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America's melting pot

D71, IMO only if you act on it. I've always thought some things are better left unsaid.
No tommy not sure why you don’t know that and you misquoted me again.

Ppl in germany go to prison for denying holocaust. Ppl is germany go to orison for talking bad about jews. Ppl in englanland and around world except here get in trouble go to jail over talking about antisemitism. Bye tommy .
D71, do you think the holocaust happened?

I think it's possible the holocaust never happened, it was a TV plot, kind of like
the war of the worlds kind of thing
I think it's possible the holocaust never happened, it was a TV plot, kind of like
the war of the worlds kind of thing
don't think I would say that in Germany, and I shouldn't

if you forget your past, the shit will happen again.
don't think I would say that in Germany, and I shouldn't

if you forget your past, the shit will happen again.
Ever stop and wonder what made the german, Italian, and japanese ppl get mad? What was the boiling over point? Hint they put up with it from 1918-1930 or so. When the War broke out in 1939 ppl like Rothschild were held for ransom. If you don’t know the history then that is on you.

All you ever hear is Germany invaded Poland but why don’t you know Russia was invading in Poland at around same time too?

Thread 'AI does 1 of Hitler’s Speeches in English which weirdly sounds like problems now. Hmmmm.'’s-speeches-in-english-which-weirdly-sounds-like-problems-now-hmmmm.80483/

Ever listen to a mischievous child sit there and tell you “they didn’t do nuthin”. That is the history of the jews. If you read old news papers been losing 6 million ppl since early 1900’s. The jews also declared War on Germany around 1933 because as foreigners they were being expelled…. Kicked out as illegal invaders and disrupters …. In some cases the communist were locked up Not all communist were jews but most jews were communist ….. If you don’t know that then you have a controlled child like mind.. easy to deceive by “Way of Deception.”.

Again what made the Germans finally get pissed off after so many years - of being fucked with? Sort of like now with ppl like Barbara Spectre saying she and jews will lead mass immigration and that shsss ppl will be mad at her and her group of jews leading the immigrants in with groups like HIAS. I don’t expect you and most to know any of this…. Most ppl just bitch about everything without wanting to really realize and admit who has caused their problems directly.


The USA fought alongside the communist in russia and the communist in china in WW2. Think about that. Our allies were communist that we then were locked in 50+ year Cold War.

If you mess with some ppl they will take it until they won’t take it anymore……then it is Christmas story rage.
Like watching the monkey mess with lion at zoo until lion grabs monkey and rips it to shreds. Everyone gets mad at lion.

George Carlin was right they - Elites want ppl like you just smart enough to keep present machines running and lights on. Most ppl have best research tool ever made called their internet device and if they are ignorant then it is by choice. In future AI will make it so everything is questionable for real or not.
If you don’t know that then you have a controlled child like mind.. easy to deceive by “Way of Deception.”.
D71, I'm not alone, it's not just me. there may be more with my thinking, not saying that make me right.

George Carlin was right they - Elites want ppl like you just smart enough to keep present machines running and lights on.
everyone is entitled to their opinions.

I listened to the AI translation, I heard grievances only.
leading by grievances never seems to work out good for anyone.

D71, do you think the holocaust happened?
Tommy don’t you find it odd that Balfour declaration gave them a place to call home but the Jews don’t go home to it. They stay in foreign lands trying to rule and perform usury

They got to Palestine and beat up the Palestine ppl took full control and took control locking Palestine ppl away in an inhumane Gaza concentration camp for decades. Now remember these same group pl claim they were holocaust in concentration camps. Look how they treat them even now. The Balfour declaration did not provide for State of Israel they were suppose to integrate in with Palestine which was a group that allowed all religions.

Hitler was forcing Jews out of Germany. Sending them to Palestine aka forced “mandatory Palestine” in accords with Balfour declaration. The Jews being forced out were pissed off. So they fought called antifa like we have now. The Rothschild family were doing usury which is illegal by Jewish law for one Jew to another but not against gentiles The gentiles can be screwed over in Jewish law. Like Islam calls gentiles infidels.

Again Tommy what am saying is on the internet. You can find it. Just look.

I had 5 family fight for America in WW2. So their Jewish bs is just that bs to me. They bring war on whites that don’t do as they command. Jews are not god. Jews have no command over me. If read bible they Jews were punished time and time again. Jesus put everyone on equal playing ground the Pharisees had Roman’s crucify Jesus. Mocked him as king of Jews. The Pharisees were Jews Jesus didn’t really like Jews. He whipped their merchant ass and drive them from the temples. Announced temples belonged to God.
They stay in foreign lands trying to rule and perform usury
D71, that's one way to characterize it, some may think it's to live in their homes and
raise their families.

