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America's melting pot

If they had developed that nuke bomb …. We’d probably be living on the moon by now
D71, are you saying there is no Nazi camp on the dark side of the moon now?:rolleyes::ROFLMAO:

Pink Floyd's Dark side of the moon, money ,and wish you were here always take me back to the 70's
in my head, like a time machine.
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Hitler had his, Millers and such too.
D71, behind every hitler is a few millers, able to turn grievances into actions of the sheep.
on J6th 2020 there was at least 5 making that shit happen, but I didn't see hitler there, I
seen a sore loser, but it may be possible hitler was one also(sore loser ww1), can't say because
it was before my time.

google did hitler have a speech writer

Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels helped write the speech
which was delivered on the sixth anniversary of Hitler's seizure of power in 1933

to get back on topic
if germany was a melting pot like the US today, who would have been hitler's target ?
my guess would be the weakest among us.(that way hitler can't lose, unless someone intervenes)
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This old bs…. This person knew it was going to cause problems but played it out anyway. Criminal. She lives in Israel which are atm exporting to be exclusive. Typical. It is as she says easy to dislike them because of their actions - antisemitism means feelings. Not just violence. Think of the ppl at Marthas Vineyard that had Govt come remove immigrants = that is her. Those ppl in Martha's vineyard are all for immigrants just not in their area. Obama has a home in Martha’s Vineyard.

Caused this current bs

Those ppl in Martha's vineyard are all for immigrants just not in their area. Obama has a home in Martha’s Vineyard.
D71, I do get that, but I'm thinking the last place on earth that would have the resources to
handle a immigrants needs would be Martha’s Vineyard, they pay the taxes for the resources needed
but I can't see them even having a food pantry within walking distance from where they were dropped off.

LA ,NY ,ect.. at least has soup kitchens, shelters and food panties within walking distance.

an effort like that is only used to highlight an enemy ,so everyone can see them.(you/me)

I get it, pick the soft target will get you wins most times
D71, I do get that, but I'm thinking the last place on earth that would have the resources to
handle a immigrants needs would be Martha’s Vineyard, they pay the taxes for the resources needed
but I can't see them even having a food pantry within walking distance from where they were dropped off.

LA ,NY ,ect.. at least has soup kitchens, shelters and food panties within walking distance.

an effort like that is only used to highlight an enemy ,so everyone can see them.(you/me)
They are elites and the scorn of average ppl. “Do as I say not as I do.” Those ppl are very frightened and want 2 class of ppl rich - them and poor - us. Do you think a rich person wants to pull up to a red light and see a factory worker in the same kind of sports car? The answer is No.

Why has Europe and the USA out paced the Rest of the World for so long? The World O Meter use to say it was a matter of IQ. The Ppl in America have been dumbed down and depend on technology. The rest of the world are becoming the same dependent on technology to provide the answers. In the loss will be the ppl that made the technology.

Why was our technology and standards of living so much higher than the rest of the World? Was it iq and drive to go with it. WW2 germany out paced the World in developments in the short time it existed. Again if they had developed the Atomic Bomb they would have won. A country smaller then Texas.

It was once stated the rest of the World can not be raised up so have to lower the standards of Europe and USA. Enter the dumbing down stages..

The Movie Black Panther was a bad joke…when it talked about Wakonda as a highly developed African country. Fact that has never existed. Fantasy and lies cause bs.


The Arab World was developed but they consider blacks slaves. So pretending like Wakonda existed is harmful. It never existed. Lie.
D71, it may be because of my limitations ,but I don't feel scorn for people that excel by talent, or birth.

it's possible they are the same thing (talent/birth)
These are the type ppl tommy.
They want exclusions for themselves while wrecking the outside world all around them. After they wreck the world they do not want ppl to complain. In their crazy minds they have done good. Crazy.

Imagine Nero saying he did good by burning Rome. Nero was a known jewish convert. He blamed the fires on Christians. Nero built a nice new home on scorched earth with Rome’s money.
If you add the Christian groups together it would equal 62.4% ..... I'm just wondering if they divided up the Christian category to make Christians look less significant.

It just looks like a weird way to present data when you break the Christian groups down by details of race and ethnicity but don't do the same for other religions or unaffiliated.
Since you thought the chart was important enough to start a thread based on it .... I thought you might have some explanation for why they did that.
Thats possible maybe because christianity is such a wide umbrella of different organizations often grouped by race and ethnicity.
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Thats possible maybe because christianity is such a wide umbrella of different organizations often grouped by race and ethnicity.
I read somewhere christianity is not majority white and at 2 billion plus estimated as Christian can say it is true. . White ppl are only around 8% by population. White ppl are a self inflicted disappearing minority because they are letting it happen. Christianity was rated biggest religion.

