diy solar

diy solar

Eve 280 battery weirdness after a year

Simi 60

New Member
Jul 10, 2021
Hi, a year or so ago we bought a batch of Eve280 A grade matched and batched cells from one of the recommended suppliers here.

Made 3 X 24v batteries connected as a single 840ah bank
Did it all by the book, top balanced, noalox, etc etc and they have been trouble free appart from Battery A always being slightly higher voltage, faster acceptance than B&C which are pretty much identical.

This morning things went noticeably weird when I checked on the app
Have tried on phone and tablet, both show same
Batt B&C are all equally voltage and around 70%
Batt A is doing this......

Thoughts on what's going on and what to do?

Triple check your BMS sense lead connections
Yep, just went down below and visually checked. Shot everything with laser thermometer and tested voltage on all cells.
All same and all seemed good.

Unplugged BMS harness, blue lights off and reconnected.
Blue lights on

Pic of reading now on app for batt A
Note SOC
Temp at batt with laser was 25c


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Victron battery monitor is showing overall battery SOC is 77.4% and down -200ah from 840ah

Guessing the app/BMS needs a bit of time to recalibrate itself
Been so long since I needed to do anything I've forgotten the quirks found in the early days.
And all appears normal again
Genset run this morning and solar finish and @ 11:30am all batts reading 100%.

Must have been a BMS brain fart.

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diy solar