Hitler was forcing Jews out of Germany. Sending them to Palestine
D71, again that could be someone's read, others may think he undertook efforts to
gas and burn all jews he could find in Europe. in places like


do you have a link that proves the last post wrong?

this was before I was born, I'm going by what I got at school
D71, that's one way to characterize it, some may think it's to live in their homes and
raise their families.

D71, again that could be someone's read, others may think he undertook efforts to
gas and burn all jews he could find in Europe. in places like

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Your “Burn all Jews is comical”. The human body takes 4-6 hours to burn up in modern crematorium. It Cost a lot of money and resources. Run the numbers for burning up reported bodies….just in time frame of war ……

Why would they kill ppl that were in prison like conditions of Gaza in Israel and being made to make war supplies. In most ww2 camps Kapo were in charge with over sight from SS Germans. Do you know what kapo means? It is like a trustee.

Do you know what the Balfour declaration was? Quick source others on line

Have you ever looked at it?

They destroyed Balfour painting other day at a museum.

Some would say that is antisemitism.
In every war the winner writes the history and that might be intentional distorted.
I listened to the stories from my family if when they talked. All of them said “do not trust govt”. I learned in military that they were 100% correct.
The actual story often differs drastically from the reported story.

Audi forced ppl to make munitions - military equipment.

We make prisoners work in our prison systems or least ways we use to do that.

Past historians like David Irving from Great Britton which recently died questioned the Holocaust and was locked up in prison - sued harrassed and fucked with from the minute he disagreed with the establishment.

Was this woman jewish.


That story says, “David Irving” lost because of his political views. Strange because the Professor was Jewish. Did she have anything at stake for her jewish views.? 🤡🤣😀⚔️


Ppl like Spielberg did the movie called Swindler’s List. Based on a Novel Schindler’s List which was originally listed as Fiction which means it was not real. They dropped Fiction word from Schindlers List and went with Novel which basically still mean set of fictions.
Spielberg and investor profitted from the movie and children across the USA were made to view it in classrooms as if it were true.
I looked at it in library when they were listed as FICTION. Plus there are still early edition copies listed as fiction.

You can see they titled is as fiction here too. They lied….for profit money. Children were lied to in schools too.
They lie to children in Public schools then they have permanent brain damage. Bad Computer programming is garbage in garbage out. Kids are same way.
Common Core and CRT in schools is the same bs…mind screw of our children damage them with permanent lasting bs. Throw a mental ill tranny in the public room and confirmed.

Results in damaged children that are hard to fix repair if ever. Especially since they have mutaliated their bodies with pushed transgender bs. The Germans in WW2 destroyed books about transgenders. Burned their clinic.


Teachers lied told me Hitler was retard and couldn’t hold job painting homes. Said he was a complete failure.
Hitler was an artist.
Some fakes have been forged signatures because of high values but fact remains teachers were taught to tell us children their lies. I didn’t believe it when seen these paintings - pictures. The more looked more lies seen that had been taught to me by establishment. We certainly are not in Ice Age or out of fossill fuels… now or 1 of the other yearly proclaimed disasters pushed on us. Lie after lie. Year after year stress tested all the way through school. Childhood ruined. Kids today have it worse…Common Core and CRT. That mf’er Peanut Carter made the Board of Education to really screw up the youth of today. It is why they are retarded….

Results in damaged children that are hard to fix repair if ever. Especially since they have mutaliated their bodies with pushed transgender bs. The Germans in WW2 destroyed books about transgenders. Burned their clinic.
D71, the Germans would have been more successful if they used my father's way of dealing with that crap.
when my little brother was 7 my father found him and a kid up the street playing Tiddlywinks in his closet
he marched him to the bathroom, told him to drop his pants, then pull out my mom's sewing scissors, told
him if he ever catches him doing that again he'll cut his Wiener off.

he's married with 3 kids and 4 grandkids today
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Reactions: D71
Insanity stopped before got started thanks for sharing. 👍
They lie to children in Public schools then they have permanent brain damage. Bad Computer programming is garbage in garbage out. Kids are same way.
D71, they convinced me the Germans put together an effort to remove all the jews from Europe,
with our help, that effort was ended, not why we intervened , but it did end that massive effort.
even my religious training I got at something call sunday school at our local church.
but I got screwed in that deal because I had 3 older brothers, it wasn't until 1971 I
got a chance to drive us home because my father was too drunk to drive, passed out
must of the time, with a cigarette still between his finger with an ash half it's length.
IMO the only reason we went to sunday school was so he could go bar hopping.

he never talked about it.
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“Burn all Jews is comical”
D71, when I think of that time in Germany, comical never enters my mind. I'll fix it for you "Burn all jews is fucking bad idea"
I'm not jewish, and I had no skin in that game, but IMO that plan will never work out good for anyone.


if you do undertake that task, history is not going to treat you kindly, and you may lose some rights or freedoms.
as Germany has.

the same could be said to any of us.

