month worth of conversations

These are the settings that I sent in and were confirmed to be correct
7-LFE (the "F" I am placing here is a symbol that is missing the top cross of an F)
8-TFE ( same for this "F")
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What are you using for panels and what are the strings?

Nice area, neat place. 4,000 feet of elevation. What is the morning temps and during the day?
What are you using for panels and what are the strings?

Nice area, neat place. 4,000 feet of elevation. What is the morning temps and during the day?
There are 4060w of REC 290w panels. 7s 2p to keep the voltage under the 500v limit on the controller. I believe I'm around 264v 22amp.

We aren't in Animas any more, but it snowed a couple inches there this morning.
There are 4060w of REC 290w panels. 7s 2p to keep the voltage under the 500v limit on the controller. I believe I'm around 264v 22amp.

We aren't in Animas any more, but it snowed a couple inches there this morning.
I'd like current temps, makes a huge difference. Other than cloudy days, have you seen this problem on clear sunny days?
I'd like current temps, makes a huge difference. Other than cloudy days, have you seen this problem on clear sunny days?
The graph provided was on a completely clear day. See how perfectly the PV power is increasing as the sun rises? Then BAM! For no reason it drops and holds. I let it sit in this state for over an hour one day while waiting for my appointment with a tier 2 so they could try things while it was acting up. The appointment came and went without word until they said they were behind and would get to me later. So I flipped the breaker and WHAM 2700w coming in when it had been idling at 500ish watt for an hour.

As for temps, the equipment is in a temperature controlled bay. Outside temps wouldn't effect the equipment
I'd like current temps, makes a huge difference. Other than cloudy days, have you seen this problem on clear sunny days?
We have even had the PV fail back to a float after we use a high draw appliance. All is going well, we make some breakfast in the oven(electric) and the second we turn off the oven, the PV drops just as if a cloud had passed
Not OP, but was camping with him in Animas.

We had three rigs at the same location, two with REC panels, two with EG4 inverters and their integrated charge controllers. There were several other rigs in and out as well, that never had issues (none of those with REC or EG4).

No other rigs had any issues. Seems to be a hardware issue with the MPPT.

Morning temps in 20s-30s, afternoon temps in the 50s-60s. Issue occurs on all days, cloudy or not - the common denominator is shading. It happens on a clear day driving under a bridge, or a sunny day with someone working up there and casting a shadow on the panels. The MPPT does not recover reliably, usually requring PV being manually disconnected first. If it is cloudy, it requires frequent intervention, as every time a cloud passes it has a high likelihood of faltering.

Bottom left, REC panels and EG4 6000EX
Top left, Canadian Solar panels and EG4 6500EX
Bottom right, REC panels and Victron

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At 20F, it comes to VOC of 297.5, well within the range.

As always, settings come next and what type of batteries?
Not OP, but was camping with him in Animas.

We had three rigs at the same location, two with REC panels, two with EG4 inverters and their integrated charge controllers.

No other rigs had any issues. Seems to be a hardware issue with the MPPT.

Morning temps in 20s-30s, afternoon temps in the 50s-60s.

View attachment 137641
I need to keep in touch with you fellas.

All the same inverters, batteries and settings? If so, then it is most likely a SCC problem.
At 20F, it comes to VOC of 297.5, well within the range.

As always, settings come next and what type of batteries?

I need to keep in touch with you fellas.

All the same inverters, batteries and settings? If so, then it is most likely a SCC problem.
Yes, there was definitely no chance of clipping with the panel wiring as it is. It is most definitely a SCC problem, but I can't go without power for a couple weeks while I wait for them to recieve the inverter and ship out a new one.
Upper left rig has 4x EG4 LifePower4 100AH, we had them on USE for several days due to error 61 and it did not have the same issue. Error 61 resolved and of course, no issues now either.


Rig in question has 4x AmpereTime 12V 300AH batteries in series with a balancer, USE, 56.8V bulk and 54V float if I recall correctly.
Edit: he added all settings to the top post.

We moved the panels to a different (Midnite) controller to rule out anything with the panels.
If under load when this happens, it will pull from batteries rather than PV, which rules out (for the most part) BMS, etc, issues. Also batteries do continue to charge when this happens, but at a slower pace (whatever PV input - loads happens to settle at). A separate Midnite charge controller with 960W of panels doesn't have the same issue. Also, no issues when charging from grid. Happens with and without the separate Midnite controller connected/on. We've ruled most possibilities out.

