diy solar

diy solar

Install and Operation of the SUNGOLD 10KW 48V SPLIT PHASE SOLAR INVERTER

Did a bit of grid charging on my batteries early and now am solar charging....wanted to try and get another full charge ... they seem to be working significantly better since that full charge...onward...
Battery/Pack #5 is slowly getting to 100% but I'm way way happier with how the system as a whole is working since the previous 'full charge'

current SA battery capture:

Screenshot 2023-12-17 164451.png
Battery/Pack #5 is slowly getting to 100% but I'm way way happier with how the system as a whole is working since the previous 'full charge'

current SA battery capture:

View attachment 183589
Much better. How do they look above 3.4v?
Ignore my soc, some idiot messed with the BMS parameters and hasn't fixed them yet...
Mine were much further out when they were still taking current, they are resting for a bit and will be going back to powering the house shortly. I have a 3d print going, I'm debating if I wait for it to finish. Screw it, I'll flip back to grid before it's done, I have enough confidence in our AIOs that the flip won't mess with the printer.
I topped them off after the whopping 1kwh I harvested today, over 1.5" of rain forecast and 30+ mph winds coming... I'll easily make it till Tuesday when I can make some real production with the arrays.

Sorry for the ramble. I hope you're enjoying your system.


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Damnit!! I just got a #12 Error (second time I believe) - SpiCommErr Master-Slave Chip SPI Comunication failure.

Had to completely shut down the system and restart to clear it.

Going to email 'support'
Sungoldpower is very responsive. I always get answered quickly.
But I don't like how they discontinued the IP6048
I haven't contacted support. I just ask the general chat on the web page or WhatsApp number.
Cindy Lou Who's reply:

Dear Mr Kenny A. Chaffin,

The error 12 refers to the communication failure.

1. Normally the inverter will has the error for about 10 seconds, and then automatically clear.
2. If the inverter reports error12 for a long time and cannot be cleared automatically, please power off and restart the inverter.

Best Regards
Cindy Lou Who's reply:

Dear Mr Kenny A. Chaffin,

The error 12 refers to the communication failure.

1. Normally the inverter will has the error for about 10 seconds, and then automatically clear.
2. If the inverter reports error12 for a long time and cannot be cleared automatically, please power off and restart the inverter.

Best Regards

Let's try something else with your battery communication.
Do you have any windows software from sungold power to talk to their batteries ? Do you have an RS485 to USB adapter ?
You do !!!! absolutely fabulous, get it all set up and running so you can see your batteries in the windows software, now you know that your batteries can communicate and that your RS485 pins are correct. Now just plug that RS485 adapter into solar assistant and see whether any of the selections will now work for you.
What size wire were you able to fit on your terminals?
Here's a pic of the mess now, including the li'l Raspberry Pi running Solar Assistant:

View attachment 175789

I just looked at your drawing. Your inverter has both wires connected to the upper battery. That puts more strain on the upper battery than the lower.
One wire should go to battery 1 and the other one to battery 2.

Maybe someone already pointed this out in this mega thread. ??‍♂️
I just looked at your drawing. Your inverter has both wires connected to the upper battery. That puts more strain on the upper battery than the lower.
One wire should go to battery 1 and the other one to battery 2.

Maybe someone already pointed this out in this mega thread. ??‍♂️
Yeah that was corrected just after that second battery was connected... Thx...

That's exceptionally low for a 10kW unit. I would be shocked if it's less than 100W,

I measured mine last night with 0 load on it other than the inverter itself, and no solar production (it was midnight).

I measured 1.87A when the fan was running (@ 52.4V from the battery that's 98W) and 1.77A when the fan was off (93W).

There are complaints in various forums about the fans, noise and energy waste, but it seems they account for only 5W of idle consumption *when running*.

Power saving mode is disabled.
Sounds right. I've not measured...but your numbers match what I've seen elsewhere...

I am actually more shocked at the heat that this inverter generates.

I have another installation, a 24V system that hardly generates any heat .. same pv wattage, 15kWh storage and charges an EV.

The sungoldpower installation is in a dedicated shed attached to the house. I did go extra heavy on the insulation and water proofing as the equipment is rated indoor only. However, with all those posts about fan noise, I did not want it inside as we live in a 0 noise area. 2x6 framing for the ceiling to allow higher grade insulation, Tyvek wrap etc. The space is 8'x3.5' measured outside, and 7' high. Last night the outside temperature was probably low 50s, possibly below 50. The SGP inverter kept it at 72F all night long while doing practically nothing! How warm will it be under load?

diy solar

diy solar