Hitler was forcing Jews out of Germany. Sending them to Palestine aka forced “mandatory Palestine” in accords with Balfour declaration.
this would have changed the words used
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D71, were you home schooled?
Nope no home school

What we need to know is how Germany broke out of the Great Depression from flat financial busted to money to burn in matter of a few years. Someone some how dumped a ton of money into them. Ford had a factory there before during and after the WW2. Same manager too. The germany WW2 trucks had made in germany ford engines from what read.. If allies bombed factory had to reimburse ford. The Rockefeller Standard oil had deals too. There was a bunch shit going on with their financing,
Their advancements in technology were on a new level. If they had developed that nuke bomb …. We’d probably be living on the moon by now. If we were not the ones getting nuked. 🤣😀🤡 Crazy shit. They were planning on long range bomber with nuke take out NYC-Washington Dc areas. London and Moscow. They were also trying figure out V2 launched from UBoat at USA .

Hitler did not want to fight with USA. He thought it was wrong to kill other countries - mostly whites. He didn’t want to fight Russia. They had deal to share Poland. England declared War just on Germany. Russia did well for grabbing lot of Europe at end WW2 Got all of Poland …. As it was in the British deal to fight Germany.
Hitler wanted USA as allies. He wanted Great Britton too. I doubt Hitler was the racist we were told … imagine all the things news media calls Trump - hitler nazi so on. Internet twitter saved but hurt him.
News media was even more controlled and Limited back then. The Banker that set up Nazi bank system was probably jewish. He was one that set up transporting jews to Mandatory Palestine… lot were sent to South America too. Hjalmar Schacht stood trial at nuremberg then became a banker again. Hjalmar Schacht was tied to JFK wife Jackie’s new husband…. Aristotle

Hitler had jewish friends - one of the fore fathers for the SS was jewish and a friend of Hitler. There were Blacks aligned with Hitler in Africa. There were Arab Countries aligned with Hitler as were the Japanese. We had riots between SS here and Antifa - Gangsters. Meyer Lansky Bugs and several others including Italian Mobsters were used in WW2. Mussolini had troubles because of the gangsters here. Mussolini was much more radical then Hitler. That Mussolini made the dictionary take note as he was the biggest fascist. Most ppl don’t know that.


even my religious training I got at something call sunday school at our local church.
but I got screwed in that deal because I had 3 older brothers, it wasn't until 1971 I
got a chance to drive us home because my father was too drunk to drive, passed out
must of the time, with a cigarette still between his finger with an ash half it's length.
IMO the only reason we went to sunday school was so he could go bar hopping.

he never talked about it.
Church women stopped men from fishing on Sundays when growing up. Men would go fishing come home drunk.

D71, when I think of that time in Germany, comical never enters my mind. I'll fix it for you "Burn all jews is fucking bad idea"
I'm not jewish, and I had no skin in that game, but IMO that plan will never work out good for anyone.

this would have changed the words used
Tommy the claim was the bodies were burned to ash why there were not the required mass graves found.

Again do the math for just 1 million at 4-6 hours each in our modern crematorium facilities so how many ovens. How long would it take?

Their displayed ovens Lets say they could do a body in 6 hours 4 bodies a day in 24 hours. 365 days year X 4 = 1460 bodies a year for 1 oven. Not going to happen but just saying 1460 bodies a year from 1 oven How many ovens would they need to just do 1 million bodies and just imagine how much energy would they waste burning the bodies? 🤡 basic math. It is a lie.


The map of the Auschwitz concentration camp showed gas chambers next to commanders home for him and his family. Right beside that is camp admin. Do you really think a German Commander and his family are going to live next to a supposed gas chamber? Go look up the Auschwitz camp map. Look at it yourself. Would anybody put themselves and family in a home next to a supposed gas chamber?