I don't have a photo of OP's bay, but the batteries are tucked in pretty deep, and can't really be seen anyway.

We initially theorized it to be a firmware issue with USE, but would have expected it to show up with USE on the 6500EX if that were the case.
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It has now been a month since I originally contacted Signature Solar about my issue with my inverter. I have had multiple issues, one of which was resolved with their latest firmware update, so that won't be discussed. The biggest issue anyway is the charge controller failing to produce what it should be. Every day, as the sun rises, so does the wattage from the panels, as it should. But then for whatever reason, it drops into almost a float charge and stays there. The only way to fix it is to go outside and flip the PV breaker off and back on. It immediately rights itself. Unless of course a cloud happens to pass by. In which case it drops back to a float state and stays there until I go back out and reset the PV breaker. I have reset the breaker 7 times in an hour before because of spotty clouds. I finally installed a Raspberry Pi with Solar Assistant to graph the exact issue. It shows no change in base load at the time the CC fails. Then the drop to 0 as I reset the breaker and the power curve lands exactly where it should have been without the failure.

Saying that dealing with their customer support is atrocious is an understatement. Stuck in tier 1 emails for a week. Then sent to tier 2 and stuck there for weeks again. Emails get you nowhere and calls aren't much better. I hate getting mad, but it seems you have to get mad on the phone to get any results. At one point I was told that I was #30 in line for tier 2 support. 2 weeks later I call and find out that I still have 15 tickets ahead of me! That is when I got ugly and a couple days later they were trying to help me. All that was done was a check to see if my firmware was up to date and check that my settings were correct. Once they found that I had everything correct, it was radio silence for a couple days. Then sent to a Resolution Specialist. A few more days and now I get an email that they want me to return the inverter so they can look it over and then they will send me another one. So, based on the fact that it took almost 2 weeks to get the inverter in the first place, I should expect to be without power for about 3 weeks? I don't think so.
View attachment 137618
I run a business installing RV solar systems and decided that after 3 years of perfect performance living off grid from my own personal install, I would make my system larger and test out a new company's product to see if it is a viable option for us to recommend to our customers. Aside from the CC issue which makes it so I can't leave before 8:30 any day or if there is a potential for any clouds (as I would be getting about 500w all day instead of up to 4000w) the product works well. What is Making me never recommend any EG4 product is the customer service from Signature Solar.

I can provide the email string for confirmation of dates and happenings but it is veeeeerryy long being a month worth of conversations

These are the settings that I sent in and were confirmed to be correct
7-LFE (the "F" I am placing here is a symbol that is missing the top cross of an F)
8-TFE ( same for this "F")
We apologize for falling short of your expectations and appreciate your feedback. We're glad to hear that our team has already reached out and resolved the issue to your satisfaction. Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions or concerns.

Thank you for your business and for bringing this matter to our attention.

We apologize for falling short of your expectations and appreciate your feedback. We're glad to hear that our team has already reached out and resolved the issue to your satisfaction. Please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions or concerns.

Thank you for your business and for bringing this matter to our attention.

It is definitely still in the process. Not time to be saying it was to my satisfaction yet. We will see.
Perhaps an advanced replacement arrangement could be arranged, i.e. ship your faulty aio back once you receive and install the replacement unit?
Perhaps an advanced replacement arrangement could be arranged, i.e. ship your faulty aio back once you receive and install the replacement unit?
They don't do that. Either u ship the old unit and once they recieve it, they send the new one (which would leave me without power the entire time I'm waiting) or I have to buy a new unit and they provide me with a shipping label to return the old unit once I get the new one, and then when they get the old unit back, they refund me my money. So I am now the cost of 2 inverters in until the units make their trips.
They don't do that. Either u ship the old unit and once they recieve it, they send the new one (which would leave me without power the entire time I'm waiting) or I have to buy a new unit and they provide me with a shipping label to return the old unit once I get the new one, and then when they get the old unit back, they refund me my money. So I am now the cost of 2 inverters in until the units make their trips.
Don't forget the possibility of them receiving your 'bad' inverter and then claiming that there is nothing wrong with it because it works in their shop. Double screwed as now you have purchased two inverters yet only have one that functions plus the added cost of shipping etc.