By population combination based on countries listed: Communist religion is bigger then christianity. We have communist wannabe here too. It was Stated Christians live in China but they must worship the State before worship God.
I read somewhere christianity is not majority white and at 2 billion plus estimated as Christian can say it is true. . White ppl are only around 8% by population. White ppl are a self inflicted disappearing minority because they are letting it happen. Christianity was rated biggest religion.
View attachment 202090

By population combination based on countries listed: Communist religion is bigger then christianity. We have communist wannabe here too. It was Stated Christians live in China but they must worship the State before worship God.
View attachment 202092
I thought it was universally understood that the chinese "have no God" as the saying goes. (Neither do I for that matter, thought all the Christians i have known are fine people).
Anyone who has ever bought anything straight from china on a website typically using stolen pictures knows what I mean-though for some reason their guitars are becoming great deals.
it does seem in the USA melting pot religion is still a large ingredient when compared
to other places.


and when our data is broken down by race, it get even more convoluted.



the data does seem to imply that as we develop as a nation religion plays a smaller role
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I thought it was universally understood that the chinese "have no God" as the saying goes. (Neither do I for that matter, thought all the Christians i have known are fine people).
Anyone who has ever bought anything straight from china on a website typically using stolen pictures knows what I mean-though for some reason their guitars are becoming great deals.
I think it is interesting to see religion only matters to 35% of Israel.

Most christians in USA 53% place Israel on a pedestal.

Do you think Christians realize Israel is not very religious.

Mao Zedong wiped out most Christians as communism always targets religion like a jealous woman eliminating other women.
Communism is a religion where ppl worship the State.

Lot of African countries did well during covid-19 they trusted God vs trusting the science.


say you just tried this stuff for the first time, and say you were born with
some cognitive limitations not physical, but still from a very young age
you knew you are never going to be average, the older kids throwing little
green apples at you at recess , to giggling short bus in your face let you
know that is never going to be in your cards.

I never complained to anyone, not even my mom.

when I was going to grade school I worked in the school cafeteria at lunch time
I always though that was to pay for my school lunches, I don't remember any other
kid working with me, it may be possible it was the school that put be there at that
time, to remove the target from the play ground?

now say you read a line "They are elites and the scorn of average ppl. "
and you want very much to be average ,seems to me I have two option

1) prove the line wrong because I don't feel scorn for anyone, so I could be average .
2) understand it and be one step closer to average.
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It is talking to you in this video. All you have do is listen to how they talk. Biden talks the same way. Soros talks the same way Member at devos wef talk the same way. They are Elites. There is not 1 billionaires that has gotten their monies without a fault and that includes Trump. Bill Gates has like most billionaire when they become associated with end up being the scourge. They start programs and such that average ppl don’t want or like with their excessive money. They use excessive money to exercise power over ppl as unelected officials. Or they use excessive money to hire and put in place elected officials that do their bidding. Niki Haley was a political whore backed by a get Trump billionaire. That same billionaire backed E Jean Carroll Law and encouraged law makers in NYC to create get Trump law they openly stated it. Then they did it.


Post in thread 'America's melting pot'

No one really likes Bat Man.
I had enough free cash to get a Growatt 5kW Split Phase Transformer or an Oz of Blue Unicorn Poop
I ended up getting a 1/2 Oz of Blue Unicorn Poop and found a 7.5kW Split Phase Transformer on
facebook market place for $200

if our government could learn to compromise things could move forwards

Life is good!


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View attachment 202587

say you just tried this stuff for the first time, and say you were born with
some cognitive limitations not physical, but still from a very young age
you knew you are never going to be average, the older kids throwing little
green apples at you at recess , to giggling short bus in your face let you
know that is never going to be in your cards.

I never complained to anyone, not even my mom.

when I was going to grade school I worked in the school cafeteria at lunch time
I always though that was to pay for my school lunches, I don't remember any other
kid working with me, it may be possible it was the school that put be there at that
time, to remove the target from the play ground?

now say you read a line "They are elites and the scorn of average ppl. "
and you want very much to be average ,seems to me I have two option

1) prove the line wrong because I don't feel scorn for anyone, so I could be average .
2) understand it and be one step closer to average.
View attachment 202594

There was a person on here that smoked pot. That person wasn’t aware the pot side effects were making every described problem worse.

Is that pot legal in your home State?
Did you know can’t have firearms and pot by Federal law? It is a felony charge by federal law. Hunter didn’t go to prison but you will if own guns and have pot on you…all depends.
Pot while legal in some States is illegal by Federal Law so catch 22…. You will get in trouble.

Are you still claiming to work on nukes and using pot. 🤡
America melting pot changed to america smoking pot another indicator. The problem is exposed.

America melting pot changed to america smoking pot another indicator.
D71, the only time I felt paranoia when smoking pot was when I was in basic training :oops:
felt like all the drill Sargent was looking right at me, lucky for me there was lots of trees to
hind behind, in south Carolina, fort jackson in the 70's.
but for the grace of god go I, when I had heart surgery they gave he lots of pain pills
and today I would be one of the many stuck in that trap. if not for it's side effects on
me, gave me turtle heads. I through them away. not for me.

if not for the turtle heads I'd be living on the streets now, it' possible.

few of our families have not been hurt by pain pill problem.

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