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diy solar

Docan Power bad experience, beware.

When buying from USA they can't sell junk and get away as easily, when buying ali and shipping acorss the sea, much easier. Ali will always protect the seller, the buying guarantee thing is total bunk, so this is why everyone says pay with a credit card. I read in another auto merchant foam that most credit card companies now don't even listen to Alibaba and just rule in the buyer's favor due to all the issues.

Cost of grade A cells in the US are between 140-155 for 280 and about 150-165 for 304.
I know all the extra fees they add on take all that into account when comparing to local company just pay with a CC and ship it. Any recommendation on US suppliers might be somewhat close in price for 280-300AH.
NO one in the usa is going to be in the 80-90 range, Maybe 18650battery store with the grade B envision cells, but then you got to deal with the potential grade B issues. Then shipping is going to be between $16-22/cell however, you will have a return policy as long as you can absorb the restocking fee / return shipping.

For grade A you have:
Another website I can't remember the name... it was green / white color scheme they had some cells too with test report, damn forgot the name but comparable prices.

Remember LFP cells to OEM for around $93/KW and that is for people buying millions of cells. So Assume small time sellers are probably paying in the neighborhood around $110-$115/kw then importing them and selling for around $150/KW. In other words they are making $20-$30 / cell if I had to predict.

It will be cheaper to order directly form China from a US seller or Luyuan (the only legitimate Chinese seller) but that will add about 45-90 day wait. Normally this only makes sense when you need a bunch of cells, I really do not recommend going to overseas if you need less than 16 cells. 16 cells is where the shipping starts to be reasonable/cell.
Found it:

NOTE: No one has tested these they claim intact QR codes but has not been verified, I thought they had Test Reports... Need to check again, but you can ask if they do.

Also Add lithicore which is a sister company to Ezeal.
Found it:

NOTE: No one has tested these they claim intact QR codes but has not been verified, I thought they had Test Reports... Need to check again, but you can ask if they do.

Also Add lithicore which is a sister company to Ezeal.
The first one said EU warehouse couldn't find any reference to USA warehouse. I looked at the 2nd link before 14 cents a watt for 280AH.
Well that no test report = probably grade B (but could be grade A if the QR code is perfect and made in 2023).... still I would ask for the test report. Otherwise assume grade B.
For grade A you have:
To Add to this, some manufacturers sell direct now

EVE sells direct on alibaba, $120 EXW starting
Highstar sells EVE LF280K cells as their IFpP71173208-280A cell, for now, Yes, their Alibaba listing does not support this, but I've confirmed it with them directly. (Cannot ship DDP though, FOB is best offered), $93.10 EXW starting
Cornex sells their PF173-280A (EVE LF280K equivalent), EXW $115 starting,

Also Docan REPT 280s are also re-lasered as a heads up
One thing to note, when you are dealing with EVE directly... well you aren't the invoice they send is usually from the Agent's own company. I always found this to be odd. Lastly compare your overall price vs Luyuan I actually never found the All said and done price directly form EVE to ever be cheaper than what Luyuan was offering.

On a side note, I find the EVE people a bit pushy and always wanting you to buy a full container...
Also a video of the cell in the seplos promo vid:
I have 3 8s banks. Out of those 3 the Docans I got from Their Texas warehouse are so tight, I don't even need a bms on them. But that was awhile back, things may change over time but they rarely ever carry the 304's I want so I'm trying a company called apexium that has good reviews & a US warehouse on my next order so will see how that goes.
Well that was fast

Amy says

We resell apexium. Apexium is another brand, but such like brother company, our boss not tell all details for us, just let us sell

So is Apexium a battery manufacturer's or reseller?
Thank you all so much as I'm talking to a seller with a docan power link on Facebook profile here in Houston, since they seem to have a warehouse.

Local pickup would make things cheap but don't want to get scammed.

Have an order pending with 18650 and at least they have a warranty and 30 day money back guarantee despite the shipping from Georgia.
You are on a thread "Docan Bad Experience" and you are thanking everyone that you are talking with Docan...

Yeah Nonlin I don't know what you are up to....
You are on a thread "Docan Bad Experience" and you are thanking everyone that you are talking with Docan...

Yeah Nonlin I don't know what you are up to....
Yes I'm thanking them for alerting me of the the negative experiences so that I can be wiser. Hence this post and I'm trying my best to get the best deal. If there is something I can push Docan or anyone to help me ensure I don't get scammed/ripped of.

No trolling here.

diy solar

diy solar