The lice killed ppl left and right. Zyklon b was used to delouse cloths. All the shoes they enjoy showing were donated or confiscated to war efforts….. because leather was a prime source for seals. Remember the old bicycle pumps that had leather seals. These concentration camps were forced prison labor… that part was true. To force a usury banker to do manual labor was horrible. To force a communist to do manual labor was horrible. Prisons are not nice places.

The German prisons from my understanding are some of the worse in world now. But not sure.
Your math is wrong it is around 2.3 % or more.
damn decimal points.

Their displayed ovens Lets say they could do a body in 6 hours 4 bodies a day in 24 hours. 365 days year X 4 = 1460 bodies a year for 1 oven.
D71, that math don't work in my head. hard for me to think of people as numbers.
that may just me my personal limitations. I have a lot of limitations as you have seen.
damn decimal points.

D71, that math don't work in my head. hard for me to think of people as numbers.
that may just me my personal limitations. I have a lot of limitations as you have seen.
It is okay, Tommy they depend on ppl just trusting them. Not doing the math. Then they say something retarded like “trust the science”. Everyone bobbles head and says “trust the science.” They pumped ppl full of untested unknown covid vax.

Lot of the ppl dying in the camps died from typhus from lice. Reported each nazi camp had their own doctors and such. Scientist too. They were trying cure typhus.

The concentration camps were no shit forced labor but shhhhsss hush hush the USA did the same to our prison camps during the War.

We also interned the Japanese in concentration camps where they suffered died. Shssss hush

Our World is full of liars.

A lot of camps lost ppl when allies blew up supply routes food water got cut off. An uncle seen them…. The germans were not trying to kill all of them. They wanted shit made for their war efforts. Lot of shit was sabotaged too
Were ppl killed yes am sure of it sentenced to death. The USA use to keep bodies headed to death sentences too. It was a different world back then.

I don’t hate jews maybe soros….. I don’t love Nazi …. Maybe Hitler. 🤡😀🤣 Nawww they said Hitler liked to play the fart game…. He was listed as a gas person due to vegan diet. Lot of his Generals didn’t like him because he was just a corporal in WW1. They Nazi Generals were Blue Bloods… lot of them were Russian Defectors that fled communism. The Russian and germans had unique relationship. Lot of the general on both sides had been friends before the War. So leadership was sketchy on both fronts when war started.

The scientist that made Zyhlon b was jewish. He had been officer in WW1 and personally gassed our soldiers the allies in WW1. He was trying end the War quickly. Imagine jews talking about gassing ppl when one of their’s had done just that in WW1. That scientist won the nobel prize because he also made fertilizer used to grow food.

Fritz Haber​

Somewhere don’t remember Haber was working on extracting gold from sea water to help germany pay reparations to the jews. He loved Germany. He was a German Nationalist. LA Times wrote an article that there were 160,000 jews openly serving in WW2 Nazi Military. Lot of them were officers.

They have altered the article over the years and will probably just delete it in the future.

This is how the story reads now:

“Thousands of men of Jewish descent and hundreds of what the Nazis called ‘full Jews’ served in the military with Hitler’s knowledge. The Nazis allowed these men to serve but at the same time exterminated their families,” Rigg said.

I think the new york times deleted their similar story… believe it was 1970 era.
Here is an old video….

Hitler had his, Millers and such too.

The SS soldier wore the skull bones ring. My uncle killed 1 and took his SS ring in WW2. Hmmm skull bone Yale. Both the Bush were skull Bone and so was Kerry. Lot others too.

Hitler was on cover of Time magazine at least 3 times 1 year 1938 man of the year. The modern fact checkers say no but they have shit added in vs was Hitler man of the year “yes or no”. The answer to that was yes.

I hate bs fact checkers They are lying and they know it.
Snopes told the truth they lie when think can get away with it. USA just bunch liars for that fact check.

160,000 jews openly serving in WW2 Nazi Military. Lot of them were officers.
D71, I wonder what role Circumcision played.

history is full of people like Hitler, able to stand in front of large groups of their own people
willing and able to move them to action through words real or imagined , able to turn their
personal grievances into a common enemy the masses can hate, fight ,exterminate, and can
blame for their own issues.

germany had many issues at the time, some believe caused by the Treaty of Versailles
and the lose in WW1, hitler was able to point a finger away from the many german people
and at the jews, creating a common enemy, a fault not of their making(like wars).

I seen something similar J6th 2020

Germany makes final WW1 reparations payment in 2010

something seems off in the caption of image below


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diy solar

diy solar