diy solar

diy solar

Alibaba deligreen


Solar Enthusiast
Oct 12, 2019
As my previous order was all ok, and cells are good, i made a big order together with some enthousiasts in the area.
Together we ordered 160 (!) 200ah cells, and 6 12V batteries. Deligreen has altered their shipping method with additional wooden reinforcements as a few memebers recieved cells wich had dents due to transport. I think this is worth mentioning.
I'll keep you informed about this second order and how it goes.
The shipment arrived today. Everything was neatly packed, and they appear to have listened at my suggestion last time to include thicker bus bars. Now it are real solid busbars.20200616_211940.jpg20200616_212421.jpg20200616_212430.jpg20200616_220218.jpg20200616_211757.jpg20200616_212029.jpg
I got word that my ship had arrived in port four days ago. Now the big wait for things to get through customs. Mine is 32 cells in 11 boxes with individual tracking numbers for each box.
Wait, they shipped with an active tester showing volts and temp? o_O