It's pretty obvious to me that you know what you're doing from the pics of your installs and the info you provided, but they can't take your word that the inverter is defective and get you a new one asap.

Shit business model but that's how they roll.

Very nice setup btw!
Don't forget the possibility of them receiving your 'bad' inverter and then claiming that there is nothing wrong with it because it works in their shop. Double screwed as now you have purchased two inverters yet only have one that functions plus the added cost of shipping etc.

It's pretty obvious to me that you know what you're doing from the pics of your installs and the info you provided, but they can't take your word that the inverter is defective and get you a new one asap.

Shit business model but that's how they roll.

Very nice setup btw!
I had them put in writing that they would be giving me a refund of my original inverter once it was recieved. No way I would have ordered another one without that. They have provided free shipping for the return.
ALL of these stages were supposed to happen a lot faster, but reporting shows that lead time is narrowing. the firmware botch from the factory was a major slowdown. have 5 more techs starting each week so we will catch up, get ahead, and stay ahead in the next couple of months.

Signature Solar is making Texas jobs with the money you spend, 170 and counting.

the MPPT firmware is getting a revamp for the low voltage range as well, eta next week
ALL of these stages were supposed to happen a lot faster, but reporting shows that lead time is narrowing. the firmware botch from the factory was a major slowdown. have 5 more techs starting each week so we will catch up, get ahead, and stay ahead in the next couple of months.

Signature Solar is making Texas jobs with the money you spend, 170 and counting.

the MPPT firmware is getting a revamp for the low voltage range as well, eta next week
Would this have been a possible fix for my issue? If so why did no one tell me anything about the revamp and the potential that I might not have had to go through all of this return process?
Would this have been a possible fix for my issue? If so why did no one tell me anything about the revamp and the potential that I might not have had to go through all of this return process?

Trying to get R+d and support better connected, it sounds like it will fix your issue

That it one of the reasons slinging product at a more complex situation is many times counterproductive.
Would this have been a possible fix for my issue? If so why did no one tell me anything about the revamp and the potential that I might not have had to go through all of this return process?

Trying to get R+d and support better connected, it sounds like it will
That really pisses me off!! I'll be waiting until the end of the week for an inverter I had to purchase to replace one that is installed and may only need a firmware update? That i should be able to install by the end of the week as well? You guys really need to get your act together.
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This thread will be on a projector next week.
That really passes me off!! I'll be waiting until the end of the week for an inverter I had to purchase to replace one that is installed and may only need a firmware update? That i should be able to install by the end of the week as well? You guys really need to get your act together.
It really does seem like they are trying to learn from there mistakes and get better, unfortunately it appears to be taking way to long.
Sucks the customers have to be the guinea pigs.

Seems like a group of dedicated product testers across the country for new releases, before selling to the masses, would be an excellent implementation to make.
That really passes me off!! I'll be waiting until the end of the week for an inverter I had to purchase to replace one that is installed and may only need a firmware update? That i should be able to install by the end of the week as well? You guys really need to get your act together.
This happens a lot in the inverter business in general, I think we can use better processes and data to do it, would rather be honest vs say “you have a faulty unit”
It really does seem like they are trying to learn from there mistakes and get better, unfortunately it appears to be taking way to long.
Sucks the customers have to be the guinea pigs.

Seems like a group of dedicated product testers across the country for new releases, before selling to the masses, would be an excellent implementation to make.
The thing here is that it is not a new product thing vs a new batch thing, we RD products internally over a year to avoid using customers as guinea pigs. Nobody was having this issue a month ago.

In the PCB business things happen with firmware conflicts and we have to just get faster responding. Our RD team is very high capacity now, just have to listen to customers better when they have issues that we don't have a category for.
This happens a lot in the inverter business in general, I think we can use better processes and data to do it, would rather be honest vs say “you have a faulty unit”

The thing here is that it is not a new product thing vs a new batch thing, we RD products internally over a year to avoid using customers as guinea pigs. Nobody was having this issue a month ago.

In the PCB business things happen with firmware conflicts and we have to just get faster responding
Just have your departments talk! I would have rather waited a week to try a firmware update than shell out the money for a second inverter that may still have the same issue! How does customer support not know anything about potential fixes that are being worked on?

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diy solar